assassinserafina · 4 years
Commissions Open!
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I posted these both to my Twitter and IG, but totally forgot to post it here! Big oops. Feel free to message me with any questions!
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assassinserafina · 4 years
Today’s spotlight goes to Hinata! She will be creating a fanfic! Cheer for her with us on AO3 and Twitter! ✿ @hinataoc - @/ curryfury13 ✿
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assassinserafina · 4 years
KH OC Week Day 7: Summer’s End
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Last day of @khoc-week​!!
For the last few weeks of summer, Keashi make sure to spend as much time as possible with her friends and take breaks from researching. Thankfully, Even would much rather do a lot more experimenting, so Keashi can usually take a lot more breaks during the summer. More days spent at the beach with the Sea Salt Squad, more times spent building and fixing relationships. There really isn’t much more than that.
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Serafina would most likely also spend time with her friends also. Missions and raid bosses will take up time also, but there isn’t really much else she would do besides exploring worlds.
Thank you again for the amazing week!! It’s been wonderful to see all the adorable OCs and I can’t wait to see people’s OCs continue to grow!!
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assassinserafina · 4 years
KHOC Week Day 3: The Power Within
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Hikaru becomes adept at using magic as she continues on her journey. While she is capable of using black magic competently (after spending quite a long time struggling with it), she discovers a natural inclination towards white magic. Notable spells in her support arsenal include:
Cure: One of the first spells she masters. Cure is typically a re-energizing magic that can give a boost to energy and hasten the body’s natural healing process. Hikaru learned of a few ways she can manipulate Cure through experimentation, including creating a circular zone of generalized restoration, and casting a type of Cure spell that can linger temporarily after casting (much like Days Curaga and Cura respectively).
Reflect: Hikaru’s most trusted battle technique. She typically has a very sturdy stance, and Reflect was the perfect addition to her repertoire, helping her to develop as a sort of anchor in battle. She can also cast Reflect on allies from a distance.
Time spells: Slow, Stop, Haste, and the like. She can get creative with these buffs and debuffs, often using them to build or halt momentum for impactful blows—or to save their butts from a long fall. Because these spells usually take a lot of energy, she tends to use them in short bursts just for repositioning or strengthening a specific hard-hitting attack.
She uses a cane-shaped staff to help better channel her magic; but she is also capable of casting magic with her hands if need be. (Typically spells are weaker when cast without a conduit, with the exception being Cure under certain circumstances where using your bare hands can allows for more precision in healing.)
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Additionally, Hikaru gains an interesting ability early on in her adventure when she meets the Cheshire Cat. She didn’t quite realize what she was getting herself into, but she and the cat formed a “deal” of sorts that allowed her the ability to phase through physical attacks and objects (while still rendering her susceptible to magic). In exchange, she (quite unintentionally) becomes an “envoy,” acting as the eyes and ears for the mad cat who turns out to be much more than he appears.
This spectral phasing becomes part of her ability set for quite some time, though she eventually loses it and has it replaced with a different power after a fateful encounter with another mysterious entity with a close relationship to her home.
And then for Yui.
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Yui was called a monster for much of her life, but the true reason behind it only becomes apparent once her entire existence thrown into chaos after the destruction of her world. She has some sort of aptitude towards darkness but no skill or finesse in control, other than sheer force of will—and it’s something she tries her hardest to smother down out of fear.
It’s not until very late in her story that her abilities really come into play, with the most iconic being a dark Dragoon-like entity that acts like an extension of her will and an armor for her soul, allowing her to take on a tank-esque role when the time comes to battle.
At her core, she is not a fighter, but that doesn’t mean she won’t protect what matters.
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assassinserafina · 4 years
KHOC Week ~ Life’s Perks
So the first idea I got from this prompt from @khoc-week​ was to show a tranquil, free moment for Hinata. A moment where she doesn’t have to worry about missions or protecting others. It’s a strange, yet nice feeling for her. 
Set Post KH3
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**A Getaway ~ 962 Words**
Hinata walked near the back of the group, gazing up at the changing leaves that clung to the branches of dark oak trees. Vibrant hues of reds and orange were scattered throughout the autumn landscape, creating a tranquil, yet breathtaking sight for the three girls that strolled along the stone paved path. Sam and Velcia were just a few steps ahead of Hinata. They were lost in conversation with the other, staring down at a map and planning out the schedule for their vacation. 
It was their first getaway. For once going to a world without the expectation to save it from some unnamed terror. All of it had been Sam’s idea. She had always wanted to take a girl’s trip and see a new world without having the looming responsibility of being a hero weighing them down. 
The three of them had been on enough trips like that.
Hinata smiled to herself, listening to her friends plan out their day while she admired the world around them. She was thankful to be invited along with them and it had been a long time since it had been just the three of them. After the Keyblade War, they had parted ways. Hinata stayed behind with Riku to help mend things back together, while Sam and Velcia had left on the Highwind to conquer missions of their own. To be frank, Hinata wasn’t completely sure what they had been doing during their time apart. Still, she was ecstatic when she received the invite to go out with them on vacation. 
Sam had chosen a beautiful world for them to go to, and Hinata was going to enjoy every moment of it. 
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assassinserafina · 4 years
KH OC Week Day 6: Life’s Perks
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Day 6 of @khoc-week​, here we goooo!!
No worlds to be saved or worry about?? Keashi would probably continue to work in the labs, along side Ienzo, Even, and Master Ansem. She would work on new experiments and develop new technology. Her relationship with Lea would continue to develop and they’d definitely get a lot more serious. Aside from that, she’d probably take up singing a lot more seriously. She’s always humming and singing to herself while she works and she has sung to Xion before when nightmares would wake her up at night. Lea has always encouraged her to continue improving her voice because he loves hearing her sing as much as he loves hearing her talk. 
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Assuming Serafina is recompleted, she would definitely be around her friends a lot, making up for all the lost time. If Luxu comes to his senses as well, she would spend time with him too, but it would take her some time to forgive him and would carefully allow him back into her life the way they were before. Otherwise, once her memories are all back, she would journal about her adventures. Although she still has nightmares, she can usually hold her own and doesn’t need to rely on others to help her through her internal struggles. Journaling is just another way for her to vent out things and recall her past when the memories go hazy. 
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assassinserafina · 4 years
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KHOC Week 2020 Day 6: Life's Perks @khoc-week
When Faine's not doing any missions or Heartless Extermination, he does a couple of things that he would do to past time, with some he wished had more time to work on.
Note taking: He started to do this often after finding several strange things on Daybreak Town and on the world's he visited. To keep track, he has a notebook that he brings during his travels. When at home, he writes them on seperate pieces of paper where he goes into detail on the findings he explored so far.
Aero Antics: Other than his trusty "Tiny Storms" trick, he is proficient in Aero magic that so much so he can make it non lethal and enjoy having fun with the tiny twister. He would casually flip up fallen leaves out of boredom and sometimes give his bud, Chirithy, a lift midair. Whether it's for certain areas or just to make the little guy less tense.
Ice Sculpturing: One of the least things he would do in his spare time since it's the most time consuming for him to enjoy. He finds it fun to make some of his ideas he have in mind turning into a small figure of sorts. The ice came from his own magic and since he does intend to use it on a casual basis, the ice itself does not dissipate unless he wants to.
Napping/Sleeping: After a whole day of work and exhaustion from the usual Heartless gig, he honestly would rather sleep in peace. Though Faine prefers to nap on bed, he can pretty much sleep anywhere as long as he doesn't sense any danger or at least in a place where there isn't much noise, otherwise he'd wake up in a groogy state.
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assassinserafina · 4 years
KH OC Week Day 5: Facing Their Fears
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It’s time for Day 5 of @khoc-week​!
Keashi’s biggest fear is actually failure and losing herself. She never wants to fail her friends or let them down. Her worst memories reside during her time spying for DiZ, as well as a time where she let the darkness overtake her, words from Xigbar working on her, and she attacked her friends. She very much regrets it, of course, and she’s done her best to try and fight back against any darkness that is in her. Nightmares from then still plague her nights, but she does whatever she can to fight back. 
Keashi’s other big fear is that she won’t be able to save Serafina and she will be lost to the darkness she’s in forever. She reached out for help, so of course Keashi is going to do everything she can to save her, but what if she fails? What if it’s all a trick? What if she’s actually evil? These questions haunt Keashi, but she powers through them and does her best to figure out her story and what she needs to do to rescue her. 
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Serafina’s biggest fear is to never be whole again. Her heart and soul separated were by the Keyblade War. With the awakening of the Lost Masters, it triggered Serafina’s heart to reach out from the necklace Keashi wears. She’s got a lot of unfinished business, recompleting herself is just the first step, bringing Luxu, her Luxu, home is another. Which brings us to her other fear: she won’t be able to bring Luxu back from whatever darkness that has a hold over him. Aside from that, she wants to be reunited with her party and her friends. She doesn’t know who made it and who didn’t during the war, but she needs to know to finally be able to rest peacefully. 
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assassinserafina · 4 years
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@khoc-week day 5 - Face your Fears
Both twins suffered (and still slightly suffer) from nightmares after the keyblade war. This is one of the reasons why they have always slept together, sometimes helped by their chirithy and dream eaters. Of the 1000 years spent in Dream Traverse Town they have confused memories, they know that an endless time has passed, they have felt boredom, slowness, sometimes desperation, but like any good dream, they have never felt the real passage of the time. Trapped in a depressing loop of about a year, where every close friendship with the inhabitants of Traverse Town completely disappeared to restart at the beginning of a new cycle, they were almost serenely resigned to live like this, but after Sora and Riku awakened them and came into contact again with reality, the idea of going back and being imprisoned again in a dream terrified them to the point of not wanting to sleep. Chirity told them it was a real risk, for how deep the link between their minds and the realm of sleep was. They started to sleep a few minutes at a time, in shifts, to be able to monitor each other, or not to sleep at all. Anxiety and lack of sleep mainly affect Touma, who is physically weaker than Tia, he will then need intensive care and this is when he befriends Ienzo, who sometimes helps him to relax with his illusions. (they woke up a little older and with their hair grown, so all the sketches with long hair are related to the post DDD / early KH3 period)
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Many years before, as children, they tried to run away from home and their abusive father and almost caught back. this left Touma some scars, both physical and mental and as result he is now very reluctant to physical contact, except a few close friends. For Tia, as result of her bigger failure, she developed a red cross-nurse instinct and the need to help everyone, in order to alleviate the guilt of pretending to see nothing when Touma suffered in her place as child.  Now she feels the moral obligation to be ‘strong’ and accept every challenge, even when she doesn’t have enough energy for herself, occasionally suffering from panic attacks.
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they spent so much time just trusting themselves that integrating again into a group had its difficulties, but thanks to the presence of other people who cared about them, they managed to tame much of these negative feelings. As for Dream Drop Distance, their greatest fear was not being able to distinguish reality, memories and dreams. for a long time both of them have secretly lived in fear of being alone in the Realm of sleep, confined to Traverse Town, slowly falling into madness and that the other sibiling was just an illusion of their mind after dying in the keyblade war . Neither of them has ever dared to face the conversation, and it’s only in The Grid that Sora has managed to truly connect their hearts again after a long time.
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assassinserafina · 4 years
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KHOC Week 2020 Day 4: Blurred Remembrance  @khoc-week When Faine entered Daybreak Town, the clothes he wore were not his own  (No, he did not drop there bare). However, the one that did stayed with him was a dark colored Scarf with a blue plaid design at a decent length. He generally wraps the scarf around his neck and have a single strap flow from behind. The scarf acts as a makeshift hood as well and he puts it up whether the weather is harsh like Rain or Snow and when he engages in combat. The scarf isn’t a plain one either as Faine himself noticed that it give off magical properties, though he’s not exactly sure what it can do yet. There times that it did save him from tough situations, such as giving him a boost and strengthened will to fight back before collapse. Even without him knowing prior, he wears it at all times. He’s not sure himself but wearing it makes him feel safe and comfortable. Rarely he takes it off and he only does that towards close friends. There were times that Faine dreamt of a kid version of himself being touched and comforted with a woman’s calming voice…it made him fee like its something he missed dearly. One of these days, he’ll find a way to know of his past before he entered to Daybreak Town as he barely has any recollection of his past. The thought came into mind when I noticed that all the Keyblade Wielders from KHUX are summoned to Daybreak Town but I also wondered what were the past lives of the Keykids before moving in. I find it odd that the characters barely made mention of what they were before so I would like to explore that through Faine as well. 
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assassinserafina · 4 years
KH OC Week Day 4: Treasured Memories
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Day 4 of @khoc-week​, let’s goooo!!!
Keashi’s treasured trinkets are her star necklace and the sun bracelet (used to be a necklace) that she wears all the time. Her necklace is a common reminder of her childhood and the innocence she once held as it is the only thing she has from her parents. Post-KH3, she learns that is where half of Serafina resides, specifically her heart. It holds a special connection to her even more so because of that and serves as a second reminder to her goal to unite Serafina together again.
Her bracelet is a sun charm that Lea gave her for her birthday. It used to be a necklace, but broke during a practice match with Roxas and Xion. She was able to save the charm, but put it on a red chord so she could always wear it and remind her of his love for her. She keeps it hidden under her arm covers  normally, so she doesn’t risk losing it again. She also got Lea a matching one, a star like her necklace, as a way to apologize and to be her reminder to him. Whenever either of them are in a tight spot, all the need is to glance at their bracelets and it reminds them that they have someone who’s waiting for them at home.
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Serafina’s special item is her ribbon. It serves as a reminder to her younger days, prior to her becoming the wielder she is now. Luxu and her were childhood friends and he gave her the ribbon because she always complained how her hair was constantly in her face when she was training. Over time, their bond became more and more strained due to MoM’s influence, although that never stopped Serafina from falling in love with him. She wears it in hopes that he will remember their time a long time ago and be the Luxu she remembered.
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assassinserafina · 4 years
KH OC Week Day 3: The Power Within
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It’s @khoc-week Day 3 and we’re starting with Keashi again!
Keashi’s Keyblade: Starlight’s Wings
Keashi’s Keyblade is called Starlight’s Wings. It’s based off of Serafina, with all the mint and white colors, as well as the wings throughout. The charm is similar to that of Keashi’s necklace that she wears. I’ve fiddled around with her Keyblade for a while, but I’m content on where it is now. As for Keashi’s fighting style, she’s the type of person who will rush in when angered, she’s very cocky and let’s other peoples’ words get into her head. But after she calms down for a moment (or after getting blasted backwards lol), she will fight form a distance, using magic for long-ranged attacks, her specialty being water and ice. Although, Keashi is actually rather pretty weak when it comes to head-combat, she can hold her own when using her spells, but in-your-face fights is where she will fail. She is most notably known for her healing magic, it’s her main focus and what she’s the best at. She’s good with creating potions and other items that will save companions in a moment’s notice.
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Serafina’s Keyblades: Counterpoint and Starlight
These are Serafina’s two most used Keyblades during the UX era. Her magic medals were her best, so Counterpoint always seemed like a no-brainer to use. Starlight holds a special place in her heart, it being the first Keyblade she had received. Even though it’s not the strongest, it is still the prettiest to her in comparison to the others. Although she doesn’t like to use it too often, Diamond Dust is another one that she will reach for if needed. Luxu had always pushed her to use the reverse blades and she figured out that he did that to bring her closer to the Darkness. Whatever his reason is, she simply doesn’t like to use the reverse blades because of that. Serafina’s fighting style is pretty upfront, the opposite of Keashi. But, Serafina tends to be more of a Jack of All Trades vs. someone who specializes in something. She’s good overall, but not a master at anything. She can heal, can use most magic pretty well, and she loves to get all up in the faces of Heartless. The years of defeating raid bosses, running missions, and fighting other wielders in PvP has trained her enough to be a rather skilled wielder. She does have some dark tendencies and sometimes it comes out when she’s extremely angered or in danger. Otherwise, she tries her best to fight the Darkness within her and continues to remind herself that she is a wielder of Light. 
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assassinserafina · 4 years
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My second @khoc-week, same charachters. xD Talia and Touma are my twin keykids, members of the Vulpes union and their home world is The Sword in the Stone (their current colors are the result of an experiment that ended badly during their magic studies).  After being stuck in the sleeping worlds for centuries, while their bodies rested, well hidden protected by their Chirithies, the encounter with Riku and Sora during Dream Drop Distance is the turning point that will make them free and return to the realm of Light to the present day. Once free, they had to learn how to use the keyblades with their powers, without medals, so they joined Merlin’s training during kingdom hearts 3,taking also care of all sora’s sub missions, like collecting emblems, treasure chests and missing materials for elaborations, so they could live their side stories during the game! Their personalities are very different, but they are very close: Talia is extremely optimistic and creative, she loves both extremely feminine and graceful things and wildly beating enemies, often throwing herself into fights without thinking. Fortunately Touma is calmer and more thoughtful than she is, fussy and sometimes cynical, but always ready to have his sister’s back. ‘Tsundere’ would describe him well, lol. Their interactions are extremely fun, friendly arguments between them are their routine. Fun fact: their Chirithies have different looks after union X. After so much time in the sleeping worlds, Tia (short for Talia) gained so much experience with DDD’s paint gun that she can change their patterns too.
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assassinserafina · 4 years
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KHOC Week 2020, Day 2- Bonds Of The Heart 
Howdy! The first image of Justin with Yuffie and Aerith is a commission by @amyhayanora. The second image of Justin and Vincent is a commission by @hinataoc. The last image of Justin and Skye is a commission by @kaitlynscustomcreations . Sorry for the image spam everyone! I really love supporting artists so I tend to order commissions a lot, lol! Sorry too for the late post on my end @khoc-week ! Family & Friends Justin is thankful that he has a large family. Though he became separated from his parents upon the destruction of his home world, he still holds onto the hope that he’ll see them again one day. Despite this lost, he ended having a found family within Traverse Town after he was found by Yuffie and Cid. His family grew to include: Cid Highwind and Vincent Valentine, his father figures. Leon, Aerith and Cloud as his older siblings, and Yuffie as his younger sister. Regardless of their occasional ups and downs, he’s thankful that he has them in his life.  When he was 10, Skye had lost both of his parents to the world above. His mother, a respected member of the royal guard, had gone missing with several other merfolk after a pirate attack. Not long after, his father, an instrumental craftsman, left with several other volunteers to find or at least discover what happened. After a month had passed, all the missing were considered to have met an unfortunate fate. Skye was then considered an orphaned ward, and his parents’ were given proper burials for their service. Significant Other Skye and Justin start out as strangers to friends and then boyfriends! The pair of them inspire each other to continue pursuing happiness for themselves regardless of their pasts. Their relationship is one where they can fully relax as themselves and just enjoy being in the presence of the other. In a way, they become each other’s “Home”.  Sorry for the word vomit! Thanks for reading :D 
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assassinserafina · 4 years
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KH OC Week 2020 - Introductions Day 2:  Bonds of the Heart/Ties That Bind @khoc-week​ Strelitzia S-“Oh! I didn’t think you’d make one for me!                                                          F- “Weelll, It isn’t perfect but we’re even now.” S- ”It doesnt matter. It’s just kind of you to do, Thank you.”
Ephemer E- “So I may I found something interesting for our search this time around” F-”Oh? What would that be?” E-”Just around that tower over there. I feel like we’re getting close, what do you say?” ??? / The Enigmatic Hooded man ???- “Ya know, this may seem like a bit of a stretch but have you ever had the               idea that you, Yourself, were never supposed to exist?” F-”…Wait What!? What do you mean? Your not making sense!” ??? - “Eh, It was worth trying and I get that alot too” Despite Faine’s distrust to strangers, he did eventually find friends along his missions, mostly through random encounters. While he did eventually have friends, he found two people that he trusted the most and one person he met that makes him extremely suspicious to the figure. Strelitzia When they first met, he found her as a bit of a weirdo that likes to stare at things since their first meeting had them enter an unintentional staring contest, with Faine at the fountain and her at the rooftops, which she hightailed out after her realization and made him utterly confused. But they had a proper interaction later the following day where she repeatedly apologized to him while Faine had to calm her down. After a short chat, they eventually sought to help each other, with Faine helping her improve in combat while Strell takes in charge on handling magic. However over time, the two had suddenly felt strange with each other but in a good way. Perhaps it may grow deeper as well…despite what’s known to happen later. Ephemer Faine found him while exploring Daybreak Town when he saw him getting ganged up from an Invisible. After saving him,via support, Faine was surprised that Ephemer was aware of the rumors of the event that involved himself and his former party. Despite the bad info, he paid no attention to the rumor and saw Faine for what he is now. While he himself is cautious of Ephemer for a bit, he was deeply grateful that his perception wasn’t based off the rumor. Overtime, Faine and Ephemer became best buddies and detective-ish partners as they were aware of the fishy nature of Daybreak Town. With two of Faine’s two trusted friends mentioned, I also like to show off on Faine’s rare yet recurring visitor at odd times during his exploration. ??? Though he had trouble remembering where he did meet this fellow. He find him alot of things, all of them weird. Faine finds him as a peculiar guy, one that doesn’t seem to take things seriously but when he does, it sends him with a terrifying aura and fear as he remains in silence. Fortunately, it was mostly weird and bizarre interactions from the hooded man that makes no sense at times. Like telling him, that “his story is slightly different to the main one and his is just one of the many that people made”and unfortunately the man does not give him any context to what they are but it does send him chills when what the man says some events and that it actually happened. Phew! While I have many to share, this is what I have for the time being. Thank you for your time on reading about Faine!
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assassinserafina · 4 years
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KH OC Week Day 2 - Bonds of the Heart
(Header artwork by @crezzstar​)
I really wanted to create some artwork involving even more characters Amaya meets along her journey, but due to a time crunch I haven’t been able to T_T But I figured I could at least go over the three most important people to Amaya from the start (and share some commissions/some of my own artwork ads;fsdk)!
Amaya has a unique bond growing up with the other members of the Destiny Squad. Click below the cut to find out more about her relationship with her younger brother Sora and her best friends Riku and Kairi!
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assassinserafina · 4 years
KH OC Week Day 2: Bonds of the Heart/Ties that Bind
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Day 2 of @khoc-week​! Starting off again with Keashi
Ienzo: Ienzo and Keashi are pretty close and are practically siblings, to the point that they jokingly call each other brother and sister. Growing up together as apprentices, she was one of the few people whop Iezno would talk to. During KH3, she would help him with whatever projects he was working on. Post-KH3, they work together in the castle. They are very protective of each other, more so Keashi than Ienzo. He looks out more for her mental health, while she’d fight for him non-stop if she had to.
Isa: Isa and Keashi’s friendship started when they were younger. When him and Lea would sneak into the castle, she’d always follow them, but she’d never snitch. She was just as curious as they were. And to have someone who knew the ins and outs of the castle on their side only benefited the boys. Post-KH3, they aren’t nearly as close as before, but Keashi is definitely someone who is helping him get over the guilt of everything that happened.
Xion: Another person that is like a sibling to Keashi, Xion is a little sister to her. She is very overprotective of Xion, so much so that she constantly reminds Keashi that she can handle herself out on missions. They bond grew during Keashi’s time as a double agent for DiZ and spying on the Organization. She knew what she was and knew she had to do everything to bring her (and Roxas) back to Sora. Post-KH3, their bond is just as strong and they practice fight a lot.
Aside from these 3 important ones, Keashi is also close to Aeleus and refers to him as “uncle.”
Significant Other
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Lea: Like all the other people, these two did grow up together, although it was a lot of Keashi laughing as Isa and Lea got kicked out of the castle for the 100th time. While her time as a spy, she knew there was something about Axel that still held onto his past and she angered him after he found out about what she was doing with Xion and Roxas. His death took a huge toll on her, even more so than the deaths of the other members. Them meeting again in the DDD timeline was really awkward, but they mended their relationship and feelings from their childhood soon came up. Post-KH3 is when their feelings begin the blossom and grow, and they eventually give it a shot. They care and love each other deeply and would do anything for each other. Lea is pretty overprotective and gets jealous, especially around Ienzo. Keashi is the one that calms his fiery personality down when needed, but she’s got her own stubbornness that can get in the way sometimes. Lea gave Keashi a necklace for her birthday and is broke during a practice fight, so she turned the charm into a bracelet (that you can’t see since it’s under her arm coverings). Keashi returned the favor (and as a way to say sorry for breaking his gift) by giving him a bracelet that would remind him of her, a star. 
Now, onto Serafina!
Party Members: Serafina is close to certain members of her party. Of course, she’d be close to them because these are the people that she spends most of her time with. She values them and holds them up on a high pedestal. She would do anything for them and wouldn’t hesitate to fight for them, she’d rather take a blow for them rather than them getting injured. 
Biscuit and Chirithy: Aside from her party, her two companions are her other friends. Her spirit animal, Biscuit, is her sweet little buddy. He’s always with her and always helps her in battles when she needs the help, although he knows his owner is strong and doesn’t need to rely on solely on him. Her Chirithy, or “Chiri” as Serafina calls her, is her voice of reason when she needs some advice. There are some things you just can’t share with your party members out of fear, so Chiri is that to Serafina.
Significant Other???
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Luxu: Now, Luxu is HELLA SUS. Their entire relationship before the Keyblade War is not very wholesome, nor is it an ideal relationship. They try ti keep it hidden and away from the other Masters and MoM, but it’s overall a pretty toxic relationship. Luxu wants something from Serafina, but what that something is still unknown to her. All that is known is that it ties into his role. He’s a greedy boy and will do anything to get what he wants for the sake of his role. Unfortunately, pretty words convince Serafina and she falls hopelessly in love with him. She was confused and lost as the war drew closer and her final act of defiance against him was to not accept Ava’s invitation to join the Dandelions and thus, led to her death during the war. 
And that’s it! It’s a lot for both of the girls for today, but I’m happy yo be able to flesh this all out!
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