atomcatgrouch-blog · 8 years
First impression: A cool cat, jack. Glad to see someone givin the Cats some love. Now: Fuckin K, one man peanut gallery. (Lovingly)
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atomcatgrouch-blog · 8 years
My first impression was "who is this dork" :V Now I know, this dork is one of my dorks.
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atomcatgrouch-blog · 8 years
What was your first impression of the mun and muse?
Bonus points if you include how you feel about us now.
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atomcatgrouch-blog · 8 years
I can’t even squeeze out 12? C’mon, a guy needs time to set up and wine, dine and crash hard and live the rest of his life shaking his head over his burnout.
-He hugs them back, giving a small furrow of his brow.- What up with the scar?
-K gives a small snort, before giving a small gagging motion.-
Wouldn’t want to touch that with a ten foot pole, bet it’s got Finn’s nerd germs all over it. You didn’t seem to protect it from being lame.
[ They let out a delighted whoop. Their face lights up. There! It!! Goes!!! Bailey shields their eyes, squinting up at the sky. The bottle flies forth, free as a cylindrical bird. ]
Hooome ruuun! Shit, where’s it goin’?
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atomcatgrouch-blog · 8 years
I guess one day I’ll have to settle down and start a career. Might as well do it as a fucking rad ass sportsman. You’re pretty fucking charismatic, you wanna be my fucking agent?
-He quirked a brow.-
Nice hat, they make it for people who ain’t jackasses?
[ They let out a delighted whoop. Their face lights up. There! It!! Goes!!! Bailey shields their eyes, squinting up at the sky. The bottle flies forth, free as a cylindrical bird. ]
Hooome ruuun! Shit, where’s it goin’?
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atomcatgrouch-blog · 8 years
southiesfavoriteson replied to your post:Who needs a fucking hat when you’ve got hair this...
*Throws a grin at*
Oh hey Finn, I didn’t see you over there being less cool than me. You want me to do something about that or do you think you’l just live with being a fucking nerd?
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atomcatgrouch-blog · 8 years
Shit, who cares? Did you see how far I cranked that thing. Shit Somebody better sign me to a deal before I get snatched up off the market.
-He offered up a flex, just to show off his bottle destroying guns.-
If the bottles ever revolt you know just who to come and hide behind my friend.
[ They let out a delighted whoop. Their face lights up. There! It!! Goes!!! Bailey shields their eyes, squinting up at the sky. The bottle flies forth, free as a cylindrical bird. ]
Hooome ruuun! Shit, where’s it goin’?
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atomcatgrouch-blog · 8 years
Who needs a fucking hat when you’ve got hair this stylish?
-Pulls out his handy comb and gives a brush over his hair while flashing those pearly whites.-
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atomcatgrouch-blog · 8 years
-K gritted his teeth, waiting for the can to come his way again. This time it was fucking serious. He couldn’t let himself look like a punk ass buster in front of the cool kid he was kinda sweet on.
So the next time Bailey threw it he revved up his wrench and sent that can sailing with a monster smash. He felt the odd need to take a lap around a specifically diamond shaped area.-
Fucking clobbered it didn’t i?
outerbailey replied to your post:-Starts boredly swinging his wrench about.-
[ glances down at their cola ] …can you, like, hit a bottle out of the air?
Hell yeah dude, throw it at me enough times I’ll hit something or I’ll get hit and get fucking pissed. 
Who knows man.
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atomcatgrouch-blog · 8 years
*TAKES A MIGHTY SWING and just barely swipes it, but it puts a significant dent into the can and sending it into a spin that causes it to land anticlimactically by his side.- ... LAME! TRY AGAIN!
outerbailey replied to your post:-Starts boredly swinging his wrench about.-
[ glances down at their cola ] …can you, like, hit a bottle out of the air?
Hell yeah dude, throw it at me enough times I’ll hit something or I’ll get hit and get fucking pissed. 
Who knows man.
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atomcatgrouch-blog · 8 years
outerbailey replied to your post:-Starts boredly swinging his wrench about.-
[ glances down at their cola ] …can you, like, hit a bottle out of the air?
Hell yeah dude, throw it at me enough times I’ll hit something or I’ll get hit and get fucking pissed. 
Who knows man.
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atomcatgrouch-blog · 8 years
-Starts boredly swinging his wrench about.-
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atomcatgrouch-blog · 8 years
Aww Jay, don’t be like that.
Just cuz shit if for the birds doesn’t mean that I hate all birds. Even if you are a big nerd.
Why is it that every other goddamn conversation wit this group is about fucking birds?
That shit is for the birds.
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atomcatgrouch-blog · 8 years
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Fallout: New York
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atomcatgrouch-blog · 8 years
fancycoatpossum replied to your post:Why is it that every other goddamn conversation...
moths aint birds
They’re bug birds.
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atomcatgrouch-blog · 8 years
outerbailey replied to your post:Why is it that every other goddamn conversation...
…goddamnit Kou. [snrk]
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atomcatgrouch-blog · 8 years
Why is it that every other goddamn conversation wit this group is about fucking birds?
That shit is for the birds.
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