austudybio-blog · 6 years
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What could be better than a day off uni to catch up with reading you're interested in and an extra qualification 😍
Anyone who has membership with Royal society of biology, have you had a chance to read through their most recent release of "The Biologist" ?
Personally I found the genetics article absolutely fascinating, it is so short yet shows so much potential for further research and even deeper understanding in the working of genomes. It relays really well that there's is always more to anything you look at and even when you think you know it well it can change at that exact moment. 📚
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austudybio-blog · 6 years
For more posts check out my insta account:
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austudybio-blog · 6 years
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So today's post will be this divider.
It's the last day of 2018, I hope you all had a great year and made many amazing memories.
I'm sure as any year it also had memories that are nowhere close to amazing, don't hang on to those, let go of them so that there's more space to make new amazing memories in 2019.🎇
I hope you managed to reach all the goals you've set yourself to for 2018 and have already decided on some for 2019.💛
Most importantly I wish you all that the upcoming year will be the best you've had so far. 💛
As a side note, I won't be posting for the next week or so as I have a lot of work built up that needs to be finished before I'm back to uni.
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austudybio-blog · 6 years
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Today was so tiring 😭
Don't get me wrong, walking around central London and Winter Wonderland is fun and all but it takes so much energy. 😅
This is yet another no content post since I'm insanely knackered. 😴
(I'm thinking of at some point going back on no content posts and adding content to them. Do you think that'd be a good idea?🤔)
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austudybio-blog · 6 years
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So dudes, if bugs can be musicians, you can deffo reach your dreams. 🤓
There's not really any content to this post. Just beauty and motivation. 💛
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austudybio-blog · 6 years
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So it's Thursday. Is it just me that finds the few days between Christmas and New Year so odd? 🤔
The little juggle between celebrations and work days always has me lost.
Talking lost, don't anterior and posterior posterior pituitary glands ever just leave you confused?;
~Posterior pituitary is an extension of nervous tissue from hypothalamus.
~Posterior pituitary does not actually secrete oxytocin and vasopressin. It stores these in vesicles in axon endings. This is where they've been carried to from hypothalamus via axons.
~Compared to anterior pituitary secreting 6 hormones on it's own, posterior stores only 2 hormones for release.
~There are no release hormones in hypothalamus for oxytocin and vasopressin as these hormones are secreted by hypothalamus itself and controlled via negative feedback.
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austudybio-blog · 6 years
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Just like anything and everything, the amount of rest and work during holidays has to be regulated. 🤓®
Talking regulated, let's talk Ca2+ regulation in plasma;
~To find out plasma [Ca2+], you use the equation : total = intake - output
~Total [Ca2+] = ECF (half the Ca2+ are bound to plasma proteins while other are free to move across membrane. ≈2.5mM), ICF (free in cytosol, ≈0.001mM. concentrated in mitochondria and SER) and extracellular matrix ((bone) largest Ca2+ reservoir in the form of hydroxyapatite crystals. Can be tapped to maintain plasma [Ca2+]) .
~Intake =Ca2+ ingested + absorbed at small intestine. The Ca2+ is hormonally regulated and only ≈ ⅓ of ingested Ca2+ is absorbed.
~Intake may not match output due to transcellular (regulated) and paracellular (unregulated) movement of Ca2+.
~Output, primarily takes place via kidneys - Ca2+ is primarily filtered at glomerulus and reabsorbed at kidney, hormonal reabsorption takes place at distal nephron and is transcellular.
~Plasma [Ca2+] is controlled by 3 hormones, PTH, Calcitriol (aka Vitamin D3) and Calcitonin.
~Even during holidays, find some time to at least brush up on concepts you struggle with. As important as it is to rest, don't deceive yourself saying you're resting when you know you're just avoiding looking at your books. Rest is needed, too much rest becomes harmful.
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austudybio-blog · 6 years
Your blog is heaven! ☁️✨
Awww, thanks that's so kind of you to say 🤭
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austudybio-blog · 6 years
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What day is the best to do your shopping? Obv boxing day 😁
What did yous manage to get?
As for me Pandora felt like a good call today. 👑
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austudybio-blog · 6 years
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Merry Christmas to all who celebrate 😍🎄
I hope you all had a good day and great time with your families.
Seeing how this page talks about growth hormone, I have to say my stationery collection has a lot of it. You'll get to see in the following post or so. 😍
What did Santa bring you?
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austudybio-blog · 6 years
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It's Christmas Eve finally 😍
Do you celebrate Christmas Eve? Do you have any specific traditions?
What is it that you're expecting or hoping Santa will bring tonight ?🎅
Welp, that's enough questions for one post, I hope you'll all have a wonderful time, after all tis the season of joy. 🎄☺️
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austudybio-blog · 6 years
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Oh look it's DNA being transcribed by multiple RNA polymerases at once ⚪🔴🔵.
I guess Christmas lights will forever relate to DNA for me. 🤓
Have you been doing revision lately or have you just been completely immersed in Christmas prep?
I fall under the later. 😅
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austudybio-blog · 6 years
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So I've found some time today to check on part of the books I own in my what I like to call personal little library 😍
What are the books you own? Your favourites? Do you own any course related books?
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austudybio-blog · 6 years
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It's been a busy day and I've only just finished packing all the presents. My room genuinely looks like Santa's workshop right now hehe. 🎅
As fun as packing has been, I'm really knackered so this will be one of the posts which have no context points to them. 😓
Hope you're having a great time preparing or just resting too ☺️
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austudybio-blog · 6 years
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So little time so much to do 😭
Actually almost too much to do 😵
Guys can you believe Christmas is just in 5 days.😍🎄
Talking too much, let's talk hyperthyroidism;
~Goiter (caused by buildup of excess thyroid hormone in colloid of thyroid follicles)
~Nervousness, irritability, mood swings, decreased concentration.
~Difficulty breathing.
~Fatigue, tiredness, difficulty sleeping.
~Muscle weakness.
~Oversensitivity to heat, excessive sweating, warm + damp skin.
~Increased appetite.
~Increased bowel movements + urination.
~Infertility + loss of interest in sex.
~Itchy skin.
~Loose nails.
~Lightet/absent periods.
~Increased heart rate.
~Sudden weight loss/gain.
~Grave’s disease. (Autoimmune condition)
~Excess iodine.
~Thyroid tumor. (Cancer cells start to secrete thyroxine and triiodothyronine)
I have taken the information for this post from:
Luckily articles come in to save me when time is not on my side. 😅
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austudybio-blog · 6 years
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Hey, hey, hey it's Christmas time and I'm super busy so writing a very detailed post is a struggle right now. 🎄
Untill holiday season is over I'll be jumping between posts that have more detail and those that have less. Sorry 😓
Anyway, I hope everyone is having a great time and enjoying their Christmas prep. For those who don't celebrate Christmas, I hope you're all enjoying your break. 😁
If anyone feels like sharing a few important points about thyroid gland and hormones, please feel free to 😊
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austudybio-blog · 6 years
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Omg I've been so busy with decorating that I've only now realised I haven't made today's post yet.🎄
Is it just me that did the decorating this late?
Since decorating is technically modifying something that's already made, let's talk about post translational modification of proteins;
~There are 3 types of post translational modification; proteolysis (splitting a large amino acid chain into smaller functional proteins by proteases), glycosylation (adding a sugar group to form glycoproteins), phosphorylation (addition of phosphate groups to proteins which is catalysed by pkas)
~Only possible if the amino acid sequence of protein is correct (i.e. there's no mutations in DNA)
~When it comes to longer holidays, do give yourself more time to rest however don't forget that you still need to study. Falling into laziness is like falling into an abyss, there's no way out (well there is a way out when the abyss is theoretical, so it's not too late to do everything you can to get out of it if you've happened to fall there). 😊
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