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— Sylvia Plath
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my masterpost | my studygram | ask me anything | How to Stop Procrastinating 
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audrey malek and cortney taylor key photographed in adriana pierce’s animals and angels by leigh-ann esty
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Crawling out of My Hole
TW: pregnancy, miscarriage So much for posting more regularly. Since I last wrote I have:
1. Passed my ASL class with an A
2. had a miscarriage, spent 7 hours in the hospital in the WORST pain of my life
3. Broke up with my partner because he abandoned me during the previously mentioned event.
4. Pulled the trigger on moving from San Francisco to New Orleans. I've lived in California my whole life so this is a big change
I'm busy as hell preparing for my move which is next month, so we'll see how frequently I post.
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Back to School Plan Fall ‘21
I’m starting back for my Spring Semester tomorrow, and this is my organized academic plan for myself. I’m creating it here since I’m always on tumblr so hopefully I’ll see it regularly, and I’d like to think these ideas will help someone else as well!
Studying Tips:
Pomodoro method~1 hour of studying for a 20 minute break
Study at your desk because you already associate it with work (DO NOT STUDY IN THE LIVING ROOM)
Study snacks: nuts, cliff bars, chips, snack mix.
Have a few prepackaged snacks in desk drawer
When going in to study, always take a glass of water.
Use your planner! 
Stick to your study schedule
Don’t study in the dark, turn on the light!
Use electronic tablet, then color coordinate uploaded online notes
Make your study guides “for someone else”
Don’t make flashcards for terms and concepts you already know
Stop studying after a few sections for a recall check
Color code everything!
Have a friend quiz you
Don’t just memorize words-understand them
Write notes in your own words
Wear cozy clothes to study
Daily to-do’s will be your friend
Self Care:
Use your sticker chart to stay motivated
Keeping your room clean will help you stay motivated and lower stress
Spend the last 30 minutes of your day without electronics
Have social time (even if it’s your roommates) for at least 20 minutes 5 days a week
Eat at least two balanced meals per day
Take your meds and vitamins every day
Sunday Rest:
Extended morning stretch time
Get out of the house
Make tea
Write out personal/professional goals for the week (non-academic)
Make list of personal/professional projects for the week (non-academic)
write tasks for each project
decide what days for each
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when i say that life in the lockdown feels surreal it’s mostly because i’m stuck in this living room
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what does your thought process look like? mine is just a bunch of tangled up mind junk that i try to put down simply into words 😅 i don’t have much of a system when i write them down on paper — i just feel it’s quite a lot of work! i like to let my thoughts flow freely and cathartically, and i normally feel so much better doing so 🤍 (at Perth, Western Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQ_EqPSjvW9/?utm_medium=tumblr
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took a really long walk right after rain through the oldest and tiniest alleys and streets in the town; old colorful houses, some of them looking very abandoned with nothing but a cat sitting inside and looking down on you. everything smelled like roses, cobblestone streets, wet soil, like salty sea which we walked by and sweet moments of childhood. 🏛🧦☕️
[please credit me if you intend to use my photos.]
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By: Milka | maw_reads
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Bring back handwritten letters.. please
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Good morning, I’m wishing everyone a productive day today. This week I’ve really focused on setting goals and accomplishing them and it’s going well so far. I’m feeling very balanced and content.
ig: rhiharper
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I’d take personalised over perfection any day.
Folded pages of a book and broken spines. Annotating books instead of keeping them pristine.
Shoes with scuffs and faded colour.
Stretched old jumpers.
Hand painted gifts that would never make it into a gallery but they are so personal that you love it anyway.
Handmade cards
Handpicked wild flowers with colours that don’t match
Knitted blankets
Ceilings painted with patterns and scenes
A fridge covered in mountains of old pictures and notes to one another
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An Introduction-Summer Studying Challenge
I have been busy as hell for the last week, so I’ve forgotten about this challenge. I suppose I can begin with prompt one, and what my plans are/have been for the summer:
1. This summer I’ve been taking a six week accelerated ASL course, I started therapy today in the city, and I’m going to start working again at the beginning of August. I’m also involved in some ongoing social justice work for a community that I’m a part of, which currently involves weekly meetings and additional work outside of that (I have to be vague currently as a lot of our work is confidential, and we have not gone public with the details outside of the community)
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2. My number one goal for this summer is to pass my ASL class. I did not do well last semester and this class determines the future of my financial aid. I also want to get rid of a lot of my JUNK. My room is too cluttered. 
3. My class and the work I’m doing in my hobby community are keeping me pretty busy this summer, on top of other life things.
4. The most important task I need to complete is passing this ASL class. 
5. I don’t have a lot of plans this summer, but I’m going to be spending lots of time with my partner, and with the new kitten my roommate found. Peep him here: 
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6. I don’t have any “regular” summer plans. I’m always doing something different.. This year I housesat in New Orleans, which was AMAZING. I ate lots of good food, made new friends, and saw lots of incredible things. 
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7. When I was a kid I spent a lot of time outside, and a lot of time swimming. I love the water but have had less time to spend in it as I have gotten older. 
Now that I've broken the seal, I'll try to post more regularly.
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June 29, 2021
Preparing for the Comparative Literature exam by reading a lot of essays, drinking chai milk (with a teabag that was probably already over steeped), and trying out the lovely lemon biscuits I baked yesterday. Such a lovely day.
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It’s here y’all!!! The 2021 Summer Studying Challenge! 
I’ve literally been planning on doing this since my last summer challenge so i’m so happy to finally have it out in the world and i can’t wait to see what everyone posts and discover some amazing new studyblrs! i am genuinely so excited to get back to posting consistently and finally having the time to engage with you all after my exams so please get involved and give it ago! 
so without further ado, here’s all you need to know:
✨Info ✨
If you do the challenge, use the tag #summer studying challenge so i (and others) can see your posts
I will try to reblog as many posts in the tag as possible (and it doesn’t matter if you think they aren’t ‘aesthetic’ cause i will reblog them!)
This challenge will run for two months - from the 1st July to the 31st August
There are daily prompts for every day of July and August 
But, as always, I don’t expect everyone to be able to post every day so you can always do catch-up posts or answer the prompts in batches
Likewise, you don’t have to post for the entire period - it is completely up to you but i will be posting for the entire two months 
If you have any questions, feel free to send me an ask!
✨Rules ✨
If you want to do the challenge, please reblog this post
If you do it on any other social media platform (ie. Instagram), please give credit. My Instagram is also @/myhoneststudyblr
The challenge will officially start on the 1st July, but if you come across this later, you can definitely start anytime during these two months!
✨ Prompts ✨
1st July - What are your plans for this summer?
2nd July - Do you have a specific goal for this summer?
3rd July - Do you have a lot of work to do for school, university or your job this summer?
4th July - What is the most important task that you need to complete this summer? 
5th July -  Do you have any special plans or activities for this summer?
6th July - What do you usually do during the summer? Is anything different this year?
7th July - What did you do during the summer when you were a young child?
8th July - What’s your happiest summer memory from your childhood?
9th July - Do you usually go on vacation during the summer?
10th July - What is the best vacation you have ever been on? (note: doesn’t have to be a summer vacation)
11th July - What is your favourite vacation memory?
12th July - What is the worst vacation you have ever been on?
13th July - What is your dream vacation?
14th July - Would you rather stay in one resort for a month or travel across the country for one month? 
15th July - Are there any special events for you in the summer? (for example, birthdays, festivals, etc.)
16th July - Do you have any summer traditions?
17th July - What is your typical daily routine in the summer?
18th July -  How do you stay motivated during the summer? (for example, to study)
19th July - Do you stay indoors or outdoors more in the summer?
20th July - Are you a ‘summer person’?
21st July - What is an unpopular opinion that you have about summer?
22nd July - What does summer feel like where you live?
23rd July - Would you prefer summer to be hotter or colder than it usually is for you?
24th July - Would you prefer your summer to be shorter or longer?
25th July - Daytime or nighttime – what’s your favourite time during summer?
26th July - Do your sleeping habits change during summer?
27th July - Do your eating habits change during summer?
28th July - When you hear the word ‘summer’, what is the first thing that you think of?
29th July - What colour do you associate with summer?
30th July - What would be your perfect summer day?
31st July - Would you rather spend the day at the beach or at the swimming pool?
1st August - What do you do when you go to the beach?
2nd August - What do you like most about the beach?
3rd August - What is your least favourite thing about the beach?
4th August - What is your song of the summer this year?
5th August - What is your ultimate summertime song?
6th August - What is your favourite summertime movie?
7th August - Do you read a lot in the summer?
8th August - What book are you currently reading?
9th August - What is your favourite summer ‘beach read’ book?
10th August - What TV show are you currently watching?
11th August - What was the last movie you watched?
12th August - What is your favourite summertime snack?
13th August - What is your favourite seasonal fruit to eat during the summer?
14th August - What is your favourite meal to have on the beach?
15th August - What is your favourite ice cream flavour?
16th August - What is the weirdest ice cream flavour that you’ve ever seen (and maybe even tasted?
17th August - If you could make up a new ice cream flavour, what ingredients would you use? What would you call it?  
18th August -  What is your favourite summer drink?
19th August - What is your go-to summer outfit?
20th August - Do you like wearing sunglasses?
21st August - Sandals or flip flops? 
22nd August - Do you wear sunscreen?
23rd August - Have you ever been really badly sunburnt? 
24th August - What three things would you take to your desert island? 
25th August - Imagine that you could fill a swimming pool with anything except water and swim in it. What would your pool be filled with?
26th August - Would you rather surf the waves or read a book?
27th August - What’s happening once this summer is over? Returning to school or uni? Starting something new? 
28th August - Have you managed to complete your main task and goal for the summer?
29th August - When you remember this summer, what three adjectives will define it?
30th August - What did you learn over the summer? (note: this doesn’t have to be academic-related)
31st August - What was your favourite memory from this summer?
✨ So this is the challenge! I hope that you will join in and enjoy doing it during the summer! Please message me or send me an ask if you have any questions about it or just want to have a chat <3 ✨
[Taglist under the cut:]
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my masterpost | my studygram | ask me anything
[click images for high quality]
[transcript under the cut]
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How To Stop Procrastinating
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