astrangeriddle · 39 minutes
Found this on Twitter.
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Neither of these states are actually being met. Not by Israel, anyway.
Hamas started this conflict with a massacre. A large-scale one, and absolutely do not view the Jewish as human beings.
And immediately went into denial about it once it became clear the western left could be persuaded to side with them. The western left STILL denies the crimes of Hamas. Or say they're justified. And much like that step says, Y'all harass their victims, reject the evidence, and of course victim-blame the Jews.
And unlike Israel, Hamas actually has intent to commit genocide. Taking the last two steps out of context, applying them to a conflict you're clearly ignorant of, and then crying "genocide" is fucking ridiculous. XD you need all 10 steps for something to be a genocide, for one, and for 2, you have no consumed anything but propaganda if you think Israel fits either of these. Intentionally, they've only killed Hamas fighters with civilians being an unintentional consequence of fighting a war with an enemy that hides behind and among the populace, committing war crimes by wearing civilian clothing and using civilian buildings. And as far as I've seen, every single solitary time Israel has fucked up during this conflict, they have not denied it. Even when it would be better for their image to deny it they have not done so.
So yes, this shit enrages me, but not for the reason this idiot wants it to. It enrages me because ignorant idiots are misusing and taking whole steps on the "list of steps to genocide" out of context for outrage bait.
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astrangeriddle · 39 minutes
No jews, no news
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astrangeriddle · 2 hours
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🏳️‍🌈🇺🇦 Pride march was held in Ukraine for the first time since the beginning of full-scale invasion. It's dangerous for big crowds to gather for a long period of time due to potential russian airstrikes, so the event was smaller and shorter than usual, but still important and powerful.
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astrangeriddle · 4 hours
Help he is so offended 😭
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astrangeriddle · 5 hours
shit percy has said that's cracked me up: "is there a greek god of disappointment? maybe someone should ask him if he's missing a kid"
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astrangeriddle · 6 hours
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astrangeriddle · 6 hours
If you want a good object lesson about what we can and can't know about the past, we don't know Ea-Nasir was a dishonest merchant selling shoddy goods.
What we know is we have found a cache of complaint tablets about him selling low quality copper as high quality, in a site that was probably his own residence. We know multiple people complained he was a cheat. It's entirely possible they were right. It's also entirely possible that he kept these complaint letters as records of people he would no longer do business with, because they had made accusations and threats in order to bully him into giving them free copper. That is an equally valid interpretation of the evidence.
My point is not that we have maligned Ea-Nasir, my point is that thousands of years later, we do not and cannot know.
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astrangeriddle · 6 hours
How to show emotions
Part I
How to show annoyance
slightly shaking their head
rolling their eyes
looking to the side
closing their eyes for a moment
taking a deep breath
clucking their tongue
crossing their arms in front of their chest
tapping their foot
How to show hurt
turning away
avoiding eye contact
closing eyes
lips pressed together
eyes filled with tears
breathing deeply
How to show anger
clenching their fists
pressing their lips on each other
breathing loudly through their nose
eyes getting smaller
clenching their teeth
clenching their jaw
looking away to calm themselves
speaking with clenched teeth
whole body is tense
throwing things around
moving around a lot, can’t keeping still
open body language, like they are ready to attack
frown wrinkles on their forehead
prominent veins
grabbing someone they are angry with to get them to understand why they are angry
becoming violent
non-stop talking, ranting
shaking their head
throwing their arms in the air
eyes either going from one point to another while ranting or completely fixating on the person they are angry with
How to show excitement
jumping up and down
not being able to stand still
clapping their hands
bright eyes
flushed face
dilated pupils
tapping their foot
How to show boredom
biting nails
leg bouncing
playing with everything close by
twiddling your thumbs
spinning around
staring into the distance
propping your head on your hand
Part II + Part III + Part IV
If you like my blog and want to support me, you can buy me a coffee or become a member! And check out my Instagram! 🥰
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astrangeriddle · 6 hours
Whenever someone says they're against "organized religion" my dad always says, "Don't worry! Mine (Judaism) is the least organized one available." and I think we should all start using that line more because it's objectively funny.
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astrangeriddle · 10 hours
I sure love starting the day with an hour long panic attack due to a bank call /s
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astrangeriddle · 21 hours
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astrangeriddle · 23 hours
hey man what’s wrong with you
the usual
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astrangeriddle · 23 hours
Heads up jumblr new (((Zionist))) blocklist just dropped
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astrangeriddle · 23 hours
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hi jumblr! i made these little jewish lgbt pride frames to put around images and videos for funsies
edit: guys!! the backgrounds are transparent because these were made to go over images, for icons and edits and stuff :) the aromantic and asexual ones should be readable over a lighter background!
another edit: sorry about the misspelling of שלום on a few of these, idk what got into me bc id usually remember when to put final letters but 😭 check the reblogs for a fixed ver :)
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astrangeriddle · 23 hours
Yeah the Ocean poster is fire, this might be my favorite. I don't know I'll have to make a list.
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So pretty.
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astrangeriddle · 1 day
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astrangeriddle · 1 day
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“Drawing techniques for the structure and appearance of the fingers when the hand is extended”
Source: Twitter
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