athroneofbones · 2 years
Are you okay with ro asks and ro scenario asks? Can i send in some?
You’re more than welcome to do so ❤️
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athroneofbones · 3 years
Wow, oh, wow, first time I want to romance all the ro's, they are all e x q u i s i t e
Thank you ❤️
I’m excited for you all to learn more about them!
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athroneofbones · 3 years
Oh gods, a single line and i'm falling for A already😔😫
A is very loyal to the crown— they’d do anything for you— but pushing that loyalty won’t end well (small warning).
They’re going to be very happy to hear that their Ruler cares for them in return.
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athroneofbones · 3 years
Dark fantasy, possible genocide due to the consequences of my actions which I will inevitably regret and a creepy RO? I already love this.
That makes me so happy to hear ❤️
I’m assuming the creepy RO is L, right? Death can have that affect on people.
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athroneofbones · 3 years
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A Throne of Bones is a dark fantasy interactive novel set in CScript (possibly Twine later on).
Setting(s): Astryae || Othein
Genre(s): Medieval Fantasy, Adventure, Action, and Drama.
Warning(s): This story is rated 18+ for depictions of torture, blood, death, sexual themes, strong language, manipulation, war, and mentions of abuse.
Scenario and NSFW asks are welcomed.
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The crown gleamed underneath the silver rays of the moon; argent in color— dotted with glittering rubies— only speckled by the faintest flecks of crimson. And, as you lay it on your head, you could feel the ghosts of all those that had worn it before; for you were the new ruler of Astryae.
Long May You Reign…
Death was your burden when you were born— killing your mother during the process— and it followed you as you grew; a looming giant forever getting closer. Only, as you matured, you decided to meet it head on; to take back your fate and what you lost.
The Kingdom of Astryae was now yours; as it had been your ancestors long before.
You only needed to make sure that you kept it— no matter the cost— and to do that you must complete your end of the bargain towards the nation that had helped you take it back.
Help them take the nation of Othein…
Of course, nothing is ever as easy as it seems.
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Take control of the new Ruler of Astryae; the most prosperous country— sans Othein— in all of Athon. Will your legacy proceed you? Or have you allowed the myths to taint who you truly are?
Are you as cruel as many believe you to be? Or is there a hidden heart of gold somewhere within you?
Choose between three different fighting styles; warrior, rogue, or mage. Each give a different boost to other stats within the game (as well as different reactions among the people).
Will you be able to uphold your end of the bargain you promised so long ago? A promise you made when you were a young— and foolish— wannabe conqueror.
Customizable MC: name, sexuality, appearance, hobbies, and more. Play as male or female.
Romance 1 of 5 options that will either make your decision all the easier or that much more difficult. (There’s a possibility of poly routes but I haven’t decided.)
Will your legacy ever be anything else besides blood?
Or will you forever sit on a throne of bones?
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Vylaran/Vylara [M/F] - The Heir
28 [6’2” | Violet Eyes | Silver Blonde Hair]
With the trademark purple eyes of the royal family of Othein; you could pick them out of a crowd easily. You just weren’t expecting their sunny smile— tinged with something much darker— or their mastery of magic. A skill that has won them many wars as well as allies. Will you be able to defeat them? Especially if you fall in love along the way?
“I hate myself for falling in love with you. What kind of luck is it that I’ve finally found the person I yearn to spend the rest of my life with and it has to be you? Has to be the one person that wishes to destroy everything I hold dear.“
Auryn/Aeryn [M/F] - The Dark Knight
28 [6’4” | Forest Green Eyes | Dark Brown Hair]
Your most trusted soldier within your army; an individual that has killed for you more than you could ever possibly know. Being loyal to a fault only added to the package that was your Knight Commander; covert smiles, warm eyes only ever directed towards, sweetening the deal exponentially. You should have known their devotion to you had more than simple loyalty attached to it.
“I will follow you into death, my liege. I would cut the head off of anyone that wished to harm you. Bring death and destruction to all those that oppose you. I will never back down from being your champion.”
Silas/Samara [M/F] - The Spymaster
31 [5’8” | Hazel Eyes | Onyx Black Hair]
With a witty retort always ready; your spymaster wasn’t ever one to keep things dull. If it wasn’t for the fact that they were so good at their job you might have gotten rid of them long ago, but they’ve proven their worth and loyalty long before then. You just never realized the depth of the person behind the flirtatious smiles and snarky words.
“Just say the word, your grace, and I will find the person responsible for this. I will hunt them down personally if that’s your desire. I just hope that I’ll be… rewarded for my efforts. Especially after I make the coward scream.”
Cullen/Céline [M/F] - The Diplomat
29 [5’11” | Silver-Grey Eyes | Golden-Blonde Hair]
At first glance, you weren’t sure if they belonged with the kind of company that you normally employed; but their silver tongue and sharp wit easily won you over. Especially when they’ve come up with ways for you to win the hearts of the people within your nation… something that was desperately needed if you were going to stay on the throne. Maybe the late night business meetings will turn to more?
“Feelings and politics should never mesh, your grace, but I must admit in my own failure at differentiating the lines between the two as of late. As I can’t stop myself from wishing to be with you. Always.”
Lycian/Lycia [M/F] - The Shadow
You’ve never truly gotten a good glimpse of their face but you’re well acquainted with their voice. The soft whispers that ghost across your mind at night and tell of you of the things to come; the calling of Death being one that you were familiar with. You just hope that you still have time left.
“We are one, your majesty, and we will always be one. Ever since your first breath you have been mine to keep. And I promise you that I will never let you go.”
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