awinglessduck · 3 months
When you fail to organise anything with friends when you have a Friday night off work so just dress up a little and sip lemonade and rum from a cocktail glass 😂
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awinglessduck · 3 months
Dude someone has straight up stolen my identity on Facebook.
Like wtf and why are you actually french?
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awinglessduck · 3 months
Dude someone has straight up stolen my identity on Facebook.
Like wtf and why are you actually french?
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awinglessduck · 4 months
Why is my dog still awake it's literally 2:30.
Like he normally just wants to sleep all the time but now he's literally walking laps of the house
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awinglessduck · 5 months
Me: Carries and sets up all my uni stuff in an empty quiet kitchen, ready to do an assignment which is due in two days.
Mum (literally a minute after): Sure is a great time to start a conversation about random crap and make a cuppa
Dad(joining the room): Sure is a great time to turn on the TV, which is right behind me and sit on the sofa to watch the cycling incredibly loudly
Me: crying about my decision to do online uni instead of actually going in person
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awinglessduck · 5 months
Absolutely enthralled with a real time lighting map 👀
May be here a while
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awinglessduck · 5 months
Hmmmm, my throat is feeling covid-y.
And I saw someone wearing a face mask on the street the other day. Coincidence?
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awinglessduck · 6 months
Top and bra are straight up to thin for this weather and I didn't realise before going up to a table (with kids) and asking if everything was okay with the food.
I will now be spending the whole day flapping my top to ensure it's loose because that feels like a self caused violation.
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awinglessduck · 7 months
Just found out that one of my friends who's at uni only works a day a week which is fair enough for 3rd year but like another in second year has never worked.
I mean I did open uni and stayed at home so I wouldn't end up in overdraft because the maintenance loan wouldn't even touch the side of cost of living nowadays and I still feel like I physically have to work like 18 hours at least a week because my parents are so productive. So idk it kinda feels like a kick in the teeth that people can not work.
I mean nothing against them but I guess I'm just feeling bitter now.
And now I understand why people have time to do stuff, because I'm in a current state of busyness where I can't just go out on a whim. Or maybe I do have time but it feels like my life is too full with work and not with spending time with people. On the other hand though there's people doing open uni who work full time and have children and are doing the same course as me, so maybe I have it easy.
I just want a break 😞
The longest I've had with no uni and no work since September was 2 days. And it's just too much at the moment.
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awinglessduck · 7 months
Found out there was an inspection suddenly at work and was rushing to get everything labeled and check existing dates only to find out when it's finished that it wasn't a health and safety inspection but building regulations 😐
I mean we still could fail because of the leaking ceiling but honestly save me the heart attack because thats the landlords business not ours.
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awinglessduck · 10 months
I love when you have 0 motivation to write essays. This has been going on 2 1/2 weeks now. Need it done by Tuesday lunch so my brain better sort itself out
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awinglessduck · 11 months
I swear to god uni has such a bad estimated time for the task we have to do
Like it should 4 hours to read a huge chunk of textbook, all of which contents are entirely unfamiliar.
But a quick little revision on stats we learnt last year should take 5 hours
One took me 8 hours the other is getting on to be 25 mins
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awinglessduck · 1 year
Fuck I just got an insta ad to work for the circus.
I'm a clown
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awinglessduck · 1 year
Don't you just love it when the cost of next years uni casually increases by £300.
Like you're already overcharging me for essentially just allowing me access to a course online and marking some assignments, why not charge more, especially when interest rates are so high.
Honestly how can unis charge so much, like the teachers can't even be paid that much based on the fact they've been striking.
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awinglessduck · 1 year
Come back from holiday and had to say to work that I can't work next Saturday.
I work in a restaurant and it's father's Day weekend, other people are off on holiday now🙃
If you don't hear from me my boss has killed me.
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awinglessduck · 1 year
So just found out at my hotel that the drinks dispensers at the buffet aren't included in half-board. Its €6 to use them.
Ive been using them everyday for dinner and breakfast without them saying anything for nearly a week. Ahahaha, it's going to be fun when I check out, odd on me being charged for drinking a glass of water
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awinglessduck · 1 year
Babes I've been writing for 6. 5 hours straight now. I don't know English anymore. This is going to be shite but I just need to finish this.
It's 2:30 am and I've only done 1/3 of this essay due at 12:00pm.
It comes to that time again to ask myself why.
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