awriterscove Ā· 2 years
itā€™s been 3 years since iā€™ve wrote anything on here, and so much has happened.
a lot of ups and downs but the biggest change of all, i have brought two babies into the world. my life is so different now. i am still exhausted, and now i know the real meaning of the phrase ā€œrun off my feetā€ because i never stop and when i do, my brain certainly doesnā€™t.
first born, a beautiful tiny boy. he turned my world upside down and gave me a purpose i never thought iā€™d know. i have woken up every day to his smile and knew that no matter what life would throw at me as long as i got to see that smile everyday i would be ok.
my second, my sweet baby girl. i donā€™t know how we ever did life without her. i was terrified of how she would fit into the family life weā€™d built. how our boy would adapt to no longer being an only child and having to share mummy and daddy. but he did better than i couldā€™ve ever imagined and she is the light in our world we all needed.
i am a mum and i adore it. i sometimes feel like iā€™ve lost the parts of me that made me ā€˜meā€™. but mummy to these two babies is the greatest thing iā€™ll ever be.
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awriterscove Ā· 5 years
i know you had trouble with loving yourself
i wish i couldā€™ve helped more with that
i guess i let the hurt of constantly feeling
actually replace the person i couldā€™ve been for you
cb // excerpt from a poem i wrote
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awriterscove Ā· 5 years
Growing up
part of growing up
is growing apart from those who once
meant the world to you
growing up requires a detachment
from those who hurt you
from the people who you once believed
you would share your life with
the good times and the bad
but growing up
shows you those who matter
and the ones who stay by your side
through the bad
are the ones who will see you through it
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awriterscove Ā· 5 years
itā€™s easy to forget what you have when youā€™re in the midst of going through hell. take a moment to embrace those around you. the beauty in your everyday life. open your window and let the fresh air breathe life into you.
youā€™re stronger than you know.
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awriterscove Ā· 5 years
itā€™s been a while since iā€™ve wrote anything on this blog and i only write here for myself as a way of letting out all these feelings burning me within.
things had been ok. iā€™ve been taking my meds and iā€™ve been breathing deeply at the times when my chest has felt like itā€™s been crushed. i have been doing what iā€™m supposed to and yet iā€™m back at the place i was 3 and a half years ago. breaking the body thatā€™s ecampassing this already broken soul. the only thing keeping me together and telling the world iā€™m ok is the skin i hadnā€™t hurt in over a year. now iā€™m back to wearing long sleeves and dabbing makeup onto the scars that are taking too long to fade. iā€™m smiling to my family and the friends that i still have left and honestly, that in itself is sucking what energy i have left out of me.
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awriterscove Ā· 7 years
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awriterscove Ā· 7 years
sometimes (almost all the time) I wish I could go to sleep and not wake up.
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awriterscove Ā· 7 years
i donā€™t know whyĀ  i inflict physical wounds upon myself i only end up ashamed and embarassed and wishing i was somebody else
i wear long t shirts when everyone else enjoys the sun itā€™s safer to avoid any difficult questions and will prevent hurting anyone
it has never been easyĀ  but i think i have mastered painting my face and being ok with the personĀ  everyone eventually decides to replace
so i smile and say yes iā€™m fine - iā€™m just tired but when my face cracks and my facade falters it is my lies that are suddenly transpired
be gentle when you hold me iā€™m sorry that it has to be this way i know iā€™m a hurricane but please hold on - please stayĀ 
- c.b // awriterscove
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awriterscove Ā· 7 years
Finding music that really connects with your soul is so beautiful. I am sat in my bedroom listening to a song that I have listened to repeatedly and everytime it has resonated somewhere deep within my chest and both stings and soothes my soul. I am fractured and bruised but with every lyric that I am able to hear in my heart, I become just that little less broken.Ā 
I have found refuge in beautiful lyrics and calming melodies. I donā€™t know where Iā€™d be without music.Ā 
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awriterscove Ā· 7 years
Honestly feel like I'm doing something wrong all the time recently. My head hurts from all the conflict going on inside it. Arguing with people never sits right with me, I don't do well with people being mad at me or disliking me, even if it's temporarily. I don't know how to put into words how I feel properly right now, but to shorten it down.. I feel like shit. Again.
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awriterscove Ā· 7 years
I'll lie a little bit and tell you I'm ok. I'll smile when you touch my cheek and ask me if I've had a good day. No amount of pain should be able to mask the love I feel for you; but right now, that is exactly what's happening. I'm tired. Tired of telling you I'm ok when really I am not. It is not your fault, only mine. I don't trust myself not to break down in your arms if you try to run to me and hold me. I don't want you to tell me everything is alright and things will get "better", because you don't know what I need for that to happen.. Like the feelings of normality and being able to function that pills give me, but without the pills. And to be able to hold onto positive feelings and love without letting them slip from my shaky fingers because I'm so afraid. I just want today to be a good day and not a day I have to battle to just get through.
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awriterscove Ā· 7 years
If you asked me tomorrow if I was ok, I could very well smile at you and tell you I am. Whatā€™s more, I could actually mean it. But if you ask me now, that smile wonā€™t reach my eyes; my eyes may glistening and look dazed and my words will sound like choked out whispers. This is the problem with me. I can seemingly be and feel fine one moment and the next feel like my world has come crashing down on top of my already broken back. I can not bare the weight of any more pain and yet I welcome it in, entice it until it embraces me and envelopes me until I am covered every inch by it.
I want to be ok, but my brain keeps telling me that I can not possibly be anything other than a burden and every time that thought finds its way back to me, so does the questioning of whether I really should be here at all.
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