askthewhitepigeon · 7 years
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Helping hand.
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askthewhitepigeon · 7 years
-Heeey! How's it goin'?
-It's fine. And you?
-Uuuuugh,don't ask. I couldn't even go outside 'cuz I needed to learn for exams... College sucks man!
Help me.
-Really? It can't be THAT bad.
-Hahaha,you know how it goes-A sudden look to the phone-Oh my! I need to go home! Laterz!- and now she's gone.
Don't go. No no no, I just need a little more time,a little more lie....
...but she's already gone.
There's nothing left here to do. I need to go home.
Home. Such word which -for some people- means safety,where they can be happy with their special someone,or with their family, and then here I am, being an expectation. Let me tell you why.
My name is Anna Marchell, and I'm living with my little sister Melinda. Our parents left us alone a long time ago, because mom needed treatment for her sickness, and since then I'm living alone with sis.
At the beginning, everything was OK. I had a stable job, I helped paying the medical bills, and I paid Melinda's needs (like school and etc.) But then, it wasn't enough anymore. My workplace closed, so I needed to find something else. Since I had to leave college to work, my choices were limited.
And time went on,but there was no job, and no money. I asked for money from friends, so that Melinda doesn't have to suffer much. But as every human being, their patience weren't endless either. They stopped giving me money, and I needed to find a job ASAP.
A good looking young women who's in her twenties and needs money. You can guess what irresponsible thing I did to earn money. I'm not proud of it either.
But at least my parents and Melinda had everything they needed. I love them so much, I don't want them to suffer! It shouldn't be like this,but I can't do anything against it. This is the only way.
But I screwed it up, as always. I was eating so little,that I became really,REALLY thin. So much, that my clients started to deny me, because they would like to touch a women, not a pile of bones.
And here I am now, having no idea how to go on.
-I'm home! -I step in the house. Quiet as always. Where's sis? I look around in the house. I finally go into her room,where she's writing her homework. Good girl. I gently tap her shoulder. She looks at me,then smiles.
'Welcome home,Ann!'-says without a word. That's right. My dear little sister's deaf, and because of that she neither can speak. Tho I don't know how to use sign language, I can clearly understand what she says, and while I do want to learn how to use my hands like she does, now she has to read from my mouth.
-How was school princess?- I give a kiss on her cheek.
'OK.I got a good grade from math! Guess what I got!"
-Hmmmm....- I pretended to think hard. Like reaaaaly hard, but both of us knew it was nothing but a joke.- Maybe, just maybe... An A?- Heqvy nodding. -That's my girl! C'me here! -I give a big hug to her.
She was 8, a cute little chubby girl. Since I'm always busy with "work" I'm not able to bring her outside to park, where she could make friends. So she became an introvert -in such a young age, oh boy...- and she spends most of her time studying. Sometimes I help her if she needs, but mostly she can bare with it alone. I am so proud!
-Sis needs to go to work. Be a good princess for me, will you? - Such sad expression... Now I feel guilty!
'Don't go please.'
-Don't worry, I'll try to come home early,so-
'Every time you go to work, you come home all beaten up. Even the teacher worries about you.'-Wait,what?
-You.... You told this to your teacher? -I became as pale as a white wall. -Why? Why did you do it?
'Because I didn't wanted to play tag, and the teacher asked me why. I said because I'm sad, and she asked why. So I told her.'
No. No no no no no no no no.
-Do you have any idea what you did? Oh my god...-I walk out from her room. This is no good. If the teacher tells it... They might even take Melinda away.
Don't worry. She won't tell. I calm sis down, so that she can say that it was a one time thing. It's going to be alright.
But first,I need to go to..."work."
When I got to my place there were already some men there. In the dark I couldn't tell If they were newbies, or old clients, but... oh well.
-Hey there boys~!- No reaction. Did they not notice me?
I go closer,when I start to hear something. A deep voice, which comes from a male. Is he...singing? But why? Whatever the reason is, I don't care. As I go nearer, I'm getting more and more dizzy. Everything fades away, and I feel like I'm becoming one with this deep voice. It controls me,it feels me it... Understands me. I almost can hear him saying 'You should go to sleep'.
He's right. I'm tired. I need to sleep. I don't have any energy denying this fact.
I start to lose contioununes, then feel nothing. I feel nothing. I am nothing.
And it's a beautiful feeling.
There's no more sadness, nor pain. It's so quiet.So calm. I feel free. I feel like I could be like thks forever.
But then I feel something else. A big pain in my stomach,then in my back. Have I fell?
My vision becomes more clear. It's so dark in here I can barely see anything. Yet there's one thing I can still see clearly.
Her little fist is shaking and tears falling from her cheeks. Did she hit me to wake me up? Did she followed me?
I look up, and there I see a man, with a mask on him, and with....wings? What is this? How is this possible? Who is he? What is he?
-Hi dad. How are you?
-Aaah,Ann my dear! We're good. Your mother's feeling much better recently! She's able to stand by herself now for about 10 minutes!
-That's good to hear.
-It's all because of you. If you wouldn't send us money, this improvement would be impossible. I'm sorry for relying on you so much dear, but we are really,really proud of you dear. You became such a responsible adult... Oh my, I'm going to cry.
-Thank you dad.
-No no, I should thank YOU my dear. I need to go now,but please promise you will be good, will you?
-I will.- The call ended,and with that I stood up from the corpse I was sitting on. I put my mask on, and went back to the theater where I worked.
-End of part 1-
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askthewhitepigeon · 7 years
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Update on my little Pigeon? I still have no idea what color scheme should she have (cuz only white would be a little....uuuh),but at least I (kinda) settled down to this design for her clothes.
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askthewhitepigeon · 7 years
How's the Hawk doing? Good, I hope?
my mind rn, you guess
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askthewhitepigeon · 7 years
I thought since this somewhat connects to the sirens (as musicial,and or potential siren) I thought I reblog this here.
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“Don’t be afraid to be yourself.
Don’t be afraid to be… a little bit mad.”
I spent 2 days,but finally it’s done! Mad Mad Mad! Angel is one of my music project wich I can only dream about since I have no idea how to make aníthing related to it. And -Especially- I can’t sing. So,this is going to be my little dream.
My little Mad dream.
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askthewhitepigeon · 7 years
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“Alone in the dark Where no one see you fall apart…”
Fact #2: Anna lives with her sister. Her name is Melinda.
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askthewhitepigeon · 7 years
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“I can fly without wings.” My Pigeon siren character,Anna. Original siren idea belongs to @sai-shou Community @siren-legion
Fact #1:Anna has same special shoes,so she can "pretend" that she's "flying".
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