aurorawtf · 10 years
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aurorawtf · 10 years
Please tell me you did not say cute. There was nothing cute about it, just bloody annoying and mostly a complete blur for the people like me who decided to kick it up a notch with their muggle friend named Jack Daniels. I know I loved that part about these unfortunate events.
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The Yule Ball was so weird. Like, I don’t know who was on the decorating crew but they fucked up real bad, you know? I’m glad that ya’ll can dance though, I never thought i’d have so much fun at one of these Hogwarts events. All the little underclassmen were out there havin’ the time of their life - I’m pretty sure I witnessed a few first kisses last night. That’s some cute shit right there.
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aurorawtf · 10 years
Still attempting to stand up completely straight, her cheeks flushed red. She didn't want anyone to know she'd be drinking. Mostly out of fear that the younger years would report her to one of the professors. But obviously it was too late to worry and she'd already drink enough to allow Wyatt to notice her slight speech impediment. "Right you have it, I am officially drunk off my ass." she laughed raising what was left in her glass. She continued to sip it. "But can you blame me?" she gestured her hands around the room to express her boredom. Unfortunately Aurora had trouble actually remembering the name of the person who had just spared her an enormous amount of embarrassment.  "Hey- you're pick up lines are an art guy." 
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He’d been walking through the crowd to get another glass of punch after a round of dancing (the stuff was addicting, really), but just as he turned his head, Wyatt saw a girl in the process of falling to the ground. As she fell Wyatt reached out instinctively, catching her before she fell to the ground. “It’s the Quidditch reflexes,” he explained, tilting his head slightly as he quickly realized how drunk Aurora was through her slurred speech. “You’re sloshed out of your mind, love,” he informed her, though it was unlikely that much would get through to her at this point. 
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aurorawtf · 10 years
Now on her feet she flicked her hair back into place, after all she did work on it for more than an hour. Aurora acted like things like a ball weren't important to her, but in reality she wouldn't miss it for the world. When her hair was dangling perfectly from her shoulders again she smiled at Finn. Although he was very preppy and sometimes annoying, somehow Aurora could stand him being around. Especially now that he'd saved her from falling. "Well. It's not like there's a whole lot else to do." she joked attempting to keep her balance. "I'm more than okay. I'm wonderrrrful." As much as she tried to hide her drunkenness, her words still came out slurred.
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Finn was making his way through the crowd of dancers trying to find his way back to the drink table. Towering over people came in handy for these kinds of things and once he spotted the table, he tried to step around everyone to get there. Finn wasn’t putting names to faces. Even those he knew, there were just to many of his fellow students dancing around him to make sense of all the faces. But when he saw the girl with dark hair start to go down in front of him, he quickly reached out to catch her. It was only then that he realized it was Aurora. “Hey.” Finn helped her to her feet with a smile. “You decided to show up after all…” Finn’s smile disappeared as his voice tapered off when he got a better look at her. “You okay…?”
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aurorawtf · 10 years
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aurorawtf · 10 years
Aurora wandered the Great Hall her eyes scattered through the crowd in front of her for a familiar face, but no one was in sight. She walked through the crowd she was now in, desperate to escape the large amount of people, she began to walk quickly. Unfortunately after too many sips of her flask hidden within her dress, Aurora toppled forward. Luckily for her, right before she hit the ground someone caught her and saved her from possible public embarrassment. Opening her eyes she saw someone she wasn't sure if she knew. "Hell, you're quick."she muttered in a drunkenly slurred voice before allowing the person to help her to her feet.
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aurorawtf · 10 years
Professor Mcgonagall has been teaching us this dreadful dance all week and honestly, it makes me want to Avada Kedavra myself. But let me guess, you have a hot date and this is the obvious explanation for your annoying excitement.
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It might be fun. When else is the entire school in one place?
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aurorawtf · 10 years
Did you say mischeif. Now you're speaking my language, darling. I've been saying that all year but no one seems to understand the art of getting up to no good. It's a hobby really. But for the record, I wasn't joking. That's not my joking face.
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Speak for yourself! There’s plenty of mischief to get up to around this place. Oh, wow, a blonde joke. How original of you. I’m so wounded.
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aurorawtf · 10 years
Has that one ever worked for you? Because honestly it was terrible. I'll give you one more try prince charming. Impress me.
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Alright, it might not always be art, but at least it works a good bit of the time. Here’s one: I’d walk a million miles for one of your smiles, and even farther for that thing you do with your tongue. 
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aurorawtf · 10 years
Calling on the Dementors? Stop giving me ideas. But I suppose I could go one night without being served a detention, one more and they send a letter home. And I think crashing the Yule Ball would be worth the notice. It pains me though, knowing how absolutely boring the whole night is going to be.
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It’s one night of your life. I’m sure you can get through that without getting into too much trouble or calling on the dementors.
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aurorawtf · 10 years
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aurorawtf · 10 years
Same goes for me love, even more so. Love is just absolute bollocks. I'd never dare to waste my time. 
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E-Excuse me? I m-meant for you! I c-can’t have a l-love of my life. A-And I did say m-might!
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aurorawtf · 10 years
Disbeliever? Art is something that makes you feel something when you see it, hear it or do it. Not when someone says "Did it hurt when you fell from heaven.". But you know, feel free to prove me wrong, give a good example of your little pickup line art. If I'm impressed then I might agree with you.
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Ah, a disbeliever. What a shame. I have to say I agree that some people come up with some incredibly stupid ones, though.
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aurorawtf · 10 years
It is a ball in a magical castle, no drugs needed Luc. And I bet you really love to believe you are some sort of king. Hey look at that- I almost forgot about your little man crushes. Silly me. Well if you were straight, I'd still be out of your league.
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Let’s throw in some drugs and it’s all a ball at a magical castle. That’s because I am superior to you and everybody else. I am your king. [Lucian let out a laugh] Honey, I’m not even playing for your team, remember? 
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aurorawtf · 10 years
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Oh my darling, if you really think you're going to go that ball and find the love of your life I have a feeling you're going to be seriously disappointed. Especially since the fact is love of your life probably doesn't exist, don't take it personally. It doesn't exist for anyone really. Don't be a hopelessly romantic fool. You're too good looking, it's such a bloody waste.
D-Don’t you think t-that last one is a bit h-harsh? You c-could find the l-love of your life t-there.
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aurorawtf · 10 years
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aurorawtf · 10 years
Pickup lines were never art, it's just something you say when you see someone you want. Tragically, some people just come up with terrible things to say and people like me make fun of them.
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Honestly, pick up lines are a lost art. It’s a shame that a bunch of stupid gits have given them a bad name.
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