autisticuwu · 27 days
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autisticuwu · 2 years
i hate when girls feel dumb for trying to see the best in people and then end up hurt or disappointed like no!! it’s those people that were dumb for misleading you. they took advantage of your kindness and generosity, and they’ll rot for it 
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autisticuwu · 2 years
We like to mention how often girls with adhd are called, or call themselves, lazy when they aren't actually--but can we talk about this in regards to autism as well? You're not lazy--you're keeping yourself in your safe, comfortable state for as long as possible because the world is a sensory nightmare before even adding in human interaction. And if you have both autism and adhd? Yeah, it's gonna be all the more challenging to fend off the executive dysfunction.
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autisticuwu · 2 years
Neurotypicals will say, "No one is watching you, Nobody cares about you enough to pay attention to you, Grow up" and then they will fucking watch you and notice shit you do or appear and tell you about it
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autisticuwu · 2 years
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you can't tell me I'm wrong
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autisticuwu · 2 years
Love that for me
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autisticuwu · 2 years
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I have a friend like this who's a fellow teacher in japan and no one nows I'm autistic and i don't think she knows she's autistic but totally is and we both like each other but it's legit this
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autisticuwu · 2 years
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autisticuwu · 2 years
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autisticuwu · 2 years
the most important thing is to be snuggly in bed
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autisticuwu · 2 years
the girls that get it, get it
The capybara is the closest thing in nature to the autism creature.
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autisticuwu · 2 years
Ik you're not supposed to diagnos ppl but my mother is FORSURE autistic and my dad is classic adhd
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#my mom is obsessed with turquoise and elephants just look at her house#very particular about random shit like the position of her toaster or her parking spot or seat etc#apparently had sensory issues but it never occured to her to tell me until i was already an adult#doesnt love loud places and has extreme social anxiety#feels like a different person at work in an extreme way akin to masking and she has to isolate in her safe space after socializing#is highly influenced by others and somewhat naive in trusting tht ppl have good intentions#literally wont go to the grocery store because of anxiety and idk why else honestly#doesnt understand how to do her hair or learn makeup or fit in in many ways#she has a lot of childhood trauma but her symptoms seem to not all be from tht#she is super distant emotionally and rarely shows or expresses feelings until it boils over#and tends to get very defensive#however if i ask her direct questions and initiate things she will discuss matters with me#like she doesnt have an innate sense of social cues and peoples emotional needs yet if you ask her directly for support or info shell giveit#my dad is just adhd like just look at him#charasmatic but his conversational pattern is classic ashd#he will bring up a subject he was talking aboit prior by just jumping in an commenting about it without intro#and he has always had trouble sleeping even tho he leads a tiring daily life#he has never needed coffee and always has energy#and has very minor sensory issues like hating the smell of the ocean#he also picks up new hobbies on a whim but usually doesnt stick with them#if he has to study for a test he puts it off then hyperfixates and does well#but without external expectations he usually quits things which is why he has never been able to learn an instrument#hes tried many times#and he always keeps himself busy with extra volunteering or jobs as a way to get dopamine#like doing Big Brother Big Sister or the special olympics or becoming the Union treasurer
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autisticuwu · 2 years
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The only time it's okay to refer to me as "having autism" is when it is objectively funny 😁
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autisticuwu · 2 years
autism+adhd is checking out in the middle of talking to someone constantlyyy
Tumblr really made me realise what "restricted interests" in autism mean/the way it can manifest:
Sometimes I open Tumblr and every post contains at least one blocked tag. And not because it makes me uncomfortable or something, every blocked tag is because it's about something I'm not interested in 😂
So yeah, "Oh, apparently this is this "restricted interest" thing they're always talking about 🤔" 😂😂
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autisticuwu · 2 years
I need a youtube video entitled "How to get over someone when ur autistic and quite possible gay"
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autisticuwu · 2 years
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autisticuwu · 2 years
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“You don’t look autistic!”
Can everyone please stop saying things like this? Just because we don’t show traits around certain people doesn’t mean that we’re faking/don’t have the disorder. I had to learn to the best of my ability to be, what society says, is normal. And not be so “weird”. It’s harder than people think. And it really drains you too.
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