athzirym · 3 years
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athzirym · 3 years
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athzirym · 3 years
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Biology is the best technology. DNA being the software, proteins the hardware, and cells the factory. (Arvind Gupta)
La biología es la mejor tecnología. Siendo el ADN el software, las proteínas el hardware y las células la fábrica. (Arvind Gupta)
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athzirym · 3 years
It is important to confirm that the plan outlined is still the appropriate one to achieve the best results. Are key audiences still being prioritized appropriately?
Well, Steve Jobs in this video shows us that his products have been made according to the customer's needs. In the past you had to use 3 different devices to get the desired function for each and now you can get all that in only one.
Emphasize that audiences need to know how a company can benefit them. The message varies depending on the type of audience.
In this video Steve Jobs makes noticeably clear why they are making the iPhone, as it facilitates communication for all people, besides that it has a wide variety of functions and the most important thing that is an easy device to handle.
Your company´s reputation depends on the opinions of multiple people, like employees, investors, journalists, customer, and the community. The confidence you convey to your audience.
Steve Jobs in the video speaks with great emotion and empathy that makes people more interested in the subject and the product, plus it conveys security in what he is saying as he has the necessary experience and knowledge in this area.
Find out a balance between building reputation and trust in your stakeholders. Your company will have a favorable reputation because audiences are much more receptive to being validators of someone they trust. Trust that you transmit to your customers through your company.
Steve Jobs says it in a very convincing way that they will reinvent the phone and that causes great security in customers, besides that it has great benefits and improvements than other cell phones, also it has more functions and better quality.
Being clear about how, when, and where it is important to connect with audiences to meet business and communication objectives.
Steve Jobs was able to communicate in an excellent way with the audience, as he mentioned several important points about the iPhone and its evolution in such a simple way that people were so focused that they were enjoying it.
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athzirym · 3 years
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An extensive area of learning and knowledge! :)
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athzirym · 3 years
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It is a Mexican biotech pharmaceutical company completely committed to the manufacture of medicines to prevent diseases and improve people's health and quality of life. Farbiotec is made up of a sector of specialized workers such as biologists, biochemists, chemists, microbiologist engineers, pharmacists, doctors, physicists, etc., who love science and bring great health benefits.
The success of this company is due to the communication plan that exists in this place.
1.-OPERATIONAL DIMENSION: It is important that all staff are aware of their place in the company and their duties so that their development is complete and satisfactory and to achieve this there are training courses, as well as manuals according to the area in which they will be hired
2.- STRATEGIC DIMENSION: We are a team of specialists who love science and technology, so Farbiotec's objective is to conduct research and production of highly effective and safe medicines for the general population and one of our goals is to improve the lives of people around the world by providing new medicines that attack the specific disease without damaging other organs.
3.- CULTURAL DIMENSION: Farbiotec promotes innovation in all its sectors and strengthens the entrepreneurial spirit of employees; so, we need employees who are passionate about science and research, honest and patient people, who enjoy working as a team. There are specific rules such as punctuality, responsibility, and integrity to accept successes and failures from which we must all learn and make the best.
4.- MOTIVATIONAL DIMENSION: Farbiotec recognizes the effort and dedication of its workers because together we are a family. We have recreational spaces to socialize and relax in your free time, as well as a free dining room and medical service within the company. So, we seek to ensure that our employees enjoy their work and do it with passion knowing that inside and outside the company they are protected.
5.- FEEDBACK DIMENSION: Our staff receives constant economic recognition for their hard work and dedication, as well as feedback from staff so everyone can contribute ideas and do our job better.
6.- PROPOSITIONAL DIMENSION: Farbiotec offers a safe and clean environment for its staff, also we do weekly surveys in which staff can express their needs, disagreements, etc. and find a solution to all this, because the most important thing for the company is the well-being of its workers.
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athzirym · 3 years
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There is always something to learn even in the simplest things we can acquire new knowledge! :)
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athzirym · 3 years
Who hasn't eaten chocolates m&m´s? But... do you know who they are and why they're so famous all over the world?  
The success of this company is mainly due to the communication that the company has with their customers because at all times they involve them to make the decisions regarding the products, doing surveys, conducting different campaigns, making votes, etc. on the other hand the customer is satisfied because practically the changes are made according to the needs and tastes of the people who consume it and at the same time, encourage people to try new products with excellent quality in both, taste and visual.
Franklin C. Mars and his wife were the founders of m&m´s. He had the vision of marketing chocolate in such a way that it didn´t melt easily, and the idea was obtained when in the Spanish Civil War, the soldiers covered the chocolate with sugar so that it lasted longer in good conditions and that's when Franklin decided to put a protective layer on the chocolate and so it was born m&m´s company.
The success of this type of chocolate was so great that the first NASA members launched into space asked them to include m&m´s in their diet.
The initial colors of m&m's were red, yellow, and green and in 1976 the orange was incorporated but as it caused confusion, they decided to eliminate red. However, according to consumer requests the red came back in 1987. All these colors became characters with their own personality.
At the end of 2002, the company had snacks, pet food, food for human consumption, vending machines, and electronic automatic payment system, so they decided to completely turn the brand´s website around, in this way customers could interact with the characters and actively participate with everything that involves the realization and consumption of the products.
Finally, I would like to mention that the career of Pharmaceutical Chemist Biotechnologist is perfectly involved in the elaboration of food like m&m's, as well as the quality and direct communication between employees and customers because we are part of all this, since it is interesting and fantastic to make the slogan that m&m's uses come true. “THE MILK CHOCOLATE MELTS IN YOUR MOUTH, NOT IN YOUR HANDS”.
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athzirym · 4 years
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Tips to identify if a person has just suffered this
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athzirym · 4 years
Now, we will know the best 5 pharmaceutical companies worldwide :)
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athzirym · 4 years
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Even if there are obstacles in your life, you can overcome them and change direction, always keep going!! 👍😉
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athzirym · 4 years
Did you know that as few as 15% of data scientists today are women?
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athzirym · 4 years
Opportunities are for everyone! Follow your goals and never give up, you can do it!!
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athzirym · 4 years
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Curiosity!!! Nowadays we take ibuprofen with great effectiveness😱😱
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athzirym · 4 years
Are you interested in knowing what a QFBT is and what does they do?? 
Click here!
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athzirym · 4 years
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Interesting, isn´t it?
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athzirym · 4 years
I will begin by saying how impressive it is to see most women walk through the common door, because within themselves they do not consider themselves beautiful, let themselves be guided by what most people do or tell them about their person, practically their self-esteem is low, and it is important to mention that every human being is beautiful because we are unique in the world.
First, we must accept ourselves and know how valuable we are, the most important thing is not the physical but who you really are, how you think, how you act, how much you love and love others. All this is going to stand out in you, and the important thing is that other people will see it too and then you will make the right decision to walk through the "Beautiful" door, as the girls in the video and behind you will come many more who only need motivation to make that decision.
A Pharmaceutical Chemist Biotechnologist person actively participates in the manufacture of different beauty products such as soaps, cosmetics, perfumes, etc. with which we will help people feel better to themselves, since using the products for their benefit makes them feel excellent and active with a positive and motivated feeling to do anything.
I loved the video, because Dove did it for women to become aware of how beautiful they are, to value it and to express it and to dare to cross the "Beautiful" door because that is what they are, regardless of their nationality, age, etc. Both, men, and women must love themselves, and when they see themselves in the mirror see how beautiful they are.
This campaign is motivating and during the video Dove's brand is not highlighted only at the end of it, so we understand the importance and respect Dove gives its customers.
REMEMBER…  Love yourself because you are special and unique!!!
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