never felt like this
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Mac's song: Covering by Labrinth
“Okay, let me just say this out loud to make sure we have everything,” April prefaced with her hands clasped in the middle of her stomach as she faced the luggage facing the wall by the front door.
“We have everything,” Jackson answered even as she checked over her luggage with a calming hand sweeping over her back. “Don’t worry. You know, I didn’t think one bout of forgetfulness would put you this on edge.”
April straightened as she zipped the bag closed, making sure it was tight and secure with the traveller lock she had purchased. There was no way the thing would be budging for anyone. 
“It’s not. I’m not. This is an appropriate level of preparation.” April lied to herself because she was on edge but not about the tickets. 
She was savvy enough to find a way that fit into her budget and more importantly in the end she’d be spending time with her family which was the most important thing and introducing Jackson to everyone.
“We do a lot at Thanksgiving.” April continued with a shaky laugh. “I don’t want you to feel overwhelmed.” 
“I know. You said there’s a parade in town that everyone goes to, Alice and Kimmie’s kids are in the school pageant and you all go out and get a real tree that Friday,” Jackson listed each event expertly.
“Okay, so maybe I’m feeling overwhelmed,” April admitted.
If she were being honest, introducing everyone was the true reason for her so-called edginess. Things with his mother had gone smoothly for the most part but that was a much more controlled environment. There was really no telling how things on the Kepner farm would go but April hoped that they’d get along or her sisters wouldn’t embarrass her somehow and then there were her parents' reactions.
It might have been a facade but the pre-reunion stress hives that were about to break out across her back 
“It’ll be fine” Jackson released the handle of his suitcase and took a step forward. “Ready to go?”
“Yeah, when the taxi finally gets here,” April checked her zipped bag for the final time. She had everything she needed for the trip and if worse came to worse then she’d go scavenging for something in her old bedroom. She laughed at the idea of showing up in front of everyone in an old, faded NYSNC band tee.
“Okay, tickets. That’s everything,” She handed him his ticket with a flourish, feeling proud that she put all of this together. 
“Wait, I thought that you booked the one flight. What’s all of this?” Jackson asked slightly confused, even going as far as to flip the documents over and examine them further. 
“Nope. That’s Seattle to Columbus by air then a Greyhound to Toledo and then from there, it’s like a twenty-minute bus ride. Moline is practically a blip on the map. I mean I’m pretty sure that they still h
ave the weekly town hall meetings,” April laughed and shook her head. “But it’s not that far from the bus depot and you can catch up on sleep on the bus at least that’s what I recommend because the jet lag is insane.”
Jackson mentally pictured his tall frame, squashed, cramped and folded up into the small seats. frowned. When April said she’d take care of things, he knew that she wasn’t going to book first-class seats but he wasn’t exactly overjoyed about the idea of all of that travelling. 
“Are you gonna burst into flames once you step foot into coach?” April questioned and his frown deepened when he realised that she was teasing him. 
“No,” Jackson scoffed and snatched her tickets out of her hand, but he needed to do something with his hands. He knew she was only teasing, they went back and forth like that often but now he had some innate sense to impress her. “Besides, I promised your mom I’d be there and you know that she’s dying to see me.”
“Ah, yeah she’s dying to see my bougie boyfriend. How could I forget?” April smiled as she moved to embrace him, her arms circled low around his waist and kissed his cheek. Though deep down she was touched that he cared about still keeping his promise to her mother.
“I’m bougie?” Jackson questioned her, feigning a challenge in his tone but sought her embrace. He wrapped his arms around her waist before she could pull away while his head cocked to the side slightly.  
“A little bit.” April raised her hand and pinched her fingers to emphasise her observation which made him playfully jab her side. 
She laughed and slapped her palms against his chest but it made no impact and she rolled her eyes at the layers of comfortable yet stylish clothing thwarting her attempt. The grey cashmere was soft under her hands and she rubbed his chest slowly feeling the material. “I forgot to say that you also happen to know all the best food spots in downtown Seattle so it has its perks.”
Jackson rolled his eyes but was secretly pleased that she had enjoyed all of his recommendations. “So you’re in this thing for the food?”
“I could say the same thing about you,” April laced her arms around his back as she peered into his eyes. She knew they should have been making a move to leave but she found herself preferring standing in his strong arms than in a hectic airport. “‘She cooks, she cleans.’ Your words, remember?”
She poked his stomach where the cardigan was unbuttoned and open, this time getting a reaction out of him. 
He yelped but let his arm drop to grab her finger and grinned at her dimpled smile. “That’s not the only reason.”
“Hm?” April hummed, swaying her body from side to side. “What else is there?”
Jackson paused before he could conjure up a clever reply that was more funny than true. And the truth was that there was a list about as long as his arm that he realised was growing longer and longer the more time they spent together. 
Clearing his throat, Jackson nervously blinked as he tried to get his thoughts together. “Well, you’re…April, you’re -”
Whatever he was going to say got cut short by the sound of his phone vibrating loudly on the console table where he left it. The sound signalled that their transportation had arrived but had certainly taken all of the tension out of the moment. 
“The Uber’s here,” April said but she didn’t move an inch from her spot. She watched for a second longer than an organised April should have but eventually, she stepped out of his grasp and started for the door. “Ready to go?”
Jackson shook his head and picked up his suitcase. Hopefully, he’d be much more talkative at the Kepner house. “Yeah, let’s go.”
April, you’re my best friend.
April, you’re the woman that I’ve been having mind-blowing sex with.
April, you’re wasting precious time standing in the middle of our entryway and we’re going to miss our flight. 
It turned out that a four-hour and twenty-five-minute flight was the perfect amount of time for April to revel and torture herself over what she thought Jackson was going to say back in their apartment before they left. 
Unfortunately, for both of them, a technical issue with the plane caused a delay and they left Washington later than April expected. It gave April the perfect opportunity to analyse every little moment between them once they were up in the clouds.
She knew it was not the best course of action; she was anxious by default but there was no stopping her imagination which was only fueled by her experiences as of late. 
If only they weren’t interrupted then she’d have been put out of her misery with whatever his answer was. She hoped whatever it was wouldn’t change their friendship too much but then again things were very different between them now; she feared that she was in too deep. If he didn’t feel the same way then it would be difficult to act as if nothing had changed. 
After running her mind to the point of exhaustion with different scenarios, April tried to stop her restlessness and go back to sleep but the constant jostling from the turbulence did not help matters. In fact, the constant shaking was only working to further her anxious and vivid thoughts. 
Now she was thinking about Jackson effortlessly lifting her off her feet, she always got a rush of adrenaline when he did something she didn’t expect. She clung to him and kissed him back with just as much urgency.  
“April…April, wake up!”
“Mm?” April shifted, slowly opening her eyes. She sat up slowly to take in her surroundings. “What?”
“We just landed. We’re at Columbus airport.” Jackson said and then chuckled when she scrambled to clear her tray. “About time too.”
She had fallen asleep around the two-hour mark of their journey and he entertained himself with one of the in-flight movies until her head suddenly dropped onto his shoulder and he found himself stealing more glances at her than at the tiny thirteen-inch screen. 
He couldn’t deny he was missing first-class travel and all the high-definition amenities that it had to offer. 
“Bad dream?” Jackson asked while reaching into the overhead compartment for his carry-on.
Her eyes widened. “No, uh why would you say that?”
“You seemed to be thinking pretty hard there. A lot of moving around, you kept kicking your legs.”
“Oh, yeah…” April said, turning her body sideways to slip out from the wall. Her body brushed past him and she muttered a response. “I thought that I was walking instead of flying…it’s really unimportant.”
He helped her get her bag down and they exited the plane, following the direction of the flight attendants who smiled helpfully as they showed them out. They all exited the terminal amongst a sea of cosy scarves, heavy coats and the occasional holiday sweater despite it not even hitting December yet. 
April almost felt like it was sweltering but from the picturesque, shovelled flurries outside and the worn tire marks from recent takeoffs she knew they were dressed appropriately for the weather. For the average person, the sight would have brought them back down to Earth but it actually lifted her mood. Cold weather and holiday seasons just went together, giving her that warm and cosy feeling. 
“What about you? How are ya holding up?” April asked as she struggled to pull the strap of her bag over her shoulder while they walked out. 
“Better than you it seems,” Jackson noticed and chuckled, stepping closer to her to give her a hand. His arm naturally looped around her back so she didn’t have to worry and had time to fix her bag.
“Ugh, thanks.” April smiled gratefully before looking down. “Alright, just checking and to be fair it is a lot of travelling. The farm is basically in the middle of nowhere.”
“You said that already,” Jackson smirked and looked down at her, taking in her shy smile. “I’m good. We’re almost there, right?”
“Right,” April said looking around once they reached a calmer area. The crowd had thinned out and they weren’t “We just have to find our shuttle to the bus station. I hope the floors aren’t sticky. Last time I almost had to abandon my shoe. ”
“You know if you let me buy the tickets we could have been on that nice, non-sticky flight.” Jackson reminded her and didn’t miss her roll her eyes so he continued. “You have ever been on a first-class flight?”
April laughed and linked her arm with his, leading the way. “Oh, but this way is much more scenic. I know you appreciate a nice view!”
This time it was Jackson who rolled his eyes but leaned into her side as they made it outside. The cold air hit them in the face and caused their movements to be more hurried. April held onto him a lot tighter this time, both of her hands gripped her arm tightly as if they were sapping him for warmth. 
They only dropped their hands to pass their luggage along to the baggage handler before bundling themselves inside seeking warmth in the dusty and faded bus sheets, however, they didn’t find it. 
Jackson sighed heavily and frowned when he noticed visible condensation from his small breaths from his nostrils and April promptly zipped her puffy red coat back up.  
“Is it colder in here than outside or am I losing it?” Jackson asked and rubbed his hands together to generate some kind of warmth. 
Her teeth chattered while she spoke, her optimism still shining through. “Maybe the heat comes on while it’s in running.”
Another passenger entered soon after but released a dry, infectious-sounding cough as he descended the aisle. As doctors, April and Jackson were used to being around ill people day to day but it still came as a shock when the man stopped mid-walk just to sneeze without covering his face. 
April covered her mouth, from her position in the window seat she was protected while Jackson, unfortunately, took most of the spittle to the side of his face. 
"Sorry 'bout that, bro," He sniffled, wiping his nose, the tip of it red and inflamed and then went to find his seat.
"And that's just perfect," Jackson muttered under his breath while the stranger continued to hack and cough in the back of the bus.
The driver boarded the bus following this and identified his black and green uniform. When the lights turned on they were still and the engine rumbled to life but the heat was still non-existent in the small vehicle.
“Sorry folks, the heater’s busted. And traffic’s killer but I’ll have you at the bus depot as soon as I can,” He told them as he went to turn the keys in the ignition and the vehicle roared to life. 
“I'm so sorry, Jackson." April frowned as she pulled out a tissue out of a small pouch in her pocket. "This is all my fault."
He didn't say anything at first and only let her wipe his face a few times before he reached for her hand and took over. 
"I wouldn’t say it's all your fault," Jackson smirked at her and she pushed at his cheek with a little more force than required. 
She scoffed and handed him the napkin and he finished off the job. The bus took its time pulling out and shook slightly as it made it onto the main road, affected by the icy conditions. 
"Look, don't feel bad.” Jackson scrunched up the tissue when he was done and threw it into the clear plastic bag that was hooked onto the side of his chair. “I’ve already been puked on at work. Several times. So a sneeze isn’t gonna do any damage.”
He noticed that April, the resident perfectionist and recovering people pleaser, was still pouting about everything not going according to plan. Jackson expected that but that didn’t mean he wasn’t going to at least try and make her feel better. 
“Right,” April nodded, distracted but Jackson grinned as a thought crossed his mind. 
"I was in your territory actually," Jackson continued, smirking. "A random night shift in the ER when the attendings were out. Nothing was coming through for hours though. And I'm thinking: perfect. I can log my hours in and avoid Hunt at the same time."
She released a chuckle then, a faint scoffing sound that only he could hear because of how close they were sitting. The sound encouraged him to go on.
"So I'm sitting on one of the patient beds, minding my own business. About to fall asleep because of how dead it is-”
"Uh, uh," April interrupted, shaking a finger. "We do not use the word dead in the emergency room."
"Fair, I'll remember that the next time I'm in there. Right now we're on a bus to the farmlands.” Jackson pinched her finger. “Where only the pigs can hear me scream.”
She snatched her finger back and elbowed him but it only widened his grin. 
"Just tell your story." April cut her eyes at him but he noted that she was already smirking.
"Okay, so I'm on shift in the ER and nothing is going on. Why am I even here at this point? Then the doors open and a bunch of drunk people literally flood the place.” Jackson revealed and his eyes widened dramatically. 
“That’s not new. The bar’s been across the street since we got there, Jackson.” 
“Yeah, but those are regulars. Harmless drunks.” Jackson described dryly. “These people came in after attending some annual motocross competition. So picture a bunch of straggly, muddy bikers filling the place after they drank all the tequila in that place.”
“Oh that doesn’t sound good,” April laughed and leaned in, ready to hear some more. It was starting to get interesting. “What happened then? I bet a bunch of drunk bikers were not the most agreeable patients.”
“What do you mean? We couldn’t even get them to stay in their bed half the time.” Jackson laughed and ran his hand over his face. “It was between me and two nurses to stop the second runner-up from stealing a wheelchair and using one of the ramps outside to perform stunts.” 
“No way?”
“I think he had something to prove after losing or was just really into Nurse Maya. He was trying to impress her all night.”
“Oh, now I wish I was there,” April laughed because the nurses didn’t take disrespect from anyone. 
“Think you could have handled it?”
“It sounds like you needed all the help you could get.”
Jackson smirked, folding his arms across his chest and leaned back in his seat. April looked at him quizzically. “Right, so remember that next time offer to do something for you.”
“Oh, I walked right into that one, didn’t I?” April said squinting at him before looking past him above the driver's head. 
She needed to let go of the reigns at some point in her life. It was just so hard because she was so used to doing things for herself and by herself. 
She turned to him unsurprised by the unmistakable smirk on his face because he that she had yielded. 
"Okay,” April sighed heavily and sunk further into her seat. 
The sigh paired with her puffy winter coat, made it look like the chair was swallowing her whole but Jackson noted her expression, a soft stare and slightly upturned lips, she was either finally on board with his advice or this whole travelling experience had officially pushed her over the edge.
In fact, she hadn’t opened her mouth for a few minutes now which wasn’t like her at all.
Jackson cleared his throat worriedly. “You’re not planning to end it all are you?”
“No,” She snorted at that, opening one eye to look at him as she extended her arms out. “I’m allowing you to help me. Everything cannot be under my control. See, I've calmed down. I’m taking your advice.”
“Really?” Jackson smiled.  
“Sure,” April shrugged. “It’s not like anything else could go wrong.”
“What do you mean the bus is cancelled? We have to be in Moline by tonight!” April cried a shuttle ride later.
Jackson grimaced as he stood next to her in front of the disgruntled bus attendant behind the counter.
The journey on their frozen shuttle was slow as traffic was much worse than expected because of the weather conditions. They were essentially trapped, freezing, with their fellow and infectious passenger in the back seat for much longer than they both would have liked but when finally parked outside of the building they were met with more bad news. 
“Too many buses and not enough drivers, heh?” The attendant laughed, making a joke out of it but seeing the unamused faces staring back at him his smile dropped immediately. “Sorry, a little bus station humour there. Let’s see how we can remedy this unforeseen situation.”
Jackson rubbed his forehead. “Can we take another bus?”
“Uh, I don’t see why not. Let me see what’s available,” He quickly typed something on the unseen keyboard. “Where is it are you trying to go?”
“Moline township,” April repeated, anxiously drumming her short nails along their now useless tickets.
“Worried yet?” Jackson questioned.
April put a halt to her nervous habit immediately. 
He stopped typing and grimaced. “The only other buses set to leave now are for the township just before it. That was the last one for this evening.”
Her shoulders were visibly deflated at the news. They were going to miss Thanksgiving tomorrow and it was all her fault. “So we’re stranded then?”
“Some buses are leaving on Sunday.”
“It’ll be too late by then,” April explained with her voice full of worry. She knew she couldn’t control everything but not one thing had managed to go right all day. That had to have been some sick and twisted record. “But we need to be in Moline by Thanksgiving. I’m visiting family and we’re only in town for a few days.” 
“That’s all we can offer right now, I’m afraid.” He said but didn’t look like he very much cared. “There are several nearby hostels in the area that you can stay at while you wait for the next bus.”
“A hostel?” April repeated shakily. Maybe it was ignorant of her but she didn’t like the sound of staying in a hostel. She was the stereotypical clean freak. There was no way she’d be able to comfortably sleep this evening in one of the nearby hostels without thinking about the unsavoury things they might come across there. The option didn’t scream safe to her either. 
“I can print off a quick list if you’d like.”
“That’s okay, we’ll find something else.” Jackson stepped in and plucked a travel information brochure from the counter. “Thanks for your help.” 
Jackson wrapped an arm around April, ushering her away from the counter until they were a safe distance away. They walked away from the counter and stood by the windows. It was well into the even now but it had also started snowing again even if they could go, the further they got out of the city the more treacherous the journey would be. Waiting it out might be the safest thing to do for now.
“Now who is the bougie one?” Jackson asked, chuckling.
“What did I do?” April questioned and dropped her bag to the floor. There wasn’t any point in lugging it around now they were way off schedule.
“A hostel?” He mimicked her gasp from minutes earlier. “You know he was judging you right?”
“Whatever,” April rolled her eyes and defensively placed her hands on her hips. “That wasn’t…I’m genuinely concerned. This isn’t about comfort. They’re not the safest places to be especially for a woman.”
“You’re not exactly travelling alone, April.” Jackson reminded her, gesturing to himself.
“I know that,” April said and scratched her head, racking her brain for another excuse but she was coming up with nothing. “Did you wanna stay there?”
“Hell no. Ow!” Jackson yelped when she smacked him on the arm. “What was that for?”
“For trying to mess with me.” April laughed at the look of disbelief on his face, his mouth had dropped open in a slight gasp. “Oh, what was I thinking you’d never stay anywhere that didn’t provide a complimentary continental breakfast.”
“Exactly, heh…so let me handle this,” Jackson said pulling out his phone to call for a cab. The least he could do was find them somewhere nice to stay for the night.
“Fine.” April relented and then lifted her head to look at him but he was already making the call. 
She waited a second before retrieving her phone from her pocket too. Since their plans had changed the considerate thing to do was to update her family. It took a few rings for the call to be received but eventually her mother’s cheerful voice came through.  
“Hi, honey! Are you both on your way up? I’ve been baking up a storm in the kitchen and I have to say I could give Mrs Bryant a run for her money.” Karen gushed excitedly over the phone.
“Wow, Mrs B. still teaches. I thought she would have retired by now,” April murmured, remembering the Home Economics teacher from junior high school who took an age when measuring ingredients but always came in the top spot at the annual Easter baking competition. 
“I think Mrs Byrant will outlast all of us,” Karen chuckled fondly about her colleague. “I have to say, I’m having the hardest time keeping your father away from these pies. I tell you he’s worse than Alice’s youngest.”
April smiled at the image of her tiny mother batting her father’s sturdy and calloused hands away from a steaming pie dish. “Oh, that sounds amazing, Mom. You’re going all out over there.” 
“So when can we be expecting you two? Soon I hope.” Karen said. “I didn’t think they’d be able to clear the road for the parade but they’ve been at it for hours. It should be a great show.”
“That’s great but I think we’re going to miss it.” April looked out at the falling white crystals and sighed. It might have been clear up there but it was still bad down here.
Karen paused worriedly. “What happened?”
“Our bus got cancelled after our flight got delayed. We’re stuck in the city-” April said but stopped talking when she felt a gentle tap on her shoulder. She looked behind her to see Jackson, pointing outside to a black car that had just pulled up to the curb. 
They got their bags together and headed outside for the vehicle with April still on the phone answering her mother’s questions. 
“Yeah, that’s what I was thinking. We’re just gonna stay the night here and then look for different travel options tomorrow. I’ll let you know as soon as we find something, okay? We’ll make it in time for dinner, I promise. Okay. Yes, I will text you once I know…”
She placed her finger in her ear to concentrate on what her mother was saying when the cab driver asked where to. She didn’t hear what Jackson responded with where he wanted him to take them with Karen’s incessant questioning. It was funny that even though she was about to turn thirty her mother still fretting over her whereabouts. 
“We’ll be careful. We are! We’re in the cab right now,” April laughed but stopped at the next request her mother let be known. “Yeah, he’s right next to me.”
She pulled the phone away from her ear and covered the receiver before turning to Jackson. “My Mother wants to speak with you.”
Jackson smirked at her and collected the phone. “Ah, the real reason she called. Our monthly talks.”
April scoffed to cover her smile. “Just take the phone.” 
“Good evening Karen. How are you? Good, oh just tired from travelling but that’s expected, right? It’s great speaking with you again too. Yeah…yeah, well you know how she is…” 
April watched him speak with her mother again as if they had regular weekly chats just to catch up. It was comforting to know that they might get along.
“What’s so funny?” April asked once he ended the call and passed the phone back to her.
“Nothing, “ Jackson shrugged one shoulder and smiled softly. April and her mother were a lot alike even through conversation so he was curious about meeting her and the rest of her family. He thought it was nice that they were still close even though they all had their own lives. “Your mom is funny.”
“Yeah, I guess.” April shook her head, leaning back in her seat before she abruptly faced him. “Oh my gosh. Is this how it was for you when Catherine sent me that Facebook invite?”
“No way, my Mom is a lot weirder,” Jackson admitted easily.
“Here we are, Le Méridien Joseph. That’ll be $38.50.” The cab driver asked for the fare once they came to a final stop 
“Thanks. Keep the change,” Jackson slipped him a crisp note through the gap in the plexiglass. “
He lazily unfolded the bill but doubled back when he saw how much he had been given as payment. “Wow. Hey, if you guys don’t find a ride out to this farm tomorrow I can come back!”
They both laughed as they exited the car and stepped behind the car to get their luggage.  
“I don’t know, it’s pretty far out,” April said, standing behind Jackson who gently tapped the trunk of the car. 
“I think we’ll be alright.” Jackson continued but smiled politely since he didn’t expect the insistence. He’d always been a generous tipper.
The driver quickly opened the door to get out and help them with the bags. “Listen, man, it’s no trouble at all. Plus the holidays are coming up and I could use the extra cash.” 
“We’re not gonna be in town long but thanks for the offer, really.”
He saw they weren’t budging but took a pen and paper out of his pocket, scribbled his number down and handed it to Jackson. “My contact number if you change your mind.”    
“We’ll let you know.”
They held their breath for a few seconds as he returned to the cab and drove off before sharing a secret smile.
April whistled as she looked up at their hotel for the night. “Well, it’s definitely fancy. Nice work, Avery.”
Jackson threw his head back and laughed before placing an arm around her shoulders to pull her into his side. 
They walked together through the main entrance and into the lobby it was well-lit and already decorated with ambient fairy lights tied around the accents and a large conifer that was also tied with red and gold ribbons and trinkets to match.
“Welcome to Le Méridien Joseph, I’m Suzanne.” She smiled at them as they dropped their bags beside them. “How was your journey into the city?”
“Uh, interesting, Suzanne. I think we’ll just say that.” April smiled back at her.
“Thank you for choosing us while you stay in Columbus, Dr Avery and Dr Kepner. I hope you liked the complimentary valet parking.”
“Uh we took a cab, actually,” Jackson said as he removed his wallet from his pocket but realised she had said both their names and titles without an introduction from either of them. He scratched his brow while April gulped beside him, seemingly catching on before he did about being recognised. “H-how did you know our na-”
“We have to be aware of all of our high-profile guests once they’re checked in, to make sure their stay is comfortable and privacy remains protected,” Suzanne explained to them. “Unfortunately, we don’t have many rooms available but I do recommend our Presidential Suite, which has amazing views of the city, especially at night. I’ve put a hold on it though.” 
“Sorry, um I’m a little confused.” Jackson pointed between himself and April. “You recognised us?”
“Of course, I did. You’d have to be living under a rock not to,” Suzanne laughed, her gaze softening as she looked at them and clasped her hand over her heart. “You two are so much cuter in person and I did not think that was possible!”
“Why did you go to all of that trouble trouble just for us?”
Suzanne frowned at the question but April stepped in, saving them both from embarrassment. To the world, they were a loved-up couple who now must have been on a city break during the Thanksgiving holiday. April shook herself out of her stupor and wound her arm around Jackson’s back. 
“Because babe, there are still a few kind-hearted people left in the world. Thank you, Suzanne, honestly we’ve been having the worst time travelling.” April rested her temple on his arm. “You might have restored my faith in humanity.” 
“Aw, you’re so sweet.” Suzanne brightened at the compliment while April discretely nudged Jackson in his ribs and then gave him a pointed look. “So is that a yes to the Presidential Suite?
“She like everyone else thinks we’re a couple remember?” April muttered quietly in his ear.
“Uh, yeah, thank you.” Jackson straightened up and handed her his credit card. “Sorry, it’s been a crazy day. We only need the room for tonight.”
“Well, tomorrow is the day before Thanksgiving. You are brave for travelling right up until the last possible second.” Suzanne said and collected his card information before handing it back to him. “There you go, you’re all set. Thank you and enjoy your stay as well as these two drink vouchers. The rest of your welcome amenities are in your room but please check out the Soul Bar before you leave. I can’t recommend it enough.”
“Thank you so much,” April said as she went to pick up her bag but a bellhop was already behind them, making sure their luggage was secure on his shoulders. “Oh, thanks.”
“My pleasure, Dr Kepner.”
After a short ride in the elevator, they made it to the highly regarded, Presidential Suite. The bellhop placed their bags with them in the room and April took in the sleek decor and the illuminated cityscape below them that had a beautiful coating of snow to finish it off. 
Their immediate surroundings were nice too with rich wood panelling and dark leather interiors. A big, soft and plush-looking bed was located in the middle of the room by the large window and faced a large-screen television that was mounted on the parallel wall. Not too far away, a connecting en suite bathroom was available to them, the room was wall-to-wall marble with an oversized bathtub, a separate shower and double sinks to match.
“Okay, this place is amazing- Oh!” April said but then became enticed by a nearby array of chocolate-covered strawberries that had been left on an ornate silver tray on top of the bed alongside an ice bucket with a bottle of something quite expensive.
Uncharacteristically for him, Jackson ignored the food and sat down in the armless leather chair. “Don’t you think that was weird?”
“What was?” April asked, sitting down on the bed to continue snacking. She bounced a few times due to the height of the mattress and steadied the bottle of champagne with her free hand before moving it to the nightstand. 
“That she reserved this room for us or gave us all these extras,” Jackson said while gesturing his hands to the luxury hotel room they were in. 
“She was being nice,” April shrugged at him and plucked another strawberry from the pile. 
“But only because she recognised us,” Jackson replied sourly. It might have been residual irritation from today’s travel, but Jackson always reacted adversely to special treatment. Most of the time, whenever someone was being overly nice to him it came with strings or a favour or his grandfather to please be their esteemed guest at the grand opening of a new surgical wing.
“You don’t have to be suspicious of everyone, you know,” April said as if she was reading his mind. He smirked at her because she knew exactly what he was thinking. “Sometimes people just do nice things for other people because they want to, no strings.”
He lifted his head to look at her, his gaze softening. “Not everyone is you.”
She stopped chewing then, the only change on her face to let him know that his words had some kind of effect was that traitorous blush on her cheeks. 
April wiped the corner of her mouth, self-consciously checking for chocolate stains. She stood up from the bed and approached the window to look out at the view again.  
“Thanks but I really think she was just doing a nice thing. It’s the holidays. A time to embrace people.” She slipped her hands into her back pockets, looking at him over her shoulder. “Besides, I highly doubt those in the hospitality trade care about getting on the shortlist for a Harper Avery. It’s high time that we received a nice perk or two from this crazy recognition, don’t you think?”
Jackson chuckled behind his fingers; April could find the brighter side of almost anything when she needed to. She did have a point there with that as it wouldn’t make sense for Suzanne to care much about things influencing the medical world. Which meant that she cared about them as a couple for some reason. It was dumb but for some reason that made him smile.
“Let’s go to the bar!” April suddenly reached for him, pulling him up from the chair. 
“We always go to the bar,” Jackson grumbled but let her stand him up anyway. 
“Well at this bar, we can drink for free,” April said with a grin, waving the two drink vouchers in his face. “Let’s go.”
“A hostel could not compete with this,” April said once they made it downstairs to the hotel bar. 
The room had the same smooth and modern decor as the front lobby and the tiny holiday lights winding along the edge of a long shiny black granite bar. Opposite the bar was a vacant but small stage dressed up for someone to perform, no one sat behind the piano and microphone but two of the bar staff were close by talking.
For the evening, the house lights were down on each table soft lighting features were dotted around the tables where some people sat while a majority were at the bar but after cashing in their vouchers they opted to sit in one of the sunken alcoves instead. 
“Oh please, you were never going there,” Jackson replied and took a sip of his whiskey. He neglected the opposite sofa and sat down next to her instead
“Would you stop? Neither were you,” April reminded him, shaking her head. Her hyper-cautiousness was sometimes a hindrance in life but you could never be too careful when it came to that type of situation. “Have you ever seen the movie Hostel or its lesser-known sequel Hostel Part Two?”
“You’ve got to stop watching those ridiculous ass movies.” Jackson laughed as their knees knocked together under the table. “We need to improve your taste in film.”
“My tastes are just fine and they just put cable in the residents' lounge. I’m on a tonne of night shifts when we get back. ” April said but pointed a finger out to him. “But I’m recommending Hostel Part Two. Just for the payoff value.”
“I will make sure I catch it,” Jackson said sarcastically and her laughter faded out. “I know it’s not going exactly how you planned but I’m really glad I’m spending Thanksgiving with you.”
“Me too,” April smiled and raised her glass to cheers with his. “And if we do end up missing dinner, I’m sure they’ll be leftovers.”
Jackson made an unflattering face. “Leftovers?”
April flicked a cashew at him in retaliation, she had been aiming for his arm but the projectile’s was higher than she intended. The cashew missed him completely and flew through the air, across two tables and landed into an elderly man’s obvious and ill-styled toupée. 
Jackson released a staggered laugh as April ducked down even though the man didn't notice and the high back of the sofa had hidden her completely.
“Stop laughing.”
Jackson dramatically fell back onto the sofa. “I can’t.”
“This is your fault,” April whispered harshly, leaning over Jackson to get a better look.
“Me? I was sitting here minding my business,” Jackson raised his glass to his lips. “You’re the one who wanted to take it there. Now it’s all up in that man’s wig.”
April busted out laughing but quickly slapped her hand over her mouth. “Don’t make jokes about it.”
Jackson chuckled again. “That’s impossible. Sorry.” 
April whined petulantly and then risked a glance at the man again. He still hadn’t noticed the cashew but his toupée was slowly tilting to the side with each passing second. She was about to leap over Jackson and make a mad dash for the elevator to hide in their room for the rest of the night but suddenly the house lights came down and the sound of piano keys quieted the crowd.
“Good evening and welcome to the Soul Bar. To finish out our week of live performances, please welcome Mac to the stage.”
A hearty applause came from the crowd and Jackson nudged April to stop her from making a break for it. 
“Appreciate it, man,” Mac jogged up the steps and shook the bar staff’s hand before taking a seat behind the stool, adjusting the mic to his preferred height. 
His dark skin shone under the artificial lights which reflected off his tinted sunglasses and he smiled warmly at the crowd. “Sorry, technical issues.”
That got him a few laughs and more attention as more people came in from the bar and took seats at the last of the free tables. 
“If you know me, I like to keep it short and sweet with the intros,” Mac smirked, eyes scanning the crowd but then happened to linger a second longer over a particular alcove. This one’s for the lovers.”
Mac’s heartfelt lyrics played over and over in Jackson’s head on the way out of the bar and the entire duration of the elevator ride up to their hotel suite. 
It almost felt like he was singing about him which was crazy because how could a random guy from an open mic night know anything about his life or his growing feelings for April?
Jackson wasn’t the type of person to believe in signs or a deeper meaning in the events in his life. Things just were the way but there was something about the words he was singing that he connected with. They got a delayed flight because the technology was unreliable, the weather was treacherous because it was late November in the Midwest and their bus got cancelled because sometimes life sucked.
Every factor could be explained, couldn’t it?
He slapped his face a little before going into his suitcase to find something to wear to bed. 
He was being ridiculous. Mac didn’t know how he felt about April, especially when he was having difficulty admitting it to himself. If it had not been for an ill-timed phone notification when they were back at the apartment then he would have said something to her and then what?
He was in the middle of taking his shirt off when April returned to the room. She smiled at him while she tied the fluffy, complimentary robe around herself.
“What?” Jackson tossed the shirt on the chair and walked past her to the bathroom wearing his pyjama bottoms. 
“I was just saying the shower’s free if you want it,” April said and happily breezed past him to the other sink. She had left her toiletry case on the counter and opened it to retrieve her favourite hairbrush.
“I think I’ll hop in before we leave in the morning,” Jackson said and turned to her quite excited to tell her the news. “I was looking online and there’s a train service that is running tomorrow and goes straight through Moline township.”
“No way!” April shrieked, her freshly brushed curls bouncing in the air. “How’d you find that? Actually, I’m not even going to question it.”
She rushed to his side and wrapped her arms around him. She smelled rich and citrusy, the scent wafted from her hair from her jumping into his arms and Jackson held onto some of the silky strands when they slipped into his fingers. He closed his eyes, drinking it in but as soon as she melded into him she was pulling away.
“Thank you.” 
“It’s no big deal,” Jackson shrugged and picked up his toothbrush. “We’ll have to get up insanely early but we’ll make it in time, I’m sure.”
“Then I definitely recommend the shower before we check out. I think I had an out-of-body experience in there,” April went back to brushing her hair and laughed. 
He spat and wiped his mouth. “Really?”
“It has this side-spray thingy that gets right into all your muscles,” She shivered and even shook her shoulders with an extra amount of enthusiasm. Jackson raised an eyebrow, smirking at her little display. “I feel so refreshed. I might have to sneak in before you tomorrow.”
“Don’t wear yourself out on the shower massager,” Jackson stopped brushing, pointing over to the cubicle and chuckled to himself.
“Why would I do that?” April questioned and put her brush back in its case.
“You know to get yourself off…” Jackson laughed and rinsed his mouth out one last time. 
He expected to hear her laugh too but he caught April’s reflection, she was looking at him like he had spontaneously grown two heads. ”Okay, by the look on your face, I’m gonna assume that I was way off base with that.”
“Jackson!” April gasped, scandalised that he would even suggest such a thing. 
“What? You take infinitely long showers and sometimes I kind of thought that’s what you were doing.” Jackson said and jumped back when she whacked him upside the head. Unlike before she was successful with her efforts and he yelped when his hip hit the counter. “Ow!”
“I was not doing that!” April corrected him and folded her arms. She could feel herself turning bright red like she had just been caught doing something inappropriate.
“Well, I know that now.” Jackson rubbed his head, sheepishly. 
After sharing a bathroom with her for a while the long showers made sense. April was meticulous. She had a whole routine with an array of products; no wonder her skin was so soft. The hotel robe practically engulfed her but with her constantly moving around and gesturing with her arms he was gifted with glimpses of it.
“Oh my gosh! Is it a crime if a woman wants to pamper herself?” April asked throwing up her hands and wandering into the bedroom with him following her out. 
“Of course not, Apr- Would you stop pacing?” Jackson tried to reach for her but she was too fast.
April ignored him and went straight to the nightstand where she left the wine bottle in the chiller. Hastily, she opened it, poured a half-full into a glass and downed that before pouring another one.
Jackson watched her drink, giving her enough room to get her energy out.
“That doesn’t even make any sense! Do you know how many people that we’ve worked with I might add, have lived in that house? I’d have to be insane to even attempt to try something like that there.” April ranted as she sipped the sparkling wine and sighed. 
Oddly enough, the decadent rich flavour and sensation of the fizz in her mouth helped. 
Reluctantly, April placed the glass back down to tuck her hair behind her ears. “When we were living back with Meredith and everyone did you guys all think that too?” 
He did not answer fast enough which told her everything she needed to know. “Well…”
“I’m sorry!” Jackson shouted sincerely though this time when he reached for her she didn’t evade his grasp. “I promise I never made jokes. I told them that it was private and to not bother you about it. Trust me, a lot more interesting things were going on back then so it pretty much died off.”
April folded her arms, softening a little as she rocked on her heels. “Interesting like what?”
“Uh, lots of things. Bailey dumped Dr Warren and started seeing that nurse Eli. When he found out she was seeing him,” Jackson laughed as he recalled the memory. “They started trying to one-up each other. One night Shepherd invited them both to fix up his house in the woods. They got drunk and bet each other in a tree-climbing contest.”
She gasped and grabbed his arm. “Is that why Eli ended up in the ER and I had to give him stitches that night?
“Yep, fell right on his ass.”
April giggled along with him but then shook her head. She didn’t want to get into the habit of gossiping about her coworkers, especially Dr Bailey. She respected her way too much for that. “Wait, no this is wrong.”
“So was Eli. The guy didn’t even make it three feet.” Jackson muttered and April forgot herself and laughed fully this time. She wasn’t nearly as flighty as she had been mere seconds ago and he was grateful that she hadn’t pushed him away yet. “So are we okay?”
“Yeah, yeah we’re okay.” April moved to sit on the bed and he followed suit, taking the empty spot next to her. “I believe you and as your story goes it sounds like you were looking out for me.”
“Of course, April. I-” Jackson quickly answered, not meaning to interrupt her but he had to make it clear that he’d never repeat that mistake. He reached out to her, placing a hand over hers. “I’d never betray your trust like that again.”
“I know,” April said smiling and without even thinking about she wrapped her other hand around his. His hold was firm and warm and she knew that she was right in her ability to trust him. They had already been through so much so far that it only made sense to.
Sensing the atmosphere slowly alter between them, her gaze flickered between his mouth and his eyes. They both started to lean in, their lips slotting together perfectly. 
Jackson reached up to tenderly cup her face and keep her close. She released a soft breath, her lips parting for his tongue to slide inside and she moaned because of it. Using the leverage he had over her, he pushed her backwards as his tongue swept the roof of her mouth and he wove his hands into her hair until they were buried in the nape of her neck. 
But just before her back hit the pillow, April pulled back, ending the kiss to get some much-needed air. 
“I…” April blinked a few times and took a deep breath. Her mind was foggy with lust and want for him but she didn’t know where to begin with what she wanted to ask so instead she just said. “You should try that sparkling wine. It's really good.”
“What? I…”
“Yeah, uh…” April sat up and left him on the bed, confused and obviously turned on. The loose pants he was wearing couldn’t hide the huge bulge at all.                                                                         
“Oh, I guess. Yeah sure,” Jackson cleared his throat as April poured another glass for him to try.  
He thanked her and took a long sip of it to calm himself down but his mind was still on that kiss and what it could have led to if it hadn’t stopped. They hadn’t discussed any rules as to what this arrangement was regarding sex. He definitely could not see meeting her parents and then taking her to bed in the very same house. 
However, since crossing that line he was finding it harder and harder to stop and why the next words that she said to him sent him over the edge.
“So if I were to, you know, get myself off…how would I go about that exactly?”
“What?” Jackson swallowed what was left in the glass, his eyebrows almost touching his hairline. It was the last thing he was expecting her to ask him. 
He lifted his head to read her expression and her gaze did not waver once. She was serious and he fought the urge to pinch himself.
She sat down next to him on the bed again and took his glass, setting it behind her like they hadn’t skipped a beat.
“I mean really Jackson, why were you even thinking about me doing that?” April leaned in her eyes lingered over his muscular arms and then back to his mouth. “And you’ve mentioned it before you must have always wanted to see it.”
He blinked rapidly, not wanting to admit that didn’t always think of her in the friendliest of ways. “April, I…”
This time he swallowed because his mouth was dry. He wet his lips with his tongue and April leaned in again, placing both her hands on the mattress and crossing her legs as she went. The movement created a curtain with the fabric of her robe and showcased her legs beautifully to him. 
“It’s only fair that you get to show me,” April said, biting her lip. Her teeth left an imprint when he took s possessive hold of her leg. She looked through her lashes to see him staring back at her with a hungry look, bright eyes and a faint smirk that made her pulse race.
Jackson ran his hand up her leg, watching her as she followed his moving hand the higher it went. He stopped at the inside of her thigh, her skin was so soft and warm and completely enticing.
“You want me to show you?” He asked, dipping his head to kiss her neck.
She nodded slowly urging him on. “Show me, Jackson.” 
With his other hand, he pulled the tie on her robe and watched it fall open before him. He skimmed his hand up her side to clutch her breast then rolled her nipple between his thumb and finger making it strain. Her breathing shallowed and she twisted her body to get even closer to him.
“Relax. Lay back,” Jackson instructed and nuzzled her cheek while removing her robe entirely. 
April did as he said and crawled further up the bed to lay back on the pillows with him following. When he settled between her legs he placed her hand there too, placing a kiss low on her stomach. “We’re just getting started.”
It was the low tone of his voice that did it for her then, commanding yet gentle with her always. He was willing to take as much time as she allowed and didn’t rush or judge her only offering kind words or compliments. She was starting to think it could only be because of him because it evoked her arousal all too easily.
Goosebumps erupted over everywhere he had touched until he settled on her legs again and she pulled her feet up to her hips.
“That’s it, baby. Let me see you.” Jackson said, kneeling on the bed.
The heat in his gaze flooded her senses and she looked up at the ceiling and then back at him, feeling overwhelmed as she parted her folds with her hand touching her most intimate place.
“Touch it. Touch it for me, April.” Jackson said, biting his lip.
“Oh!” April gasped when she pressed the finger down on her clit and her hips jolted upwards.
“Go, soft baby, you know how sensitive you are,” Jackson chuckled with his eyes locked there as he massaged her thighs. “Just like those nipples. Can’t forget those.” 
April whimpered, cupping one hand on her left breast and squeezing it. She then trailed her index finger over her areola, feeling the bumps and ridges of the skin react while she lowered her hand again. Doing as he said, he kept her touch light at first, building up the new but familiar pressure low in her belly but it felt too good not to keep going.
“I know. Just keep going.”
She pinched her nipple and rolled her clit a few times. Her eyes fell onto his face as her chest heaved. He watched her with rapt fascination as she went. The way his jaw tightened his nostrils flared or his hands dug into her skin enough to leave a mark she was sure. 
“Use your fingers,” Jackson advised so she did. Her hips lifted from the bed as she spread her lips and slid two fingers inside herself. “And fuck… you’re so wet already.”
She curled her fingers and shifted her hand so she could still tease her clit with her thumb. Her hand became slicker with each passing second as she rubbed herself in front of him. She switched the hand on her chest to her other breast and couldn’t stop her back arching as she sought out her orgasm. 
“Go faster. It feels good, doesn’t it?” Jackson whispered and she nodded frantically. 
She licked her lips, breath hitching as she watched him push his pants down. He took his dick in his hand and started pumping, fast and hard. He was already leaking from the top from just watching her touch herself, it looked like he was right about there too.
“Y-Yeah…” April closed her eyes, imagining that he was inside her or doing it for her despite him being right there. Her hand was starting to cramp up with how fast she was going but she could feel she was on the cusp of it.
“Fuck, look at you right now…”
She heard him groan faintly and the bed deep beneath her and called his name, knowing that he had come and was determined to get there too.
“Show me. Show me how good you are at fucking yourself,” Jackson ordered so she did.
April shuddered and her pelvis twitched due to the flustered movement of her hand. She removed her fingers to show him exactly what he wanted to see. 
He readily accepted them with his mouth, sucking the come off her fingers like he’d been yearning for it since they stepped back into the hotel room. She ached for him but he was adamant about her finishing what she had started.
He kissed her fingers upon releasing them. “I know you’re close, come on.”
April moaned louder as she went back to working herself over. His watching of her made it feel that much more thrilling. Her eyes rolled back in her head and her neck craned when she went in deeper so she stayed there, pressing down. 
Her legs shook as she rubbed the side of her face over the pillow. “Oh, oh…”
“Look at me, baby…”
“Jackson, I…” Her eyes fluttered open with exertion but she did look at him. He’d moved further up the bed, laying opposite her. “Kiss me.”
He cupped her face and did what she requested, covering her lips with his immediately. He kissed her as she reached her peak and writhed around on the bed. His tongue massaged hers fluidly and she tasted herself in his mouth. 
Moving closer, April settled her leg between his, spent but satisfied. He pulled her into his arms and she curled up to his side. 
He broke the kiss and pressed his lips to her forehead, stroking her back while he spoke with his lips moving against her hairline. 
“You’re amazing,” Jackson said, kissing her temple as she snuggled up to him and placed a hand on his chest.  
“I feel amazing. You make me feel amazing,” April hummed and ran her palm up and down his chest aimlessly. She stopped over his heartbeat and let it put her into a trance. When she opened her eyes again she had to blink a few times so they could adjust to the darkness. 
April almost panicked thinking they’d overslept but Jackson soothed her with a calming hand over her waist and she realised she was still sleeping on top of him but this time they were both under the covers.
“We’re okay. You nodded off pretty quickly, I thought you wanted to sleep,” Jackson mumbled and she lifted her head.  
His eyelids were droopy, it was obvious that he was tired too but he seemed like he was trying to fight it for some reason. 
April reached around and hugged him, sighing contentedly as he started drawing his thumb down her back again. “I didn’t mean to. It was the second glass of wine most likely.”
“Yeah?” Jackson chuckled, thinking about the way she popped up to announce how great the wine was. She had to have been nervous and tried to mask it. “Guess I can’t blame you, you were very excited about it.”
“Leave me alone.” April pressed her face into his neck but he felt her smiling over his skin.  
He reached for her face and tipped her jaw up so their faces were just touching. Her short breaths tickled his face and she shifted her legs so she was now straddling him as she clung to the front of his body.
He kissed her lips, moaning in the dark as she rubbed the very core of her over his stomach. She whispered hoarsely how much she wanted him, biting down on his bottom lip and he couldn’t keep denying it.  
He’d always be drawn to her. 
April was the one.
Just leave it alone, Avery he thought to himself.
“I don’t think that I can,” Jackson said simply, flipping her onto her back and pulling the covers over their heads.
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jimin’s calico cat powers coming to the rescue! for @jimimn ♡
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what bts named their in-game pets is so on brand for them 😭😂
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💛💚💛💚 cr. jung-koook
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smooth like butter, pull you in like no other (for @itsallaboutzayn​ ♡)
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They got caught o:
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Hi! Can you draw oikage kissing on the court? Maybe after a win!
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Little guys!! they won!! I hope you don’t mind a bit of Seijoh!Tobio
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Absolutely adore your art!!
I would love oikage as third year kageyama and argentinian player oikawa, if possible
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Thank you so much!! Here are some little guys for you!
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How about oikawa at one of kageyama's matches being super loud and embarassing on the stands? 😅
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Sorry it’s been a while since the last one! i got really busy ;;But this idea is super cute! Oikawa definitely gets excited about Kageyama’s matches lmao thanks for the cute request!
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Oikage with their kid? :)
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on the way to visit uncle iwachan!
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OF COURSE YOU CAN!! I HOPE YOU LIKE IT Thanks for this cute request c:
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throwing in ideas for your chibi exercise! how about fhq, but it's winter :o so there can be fun snow or extra coat~
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Competition who builds the better snowman!Thanks for the request I adore fhq ;;
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1K notes · View notes
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Redrew one of the first oikg arts I’ve done!!
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first snow 
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