autisticbyaccident · 11 months
The Holy Trinity
The goddess is giver of life
She reignites the disintegrating
Perhaps to her own detriment,
The world should tremble all the same
She is not omnipotent
Nor omniscient
Certainly not omnipresent
Through her omnibenevolence she is made worthy.
With hands like feathers
And words like a spade
I am lifted from the earth
Clay, not yet fashioned like man.
Unformed, unfounded, unloved
She sees no difference
I am valued in more than name
She breathes me to life.
The messiah is another story
Still gnarled and limping,
Blood flows sluggishly from open wound
It stains the corners of her mouth in mirth.
Her touch is a rarity
Hallowed for its exclusivity
A playful shove or gentle smack
Her blood stains with divinity
She is unknown
Yet never unnamed in my memory
She is reborn in perpetuity
The sweetest victory I e’er bore witness to.
Her holey hands have molded me
Begun and given frame
Through the mystery of her love
I find I am taken shape.
Now, hark!
The Holy Ghost has taken host
From clay and ash,
From blood and bone,
I was determined to become.
Wisps turn to tresses
Smoke to scarred and sacred flesh
Vapor settles to smiles
Behold. I am made new.
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autisticbyaccident · 11 months
My home is alive
I listen to her breathe
With every sigh and wheeze
In the form of…
My neighbors breaking glass
The dogs ringing collar
The child’s knocking ball
My neighbors laughing friends
Every snoring a/c
Groaning hinge
And crying pipe
Is a symphony to humanity.
There is life here
I know, for I am living it
May it never die.
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autisticbyaccident · 11 months
Friendship is such a
Funny word, don’t you think so?
How tiny it seems.
From Philia, the
Greek word for affection. Said
By Aristotle
To mean “to do well
By someone for his own sake”
The act is selfless.
“No one would choose to
Live without friends, even if
He wanted naught else.”
There’s pieces of them
Through my life like the seeds of
A dandelion.
E’s hair is in my
Sink. K’s jeans are in my closet.
Moments do linger.
There is space for them
Here, in this home I’ve restored
A shelter for us
Laughter keeps out
The cold, history stokes the fire.
It is so warm here.
Her humor has fixed
New glass in the window panes
They ring with each joke.
Her affection has
Built a roof. It sings to me
As the storm rages
We’re painting each room
Thusly, we’re compiling the
Joint anamnesis.
Friendship is such a
Funny word, don’t you think?
How potent it is.
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autisticbyaccident · 11 months
She is the moon
And she is is the sun
For I am the earth
And together we travel in tandem
As one, we are the eclipse
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autisticbyaccident · 1 year
I’ve got a little
Vase. It’s green like the forest
Floor. And it is mine.
It didn’t cost much.
I found it alone at the
Bottom of a shelf.
I gave it my home.
It gave me a place to house
Lovely, bright, flowers.
I have a little
Painting. It waited for me
In a box. Hoping.
It knew I would come
Back, and set it free. In our
Home, it is happy.
And a robins egg
Radio sings to me at
Night, while I read here.
I rock gently in
My nana’s chair. Her ghost
Has no place in here.
I’ve my own home. My
Own here. To lay my gentle
Roots. And know my peace.
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autisticbyaccident · 2 years
In Bloom
Am I the passion
Flower? Blue and neglected
Wilted in the heat.
Or maybe I am
Sedum, surviving under
Foot. Unnourished. Yet…
Yet I rise again
Like the daffodil. Yes,
Narcissus was right…
I see he speaks truth
Love of self rises like the
Lotus. Finally….
I am holy and
I am wholly at one, I’m
The lily. In bloom.
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autisticbyaccident · 2 years
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ah fuck i have both of those
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autisticbyaccident · 2 years
oh, i am finally old enough to know why my parents took so long to grab their coats. why they would ask us to get ready to go only to sit down for another round of coffee. what would i tell myself, at 10 years old? it’s okay. sit down with them too. take in the extra hour with your friend and her family. when you get home, write down every moment in your diary. one day you will be older and you will be waving goodbye to your best friend, and you will turn the key to start your beat up little car engine, and you will look back over your shoulder. her hair will be blowing in the wind and she will be beautiful and you will be, for a moment, struck by all of it. what you will feel is so wide and nameless that it will engulf you. and you will think of being 14 and kicking her under the table in math every time you wanted to whisper something behind the teacher’s back. you will think about how long the days felt, and how you could hold her hand whenever you wished, but you didn’t. and you will think about all of the people you could have lingered with. and you will wish, more than you have ever felt a wish, that the universe just gave you that - more time to linger. more time to say - i love you. i know i need to leave, but i don’t want to leave you. and when i go, i am leaving a piece of my heart that lingers too. 
one more round of coffee. the days are so short, and you are so lovely.
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autisticbyaccident · 2 years
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i’m not sure i’m capable of being loved right now / i feel safe in my quiet way of living and telling my secrets to thread & paper / i don’t know what i’d say if you asked me to know myself / more
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autisticbyaccident · 2 years
one thing you need to know about me is that i am constantly having insane galaxy genius ancient greek philosopher level thoughts about everything ever all the time but before leaving my mouth they get filtered through seven layers of autism and come out sounding like a youtube comment made by a nine year old
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autisticbyaccident · 2 years
Isn’t it fun when someone throws you a sentence fragment and assumes you have a clue what they mean? Tonight for example my SO came over, held out a half full bottle of water, and said, “My water. ”
I froze for a couple of seconds while I pondered this. The statement could have meant;
“Is this water in this bottle or something else?” As we have no history of putting anything else in water bottles in the refrigerator this seemed like the least likely meaning.
“This is my water. Keep your hands off”. This seemed unlikely, though not as improbable as the first one. We share everything and there were a bunch of bottles in the fridge so there really wasn’t anything special about this one. No reason to get possessive.
“Is this my water or yours?“. We both knew that I hadn’t opened one and we had been together all day, and there was no one else around to open one. Because of this, there was no reason for them to ask.
“Would you like some of my water?” This seemed to be the most likely possibility so I want with it.
After a long pause to sort through the various meanings and the probabilities of each, and once I selected the most likely one to formulate an appropriate response, I replied, “No thanks, I’m good.”
People wonder why I don’t respond quickly. “It’s a simple question, just answer,” is what i hear a lot. Well, it would have been if you had asked a question. But you didn’t. You dropped two random words while holding a bottle. I had to decode what you meant. You and other neurotypical people may pick up on these subtle meanings*, but I don’t. Just say what you mean.
Neurotypical people are so weird sometimes.
*(the bottle was tilted slightly toward me to indicate it was an offer, how could I miss that? /end sarcasm)
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autisticbyaccident · 2 years
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And not receiving a diagnosis- even when you have done the research over months at least to self diagnose- is also does not change you <3 you know you best
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autisticbyaccident · 2 years
I feel like I lied my way to autism
I’ve been actively mentally preparing myself for my diagnosis since summer, passively since the idea was planted 8 years ago in high school.
But actually hearing it felt… wrong. It was an intense feeling I’ll never forget. Like my whole body turned off for a second, like my soul got sucked into a little black hole in the center of my chest, then a mini supernova burst inside me. And now I’m doubting everything.
I tried to answer the long questionnaire they gave me as honestly as possible, i tried my best to act natural and perform as well as I could on their puzzles and tests. But now I’m wondering if my results were tainted.
I’ve gone through school for education and taken several classes on child psychology and special needs kids, I’ve spent months researching autism including several quizzes that perfectly mimicked the questionnaire I was given.
Maybe I went into this knowing too much, maybe because I thought I was, I became so. How do I differentiate from the process of beginning to notice my masking and peculiarities for the first time, and artificially adopting the persona of autism?
I just feel…. Fake. I saw developmental specialists until I was 4, and child psychologists a few times after. How did no one notice this? Was it concealed by my physically disabilities brought on from a traumatic birth injury? My intelligence and quick vocal and literacy development? Or maybe the doctors were so relieved I wasn’t a veritable vegetable from the oxygen deprivation at birth that the rest was put down to a tumultuous home life.
I asked my doctor several times about the possibility of undiagnosed brain damage from birth. She insisted my results were textbook autism for a woman, she said my IQ was superior and helped me mask for basically my entire life. I know, logically, I didn’t and couldn’t have lied my way through this. But I can’t help fearing my results were only textbook because I had metaphorically read the answer key in the back.
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autisticbyaccident · 2 years
Steve lost his virginity to a USO girl:
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The USO girl:
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autisticbyaccident · 2 years
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autisticbyaccident · 2 years
“I want what she’s on.” The spectrum??
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autisticbyaccident · 2 years
Yo, why am I 23, almost 24, years old and my mother, who I dont live with, still needs to remind me not to point at people?
Like I was just pointing at a puppy riding in a car and shes like "dont point"
Why is pointing rude?!??!!??!?!??!
It's literally just showing you I can POINT OUT something, WHAT THE FUCK
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