aspiderwaits · 10 years
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"You're on private property. I'm going to have you to vacate the premises immediately."
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aspiderwaits · 10 years
I bet Claude Faustus spies on Sebastian while he gives Ciel a bath
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aspiderwaits · 10 years
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When I first saw this scene, I was very confused as to why on Earth there was suddenly an implied romance between Claude and Hannah. Especially when she had every reason to hate him. After thinking over it, I think this final scene begins to make a little more sense. And I think it has some interesting implications for demons and what happens when they consume souls - so! Bear with me? C:  Hannah mentions that a soul is “utterly obliterated” by the demon sword, there is “no hope” for it - so therefore Claude should have been wiped out of existence entirely. There was nothing left for him to go to ‘nirvana’ or ‘heaven’ or wherever it is Hannah and Luka and Alois are supposedly going.  Furthermore, prior to this scene, Hannah never mentions Claude coming with them to Alois - she only mentions that he and Luka can be reunited.  So, I theorize that a demon’s behavior is directly influenced by the souls they have consumed. This would explain Hannah’s obsession with Alois, Luka within her compelling her towards him. It would also explain this scene - as she had just consumed Alois moments ago, who clearly expresses distress when Claude had been stabbed (implying that he still loved him.) It makes sense that Alois would want a place in heaven for Claude to be alongside him, and it makes sense that he would compel Hannah to love him in an overtly romantic way.  Alois both imagines them all as a family, and transposes himself onto Hannah - loving Claude in the same way he did.  Demons seem to find independent, strong-willed souls particularly alluring. Aren’t these the exact traits they would want for themselves? Resolve enough to complete vengeance, passionate but controlled - capable beyond even needing a demons help - all good traits, if you’re a predator.  It becomes easier to see why Claude would want to reject Alois’ soul, particularly after Alois had become so shatteringly dependent on him due to his love for him. Demons are not meant to love - look what it does to Hannah. Demons are not meant to cling to each others legs and beg each other not to go. Demons are not meant to live aware of their traumas, constantly being eaten alive by them. They must purge such things - possibly by consuming ‘strong’ souls.  That’s my theory, anyway. C: 
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aspiderwaits · 10 years
So that was how it was going to be.
Wicked grin split the well-affixed mask of professionalism cleanly in two. The pieces fell to the sides without lingering plaster.
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"Oh how interesting." Why, if the pup's butler no longer clung to the mantle of butler for the evening then, for what reason should he adhere to the formalities of master's orders and solemn duties to protect and serve as well? It would not be a competition of better servicing abilities tonight.
"In that case," Spotless white gloves pulled thin wire frames from their perch. "Would you care to dance?"
Care to or not, his partner upon the floor best keep up.
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"Perhaps tonight can be one of those fabled, 'nights off,' I’ve given out to the human servants every so often.  
"Representing myself instead of my Master, I’ll have to be disinclined to adhere to your request."
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aspiderwaits · 10 years
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Claude pins Hannah against a tree, calls her a ‘fuckhole’ in the original Japanese and then chucks her away like she’s a useless piece of meat.  100% nice guy. 
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aspiderwaits · 10 years
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"I'm simply waiting for you to adhere to my earlier request."
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"Cat got your tongue?" 
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aspiderwaits · 10 years
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"-And you have no talent for the slight nuances of polite conversation, you’ve been here long enough to learn some of this haven’t you?"
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aspiderwaits · 10 years
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"Actually, I'm here on personal business."
It was not by luck that Michaelis would not be attending this...private meeting. With preoccupation involving razor thin lining and three handy gardeners, time was his to do with what he wished. There would be no escaping his web.
"We don't have much time."
aspiderwaits has entered the Study
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"What are you doing here? I would have thought Sebastian would keep you away. Or does Alois have some business he wishes to share with me?" Either way, though, Ciel wasn’t interested.
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aspiderwaits · 10 years
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"So polite, even when insulting others. You're quite the butler."
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"I’d never imagined I’d meet something like you up here, I would call this nostalgic if there were any feeling to it."
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aspiderwaits · 10 years
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"Then I shall bid you good evening."
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"As a Phantomhive butler, I’d hardly overstay my welcome however amusing it would be to see that attempted."
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aspiderwaits · 10 years
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"Your presence is unwelcome. Will I be forced to remove you myself?"
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"What rude treatment to take upon a guest, even an unexpected one.  Is it all becoming troublesome for you?"
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aspiderwaits · 10 years
Webs splayed acrossed land and city to ear and eye with intent to follow his meal's senseless whims. 
'Just what is he up to? Whoever Ciel is associating with, I want them brought to me. Do it Claude!'
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With such immaculate dressings, even for that of a butler, there could hardly be a mistake of his wherewithal. Standing here was hardly a beggars trick. This was a servant of one with importance. The possession of green was power in societal eye, after all. But there was a different sort of green
Beneath sharp, cold eyes lay judgement unknowing. Such revealing clothing was unbecoming for one who served an owner of a such an estate. That was as a butler would say. Rather, his truest opinion found the vulgarity far more reaching.
"My apologies. It's just that my carriage seems to have caught in the mud a ways back." And in turn, even with unpadded explanation, the proper thing would allow him entrance inside.
Perhaps there was a tad in much accounting for the tap of a familiar dance instead of engagement in a different sort. But what was he to do in this strange town of women in equally strange appearance? That was of no matter. Adjustments would be made swiftly and without misstep. Of that, there was little doubt.
「 aspiderwaits 」
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    She blinked as her attention rested upon the male before her. From what she could tell he appeared to be a butler but none the less she couldn’t help but feel a little worried by the presence of the other. After all not only was he not a local villager be he was also male. “Good morning and welcome to Green Manor. What is your business here?”
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aspiderwaits · 10 years
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aspiderwaits · 10 years
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"I'll have to ask you to remove yourself from the premises."
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"I feel an unholy disturbance, perhaps I trampled upon one of those eight-legged creatures?"
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aspiderwaits · 10 years
With attention ever-swallowed by his contractual obligation, the doorbell was left to buzz without chance to remedy. Thankfully, there were others within the homestead that readily performed their duties. There was momentary belief that they'd returned from once they came until attuned ears picked up the creak of the door and a voice unknown. Ms. Annafellows had done well in escorting their guest to the drawing room. 
When escape could be seized, he moved towards the location in a pace of haste. Much time had already been spent with they being left unattended. Quick self inspection removed a stray strand and slight wrinkle in jacket's sleeve. Gloved hands pushed through the loose bangs and slicked them back. All was as immaculate as the Trancy household and its butler should be.
Self introduction was made as the entrance was cleared and closed with hope of quiet word without impending distraction. "Yes, of course. We've been expecting you," he greeted in monotone vernacular. 
Stuttering in her words so soon? Already there was expectation that passing would be unlikely. She must be strong to handle that of Alois Trancy or else it'll end quite violently. Even hiring that of a woman on that principle alone could be considered a poor idea. But one would take what they could get in these cases.
A glint to the lenses caught for just a moment. There was a large difference between a 'ro' and a 'vi'. Nonetheless, there was little reason to be overtly suspicious. A watchful eye would be placed on any guest of the Trancys, same as always. Besides, each were as easily taken care of as the last were this to prove some sort of mistake on her part. 
"I am Claude Faustus, the butler of this, the Trancy estate." A bow punctuated his words. "I will be conducting your interview this morning."
A flourish of his arm beckoned her to return to her chair. "Please, be seated." Such an unreadable, steady expression did not waver for even a moment from the start until the end. 
Fear of the new
There was always a fear when you moved into a new home. This fear got even worse when the new home was also the home of your employer. Granted she hadn’t been hired just yet. Roisin had been let go from her last job when gossip kicked up about her and the father of the home. They were completely untrue of course, she hadn’t spoken more than three words to the man after she had been hired on to take care of their twin children. Still it was simpler to leave with a note of recommendation than to try and fight the rumors.
At the moment she was sitting in the drawing room of a prospective employer, her bags still sitting in the carriage outside and Molly's cage was sitting at her feet. The cage was covered to keep the Quaker parrot quiet, but Roisin felt it necessary to introduce her to prospective employers along with herself. The parrot was her only friend during this time in England, along with the letters from her family. Some families turned her away because of the bird, but it was just another mark in her life as a governess.
Breathing in deeply through her nose she tugged at one of her handkerchiefs, mentally reciting her pitch to the employer. She still had to practice speaking without an Irish accent in her words and sometimes stumbled over the pitch she gave. Her next breath caught in her throat when she heard the door opening. Roisin stood quickly, taking a few discreet breaths to cover up the fact she had almost choked.
“G-Good morning.”She coughed slightly at her words before giving a curtsey. “I’m Ro…Vivian Clery” 'Always go with your English middle name, never your Irish first name' Was a lesson that had been pounded into her at school. “I’m here to apply for the governess position.
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aspiderwaits · 10 years
My current sexuality is Drossel Keinz
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aspiderwaits · 10 years
hellishsmile started following you
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