asperia-sparrow 6 months
I knew I had a backlog...but I didn't know it was so dire.
I haven't posted much of what I've drawn over the last few years, partially due to drawing less, partially due to the bulk of my drawings being water pad notes.
Since I want to work on and post some newer things too, I'll be working on that for a bit.
With a few exceptions for some more complete works, I'll attempt to post all the sketches together by fandom (or lack thereof) or theme.
Edit: 12/14 In the middle of scanning the scanner app has decided to stop scanning (I already restarted my phone last night over it), though I got the worst out of the way. Since I have a better light set up than previously, most of this won't need a scanner anyway.
4/6/24 .....I'm SO sorry! The old habit of doing a bunch of things at once and then hitting a break point where I end up not completing something, pushing it into a mental box in a corner struck again and I've been trying to remember to look back over things and decide if some of it's even worth posting...
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asperia-sparrow 6 months
Has a small hole in a piece of clothing: I sleep 馃様
Plush comes in the mail with some (possibly) fixable inaccuracies (though some are not fixable, or at least not by me): ...WhEre... Is mY SeAm RiPper (idk why I focused on that of all things, outside I wasn't sure where I'd placed it and it being new.)
I knew ordering from Amazon and not looking too hard for another seller was a gamble going in though. Could have been worse.
I didn't really take in-progess shots but i do have some comparison pics.
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As you can see, the pattern is off and the lower part of her crest is missing. Also funky body portions, barely a tail. She came in a, um, air vacuumed bag so I had to attempt to fluff her several times.
Can't really do too much with the embroidery, but thankfully her crest wasn't just not there!
But before that, something a bit simpler, her neck was a bit...long on side view for my liking. Despite my supplies I'm very much an amateur who rarely sews and hasn't actually practiced the type of stitch I was using: at first I did pretty good, but then somehow reversed it...well at least the fabric kind of hides it irl.
At the same time I also put in a few stitches to straighten the angle of her beak, though it's not really visible here.
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The legs look different because originally I moved a leg due to her original portions but decided to do other stuff before doing the other--thankfully. Turns out after a few more fluffing sessions and modifications, the original position was best! ...I couldn't get it quite the place it was originally between being tired and the stitching blending, etc.
Next the crest:
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...Yeah, there was a lot less in that little nub of disturbed fabric than I hoped, but at least it was there. Unlike elsewhere, the black had some kinda white layering on it that made it a bit difficult to sew, so there was some sticking out in the end after attempts to cover it. At least it added some structure.
Speaking of difficult to stitch, I attempted to do some embroidery around the eyes and crest since I don't have matching fabric...but the toughness, the short stitches, and the fuzzy fabric did me no favors.
Last major thing that did that could be seen already in the last pic: I fluffed her more and pinched in her back a bit to change her shape a bit.
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Not sure yet if I'm going to try to find a way to fix up the embroidery attempt or make bigger changes, I don't have matching fuzzy fabric.
For now, I'm just happy with the chibi-ish look she's achieved and she can (sometimes) sit up on her own!
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asperia-sparrow 8 months
Until I can figure out what has been going wrong with the video (and it doesn't show up when I try to add it in a reblog) here's a link to the only place where the video uploaded in decent quality:
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Went to the zoo a few weeks ago. Getting to take pictures of this fellow was certainly one of the highlights of the trip for me. Even as I fought the phone's zoom and the sun, while hoping he stuck around.
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asperia-sparrow 8 months
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Went to the zoo a few weeks ago. Getting to take pictures of this fellow was certainly one of the highlights of the trip for me. Even as I fought the phone's zoom and the sun, while hoping he stuck around.
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asperia-sparrow 1 year
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Some edits I made for my AO3 collections.
The middle one was more temporary than I meant it to be...
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asperia-sparrow 1 year
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The cats left me alone for a surprisingly long time...then I got up to grab my phone. Surprised it took a minute before Bell stuck his face in the beads.
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asperia-sparrow 1 year
I wonder how many myths were born of poor eyesight
How many giants are born of trees
聽聽 And how many nonexistent gaps appear among the unseen thin branches
The floating lights that lost their containers by blending with the shadows
聽聽 Hills born of clouds low on the horizon
聽聽聽聽聽聽 The pale hazy things born of bright moonlight, the pull of the full, and everything in-between.
聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 And
聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 the howl
聽聽聽 of something
unknown, unusual,
聽聽聽聽 聽聽聽聽 and unseen.
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asperia-sparrow 2 years
Pokemon Playlists
General Video List
Movie Songs Playlist
Pokemon Favorites
OST Fan Remix
Old Pokemon CD Mix
Submas / Nimbasa Trio
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asperia-sparrow 2 years
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WIP projects + very unphotogenic Chandlelure
I keep forgetting how nice it is to actually do crafts
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asperia-sparrow 2 years
Sonic Fic
Title: Blipped Away (AO3, FFN)
Pairing: Sonamyshad
Status: Short One-shot
Rated: G
Summary: Amy didn鈥檛 expect her outing with Shadow to go so badly, thankfully Sonic arrives before things get too out of hand.
Keep reading
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asperia-sparrow 2 years
Current Music List
Old Music List
General Inspiration
Gentle Inspiration
Music Box
General Fandom
Fan Covers
Game Instrument
Game Movie
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asperia-sparrow 3 years
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Reverie Color/Design Update
Old and Not New But Recently Updated Slightly Sloppily Art
Somehow I never posted the original here (or I keep overlooking it somehow or something), except as part of my Sonic blog鈥檚 avatar, so I鈥檓 throwing that in too. Originally I just meant to experiment with the new colors I wanted to use and adjust them as needed...but for the last hour or so one of my cats has been sleeping on one of my arms and I couldn鈥檛 bring myself to move.
Edit: Because I was too into it I also tried (sloppily) updating a newer piece rather than taking advantage of my freedom from the cat.
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asperia-sparrow 3 years
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Been having Chao thoughts lately.
At first this was just supposed to be a simple thing, just messing with colors, then remembering that I always forget to give a certain oc a new doll, then remembering that out of nowhere that oc鈥檚 futuristic music/video player suddenly got turned into an AI while thinking of scenarios--let鈥檚 make that!
Whether I keep with this idea later or not, who knows.
Made using Chao Viewer on Chao-Island.
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asperia-sparrow 3 years
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Somehow this single page turned into an all day affair, of course;;;;
I originally intended to draw Nova younger and being a literal ankle biter to Surge, but I ended up doing her hair and drawing her older instead, well older Nova's kinda cool though, maybe another day...I should probably make an actual younger looking design though;;;;
The scanner app (and apparently the pencil sketches) messed with the colors a bit, so I tried to correct it, but I probably just need to use the actual scanner.
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asperia-sparrow 3 years
My Playlist Links: Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic Songs
A Sonic Perk Up List
Sonic Fan Songs
Nicky Sonic
Sonamyshad Playlist
Radiant Fantasy INSP
F: Hope and Shadow
Gadget and Infinite (and Squad)
Sonic FC Inspiration List
FC: Reverie
FC: Nova
FC: Dashiell
FC: Miley
FC: Rubel
FC: Rosemary & Terios
Sonic Videos
So Much More
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asperia-sparrow 3 years
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Trying to get back into drawing and posting more wips and things in general. This is the stage where it either takes me a few days or several months.
Inspired by a scene in "Would you like to Dance?" by Zonerz on AO3!
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asperia-sparrow 3 years
Edited: 10/26/23
Really bad at self motivations: sketch suggestions welcome as long as its SFW, simple, and within my interests. (The more current the more likely I鈥檒l respond.)
There are art and writing memes and prompts on my other blogs that can be used too. (Though for the writing prompt stuff I鈥檒l likely only expand on ones with fandom prompt tags or ideas in the tags.)
No guarantees though, especially for direct responses, my outside motivation tends to be only slightly better.
(I don鈥檛 always remember to post things so if it鈥檚 been a while and I鈥檝e been posting other things it鈥檚 okay to ask about it. Or ask if I have any sketches I haven鈥檛 posted in general.)
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