avaaranuor · 5 months
You know that drinking game paranoia?
Me and my friends LOVED to play it in high school as a way to pass the time on band bus trips. If you don’t know, someone asks a question through text or whisper, and you answer outloud someone in the group. You(the person whose name was just spoken outloud) can drink to find out the question. Obviously, this was used for crushes and the like. (In high school this was a sober endeavor)
Now, as an adult I was like omg I should show my friends this fun game! Guys gals and nonbinary pals- I’m so sorry to tell you this, but it DOES NOT WORK when you and your friends:
1. Genuinely love and care for each other so much that you already know the answer
2. Are all queer and some flavor of ace that makes the sex questions absurd
3. Are all deeply neurodivergent and talk about weird topics CONSTANTLY
Tragically I must surrender my high school fave game to the straights, the neurotypicals, and the strangers. This is terrible for me personally because I’m so nosy.
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avaaranuor · 6 months
I find it hilarious that therapist in media are super serious and cold, and my (60s male) therapist one time tried to relate to me (20 year old lesbian) by telling me about his ex wife that tried to run him over with HIS CAR.
He also rings a bell when I make big improvements
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avaaranuor · 8 months
I came out to my parents and sister at thanksgiving, and I have something to bring up because of it.
Sometimes there is no proof. There’s no evidence. There’s nothing that I can give you to make you see that I wanted to like a man but I could never do it right, no matter how hard I tried. The relationships I had, the ones that lasted years? Fucked up my understanding of what a platonic relationship is, because I’m my head those men were my best friends.
I was never interested in women as a kid- because I was a child. I was never interested in men either. I was a kid. I was your kid, and the fact that you told me that you didn’t believe me because I had no proof is absurd. Because you didn’t have any either.
I have no proof. No one does. No one should need it. And it shouldn’t matter. Love isn’t built on proof, it’s built on understanding, and sometimes you must understand that your worldview is not the only ones that matter.
Sometimes I wish I had proof too
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avaaranuor · 1 year
During the post ASIAS-pre HM stage, Hunter and Willow used to stay up to all hours texting and neither ever wanted to call it a night. It was usually Hunter who passed out first, leaving Willow laying awake in her bed, eagerly anticipating a reply that never comes. She knows he probably fell asleep but now she's got all this hyped up gushy energy from the convo and she needs an outlet for it. Cue her sleep deprived and silly teenage girl ass making a manic burst of penstagram posts about this one boy she knows who's super cute and smart and sweet and funny and HOT and AAGGHHHHH!!!!! then she drops into unconsciousness like two minutes later.
Hunter wakes up the next morning and sees her posts before she gets the chance to delete them. And he just. Politely doesn't say anything. Like sure. Yeah. Okay. Clearly his cool new friend Willow is dealing with some things that he wouldn't understand. Typical high-school stuff. Like cute boys and whatnot. That's fine. He's cool with that. It's none of his business anyway. Whatever.
And then twenty seconds later, he's strapping on his armor and he's like. "Cute...smart...hot. I bet it's that bitch, Jerbo."
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avaaranuor · 1 year
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remember last week i said that I wanted to draw something simple after watching the promo? wElp here's the full thing i was really busy this week so i had to speedrun everything basically and now i dont feel my hands haha
i guess my way of coping with the finale is making myself cry
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