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Sorry I had to
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Requested By: bladedharp
“Y/N, put the gun down.” You blinked away the tears blurring your vision and felt them fall down your cheeks. You spat at the witch standing behind you, your voice tight, “I won’t do it.” The witch replied, “On the contrary, dear. You will because I just told you to.” Sam and Dean had both placed their guns down on the ground and raised their hands in surrender. Their eyes were on you and the gun you had trained on them. You pulled back the hammer of the handgun. “Guys, please. Go.” The witch chuckled, “How sweet.” Dean barked at the witch, “Tell her to take the gun off of us or I swear to God-” “Swear to whoever you wish, Winchester, the curse still won’t be lifted.” Sam said slowly, “Y/N, take your trigger hand and pat yourself down for the hexbag. It’s probably in your coat.” You yelled frantically, “I’m trying! My hands won’t move!” As if in response, you felt your finger place itself on the trigger. “Run! Now!” The guys met each other’s eyes, then looked at you again before taking off. Your first shot hit where Dean’s head had been a moment ago. You sprinted after them, more tears streaming down your face. The witch called out behind you, “Happy hunting, darling!”
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Friend: But he's the main character! He can't die!
Me: Oh my dear God
Me: Just watch Sherlock
Me: Or Supernatural
Me: Or The Game of Thrones
Me: Or Merlin
Me: Or Doctor Who
Me: Or Torchwood
Me: Or Hunger Games
Me: Or Les Miserables
Me: Belive me, he can.
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things i am thankful for : 
things i am not thankful for : 
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Here’s goes nothing.... I’m not tumblr famous. I’m nobody. BUT I AM a superwholockian. and Supernatural is losing the radio times competition. CALLING OUT TO ALL SUPERWHOLOCKINAS: HELP THE SUPERNATURAL FANDOM WIN THIS THING!!!!
 (3rd page)
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Bonus Gif:
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Sam Winchester + emojis
 Requested by yaelstiel  [insp] 
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ask for more of the tweet meme and you will get it (or even if you didn’t ask)
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Dear Shameless fandom
I asked help to the Supernatural fandom, and i hope they will help us, for Mickey, to win. Because TUMBLR KNOWS, WHEN SPN WANT TO WIN SOMETHING, THEY WILL. So i just hope they’ll get my message, and they’ll help us.  Keep voting ! 
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I'll sell my soul for a boyfriend.
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I would sell my soul to be them pants
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