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bonus points for rank and reasoning
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"You were running around upstairs for no reason." she said leaning against the door way and chose to watch the rain instead of him. It was clear that she was out of it, tired, and all she wanted to do was sleep.
Haunting the Haunter
Uriah then was taking another hit as she was saying her angry bit. “So what  exactly ‘did i do’” he asks her trying to figure out the situation before he lost interest and gave little care. He still looked at her confused but now in a more serious manner as his reddish eyes never left hers.
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"Don't play innocent with me" she said, still angry, "that was you running around upstairs and laughing. I said if you needed me I'll be in my bedroom, not if you wanted to fuck with me go right ahead."
Haunting the Haunter
He looked left and right with a confused look, not sure if she was talking to him. “You speaking to Uriah chere?” he raises an eyebrow, perhaps thinking she might be insane selectively, like him.
"I believe you said that if I smoke out here, were all good bella." he assumes then she was mad for smoking, but he clearly remembers her saying it was alright that he was outside. He exhales away from her as his face still was of genuine surprise and confusion.
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She blushed a little,"I guess if you're offering." she answered back with a little smirk. 
Damon chuckled. “That’s what you want?” He arched a brow. “well.” He looked down at himself and winked at her.
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She went into the hallway as she heard the pitter patter of feet and giggling, "I swear to god if you're fucking with me just after I let you stay here for the night." she yelled out and the steps stopped.
She went to angrily look for him, not caring if all she was in was an oversized shirt. She saw him smoking outside through her window and ran down there bare foot and confronted him "What the hell is your problem."
Haunting the Haunter
As she started to walk upstairs, Uriah then stared outside for a little longer until he was interrupted by a loving touch and could hear the breathing of a young woman. “So whats with the change of..” he turns around and sees nothing. “Heart?” he looked around confused then shrugged it off.
He then went to the kitchen table and began to roll a j. This was a art he mastered and did with incredible ease. As he begun to walk outside be felt like something was ‘watching him’. Uriah felt at great discomfort as he stood under the ledge to smoke his joint. He lit it and inhaled deeply. As he left the house, he still felt a odd presence but was not overpowering.
Enjoying his joint he thought to himself that the should be a little bit more alert in the house, with a small fraction of his powers returned due to the lack of sun.
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"Prove it."
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"you're not smoking that in here. You'll have to take that to the backyard if you want to smoke that." she said as she went upstairs, "If you need me I'll be in my bedroom." She had forgotten of the noises that were occuring only moments before. It just seemed like strangers were attracted to this house. 
Once in her bedroom she started to change into her pajamas, not too worried that the window leading to the backyard wasn't covered as she highly doubted the man would go out there to smoke in the rain. 
Haunting the Haunter
"Well you count pot as a drug or plant?" Uriah says in a somewhat soft manner as his back is still to her. He walked over slowly towards a window and saw the darkened sky, this made him very happy between the lack of sunlight and drop in temperature. He seemed fixed on looking outside when it was darker, he also appeared a lot healthier and much more alive.
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"Just me being  girl I guess. Guess we always have this idea that tall and handsome would come sweep us of our feet."
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"Eh, I guess so, They really don’t strike me as interesting.." He trailed off. Nothing about his eternal life was interesting. 
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She thought she was crazy, seeing fangs on the man for about a split second. she was walking up the stairs when she heard the crack of lightening and the unmistakeable sound of rain hitting the pavement hard. She sighed deeply,"Wait." she told the man turning to look at him from the stairs. "You can stay the night. You better not take anything, you don't do drugs in my house and you keep your area clean."
Haunting the Haunter
"Well, I did enjoy your hospitality and company bella." He gets up with his eyes never leaving her. He stretches with his hands in the air as he groans a bit. "I hope to see you again soon chere’." he simply waves by moving his hand slightly in one direction with a finger or two sticking up. He then bares his fangs very slightly as he keeps his devilish grin and turns his back, about to leave the house.
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Evaana doesn't believe in ghosts because she doesn't want to accept the fact that theirs a chance her father didn't find peace in the after life and that her mother if she was to die would have a second chance that she didn't deserve. 
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She giggled a little, " It's more believable than a ghost. oh come on, you don't find it at least the very bit interesting? There's werewolves those are interesting, witches, oh! and vampires."
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"Mysterious and alluring being walking the earth for all eternity, none of that interests you?"
"Eh, I don’t believe in any of it, it’s all just a bunch of scooby doo re-runs." He joked. That was far from the truth. Damon was a supernatural being himself. 
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'Well I think it's interesting. It's just something about ghosts that I can't believe" Or rather she wouldn't believe. She didn't want to think of her dead father not finding peace. "The physical things of the supernatural are easier to believe then ghosts."
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"what about you?"
"Do you know?" He cocked his head to the side with a devilish grin plastered on his face. "Don’t believe in ghosts? hmm.. so you’re not really into the whole supernatural thing, huh?" He questioned playfully.
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"Yeah, I don't believe in ghosts so it seemed like a great deal for me." she said with a smile, "Good, cause I might be starting to have a little crush on you."
Damon chuckled, “you live in the murder house?” He questioned, taking a step forward. “Hmm. No, not even close.”
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She brought over tea to the two of them soon followed by cookies. "There we are, anything else I can get  you two?"
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"You can't really be dead."
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"I don't believe in ghost stories so you can stop trying to freak me out."
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