autismintherain · 1 year
I have watched Dear Evan Hansen for the first time and my goodness! It was so good!
My favourite song of all was Waving through a window, I releate to it so much ❤️
This film had me in tears several times and I highly recommend it
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autismintherain · 1 year
I returned from my little break away yesterday! It was so nice, the countryside is so nice for me. Little to no sensory issues as it was nice and quiet and peaceful. My mom got me walking and we did a walk with a 1500+ foot altitude...plus walks the day before and after...my legs still havent recovered. I saw so many nice places. . Penrith - very nice, pride flags on a lot of buildings which made me feel happy and safe. Found a cute little pub/bar with mushroom cushions, pride flags, plants and fairy lights . Cartmel - Cute village. We went to the cartmel cheese place and had a cheese platter with a drink . Hawkshead - Been here when I was younger, still very sweet and got my dog a new collar . Ambleside - Didn't explore here much but was still nice, bit busy then what I expected though . Ulverston - Very nice, again bit busy then what I expected but I liked it . Grasmere - Very cute, got famous Grasmere gingerbread . Aira force - gorgeous waterfall and followed up the gowbarrow which was the very high walk we did I'm sure there were other places but my brain is still so fried
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autismintherain · 1 year
My moms taking me away on a short countryside break tomorrow, coming home Friday and even though I'm sure I will have a nice time as I will be in nature (my favourite thing by far), I'm so scared about leaving my home and my safe space and my comfort items. I wish I could take my entire collection of blankets and hoodies with me but then I wouldn't have the space for all my clothes too which I thinks sort of important to take 😅so I've had to limit myself to one blanket and 4 hoodies plus all my sensory aids and essentials. At least I'm bringing my ESA with me! Milo helps with anxieties
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autismintherain · 1 year
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Life in an Autism World
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autismintherain · 1 year
autism memes made by neurotypicals: you say i'm autistic, i say i'm AUSOME! 😋🥰🙏 autism memes made by autistic people: the sun is too loud and it takes me three hours to get out of bed.
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autismintherain · 1 year
My gender identity is so hard to discover in myself, I'm out as non-binary (although I still get called she/her/daughter/sister/girl/women) . I never know who I am...I never feel at home in my own body. And seeing as this is my safe place to say anything I want I HATE HAVING BOOBS!!!
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autismintherain · 1 year
When a company completely ruins an app that you used to like for relaxing and destressing from life 🥲 #ripweheartit
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autismintherain · 1 year
Now I've said the last goodbye, I just want to see her again
We've now said the last goodbye to my grandma...and now I've gone from feeling nothing to feeling everything. I had a meltdown on the morning of her funeral because I couldn't deal with the emotions running through me and I needed to explode. I punched a mirror and screamed "I don't want to say goodbye" I just want to hug her one more time, have one more hug, one more phone call, one more chat with a cup of tea. She was my best friend and now she has been laid to rest completely I just want her back more then ever. I've never lost someone this close to me and I don't know how to cope.
I just want her back.
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autismintherain · 1 year
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So my mom sent this photo of me when I was younger and this was my sisters response 😂
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autismintherain · 1 year
Grief is a weird thing. I lost my grandma at the beginning of July after a week of watching her deteriorate in hospital and then a hospice and I cried so much that week, but after I've hardly cried, it's like I feel unable to do so even though I'm super empathetic and it's strange because out of everyone I always thought it would be losing her that caused me the most pain but I feel...empty of emotion almost. The last family cat also went a couple of weeks ago and I've cried so much over her...but why can't I cry about the person I loved so much? All I do know is since that awful time my sensory issues are worse, I'm getting stressed and having meltdowns easier, I haven't cleaned as much and struggle to do so even though I love keeping my home clean and my moods are up and down like a roller-coaster and my espresso depresso is getting bad again Maybe my brains in denial...maybe after her funeral I will finally be able to grieve?
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autismintherain · 1 year
Welcome to my little blog!
Hi there! Welcome to my little blog, Autism in the rain! This is just a safe space I wanted to create to write about my little life in relation to my autism but there will be other things too!
You can call me raindrop, and as you see there is a theme here - raindrop, in the rain, rain on the banner and well this is because I adore the rain and storms and all that. The sound, the smell, the look of it, the feel of it on my skin, it just makes me so happy and calm and helps me relax. I don't expect anyone to read my blog, in all honesty I'm mainly doing it for me, but saying that, if you do read it then I hope you enjoy it or even find comfort in somethings you may relate to :) Thank you <3
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