The Classroom Transformation
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James, a dedicated and somewhat beleaguered English teacher, paced at the front of his classroom. His students sat in rows, their faces a mix of boredom and mild interest. Among them was Emily, a 14-year-old student who often seemed aloof and uninterested in the lessons. Little did James know, Emily was not who she appeared to be.
"Emily," James called out, pointing to a passage in the book they were reading. "Can you answer the question about the protagonist's motivation in this chapter?"
Emily glanced up, her expression one of disdain. "I don't want to answer."
James sighed, determined to engage her. "Come on, Emily. Participation is part of your grade. Everyone has to contribute."
Emily's eyes darkened slightly. "I'm above all this nonsense," she said coldly.
James chuckled, mistaking her words for typical teenage rebellion. "You know, I was a student once too. I understand how it feels."
"No, you don't," Emily replied, her voice laced with an eerie certainty. She raised her hand and whispered something under her breath.
In an instant, the classroom spun around James. He felt a strange tingling sensation coursing through his body. Before he could react, he found himself shrinking, his clothes morphing. His trousers fused into a skirt, his shirt tightened into a blouse, and his shoes became dainty flats. His briefcase transformed into a pink, glittery school bag. He looked down in horror to see a pair of slim, delicate hands where his own had been.
He rushed to the window, catching his reflection in the glass. A 14-year-old girl with long, chestnut hair stared back at him, wide-eyed and terrified. He was now wearing the same school uniform as his students.
The classroom murmured, but no one seemed particularly surprised. Emily, now standing at the teacher's desk, smiled wickedly. "Jessica, can you answer the question about the protagonist's motivation?" she asked.
James—now Jessica—stammered, "I... I don't know."
Emily's grin widened. "Is it too hard for you, Jessica? Maybe you're not ready for this class."
Jessica felt a surge of panic. She was an experienced teacher, not a student, but her mind felt clouded and confused. She couldn't remember the answer.
"Perhaps we should try something more appropriate for your level," Emily suggested.
With another wave of her hand, Emily's spell struck again. Jessica shrank further, her clothes morphing once more. Her skirt became a pinafore, her blouse turned into a simple, childish shirt, and her bag became a small, cartoon-themed backpack. She now stood barely three feet tall, her surroundings towering over her.
Emily took Jessica by the hand, her grip firm and unyielding. "Come along, little one. Let's find your proper class."
Jessica tried to protest, but her voice came out as a high-pitched squeak. Emily led her down the hallway, past uninterested students and staff, until they reached the classroom for the youngest children.
Opening the door, Emily addressed the teacher inside. "This little girl was lost. She should be in your class."
The teacher, a kind-looking woman, smiled warmly. "Welcome, dear. You can sit right here."
Jessica, her mind spinning, took the seat offered to her. The desk was too big, and her feet dangled above the floor. She looked around at the other seven-year-olds, their innocent faces reflecting nothing of the turmoil inside her.
Emily leaned down, whispering in Jessica's ear. "Enjoy your new life," she said softly, before leaving the room and closing the door behind her.
Jessica sat there, trapped in a child's body and a child's life, her mind a whirlwind of fear and confusion. The bell rang, and the teacher began the lesson, oblivious to the nightmare that had befallen the new girl in her class.
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Oh um wow. I just stumbled upon you're page and really enjoyed reading it... Then I saw this button and couldn't help clicking and typing... Oh gosh, why and I pressing ask 😳🫣
(I've just noticed I have my inbox full of whiny little babies begging to be humiliated. Sorry for the delay!)
Hi sweetie! Ofc you couldn't help pressing ask. That's exactly why little babies shouldn't be allowed to play with big girl toys such as phones. You stumble on my page, read a few blushy captions, hump your pampies, marinate for a while in your messy and sticky prison, and, after seeing a big shiny sign with the words Want to be bullied? you can't help but get all squirmy and tingly down there again. It's not even your fault, you're too dumb to know better.
Little baby girls are the perfect plaything to boss around. Babies like you need to be bullied because they're too addicted to the big girl feelings you get in your princess parts when an adult mocks them.
And, after all, being locked in your little cribs, wearing big, poofy diapers, there's not too much you can do but beg to be made a laughingstock for us all. You're just a cute, silly, smelly little joke.
Btw, I'm sure you still think about your High School bully when you hump your stuffies, sweetie...
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New Year New You
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The evening starts off normally, with the usual festivities and celebrations. However, your partner suddenly comes up with an unusual suggestion. "How cute would it be if you dressed up to match my niece? I think you'd look adorable in a similar dress!" she says, her eyes sparkling with excitement. This suggestion takes you by surprise. It's not something you would have expected from her, and it feels oddly out of character. Not to mention the idea of a grown man wearing what you presume to be very feminine and juvenile dress.
Before you can respond, the door swings open, and in walks your partner's brother. His smile is wide, but there's a mocking edge to it that instantly puts you on edge.
"Well, isn't that a delightful idea," he chuckles, his eyes glinting with amusement. He motions for you to follow him, leading the way into his daughter's room. There, hung prominently, are two dresses – one fit for a 5 year old and the other a perfect adult replica.
Compelled by a strange feeling of authority from your partner and her brother, you agree to wear the dress. Stood there, an adult in a child's dress, your partner seems to see nothing unusual about it. Her bother on the other hand is smirking, knowingly.
Rejoining the party, the other adults give mixed reactions. They're clearly amused and a bit confused by your choice of attire, making light-hearted comments and jokes. However, there's no sign that they're under any sort of influence as you partner seems to be.
As the night goes on, your partner treats you with a gentle, nurturing manner, as if she seems to truly sees you as a child. She guides you through the party, involving you in activities and speaking in a soft, caring tone. You find yourself going along with it, unable to protest.
Throughout the evening, you participate in games and activities, and for brief moments, you forgot yourself, finding genuine enjoyment and laughter. The other children treat you no different to any other child.
As midnight approaches you can see the other adults with a mix of curiosity and judgment. Her brother checks his watch and smiles. "Midnight soon, I wonder what will happen if you're still in that dress then?" You quickly start tugging at the dress, Tring to find the words to explain what is going on, even though you don't understand yourself. Your partner checks on you to make sure your not too tired as she straightens your dress. As soon a she tells you to settle down and behave you loose all strength, like your arms stopped working.
You hear the clock strike 12 and suddenly realise none of the adults are giving you strange looks anymore, they come over and say happy new years with a pat on the head.
You turn back and see your partner's brother, his daughter, still in her matching dress, asleep in him arms. "We best get this one to bed", he says starting to head upstairs, he winks over at you disappearing upstairs.
"Come on sweetheart, let's get you to bed" your partner says taking your hand. Obediently you follow, still confused by the whole evening. As you leave those house you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror and giggle how pretty you look.
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Visiting family for Christmas and literally sat here with some girls pull-ups on under my jeans... At least I'm dry!
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Yes you have to wear it all day.
Yes it locks into place.
Yes everyone is going to be there.
Yes the little lights come on when you've wet yourself.
Now stop stalling with questions and lift your arms up so we can get you dressed for your work Christmas party!
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Home Schooled
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I spent least night sleeping in our guest room... 'my room'. I awoke to find a school uniform, pristinely hung for me, and despite its ordinary appearance, wearing it made me feel small, like actor forced to play the role of schoolgirl. Angie didn't need her pocket watch this time. It seems the hypnosis triggered as soon as she told me it was time for school. I obediently got dressed and felt that familiar fog as soon as the dress fell over my head.
Angie has transformed our dinning room into a sort of classroom. It's almost laughable; lined with educational posters suited for a primary school, and there's even a small chalkboard with the day's lessons written: English and Maths.
Today's English lesson involved basic spelling and constructing simple sentences, yet under Angie's fixed stare, I stumbled over "cat" and "dog" as if they were words in a foreign language. She's somehow made it so that what should be child's play now feels like an intellectual mountain. But I kept trying, feeling a stupid compulsion to raise my hand when she asked a question.
The maths was no better. Angie would present a simple addition or subtraction problem, but the numbers swam before my eyes, refusing to add up. Whenever I'd attempt to solve them, the figures would dance and shift, a clear result of Angie's hypnotic influence.
Each time I failed, her disappointment was palpable, yet there was an sense of satisfaction, too. She got off on the control, the power to make the simple complex, the easy impossible!
As the 'school day' ended, she assured me that tomorrow would bring more challenges. I felt mentally drained, as a reward I was allowed to watch cartoons, I hate how excited I feel hearing that stupid pony them tune... but I guess I don't mind a few episodes...
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Trick or Treat
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Yesterday was Halloween, it began ordinarily enough. I returned home from work, wearied from the day's tasks, anticipating a quiet evening. However, the instant I stepped through the door, the atmosphere felt peculiar. The guest room door was cracked open, revealing a soft glow from within, accompanied by hauntingly melodic tunes.
Drawn in, I discovered the room transformed into a nursery. In its midst stood a mannequin draped in a pink dress patterned with black cats and pumpkins. Matching stockings and bulky black boots, together with a witch's hat embellished with miniature jack-o-lanterns, completed the look. Pumpkins hanging from the ceiling swinging almost hypnotically.
From the shadows, my wife, Angie emerged. Her eyes, usually so full of life, had an eerie, vacant stare. She murmured of a long-held fantasy, an unfulfilled Halloween dream. As she spoke, her voice adopted a rhythmic cadence. An overwhelming drowsiness consumed me, her voice echoing in my mind, coaxing, urging me to embody her Halloween vision.
When awareness returned, I found myself donned in the pink dress, hat included. Every action felt distant, as though I were observing myself from afar. Angie steered me from door to door, my voice mechanically reciting "Trick or treat" with each ring.
Though the evening was a haze, awakening the next day brought the memories rushing back. Beside me, Angie, her eyes alight with a chilling excitement, whispered that this was just the beginning, she clicked her fingers and the haze returned I felt my thumb slide into my mouth as I started to suck on it feeling Angie hold me close, I drifted back to sleep.
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Helen's Uni Diary: Year Two
September - Back to Basics
Spill the beans, diary! Nikki and I plotted a full-fledged age regression for Jasmine. Imagined her as a teen, then slowly… even younger. September was teen vibes. Shopping spree for cute school-like outfits - think tartan skirts, knee-high socks, and adorable blouses.
October - Autumn Antics
October's treat? The age play went deeper. Got Jasmine hooked to cartoons and sleepovers. Nikki even did these hilariously juvenile braids! Picture this: Jasmine, in pigtails, clutching a teddy, having a Saturday cartoon binge.
November - Frosty Frolics
Snowy days are for young fun, right? Slid down the age slope further with Jasmine building her first snowman. In a kiddish red coat, mittens, and a beanie, she looked straight out of a children’s winter book.
December - Christmas Craziness
December had to be special. Painted Jasmine as a giddy child awaiting Santa. Her in fuzzy pajamas, leaving milk and cookies, and sleeping under the Christmas tree? Priceless!
January - Playtime Ploys
New year, new plot! Nikki and I pushed Jasmine into more childlike fun. Jump ropes, hopscotch, and dolls. Watching her jump in a poofy jumper with ankle socks and Velcro shoes? A trip down memory lane!
February - Valentine’s Ventures
Went all cupid-crazy for Jasmine! Arranged a kiddie Valentine's party. Picture a room full of hearts, giggles, and kiddish games. Jasmine, in a pink ruffled dress, was the centre of all mushy mischief.
March - Dressy Delights
Alright, diary, March was BIG! Sent Jasmine off to primary school. The hard bit? Convincing the school she was ‘special’. A bit of sneaky hypnosis, and voila! Took her shopping for her uniform - a pastel blue gingham dress, white ankle socks, and black Mary Janes. Getting her in the school spirit? Hypnosis played its part, making her believe she was the school's newbie.
April - Easter Escapades
Easter was classic kiddo fun. The garden was all eggs and giggles. Jasmine, in a bunny-themed dress, hunting with more enthusiasm than any kid on the block? Snap-worthy moments all the way!
May - Sun, Sand, and Surprises
Sun’s out? Beach day! Jasmine, playing with her pink mermaid bucket and spade, wearing a childish one-piece with ruffled edges? Oh, and let’s not forget that messy ice-cream face. She was the beach's darling cherub.
June - Festival Frolics
June’s jive? Making Jasmine the youngest at the summer fest. Dressed in a daisy frock with a matching sun hat, she danced around, spreading childlike cheer everywhere.
July - Movie Mayhem
July's jam? Kids’ movie marathons! Got Jasmine in a kiddie cinema, watching animated classics. Popcorn fights, laughter, and her in a polka-dotted dress? Cinema's tiniest diva.
August - Sweet Endings
August's endnote? Reflecting on the whirlwind year, turning Jasmine from teen to toddler. But hey, diary, the journey isn’t over. Nikki and I have wilder plans, trust. Stick around!
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Helen's Uni Diary: Year One
September - Initiation Antics
Alright, diary, here's the tea! Met Nikki during orientation, and we clicked, like, instantly. Our gossip sessions soon fixated on this chap from the opposite dorm. Looked lost, like a lamb waiting to be led. Lightbulb moment? Let's take him under our wing, stir things up a bit! With some sneaky hypnosis and a sprinkle of mischief, our little project began. No more Mr. Guy-From-Across-The-Hall. Welcome, Jasmine.
October - Pretty in Pink
Plan for October? A total wardrobe redo! Hit the high streets with a vision - Jasmine, but like, super femme! Rows and rows of delish dresses called out. Lured her into trying this pastel pink skater dress – think white polka dots, a silky ribbon, and a flirtatious hem. Paired with white ankle socks and cute Mary Janes. She looked like she stepped straight out of a chic mag!
November - Hair-Do Hullabaloo
Alright, that hair? Desperately needed some fab. Nikki's brilliant idea? A total hair makeover! We watched in glee as our fave stylist transformed that mop into an adorable, curly bob. Topped it with a sparkly hairband. Yass, Jasmine, giving us hair goals!
December - Giggles and Goss
Now, December was all about feeling young and merry. Christmas had Jasmine attached to our sides. Carol singing in that transformed voice and her obsession with that unicorn plushie from Secret Santa? Pure childlike joy.
January - Make-up Makeover
For January? We planned a subtler touch. Not just femme but younger, more innocent. Nikki and I played fairy godmothers, introducing Jasmine to a world of blush, mascara, and soft shiny lip gloss. A face that shouted teen spirit!
February - Valentine’s Vexation
A girly-girl Valentine was the vibe. Teased Jasmine with secret admirer notes. Oh, and the outfit? A youthful red dress, short but not too short, and with delicate lacework. She looked like a teen crushing hard for the first time.
March - Dress to Impress
Here's where the age games began. Imagined Jasmine, not just as a teen but younger. Got her a lavender dress for the uni’s spring event - floral lace, puffy sleeves, and enough tulle to make her twirl. She looked every inch the excited pre-teen.
April - Easter Elation
Easter was about innocence. Vision? Jasmine as a kiddo on an egg hunt. Watching her in that pastel yellow kiddie frock, hunting eggs? Pure gold! Her finding the smallest ones? May have rigged it a tad.
May - Ballet Bamboozle
May's plan? Delight in Jasmine’s childlike wonder. Enrolled her in a beginner's ballet class. Her in a tight leotard, fluffy tutu, struggling with basic moves? Adorable doesn't even cover it!
June - Sunny Daze and Plays
June’s mission? A beach baby day out. Pictured Jasmine building sandcastles, and she did! In a frilly swimsuit, her giggles, and that mermaid-themed bucket and spade? Childhood revisited.
July - Festival Follies
For July, the festival scene beckoned. But Jasmine wasn't just attending, she was living it as a free-spirited child. In a boho dress and a flower crown, she was the festival's little fairy.
August - Reflections and Resolutions
Come August, Nikki and I took a step back to admire our masterpiece. From lost lad to innocent child, it was quite the journey! But, diary, we've only just begun. There's more on the horizon, cheekier plots, and plans. Stay tuned!
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Tech Horror: Boyfriend's Humiliation. Part 4
-Part 4 of this ai generated story
Elaine's next target is none other than Richard, James's best friend. An easy-going, jovial fellow, Richard had fallen for Elaine's charm and manipulation. He finds himself drawn into the delusion of being a part of this unconventional family, Elaine's daughter's stepfather. Elaine uses her technology to manipulate Richard's perceptions, causing him to see Jessica not as his best friend but as Elaine's petulant young daughter.
As Jessica arrives home from her torturous day at school, she finds Richard sitting on the living room couch, a wide grin plastered on his face. Seeing Richard in his home, taking up a place that should be his, forces a surge of resentment to bubble up in Jessica. She's compelled to act out her brattiness under Elaine's influence. She stomps her Mary Janes on the wooden floor, pouts her lips, and throws her school bag on the ground, feigning a tantrum.
"Who is he? Why is he here?" Jessica demands, pointing an accusing finger at Richard, her innocent lisp making the situation even more surreal.
Elaine, reveling in the situation, introduces Richard as Jessica's new stepfather. Richard, believing he is playing the part well, tries to win Jessica over with kind words and promises of fun times ahead. The bitterness and humiliation for James under the facade of Jessica run deep, forced to degrade himself in front of his best friend.
The ensuing days would involve Richard attempting to discipline Jessica, unaware of the horrifying reality beneath. All the while, Elaine watches, her twisted game of manipulation becoming more and more sinister. The lines between horror and sci-fi blur as the protagonists grapple with their manipulated realities, their free will suppressed by Elaine's terrifying technological prowess.
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Tech Horror: Boyfriend's Humiliation. Part 3
-Part 3 of this ai generated fiction
In the classroom, Jessica sits uncomfortably on the tiny chair meant for a five-year-old, squirming as she feels the swimsuit, still damp, clinging to her body under the pinafore. Elaine had calibrated the implant to decrease Jessica's literacy and numeracy skills, making her struggle with even the simplest addition or the shortest of sentences.
The teacher passes out a simple maths worksheet, and Jessica finds herself straining to remember how to perform basic arithmetic. Her peers, real five-year-olds, finish their worksheets, glancing curiously at Jessica as she fumbles with the numbers, her adult memories clashing with the induced limitations of her present state.
In addition to these intellectual barriers, Elaine had programmed in a far more embarrassing change. Jessica, like many of her classmates, is still in the process of being potty-trained. Elaine had made sure that Jessica was even further behind the rest of the class in this aspect. A sensation arises - a pressing need to use the bathroom. Jessica raises her hand, her cheeks blushing deep red as she must ask the teacher for permission, a room full of giggling five-year-olds looking on.
As the teacher hands her a hall pass and an extra set of training pants, Jessica feels the full brunt of her humiliation. She's led to the restroom by a student helper, her training pants rustling conspicuously under her dress. The children snicker and point, and the teacher does nothing to stop them, believing this to be another normal day in a child's life, blissfully unaware of the torment Jessica is enduring.
This day at school, like the ones to come, is filled with such degrading episodes. These experiences underline the extent of Elaine's sadistic manipulation, illustrating the horrifying power dynamic in their relationship and the twisted uses of technology she employs to keep it that way.
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Tech Horror: Boyfriend's Humiliation. Part 2
-Part 2 of this fictional ai generated story.
In line with the typical British primary school uniform, Jessica is clothed in a charcoal grey pinafore dress adorned with the school's crest, a crisp white blouse, and a bold, red, school-branded tie. Knee-length white socks paired with shiny black Mary Janes complete the look. A matching red ribbon in her hair adds to the childlike appearance.
For swimming lessons, Jessica is made to wear a vibrant pink one-piece swimsuit, with a frilly skirt-like attachment around the waist, an addition that Elaine specifically requested to further deepen the humiliation. Her hair is bunched up into two side ponytails, accentuating the forced girlishness.
In one particularly embarrassing scene, Jessica is at the pool, feeling incredibly out of place in her frilly swimsuit among her peers. She's picked to demonstrate a simple swim stroke to the class. As Jessica steps forward, the teacher praises her with overly enthusiastic words, not noting her visible discomfort.
The cheers of her classmates as she steps into the pool are not encouraging but, rather, they echo hauntingly around the swimming pool, a chorus of humiliation. To make matters worse, she's guided onto a float, just like the other children learning to swim, the teacher holding her by her sides, with no respect for the fact that, in reality, she's an adult male.
As she paddles clumsily, the onlooking class breaks into laughter, the teacher doing nothing to quell the chuckles but instead joins in, believing it to be the innocent amusement of children, unaware of the harrowing experience Jessica is undergoing.
James, stuck in the body of Jessica, is helpless as he is subjected to this public degradation, his pleas unheard, his identity overlooked, his dignity fading with each passing second.
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Tech Horror: Boyfriend's Humiliation. Part 1
-This is a fictional story written using AI
The transformation process is elaborate, a terrifying cocktail of high-tech neuroengineering and psychotropics. The woman, a prominent neuroscientist named Dr. Elaine, uses a clandestine prototype neural implant that she's been developing in her basement lab. This implant, once connected to her boyfriend's brain, allows her to manipulate his perceptions and behavior at will.
The implantation process is chillingly surgical. Dr. Elaine uses a specialized robotic arm with nano-precision to ensure accurate placement of the implant. Her boyfriend, sedated, lays helpless on the operating table, the cold sterility of the lab adding to the surreal horror of the situation.
Post-implantation, Elaine presents him with a wardrobe filled with children's clothing, ranging from frilly pink dresses to little floral dungarees. He’s forced to don knee-length socks, Mary Janes, and adorable hair bows to replicate the appearance of a young girl. Elaine gleefully applauds each wardrobe change, savoring the slow and humiliating change.
His day-to-day life transforms into a humiliating carousel of forced childhood. With the power of the implant, she controls his perceptions and actions, pushing him into situations that would further degrade his dignity. He finds himself in the park, pushed onto the swing by Elaine as she coos and giggles, the onlookers’ laughter echoing in his ears.
There are tea parties with Elaine's friends where he's made to pour imaginary tea and offer teddy bear-shaped sandwiches. He's paraded around malls, holding Elaine’s hand, wearing his absurdly juvenile clothes. His once rich vocabulary is degraded into simplistic childish sentences, the implant forcing him to speak with an innocent lisp.
Each situation designed to be more humiliating than the last, each pushing him further and further into a state of emotional despair, highlighting the chilling lengths Elaine would go to satisfy her twisted fantasies. This horrifying blend of science and sadistic pleasure forms the core of this disturbing narrative.
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At The Dentist
It was bad enough that you needed adult braces. Sat in a waiting room with 12 year old boys and girl and their Mummies and Daddies. You sat their with you girlfriend who looked around the room and smiled at you, "Shall we get some ice-cream after this as a reward? Sugar free of course..."
You glowed red and shushed her. She had been teasing you for weeks and after a lot of back and forth you agreed to get the dark blue bands for 'a bit of colour', instead of grey you first wanted.
The dental nurse lead you to the room, you smiled back at your girlfriend who return the smiled before getting out her book. You sat in the chair and felt it tip back, as it did your head felt a little funny, just nerves you reasure yourself.
"So, are we going for grey or a colour, sir?" The dentist asked.
"Dark blue" you say with confidence.
"Oh, very well then, good for you, dark blue it is" the dentist replied with a smile.
You wondered why she reacted how she did, you were sure other adults have colour and dark blue is a mature smart colour.
After some tugging and tightening you felt the metal in your mouth, it's over, the chair sits you back up. As soon as your upright the funny feeling is lifted and the dentist smiles, "All done sir, see you in 8 weeks".
You head back to the waiting room and your girlfriend, "Let's see them then", she smiles a toothy smile, encouraging you to do the same. As you do your girlfriend smiles, the little boys and girls in the waiting room giggle, even some of the parents look like they are holding back a smirk.
A little embarrassed, you close your mouth and your girlfriend leads you out of the wait room by your hand. "I thought you were going for dark blue?" She asks coyly, holding up a compact mirror for you as you get outside.
You are almost speachless as you see the baby pink braces sparkling back. "I, I did ask for blue..." suddenly you remember what you said, "Light pink", and the reaction of the dentist had made sense...
"Good girl" your girlfriend whispers, making you feel at ease, "I think it's a very pretty colour". She sits you down in the car and closes the door for you. As she walks around to the driver's side of the car she marvels at the book in her hands. To anyone looking it was an autobiography of some celebrity, but underneath the fake sleeve read, "Introduction to Covert Hypnosis". You girlfriend spent the rest of the drive to the ice-cream parlour thinking what she might try next.
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Sneak peek at the new series of The Secret Diaries of a Call-girl look like it's taken and interesting turn!
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"Adorable! Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt your alone time" said your sister as she walk around the back of the church. "I guess it all worked out in the end. Even if I never thought I would be my little bro's maid of honour, but here we are... So what are you wedding night plans?".
Your sister was always good at playing dumb, although she was far from it. All your life you would be the one who got in trouble following you sisters genius plans. That and being her guinea pig for her latest inventions. This latest invention however was in a different league.
I was almost 3 years ago now when you came asking for her help, you pleaded with her to fix your relationship. You didn't want to loose the love of your life. And help she did, her invention was simple on the surface, a device to analyse you girlfriend's idea of the perfect partner, then implant encouragement in your mind to help you achieve it.
"Like smoking" she explained, "If her ideal partner doesn't smoke, you would feel a strong urge to quite smoking". You thought this was perfect, you tried to quit a few time, you know your girlfriend hates the smell but you couldn't stick to it. This time it was going to be different!
You had joked before with her about her perfect guy, strong, well dressed, a gentleman. Now thanks to you sister, you would hit your goals. The only problem was you girlfriend was, wether knowingly or not, preferred women.
As soon as your sister turned on the device you knew something was wrong. An image of a beautiful woman was burned into your mind, sweet, gental, elegant, with mouse brown hair. You couldn't escape the image in your head.
The 'encouragement' your sister described was no meer aversion to smoking, it was a desire, an addiction, it consumed and controlled you. Your workouts went from weights to cardio, your meals went from high protein to salads. You spent hours watching makeup tutorials online and once your hair was long enough, you had it coloured and styled to be perfect.
Your sister noticed of course, but any attempt to divert you off your course resulted in nausea and panic. You wanted to stop, you begged your sister but she was unable to help. But the device was never calibrated to work with a lesbian. Even though your sister was unable to reverse the effects you could tell she was still quite proud how effective her machine was.
So more and more you followed your new destiny. Your girlfriend, stunned by her new lust for you after each change kept her from intervening. You couldn't even tell her what was happening as it would conflict with the devices programming deep in your mind.
So here you are now, your wedding day, you wife loves you more than she ever has, and is thrilled that you have adopted a submissive housewife role in your new relationship dynamic.
You wife giggles and turned to your sister, "Well, the next thing is kids, but I don't want to get pregnant and have to stop working". You felt the compulsion rush over you as you turned to your sister with fear in your eyes. "Well, I might have been working on a new device that could help with that" you sister chucked as you helplessly nod and beg for her to try it on you.
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