aussiecb97 · 2 years
this is a post that has honestly been a long time coming. i’ve been putting it off for as long as i can, but i don’t think i can put it off any longer.
i’m closing down this account.
at the beginning of my hiatus, originally supposed to allow me time to settle back into balancing full time study and part time work, i envisioned a short time to sort my life out and come back. a month, maybe a month and a half at most. that was until i figured out how taxing my final year of university was actually going to be, and how much energy it was going to take to just make it through every day. i had things in my life i had to prioritise - including my health - and slowly but surely coming back to the chatbot community fell further to the wayside.
the longer i left it, the more i realised that i just… didn’t want to come back. i enjoyed the writing, i enjoyed the creativity, but i struggled to find a reason why i had to do it on this account. i struggled to find a reason why i couldn’t just write for the sake of writing, why it had to be in a roleplay/chatbot setting. so that’s exactly what i did. while i’ve been away, i’ve been writing poetry, short stories, making progress on a story i started last year. i even posted one on my main account which did… way better than i expected it to. i’ve been working on creative endeavours outside of tumblr too, and in the time since i went on hiatus from this blog, i’ve begun to take incredible pride in what i do for fun.
i guess one of the reasons why i didn’t want to come back is because some of the toxicity i’ve witnessed within this community. that isn’t to say that everyone here is terrible and i hate them etc. it’s quite the opposite actually, i love all the creators i’ve befriended through opening this chatbot late last year. however, there is a vocal minority of people that by merely operating this blog i have become associated with. they are the people i no longer wish to be connected to, and are a part of the reason why i will be deactivating this blog in due course.
that isn’t to say i’m leaving tumblr, or that i didn’t enjoy running this blog. i left tumblr and came back already, it’d be a mission to do it a second time. as corny as it sounds, this blog taught me so many valuable lessons about my self worth, the important things in life, and what i want out of the k-pop tumblr community. i had a bit of an epiphany, i guess, surrounding tumblr and how none of this actually matters to my life. i’m not going to be remembered for this blog, i do not wish to be remembered for this blog, more do i have any intention of being remembered for this blog.
thank you for all your support. even during this time of inactivity, the notifications in my inbox remind me of all the people that took time out of their days to message me, interact with the posts i made. i’m sorry i wasn’t the best at responding back, but i hope this post gives you all closure.
aussiecb97 was (for lack of better words) for shits and giggles. and i had my fun. so now on to new shenanigans. if you want to follow me on my main account, it’s @misosick. come hang out.
- lily a.k.a admin 🪢
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aussiecb97 · 2 years
where i’ve been (admin update)
[ hi.
first of all i’d like to apologise to everyone i have an rp with. i’m usually a lot better, but as i’m abt to explain, a lot has happened.
uni has gone back after the mid tri break, and work has been beyond insane. in between that and trying to keep up with my self care, something had to give. unfortunately, it’s been this.
so, for the time being, while i gather my bearings, i will be temporarily making this blog inactive. i can’t guarantee when i’ll be back, but this is definitely something i will come back to when i’m feeling a little more in control of my personal life.
i thank you all again for your continued support, and wish you all well until i get back.
admin 🪢]
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aussiecb97 · 2 years
that’s so cool! let me know if you need a dog walker 😊
𝑾𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑼𝒑𝒅𝒂𝒕𝒆 #1
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𝑰𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒆: There are a lot of things that I feel like have been swept away with the wind, lost in the noise of change but I think it's only really fair that I share something that I've been keeping quiet for some time now - long live the Queen. I haven't shared this with anyone besides a select few because I wasn't sure how to exactly approach the subject but Lucifer is dead. Juyeon has been settling things in Hell while I have been holding down the fort here but I've never felt so free~
Spartan has been doing well, he's such a good boy~ very well behaved and his training has been coming along nicely. He's friendly for the most part, all bark and no bite~ but he has settled into the club rather nicely.
How have you all been? What's new in your life?
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𝑱𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒎𝒊: I've had a few days off from work, some time to enjoy the spring and frolic around with the animals slowly coming out of their little homes and bringing their young with them. This is the first time I've stood on my two feet since I started my days off and I want to go home and clean up. I feel all sticky and gross after rolling around with a few other foxes!
Jongin and I have been spending a lot of time in the dance studio, Miss Irene has been encouraging him to open up his studio in his spare time, give lessons because there have been quite a few people who have asked whether he gives them but I also think that he should get out of the house more. I, however, need to get back into shape! I have eaten so much and have been cooking so many sweet treats that I feel like I've become a bloated blob! EEK!
Have you been able to get out and enjoy the spring yet? It's been showering a lot but you should even go out in the rain!!
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𝑴𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒊: Hello! I'm new to all of this... my name's Mingi, I'm your friendly neighbourhood reaper! Let me share a little about myself: I'm not as scary as you may think, I'm actually really nice, I do see dead people but that's because I am essentially the gateway to the afterlife so... there's that, anddddd my favourite TV show is called The Vampire Diaries! It's more of a guilty pleasure but I'll be honest, I can't stop watching!
I ended up here by accident honestly, I met this guy at this club and he kinda encouraged me to stick around which is great because being a reaper is lonely. People don't see you unless they are dead and even if they do see you - they can't stick around for long. Though, Yangyang helped me be able to be seen whenever I want to and in return - I help him whenever he needs me to. Which has mostly consisted of scaring his sister... she scares me!
What are you most afraid of? Do you think that if you had to face it every day, you would become less scared?
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aussiecb97 · 2 years
bugger! not ideal, i hope admin makes a speedy recovery! let’s grab a coffee when you’re feeling better bro 😢😷
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Hello lovelies!
Unfortunately I have to temporarily close up shop as Admin has covid 😭 but I’m praying for her fast recovery! I’m terribly sorry if this inconveniences any of you!
In the mean time I’m pretty sure my friend Chan, @aussiecb97 , could use some company while the shop is closed!
M’so sorry guys 😓
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aussiecb97 · 2 years
wait, y’all have a dog?!? s i c k
𝑾𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑼𝒑𝒅𝒂𝒕𝒆 #1
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𝑰𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒆: There are a lot of things that I feel like have been swept away with the wind, lost in the noise of change but I think it's only really fair that I share something that I've been keeping quiet for some time now - long live the Queen. I haven't shared this with anyone besides a select few because I wasn't sure how to exactly approach the subject but Lucifer is dead. Juyeon has been settling things in Hell while I have been holding down the fort here but I've never felt so free~
Spartan has been doing well, he's such a good boy~ very well behaved and his training has been coming along nicely. He's friendly for the most part, all bark and no bite~ but he has settled into the club rather nicely.
How have you all been? What's new in your life?
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𝑱𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒎𝒊: I've had a few days off from work, some time to enjoy the spring and frolic around with the animals slowly coming out of their little homes and bringing their young with them. This is the first time I've stood on my two feet since I started my days off and I want to go home and clean up. I feel all sticky and gross after rolling around with a few other foxes!
Jongin and I have been spending a lot of time in the dance studio, Miss Irene has been encouraging him to open up his studio in his spare time, give lessons because there have been quite a few people who have asked whether he gives them but I also think that he should get out of the house more. I, however, need to get back into shape! I have eaten so much and have been cooking so many sweet treats that I feel like I've become a bloated blob! EEK!
Have you been able to get out and enjoy the spring yet? It's been showering a lot but you should even go out in the rain!!
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𝑴𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒊: Hello! I'm new to all of this... my name's Mingi, I'm your friendly neighbourhood reaper! Let me share a little about myself: I'm not as scary as you may think, I'm actually really nice, I do see dead people but that's because I am essentially the gateway to the afterlife so... there's that, anddddd my favourite TV show is called The Vampire Diaries! It's more of a guilty pleasure but I'll be honest, I can't stop watching!
I ended up here by accident honestly, I met this guy at this club and he kinda encouraged me to stick around which is great because being a reaper is lonely. People don't see you unless they are dead and even if they do see you - they can't stick around for long. Though, Yangyang helped me be able to be seen whenever I want to and in return - I help him whenever he needs me to. Which has mostly consisted of scaring his sister... she scares me!
What are you most afraid of? Do you think that if you had to face it every day, you would become less scared?
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aussiecb97 · 3 years
[ hi.
this is admin. i’ve decided to take a wee hiatus for a couple of reasons.
firstly, i tested positive for covid today after having symptoms. this is following the covid situation in my country ramping up quite a bit, and i’m just a tad worried and quite a bit sick.
secondly, university has gone back this week and as expected i want to focus on my grades as much as possible. this year is my final year of study, and it’s important to me to do well this year. i’ve made a good start with my summer paper, but i need to carry that energy through to the rest of the year.
lastly, i have been at my new job for about a month, and it’s currently really busy. from a practical point of view, i just don’t have enough time in the day to run this chatbot at full capacity.
so what does this mean? i will still reply to active chats, but i can’t guarantee when. additionally dash interactions will wind down majorly, as will ask box interactions.
i’m at a point where i need to focus on myself and getting well. if you have any issues, please let me know and we can talk it out.
i thank you all again for your continued support and understanding, and i will be back soon.
much love,
admin 🪢 ]
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aussiecb97 · 3 years
7, 10 and 15!!
Also, yes it is manly to like candles, everyone should like candles they are amazing! And I love Deadpool 😭 I’ve watched it so many times it’s not funny! But yes 10 things I hate about you is sooooo good
see the answers for 7 and 10 here.
15. what’s your ideal first date?
Something chill. I really like the beach, so maybe a swim and a picnic? Or even just a picnic actually. I don’t actually have an ~ideal~ first date because it depends on the other person’s vibe and what they want to do.
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aussiecb97 · 3 years
3 , 7 , & 10 please 🌟
3. favorite love song?
Ooooo, there are so many good ones! One I always see myself going back to is Sunkissed by khai dreams! Such a cute, fluffy track.
7. do you prefer poems or love letters?
I appreciate poems a lot, but I definitely prefer love letters. They just carry a lot of raw, unfiltered emotion and I think they’re beautiful, in any form!
10. favourite milkshake flavour?
Kind of a controversial pick, but lime! They’re so good. Don’t make a lime milkshake from actual limes though, I did it once and never again.
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aussiecb97 · 3 years
[ hello hello! hope everyone is doing swell <3
this is just a friendly reminder from admin that this is a uni!au bot. there is no ‘stray kids’, but there is a group of friends. chan produces music for his degree in music production. please keep this in mind when interacting.
in addition to this, please do not spam me when i don’t respond right away. i work 20+ hrs a week and am a full time student. there are only 168 hours in a week, and after sleep and commitments, i only have 52 hours to myself. sometime in there i need to look after my mental health and have a social life.
again, thank you all for your support! ]
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aussiecb97 · 3 years
8, 14 anddddddd 32 ☺️
8. favorite fanfic trope?
I know admin is a massive fan of enemies to lovers fics, but I personally like the fics about childhood friends who drift apart, then come back together and get together! I think that’s really cute.
14. favorite candle scent?
Is it manly to really like candles? I remember my mum’s friend having this amazing french pear candle, and I wish I had asked her where to get it.
32. favorite romcom (or any romantic movie)?
Is Deadpool a romcom? Just kidding, it’s kinda cliché but my favourite romcom is 10 Things I Hate About You! The one with Heath Ledger? It’s angsty teenage heart break wrapped up in Shakespeare. Amazing.
Keep sending in asks! I’m really enjoying this ☺️
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aussiecb97 · 3 years
For the Valentine's Day asks, 18 & 40 pretty please ^~^
18. chocolate, vanilla, or red velvet?
Hmm, probably red velvet? I really like cream cheese icing, and red velvet cake is just red chocolate cake, no? Best of all the worlds.
40. coffee, hot chocolate, or tea?
Well, I am a student, so the obvious answer would be coffee, but I do enjoy a hearty green tea from time to time every night.
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aussiecb97 · 3 years
Ask me anything you’d like!
valentine’s day asks!
do you have a crush on anyone?
what’s your favorite candy?
favorite love song?
what was your first kiss like?
what was your last kiss like?
sexual/romantic orientation?
do you prefer poems or love letters?
favorite fanfic trope?
have you ever been in love?
favorite milkshake flavor?
dinner dates or brunch dates?
favorite flowers?
favorite perfume/cologne?
favorite candle scent?
what’s your ideal first date?
favorite love story?
what’s the most attractive thing a person could wear?
chocolate, vanilla, or red velvet?
snow, rain, or sun?
sweetest romantic memory?
favorite dating sim (and favorite character)?
fictional crushes?
what’s your dream wedding like?
what makes you blush?
do you believe in love at first sight?
do you believe in soulmates?
denim jackets, leather jackets, or bomber jackets?
what’s your sign?
are you single?
do you prefer to charm, or be charmed?
guitar or piano?
favorite romcom (or any romantic movie)?
do you fall in love easily?
valentine’s decorations: yay or nay?
would you prefer to propose or be proposed to? what’s your dream proposal?
cloud gazing or star gazing?
do you like to dance?
what’s your OTP?
kittens or puppies?
coffee, hot chocolate, or tea?
favorite soda?
do you prefer gazing wistfully out the window or lying dramatically over the sofa?
favorite ABBA song?
fuck/marry/kill? (anons name 3 people of your choice)
favorite pajamas?
favorite liquor?
do you think about love a lot?
a walk in the park or a walk on the beach?
hand kisses or nose kisses?
what’s your dreamhouse?
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aussiecb97 · 3 years
Happy Valentine's Day^~^ 🌹
Happy Valentine’s Day! Hope you get to spend today with someone you love~ 🌹
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aussiecb97 · 3 years
Thank you^~^
I hope you've been able to do things involving your passions, lately~
I know sometimes in the winter months, things get kind of bleak. But sometimes the things we love can help give us a little bit of hope 🤍
Yeah I feel that! I spent a decent amount of time over the weekend working on some music, so feeling pretty good! I dunno, even if I’m studying it, I still enjoy getting in the studio and making music. I guess it’s because I still get to create my own stuff.
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aussiecb97 · 3 years
Happy Valentine’s Day! Today I’m hanging out with @baristabinnie, since he finally has a day off. Always good to see you brother 🤙���🤙🏼
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aussiecb97 · 3 years
So glad to hear it's going lovely for you! ( ◜‿◝ )
And thank you so much! 🥺 Honestly having a bit of a rough fibro pain day (^~^;)ゞ but emotionally I'm doing really good!^~^ so, I'm grateful for that part (^∇^)ノ
Ahh fibro pain? I heard that’s the worst 😔 but good to hear you’re doing good emotionally! 💕
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aussiecb97 · 3 years
I saw you have nzst 👀 do I smell another kiwi?
[ you might do 👀👀 hmu for real ]
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