asktwoteachers · 5 years
How would you react if we said we're from the future where there's a calendar who is very great, but Sketch is dead?
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((Wakey wakey, Sketchbook!))
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asktwoteachers · 5 years
Roy, your son is so cute! When did you make him?
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asktwoteachers · 5 years
Tony is not jealous he’s probably proud of sketchbook
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asktwoteachers · 5 years
I’m pretty sure that Tony is a bit jealous that Sketchbook and Roy are creators but he isn’t...I dunno it’s just something that I thought of because of when you mentioned about creating life like Roy and Tony didn’t talk to you for the rest of the day
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Tony: Every teacher gets a little jealous of creators at some point, myself included, but that isn’t the case here… Sketchbook and I live together, so when she nonchalantly asked me if I’d be okay with her trying to create a child for us to teach like Leroy did, I didn’t know what to say! We’re not even Special Ones, and she said we’d teach them together! That’s unheard of! I know it was rather rude of me to avoid her... I do like Sketchbook, and more than anything I want her to create to her heart’s content, but I think she should save a creation like that for the future--at least until I get the nerve to tell her how this all makes me feel... 
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asktwoteachers · 5 years
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i never showed cal learning who she is on the askblog and i really kick myself for the missed opportunity at some brutally emotional character development.. anyways have a dramatic limited palate painting of what that could’ve looked like
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asktwoteachers · 5 years
For some reason the small blushes of the picture of Tony on the board looks like he has tears in his eyes
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Sketchbook: Like this? Hehe! Tony just blushes blue, so it could sorta look like tears. I think it’s such a cute color, though!
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asktwoteachers · 5 years
What's a Creator?? What do they do?
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For the most part, Teachers and Students are all that make up Clayhill’s population. Teachers educate the Students, then they go on and use that knowledge to make our town better! That’s how it’s always been. All teachers have some sort of powers that help them to teach. Tony teaches about time. He’s able to turn time backwards and forwards to demonstrate, but not permanently.
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Sometimes, teachers’ powers are more than temporary. That’s called a Creator. Creators are pretty rare, two of us in one place is almost unheard of! I’m not the strongest creator out there, I mostly help out Roy by putting a little extra life into the lesson plans the control panel will be running. But Roy, on the other hand, is a very gifted creator—he decided to build the school after creating his son. Seeing him so happy with his son makes me a little jealous! I’d love to see if I could create life like Roy did, but Tony wouldn’t talk to me for the rest of the day when I mentioned it. He can be so silly sometimes!
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asktwoteachers · 5 years
What were they almost late for Leroy?
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Roy: Please just call me Roy! I’m sure hearing myself called Principal Gribbleston by students will be more than enough formality for me. Our schoolhouse is opening soon, we’re finishing the control panel that oversees the building now. My powers as a creator lie in robotics and computers, so I came up with this device to create the best possible lessons for students! Sketchbook is also a creator, they’ve got a knack for bringing the lessons to life so they’ve written a lot for the control panel.
Tony: I’m not a creator so I help out where I can. Mostly building things and moral support. I’ll also teach alongside Sketchbook once our first students are enrolled on June nineteenth.
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asktwoteachers · 5 years
Tony, you haven't seemingly been late ever, don't you think just once might be okay?
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(Leroy is now available for asks!!)
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asktwoteachers · 5 years
Tony keep calm. Less talking, more calmly and rationally going to work-ing.
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asktwoteachers · 5 years
Yeah, Tony... you've kinda been asleep for awhile. Wake up. Also, don't question who I am.
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I was only asleep for five minutes and thirty two seconds! And that was definitely long enough for Sketchbook to get ready for work!
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asktwoteachers · 5 years
Uh, Good Roy, quick explanation. Literally everyone has been through a lot horrible shit, because of a bad version of you, or an impostor? I don't know yet but still Tony thinks you are evil and that you are the guy who killed sketchbook cause you sure do look a lot like him. Except you look way younger and more stable.
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Event... Start!
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(Sketchbook and Tony are now available for asks!)
(Characters in the present are no longer available for asks!)
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asktwoteachers · 5 years
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asktwoteachers · 5 years
((Hey all! I have a few events upcoming and you can vote for which you’d like to see next on my sideblog! I haven’t gotten many asks for the return event, so if you have any to ask before stuff goes down, do so soon!))
okay folks I have a bit of time this weekend for art: should the next askblog event take place in the past or the present? Both outcomes will happen, this just determines the order !
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asktwoteachers · 5 years
Hold on now keyman. Who's they?
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Our mayor isn’t really a boy or a girl. You could call them an ‘it’ but that’s a bit demeaning.
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asktwoteachers · 5 years
Wait, if Yellow and the others have been gone for years, how have none of them seem to have aged?? and where's Duck still???
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On the contrary, we’ve aged quite a bit, it’s just differently than you humans would think of it. By my count... It’s been seven years since the first lesson. I can’t seem to remember much before that, though.
As for the third student, Duck? No sign of him, but to be honest, I don’t really care about his whereabouts at the moment.
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asktwoteachers · 5 years
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cal is really cute I couldn’t resist
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