askurthummel-blog · 12 years
OOC: I might as well do this now.
I've been feeling for a long time that I might not come back to Ask A Gleek after the hiatus, and I think it's finally time for me to finalize that decision. While they were fun for me, I've become really unenthusiastic about running an ask blog, and I know the last thing anyone wants is to be roleplaying with someone who doesn't want to be there. I've also been planning on making a season 4 Glee RP (non-ask) of my own since... well, only a few weeks after I joined here, and as those plans are still underway, it'll be a bit pointless for me to be in two season 4 RPs with the same character. And with me possibly (fingers crossed!) getting a job this week, and my family and I going through some hard times and hoping to fix up our house and move... It's just not going to work out, I'm afraid.
I'd like to send a shout-out to all of my followers and everyone in this roleplay for welcoming me after I'd been given the task to fill some very big shoes. I don't like leaving roleplays, but I think this will be in the best interest for everyone involved. If anyone would like my personal Tumblr or would like to follow me elsewhere in the RP world, just send me a message, off-anon. It's been great, guys-- so, thank you! <3
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askurthummel-blog · 12 years
Please read, everyone! This is regarding Glee's summer hiatus.
As some of you may know, Ask a Gleek will be going on a hiatus for the summer, to return one week before the first episode of season four. More on this can be read here and here, but basically we're all concerned about keeping accounts active, as ask roleplays rely almost entirely on outside interest, which is often hard to keep during a hiatus. And also staying with canon, as four months is a long time to go without any canon knowledge, anything we create over the summer might be rendered invalid come September, and many of our members-- including Kurt-- have storylines that are not resolved in any way and would be impossible to work with.
I will definitely be coming back in September, so if you think you will still be interested by then, you're free to stick around. I'll be active on a few other roleplays in the meantime (two are Kurt and with our current "askawarbler" Blaine, while others are not Kurt at all), so if you'd like to take a look at those accounts, please send me a message off-anon, and I'll gladly give them to you. =)
I think that's it for now. I guess I'll see some of you in September! <3
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askurthummel-blog · 12 years
Do you ever dye your hair?
No, I don't. The only time I did, it was that red spray can dye when I was Peter Pan for Halloween when I was eight, but other than that? No.
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askurthummel-blog · 12 years
It's gonna work out sweetie and it'll be okay
Thank you. I'm not sure, but I hope it will be. I'm going to try.
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askurthummel-blog · 12 years
Unlucky on not getting into NYADA, Lady Face. I heard you smashed it. They don't know what they're missing out on.
"Lady Face"? Who did you get your nicknames from, Santana-- Sue? Very original of you.
But I guess I can thank you for the compliment. I'll just have to come up with a new plan, I guess.
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askurthummel-blog · 12 years
I have no idea why you didn't get in, your audition was flawless. But you know what, they're going to regret not letting the fabulous Kurt Hummel into their school. When you're on that Broadway stage in a few years YES YOU WILL BE THERE! They're going to have their heads in their hands saying "Man, we really screwed up" Even though you didn't get in, you are still going to be a star and blow everyone away! I know it!
I don't think they're going to remember me out of hundreds of NYADA hopefuls, but thank you for the thought, and the faith in me.
It's just hard to be optimistic right now.
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askurthummel-blog · 12 years
you deserved to get into nyada
Thank you, but... it doesn't really matter what I did or didn't deserve. In the end, I wasn't what they wanted.
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askurthummel-blog · 12 years
...I honestly have nothing else to say except this: *gives you a ginormous hug* Hang in there. ❤
Thank you. I'm... working on it. Or trying to.
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askurthummel-blog · 12 years
Do you know Alice?
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askurthummel-blog · 12 years
hey kurt, so i just got home from a screening of the 25th anniversary performance of phantom of the opera.. it's always been one of my favorite shows
Oh, wow. I have to say that I'm incredibly envious right now. It sounds so lovely! I saw it when it came to Toledo in... 2005, I believe? It was an amazing night.
But thinking of me? Did you think of me fondly? Waking? Silent and resigned?
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askurthummel-blog · 12 years
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askawarbler replied to your post: What is a quote that reminds you of Blaine?
You’re going to make me cry. I love you.
Don't cry! I love you, too. <3
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askurthummel-blog · 12 years
What is a quote that reminds you of Blaine?
"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage."
-- Lao Tzu
And also:
"I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride. I love you because I know no other way than this. So close, that your hand on my chest, is my hand. So close, that when you close your eyes, I fall asleep."
-- an English translation of "Sonnet XVII" by Pablo Neruda
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askurthummel-blog · 12 years
Hello Kurt, what would you do if you woke up one morning and discovered Blaine had turned into a puppy?
I would pinch myself in an attempt to wake up from the very bizarre dream I was apparently having, then call Blaine up on the phone afterwards and gush over what an adorable puppy he was.
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askurthummel-blog · 12 years
do you not get a weird tingly feeling when you see the word "courage" now? because of the sentimental value of it? i met my boyfriend the same way you met blaine and it kinda happened the exact same way yours did except i went into the school to find my sister and bumped into him and he look my number, and he always told me to "be strong" and now whenever i see or hear it i get this weird tingly feeling and i just think of him. i sound do strange ahahah
You don't sound strange at all. If there was ever one person that this would make sense to, it would be me.
I don't get any feelings when I hear the word in everyday conversation, but whenever Blaine says it, as sort of our "in-joke", it makes me smile.
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askurthummel-blog · 12 years
This is really creepy but you and Blaine, Rachel, Quinn and Sam were in my dream last night. I was a senior at McKinley and yourself and Blaine were my best friends - im a girl - and it was Rachel's birthday, so we all got ready at my house and then we went to this massive pool party and everyone in the New Directions was there, except it was set in England. It was awesome, but it's really really weird.
Okay, if it was in England, there is no way that your dream couldn't have been amazing.
Also, I was in it, so...
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askurthummel-blog · 12 years
COURAGE - - - Blaine
Only Blaine wouldn't have any need to tell me that anonymously, and over Tumblr.
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askurthummel-blog · 12 years
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askcollegewes replied to your post: hey Kurt! just wanted to congratulate you for your performance at Nationals. I mean, I know you didn’t have a solo or anything like that, but honestly, I couldn’t get my eyes off you. and well, Blaine. you guys are the cutest couple ever!
What about Candles? Last year, you and Blaine preformed that; although, it wasn’t really a *solo*, per se…
I didn't forget about Candles! How could I ever forget about the depressing breakup song my then new boyfriend proposed to sing with me?
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I was talking about competitions with the New Directions. But I certainly don't take my short time with the Warblers for granted-- it really taught me a lot about being a team.
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