aspenhearne · 5 years
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Never again
Will I be dishonored
And, never again
Will I be reminded
Of living within
The world of the jaded
They kill inspiration
It’s my obligation
To never again
Allow this to happen
Where do I begin?
The choices are endless
Denying the sin
My art
My redemption
I carry the torch
Of my fathers before me…
The thing I treasure most in life
Cannot be taken away
There will never be a reason why
I will surrender to your advice
To change myself
I’d rather die
Though, they will not understand
I will make the greatest sacrifice
You can’t predict
Where the outcome lies
You’ll never take me alive!
I’m alive!
I’m alive!
I’m alive!
(Disturbed - I’m Alive)
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aspenhearne · 5 years
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aspenhearne · 5 years
Hey tumblr folks! So i was thinking of trying to write a book. Like a book book. I was wondering if anyone would be interested in reading it as i go and giving feed back? Inbox me if so please?????
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aspenhearne · 5 years
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aspenhearne · 5 years
Im reading it en actually and at this particular moment in deathly hallows Harry is my favorite.
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aspenhearne · 5 years
Beautiful lucky babies
contrary to popular belief black cats are good luck actually because they are baby
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aspenhearne · 5 years
Sam reached for the handle of the car door but stopped.
“Where’s Gabriel?” Sam had thought he’d be right behind them.
“He’s stalling, let’s go,” Dean ordered.
“What? No, Lucifer will kill him,” Panic washed over Sam then.
“Lucifer will kill all of us, if we don’t go now,” Dean snapped.
Sam swallowed but climbed into the car.
Gabriel, if you can hear me, don’t try to be a hero. Get the hell out of there. Please.
Sam hoped his prayer reached the archangel.
He turned to look back at the hotel only to see a bright white light pouring from the once dark windows.
“No,” Sam’s voice broke around the word.
Dean glanced into the rearview just in time to see the light fade to darkness once again.
When Sam turned back around, his face was blank, but his eyes were glossed over and distant.
Dean wanted to comfort his brother, but he didn’t know how. They’d lost so many people so many times and yet it never got easier. However, he knew this one would be harder. Sam hadn’t taken to anyone like he had Gabriel since Jess. Sure at first things were rocky with the trickster but that changed quickly and the connection between his brother and the archangel couldn’t be ignored.
When Dean finally pulled off into a motel parking lot, Sam didn’t move.
Dean sat silently beside him trying to find the words. “I’m sorry, Sammy.” Is all that came out.
Sam didn’t respond so Dean climbed out, leaving his brother alone with his thoughts while he went to check in.
Alone in the car, Sam expected to cry but no tears came. He was numb, like his body didn’t believe it was real.
“Why?” Sam whispered into the dark. He didn’t know who he was asking. Himself? God? Gabriel? Perhaps it was for anyone listening.
The sound of a flutter behind Sam caused the younger Winchester to tense.
“Why what, Sam?” Castiel asked, a quizzical look on his face.
Of course Cas was listening.
“Take me back,” Sam begged, his tone no less broken than it had been.
“Take you back where?” Cas’ frown deepened.
“Take me to the Elysian Fields Hotel,” Sam specified. He had to see it for himself.
Cas put a hand on Sam’s shoulder and in the next second they were in the now empty parking lot of the hotel.
“Do you sense anyone, Cas?” Sam really didn’t want to run into Lucifer.
“It appears empty,” Cas answered easily.
Sam forced his feet forward and to the front door.
“Sam, what are we doing here?” Cas questioned as he followed Sam inside and down the hall.
Sam had been in some creepy places in his time, abandoned hospitals, haunted grave yards and yet none of them made him feel the hollow terrified feeling he did in this empty hotel.
He paused in front of the room they’d left Gabriel in. He prayed that Gabriel wasn’t there, that by some miracle it would be Lucifer’s body he found.
He shoved open the door. He stumbled forward towards the body that lay lifeless a few feet away. Sam’s legs crumpled under him as he fell to his knees next to the once archangel. His finger brushed the singed carpet that reflected Gabriel’s wings.
“Gabriel,” Cas spoke in confusion. “What happened?”
“Lucifer,” Sam whispered. “It was a trap. Gabriel showed up and…” the tears finally pricked at Sam’s eyes.
“Dean is praying to me, Sam. we should go back,” Cas reached for Sam’s shoulder before the Winchester could object.
They appeared next to the impala where Dean looked frantic. The worry turned to anger which turned to concern.
“Sam?” Dean knelt next to where his brother was now on his hands and knees in the parking lot. His fingers gripping at the ground desperately.
“What the hell happened?” Dean looked up to Cas for an explanation.
“Gabriel,” Cas answered simply.
Dean’s hand gripped the back of Sam’s head, pulling him in.
Sam held onto his big brother, allowing the tears to fall freely.
“I’m so sorry, Sammy,” Dean spoke into his brother’s hair, unable to offer anymore than that.
The two had never talked about how Sam felt towards the archangel, but they didn’t need to. Just like they didn’t need to talk about how Dean felt towards Cas.
That night Sam didn’t sleep, instead he laid in bed and prayed that he would stop losing the people he loved. Sam was tired of being the one that got everyone he loved, killed. His mom, Jess, his Dad, Dean, and now Gabriel. Why did he have to be so broken? So corrupt?
Just before the sun peeked over the horizon, Sam sent up one final prayer.
God, next time, please just take me instead.
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aspenhearne · 5 years
Reblog with the whitest name you can think of
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aspenhearne · 5 years
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Posted this on twitter already but uhhh here we go again
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aspenhearne · 5 years
where do TV shows get this idea that high school is constant drama, nothing even fucking happened to me in high school
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aspenhearne · 5 years
If i may, i think that supernatural has a habbit of poking fun at all aspects of itself. Like how the books were about their lives and who would want to read that? Or with the shipping conversation in the same episode. I dont think becki was meant as a representative of all of us, but the more obsessive fans, as dhe constantly refers to herself as a superfan or the number 1 fan. I completely agree with what is said aboit Charlie tho. She is kuch more respectable and composed and a great person to relate to.
when you said becky is a bad attempt at representation by the writers, what did you mean?
Becky was the first attempt at giving fans of Supernatural a character to represent them within the show. And frankly, the representation was an insult. They made her clingy, gross, psychotic in some cases, and she refused to accept any boundaries, even going so far as to force Sam to marry her with a love potion.
This is pretty common in a lot of popular shows- introducing a side character that has little effect on the plot but gives the audience a more relatable character so they can envision themselves in the universe their favourite story takes place in. For instance, Ned in the Sony/Disney Spider-Man movies.
Becky was a bad attempt at Fan Representation, because her entire character was an insult to their audience. She was a gross parody of the fandom, and she was clearly intended as a means to make fun of us. Which, really, a show shouldn't be ridiculing the people who watch and support it.
However, Supernatural did remedy this with Charlie. She is also a representation of the fandom, and a far more likeable and relatable one, and therefore much more successful by comparison.
I hope that makes sense! And remember, this is really just my opinion, so if you disagree and/or like Becky, feel free to just ignore me!
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aspenhearne · 5 years
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i couldn’t rest until i made this
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aspenhearne · 5 years
Gabriel: *bursts into the bunker dressed as a pirate* Ahoy, peeps! I'm here to steal the finest treasure in the world!
Sam: *next to a pile of hex boxes and the like* I'm fairly sure all of our relics are cursed.
Gabriel: Aye, your booty may be cursed, but it's not enough to stop me from taking it!
Sam: Uh, okay, have at it then...
Gabriel: *saunters over* Don't mind if I do! *throws Sam over his shoulder* Now to my shanty cave!
Sam: *mutters as he blushes* You better mean a bedroom or this 'booty' is gonna curse your ass.
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aspenhearne · 5 years
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Search your zodiac sign in the gifs, and find one that relates most to you.
Here’s mine
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aspenhearne · 5 years
tainted orangutan.....i mean...oookay?
from now on your tumblr nickname is whatever you get from this sexual identity generator  ☆
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aspenhearne · 5 years
What the hell
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Hell world
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aspenhearne · 5 years
Parent trap but it's Dean, Cas, Jack and Claire
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