ayinko · 5 years
Brave Heart - Chapter 2
Pairings: Steve Rogers x Warrior Angel!Reader
Summary: You are a warrior angel sent for a mission to catch Thanos and help The Avengers to protect Earth from him, but as you’re doing your mission, someone is impressed by your job.
Words count: 2,502
Warning: Uuumm… mentions of death, but the rest is just fluff.
A/N: I’m finally back! well, seems like school is making me busy everyday, i think it’s gonna be a long gap between each stories, i hope you’re okay with it. Enjoy!
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Chapter 2: Try Me
You open your eyes and see the sunlight peeking through the window, you smiled, seeing the rays shining on your eyes. You sit up and stretch your body and you heard someone speaking,
“Good Morning, Miss Y/N.”
You wiped your eyes, “Good morning, who’s there?”
“I’m FRIDAY, Mr. Stark’s A.I. assistant, I’m also here to help everyone.”
“Oh, good morning, FRIDAY. Is there anyone outside?”
“Yes, Tony and Bruce are in the lab, Bucky and Steve are in the dining room.”
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, Y/N. Have a good day.”
You smiled and then take a shower and walk to the dining room, while you walk, you check some message that your sisters and brothers sent you to your bracelet.
“Morning, new girl?”
You chuckle, “Morning, Nat… and my nam-”
“I know, I’m just calling you out.”
You walk to the dining room next to the kitchen, Steve and Bucky are there, just like what FRIDAY said.
“Morning, boys.” Nat call out.
“Morning.” They both said in unison.
“Hey, what come over here, don’t be shy.” Nat call you who is standing near the table, afraid to make breakfast. “It’s alright, these are free, no one can stop you. Go ahead, knock yourself out.”
You smile and trying to think of what you should make for breakfast. You take a box of chocolate cereal and study it like you never seen it before.
“That’s a cereal, you never saw it?”
“No. I only heard it, does it taste good?”
“Good. Just like how it sounds.”
You smile, and take a milk pour it after the cereal. You sit down on the dining table, and eat the cereal, you raise your eyebrows and nods, tasting the chocolate that tastes good.
“You busy today?” Steve asks you.
“No, not really, I want to test my power and train with my sword, too.”
“Sure, come with me to the gym when you’re done.”
“Alright, sure.”
After you finish you cereal, you put the bowl on the dishwasher and walk with Steve to the gym, when you get in, you’re pretty amazed by the way it looked. It makes you feel calm.
“So… you have a sword?”
“Of course, every Star Warrior have one.”
“Where’s yours?”
“Well, it’s made out of my power, so I don’t have to carry it everywhere.” You extend your hand and the sword shows up from your power, you move your hand to the side, still holding the sword. “It’s called the Astrum. Our special sword.”
“It’s so cool. Can I hold it?”
“Of course!” You hand him your Astrum.
“It’s light, and looks shiny…”
“Yeah, its because it’s made out of a starlight.” You pointed, “And of course if you don’t handle it right, I can take it back.” The Astrum in Steve’s hand then disappeared, he looked confuse and you giggle.
“And what about the full force? I heard that from Thor.”
“That is the main power of Star Warrior stage three.” Your hand started to shine. “Beautiful, isn’t it?” the white and blue rays is surrounding your hand.
“It’s beyond beautiful.”
“Alright, I’m gonna train. Don’t you also wanna train.”
You both walk to your stations, you train in an empty room, with a glass door, while Steve is punching the punch bag.
“FRIDAY, activate sword fighting dummy.”
“Alright then, preparing the dummies.” FRIDAY answered as wooden dummies starts to show.
You started to fight while swinging your sword to the dummies and slice them in half. You move swiftly and fight them smoothly, you punch, kick, and slice the dummies like it’s a pillow. You didn’t notice Steve actually lost his focus on his bag and his head turns to you, watching you as you twirl your sword.
You then cut the last dummy on your right without even looking at it, you twirl your sword once again and put it down beside you. You pant, and sigh while closing your eyes,
“Phew, that was great.” You mutter to yourself.
“It is.” Steve said, crossing his arm while leaning on the door frame.
You look at him and chuckle, “Do I really looked like I’m good at it.”
“You do. In fact, I never saw someone so great at swinging their sword.”
“You saw Clint.”
“I know that, but I actually didn’t see him, it was Nat.”
“Really? I’m not that good.” You scoff.
“Such a liar. I can see it.”
“Fine, fine. Now it’s your turn, show me your skills at punching, go knock out a punching bag.”
“Okay.” Both of you walk to the station and you sit near him, watching him as you drink a water.
You smirk as you watch him punching it, you know he can knock it off, but how long? After a while, he literally knock the bag off the wall, making it crash to the ground.
“Not too bad… you knocked it in 3 minutes.”
“Of course, I’m Captain America.”
“You show off.” You rolled your eyes.
“Was that wrong?”
“Totally wrong, you gotta be kidding me about that, I can knock that off in 2 minutes.”
Steve then walk inside the boxing ring, while you only sit near it, enjoying your water while taking out a dagger and learn it.
“Well, how about… we have a fight? You and me, right here.” He challenge.
“Oh, no Steve, I don’t want to.”
“Oh, you baby, you said you’re strong.” He began to burn the anger in you, but you try to hold it.
“I know, but I’m afraid I’ll hurt you.”
“Well then, you’re weak. Afraid to try.” He sass in front of you, but you still try to hold it. You know he’s trying to make you fight him.
“Steve please… just don’t, okay?”
“I can’t believe a warrior is afraid.”
“Don’t try me, Steve.”
“Oh, you know I can’t be hurt.”
“Steve… don’t.”
“Then you’re weak, Y/N.”
“Fine! I’ll go.” You stand up get into the ring.
“Now that’s a warrior.”
“Warrior is stronger than a captain.”
“Prove it.”
He then try to land a punch on your face but you quickly hold it and kick him back, he jolted backwards. You run to him and pull his shirt, making him fall forwards and drop him down, he gets up again but you already land him light and quick punches to keep him disturbed. Then you wrap your legs around his neck and roll him down.
“Is that ‘warrior’ enough?”
“Nope.” He said with a smirk, but you’ve had enough, you take out your sword and he raised his hands in defeat. “Alright, that’s enough.”
You walk away from him to get your water and make your way outside of the gym.
“Please don’t try to piss me off, Rogers. You know the risk.”
As you close the gym door, he sigh, closing his eyes as he look down. Cursing to himself, he regretted to ask you to fight with him; it was a mistake. He thought it would go the other way.
You walk to the lab where Bruce and Tony were, you walk inside to see the two men, trying to figure something out.
“Gentlemen.” You smile, and they both look at you. “What’re you up to?”
“Ah, we’re just tryna make a blaster or some sort. With a strong power source, but efficient.” Tony said.
“Why not using my power? It’s light, powerful, and not really that harmful for some occasions.” You suggested.
“But you know that power isn’t yours, right?” Bruce asks you.”
“I know, so you can use it for a prototype or concept, maybe?”
“But how can you use it if that is someone else’s?” Tony put a hand on his chin.
“You know, I could’ve just use this.” You show him your bracelet.
You called the Grand Leader, then he showed up on the hologram that the bracelet shows.
“My dear Y/N, I there any problem?”
“No, Grand Leader. It’s just… Tony Stark here, wanted to make a blaster, I ask him to use my power. Would you let me use it?”
“Well, of course… show me Stark.” You nod and move the hologram with your hand to an empty place. The face of the Grand Leader now show up in the big hologram, “Hello, Tony Stark.”
“Grand Leader.”
“You want to make a weapon?”
“Yes, me and Bruce have been trying to make one.”
“Well, I’ve let Y/N use her power to complete the weapon you’re making.”
“Thank you…” Tony nods, “And I have a question…”
“What is it?”
“Why do you sent her here, Grand Leader?”
“You mean, Y/N? Oh, it’s because the problem here is very big, Thanos is coming. I need to send my best Warrior down, because I’m afraid to lose my apprentice again.”
“Oh, I understand.”
“Now, you go create your weapon with Y/N. I have something to take care.”
“Alright, thank you for the time, Grand Leader.” You said, and then you close the hologram.
“The Grand Leader once lost someone?” Tony ask you worriedly.
“Yes. My brother, Charlie. He is sent to stop the Kree from destroying other creatures, but he ended up got killed.”
You then walk to the table where the weapon is assembled, you pick it up and disassemble it, and put away some things.
“Hey, hey, hey… what’re you doing?”
“If you put it like this, this will be lighter and smaller, not wasting so much space inside.” You hold up the gun to look around it, and you put it down.
You walk away a bit, and prepare yourself, “Guys, you might wanna move aside, this will be bright.”
You started to ignite the full force and shoot it to the weapon. The weapon is now absorbing and charging from the power. Bruce and Tony are covering their face from the bright power. After it’s fully charged, you stop, you walk to the weapon and take it, you test it by shooting it to an empty space. Tony’s eyes widened.
“You mad or something?”
“No. I’m pissed.”
Tony rolled his eyes, and you walk out, Tony did say thank you to you and you replied gladly. You’re very pissed this noon, Steve really makes you want to throw anything in the facility to him.
“You alright?” Nat ask you while sitting beside you on the kitchen counter.
“Obviously not.”
“It’s Steve, right?” You look at her in shocked.
“Wait… did he told you?”
“No… well yes, technically. I saw him so upset in the gym, and yeah… he felt guilty and awful.”
“I don’t know, I jus-”
“Come on… don’t be depressed. How about you come with me?”
 “Nat, why are we here?”
“It’s a great place right?”
“Well… we’re still in the facility, but only by the river.”
“But this looks good, right?”
Wanda then come to both of you, bringing coffee for Nat and a cold chocolate for you, also brought some sandwich for all of you.
“Hey, Y/N. I heard what happened between you and Steve… I know it pissed you off, but he really wanted to prove himself he’s a good guy for you.”
“I think I know that.” Your smile fade away slowly, “But, I’m disappointed because he did that.”
Wanda and Nat look at each other and smirk.
“Do you like him?”
“Uuh- no- I mean, I’m- just- disappointed. That’s it.” You stammer, making them giggle at you. You sigh. “Guys, I’m serious… I’m very sad and upset because he did that.”
“Yeah, we know… but if Steve ask you out, would you accept it?” Nat looks at you.
You took a moment to look down and sip your chocolate, “Yeah… I’ll give him a go. Maybe, he’s just joking a bit, but he took it too far. He’s not doing it on purpose, I know it.”
Wanda and Nat smiles, and Wanda put a hand on your shoulder, “Well… you wanna say sorry to him?”
“Not now, the sunset looks too special too be left.”
You three then sit down while binge-watching the sunset from the dock. You keep talking about the good lives of all of yours, until it’s almost dinner time. All of your drinks and foods are all emptied, but your talking is not done at all.
“Girls, I think it’s time for dinner, you’ve been talking here for hours.” Steve call out, stopping the conversation you are having.
Steve walks closer to the dock with Bucky and Sam, while all of you are smiling, especially Nat and Wanda, hoping you both would say sorry.
“Alright, let’s go back, shall we?” Nat stand up.
Wanda and Nat are now walking with Bucky and Sam back to the facility, while you walk back with Steve, with a ten-inch gap between you two.
“Hey, Y/N.”
“I’m sorry-” You both said it together and stop, he then rub his hand on his neck as you fidget your hand while you both look away from each other.
“I just-”
“I know.” You cut him off.
“I understand, you felt guilty for what happened in the gym, but… I’m also way too harsh on you, I shouldn’t do that… I’m a guest, I’m not allowed to do that.”
“Thank you for understanding. But sorry too, I didn’t do that on purpose, I thought you’re a playful person… but…”
“I get it, Steve… now how about we forgive each other and go eat dinner?”
“Yeah, that’s better.” Steve smile to you.
You both walk back, and you felt the cold wind is hitting your skin hard, because you only use a t-shirt and sweatpants. His hands are in his bomber jacket, but then he notice you hissing and putting your hands on your arms to keep you warm.
You sigh, letting go the cold air from you, you never thought Earth would be this cold, but you like the cool sensation of the night, it suits the dark part of the day. Then you feel something wrap around your shoulders, you see Steve is not wearing his jacket anymore. He gave you his jacket to keep you warm.
“Use it, you’ll feel warm.”
“Thank you.” You smile and wear the jacket.
“You’re welcome, Y/N.”
You both then walk to the building and eat dinner and all of you walk back to your rooms after you finished.
“Steve!” You called him, “Your jacket, you-”
“No, no… keep it… it suits you.”
You feel heat starts to rush on your cheeks and you smile softly, “Thanks… I’ll keep it for you.”
“Goodnight, Steve.” You turn away.
“Goodnight, Y/N.” You both walk to your rooms to go to bed.
You walk into you room and you giggle at how sweet Steve was this evening, you put your arms around you to hug the jacket Steve gave you, does this means you like him? You pause for a while to think, and you just smile and whisper silently, hoping no one will heard it,
“I think I love you, Steve Rogers.”
Feedbacks are absolutely appreciated! <3
@maddie-laufeyson @whynot3027
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ayinko · 5 years
if any of you are waiting for any of my stories, please forgive me for not posting for more than two weeks. I'm very sorry, because school is getting active and homeworks are everywhere. I'll try my best to post at least a post this weekend. I'm very sorry for your curiosity, especially for 'Brave Heart'
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ayinko · 5 years
Jump In
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: When you and Bucky can’t sleep, you both found yourself enjoying the warm water on the pool.
Words count: 1,201
Warning: Just fluff and touching each other (does that even counts as a warning?), and the scene is kinda hot, also an insomnia!reader (not too much)
A/N: Okay, so this is quick story… so please, if there’s some mistakes, forgive me…
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You kept on shifting the bed, changing positions to sleep in, you turn from left to right, forcing to close your eyes, tried to do anything just to make you fall asleep. Seems like the night is unfair to you tonight.
“FRIDAY, is everyone asleep?” you say as you watch the ceiling.
“I’m not sure if everyone is really sleeping, but I can assure you that everyone is in their room.”
You sigh, still watching the plain white ceiling, thinking about what to do. You imagine something soothing, like the wind, a calming empty field where you can sit on and play with the grass, a view of an ocean… water… the place where water is calm. You sit up and sit on the edge of your bed, you know where you should go.
You walk to your closet to get a simple swimsuit and take a jacket and a jeans. You wear a black, one-piece swimsuit, but not showing your body too much so you won’t get cold. You wear jeans and a warm sweater and bring a spare clothes, you then walk downstairs to the facility pool. You take off your sweater and jeans and start to get inside the pool and slowly swim, you’re surprised that the water is warm.
“Is that the right temperature, Y/N?” FRIDAY asked you.
“It’s perfect, thank you, FRIDAY.”
“You’re welcome, I hope this can calm you.”
You smile and then continue to swim around the pool while enjoying the soothing water around you.
Bucky gasp as he wakes up with cold sweat glistening on his forehead. He look at the clock that says 22.47, he gets up and walk to his bathroom to wash his face.
“Yes, Bucky?”
“Is the gym open?”
“I will open it for you if you wanted to.”
“Yeah, I’ll be right there in a moment.”
“Affirmative.” The A.I. answers.
He walk to the gym and went to the punch bag, he started to punch the bag to transfer his anger and stress to the bag. He kept on giving the bag a hard punch until he groan, trying to remove the nightmare from his head. He then sit down on the chair near the bag, he put his head on his hands, trying to calm himself down, he wipe the sweat on his head and get a water to drink.
He then heard water splashing from the pool outside the gym. He look outside to see you laying your back on the water while closing your eyes. He then walk out of the gym and walk to you.
“Still swimming in this hour?” Bucky ask to you.
“Well, you’re also at the gym, though. Kinda fair.”
“You saw me?”
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I notice someone who is punching a bag so hard, that he roar like a lion.”
“Oh god…” He mutters.
“It’s alright, I’m also kinda stressed.”
“Can I join? It looks chilling.”
“Sure go ahead.”
He nods and he walk to a chair to take off his t-shirt and walk to the pool. You can say that you’re admiring his abs, because you can’t stop looking at it. He then slowly walk into the pool and dip his body inside the warm pool, you smile, watching as he enjoys the water.
“Feeling calm already?”
“Yeah, I think so.” He look at you. “Can’t sleep?”
“Yeah, seems like sleep doesn’t agree with my brain.” He chuckles and you just continue to swim.
Bucky is watching you as you swim across the pool, the way you move swiftly was angelic. He love the view of you enjoying the water. You move around diving and swimming again, while Bucky is watching you.
“Don’t you just stay there, come on, swim at least.”
He chuckles and start to swim and move around the pool. You were quite calm for a moment when you swim around, until you feel Bucky’s arms wrapping around your waist from behind and you squeal. You then splash a water on him and swim away, you both chase each other while laughing lightly because of fun.
You both keep on chasing each other until he catch you again and you turn around, holding onto his shoulder as he picks you up, holding you in his arms. You watch his blue eyes as they look at yours.
“Hey, Bucky…”
“Hey, doll…”
“Doll?” He blush as you say it.
“I-I’m sorry, I just- I just…” he looks away.
“I like it.” You stop him from stammering.
“You- you do…?”
“It’s alright, Bucky…” You blush and hide your face.
“Don’t hide it, Y/N… you look beautiful.”
You look up to meet his eyes, “Oh, you’re cute, Bucky.”
“But I mean it-”
You dive down to the water and he joins you. You’re still down there and not moving and he’s now in front of you. You can see him for a bit and you move closer as do him, and you put your hands on his shoulder while he slowly put his hands on your cheeks, cupping it. You both lean closer and close the gap between you two, he put his lips on yours and you close your eyes, receiving his kiss passionately.
You both hold each other as you kiss underwater. His hands are on your waist and your hands are now on his neck. You both feel that both of you are slowly floating up to the surface, he then holds you in one hand while the other tries to swim up. You both then make it to the surface while still holding each other.
You both chuckle and look to the side, then back again. You smile to him while he is admiring the angelic look of your face. He then lean in again and you both kiss again.
“Do you love me? I think you love me.” He said.
“For you? It’s alright, you’re cute, though.”
He chuckles, “Thanks… are you gonna go to sleep?”
“With you? If it’s with you, I’ll be alright.”
“So that you won’t be lonely when you wake up?”
“Yeah… we both felt being insomnia.”
“Exactly…” You both swim to the edge.
You walk up to the ground and you hiss at the cold wind, you quickly use your towel and wrap it around your body. He is also feeling cold and he quickly dries himself in his t-shirt.
“Seriously? Are you just gonna dry yourself with your clothes?”
“Yeah, why?”
You shake your head while sighing, “Here, use it. It fits you.” You give him your oversized t-shirt that you brought for spare.
“Thanks.” He use it and once you’re a bit dry, you use your jeans, still using a towel.
“Come on.” Bucky tell you to go with him.
You then both walk up to his room and take a shower for a while and then prepare to sleep. You try so hard to sleep but still can’t, he knows it and quickly wrap his arms around you, trying to hold you to make you fall asleep. You then sleep on his chest, and he’s quite surprised that you sleep calmly in his arms, he then kiss your forehead and also drift off to sleep.
Feedback are absolutely appreciated! <3
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ayinko · 5 years
Brave Heart – Chapter 1
Pairings: Steve Rogers x Warrior Angel!Reader
Summary: You are a warrior angel sent for a mission to catch Thanos and help The Avengers to protect Earth from him, but as you’re doing your mission, someone is impressed by your job.
Words count: 2,298
Warning: nothing.
A/N: Guys, taglist is still open, so tell me if you wanna keep updated! Hope you like it!
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The Avengers is now just eating lunch on the dining table, silently, while enjoying the burger Tony bought for everyone.
“Why did you buy us burgers, Tony?” Natasha ask him as she bite her burger.
“Because, that’s the easiest food we can get. Plus, no one said no when I asked, so I went for it.”
“Well, not so bad for an easy food.” Sam reply.
“Thanks. See, no one is complaining, right? It’s the easy and tasty food we can get.”
The lunch went silent again, until Steve ask,
“No updates or mission for now?”
“Nope, everything is find. FRIDAY and I check for threats and stuff, nothing is really that big.”
“Well are you sure?” Steve raised his eyebrow, making Tony look at him, confused.
“Of course, I do. Well, we don’t know what will happen, but for now we ar-“
“Boss.” FRIDAY interrupted.
“Yes… FRIDAY?” feeling disturbed.
“There is something entering the atmosphere, and it’s heading near us. 3 miles to the west.”
Steve stands up to see where the thing is, he pointed to a white light falling down to the ground.
“It’s right there.”
“Okay now, we gotta check what it is. Hope it’s not some space ship.” Tony gets up, putting on his iron suit.
“Really? We’re eating right now.” Nat shrug her shoulders.
“Alright… Steve, you’re done eating right? Why don’t you come with me?”
“Fine, but if I throw up in the middle you’re responsible for it.”
“Okay, I’ll pick you up.” Tony smirk.
Tony then fly with Steve to the location, Tony hold Steve’s arm while Steve is dangling in the air.
“Are you sure that’s ‘something’? Because, I don’t hear any blowing sound or smoke.”
“Yep, I don’t either.”
They then land near where it is, they hide behind trees and look at where it is, Tony opens his helmet and look at Steve, nodding at each other. They walk closely near where it fell, and they hear a groan. They look at each other confusedly and walk even close.
“Why did he make my body stiff?” you mutter.
“It’s a girl?” Steve ask.
“I don’t care.”
You stretch your body and then you heard some said from behind.
“Hands up!” Tony said.
You look at where the sound came from and chuckle. They’re pretty surprised to see a girl, not some big object falling form the sky. Steve quickly stunned their by her beauty but quickly snaps back.
“No, I won’t hurt you, boys.” You said as Tony walks closer. “I come in peace, really.” You laugh and look down.
“You fell from the sky?” Steve look at the trees around you.
“Yes, I did.”
“And you’re not hurt?”
“No. Not at all.” Steve and Tony look at each other by your words.
“How can you fell from space to Earth with high speed and power, but you didn’t burn any tree, left any big path, you only left a scratch?” Tony makes it clear.
“Look… I come in peace. I’m not here to damage Earth, I’m here to help you.” You tried to get up. Steve lend you a hand but you wave your hand in disagreement, “Nope, I got it.”
“Help us what…?”
“The Earth is gonna be attacked, Mr. Stark.” You get up. They look at you with confusion, “Captain.” You nod.
“How do you know us?”
“I’m here with all the knowledge I need to know about Earth and what’s inside it, including the Avengers.” You clean your white suit from the dirt with your hands.
Tony and Steve looked at each other in confusion, trying hard to decide which one is true and not.
“Are you sure you’re not gonna hurt us?”
“No, I’m not going to. This is my duty, and it’s also my mission.” You sigh, “Why don’t we talk about it inside, so that everyone can hear this?”
Steve shrug his shoulder to Tony and he nods. All of you then walk back to the building and walk to the dining room.
“What was it?” Nat asked.
“It was a person, a girl, to be detailed. And she said she’s gonna help us.” Tony said as he move aside to show your form.
You walk forwards and introduce yourself, “Hi, everyone. My name Y/N Y/L/N, and I’m a-”
“A star angel.” Thor interrupted you.
“Ah, Thor. It’s been a long time.”
He chuckles, “Last time I saw you, you were a baby. I met the Grand Leader, he said you’re the one, and now, you are.”
“You know her?” Sam asks.
“Yeah, I do. See, if a Galaxy Entity is sent somewhere, they really are saving the place, so… she’s not joking and trustable, fully trustable.”
“So… what’s the problem?” Wanda straight up asking.
“Thanos is coming here in three days, to get the Mind Stone and the Time Stone, he will get the Mind first, which is to Vision. I’m here to tell you that he will bring the Chitaurian army, just to take down the Avengers and get the stone. I will help you all to stop him and bring him back to my place to be arrested forever.”
“Where will he start the battle?” Bucky put his hands on his head, supporting it.
“Near here, you gotta prepare yourselves.”
“Alright, you heard her. You can continue to your lunch now.” Steve clears up.
“Y/N, can I talk with you for a while?” Thor asks you.
You smile, “Of course.”
“Come with me.” You walk to Thor and walk around the facility.
“So… what do you want to know?”
“How’s the Grand Leader?”
“He’s very great, he still remember you. He said that to me yesterday.”
“Huh, your mom is… Martha, right?”
“No, that’s my grandmother, Thor. My mother is Francesca.”
“Oh, yeah… Francesca. Anyway, what stage are you in now?”
“Now, I’m a stage one Star Angel.”
Thor hums, “Well, the Grand Leader told me when I was here. He told me that he knew you will be the one, his best angel. He saw it in your eyes, there’s a little spark that can light the whole world.”
You smiled brightly, “Thank you, the Grand Leader also told me that.”
“Well, I never thought you will go to Earth. Or any Star Warrior will ever go to Earth.”
“Well, the Grand Leader said that Star Warrior don’t need to go to Earth because Earth have the Avengers. But there’s only one problem, humans cannot know everything, that’s why the Grand Leader sent me here, to tell you. And Thanos is also one of our worst enemies, we need to bring him to our prison for a saver future. Also, you know Thanos is so strong, right?”
“Yeah you’re right, not all of the Avengers can beat him easily.” He nods.
“Correct. Thor, you’ve been with the Avengers for years, right? What does it feels to be with the Avengers for years? I see every one of you have different abilities and power, it sounds fun, rather than I, who live with people who reached for the same goal, learning the same things, and have the same power.”
“Well… I also thought mortals can never feel like us. But I was wrong, all these people feels like second family to me. They helped me, have fun with me, and also work with me. I know them as well as they knew me, we were once have different opinions, but once we’re all together, we started to understand each other and learn to agree and work with each other.”
“Wow… it must’ve been nice to live with them… all I can do is just wait for orders, if the Grand Leader doesn’t allow me, then I can’t stay here…”
“Oh, Y/N… maybe he will understand you one day…”
“Maybe he knows it now.”
He chuckles, “So… you must’ve had a special weapon… right?”
“Oh yes, I have. I have the Astrum, the stage three sword.” You extend your hand to him to show the white small knife to him. “Well, the Astrum can change form, but just big and small, but this is the example.”
He takes the knife and study it, “Can I keep it?”
You close your knuckle and the knife on Thor’s hand disappear,
“No, every weapon that is created by the full force goes back to it’s real form, cannot be taken.”
Thor’s smile turns into a pout quickly, he then look at you  like a child that didn’t get ice cream. You just giggle at the way he look at you.
“Well, I still have my Stormbreaker, I don’t need your little dagger.”
“Maybe you can try it later, Thor.”
You both walk back to where everyone was at, you sit down on one of the chairs and the girl beside you look at you.
“Have you learned the whole place?” Wanda ask you.
“Yeah, Wanda. Seems like this place is totally amazing.”
“Glad you liked it, and how do you know my name?”
“My Grand Leader told me everything I need to know about the Avengers. And I gotta admit it, I do like your power, that is the strongest power I’ve ever heard.”
“Thank you… hey, I think you need to change, we’re not in a battlefield.” She tap your shoulder, “Come with me.”
You walk into a room, it’s pretty comfy, you look around and quickly notice that it’s her room. She’s looking through the closet and hand you a t-shirt and shorts.
“Use this, I never used it and it looks like it’ll fit you.”
“Thank you.” You smiled.
You changed in the bathroom and when you walk out, you take your suit and hold it in your hands.
“Not bad.” Wanda nods.
You both walk outside and sit back to the dining room. And Tony and Peter walks in.
“Hey, uuhh… anyone wanna go to the pool? We’re gonna watch movie there.”
“That sounds fun, let’s go tin-man.” Sam quickly responded while pulling Bucky.
“I don’t wanna watch movies, Sam. And don’t you dare push me to the pool!” Bucky said as his voice fade away.
“Well, I’m going. You wanna go, Steve?” Nat gets up from her seat.
He looks at you, “Well… uuh… yeah, I’m coming with you, Nat.”
“Oh, and Y/N? You have a room downstairs, beside Wanda’s room.” Tony adds.
“Oh, thanks, Tony.” You get up to walk to your room with Wanda.
You both walk inside your room and you put your suit in the closet, as you set up your closet, you ask Wanda,
“Anyone has their mind on me?”
“Yep, I think he’s blown away by your beauty.”
“Tell me who it is.”
“Ah, he’s very predictable.”
“Your guesses are good.”
“I can see the way he looked at me… is he really…-”
“Yes. He does have feelings for you.”
“Hmm… well, he’s cute…”
“We’ll see his actions later. Come on.” You join her, walking to the pool.
You then walk to the pool where everyone is there, you see Bucky is in the pool, seems like Sam did push him. You and Wanda then sit in the chair that was saved for both of you. The Avengers are now watching Star Wars, in marathon. You never thought that the Avengers would quickly accept you in the team, guess they are great people, rather than only strong heroes.
You watch the movies until almost midnight. Everyone is so tired and went to their rooms except you, you sit on the edge of the pool, taking a blue pin and put it on your wrist, it opens and turn into a bracelet with a screen on it. You push some buttons on the screen and an earpiece come out and use it in one of your ear, the bracelet now shows a hologram of Lori.
“Hey, Lori… how’s everyone?”
“Everyone miss you, Y/N… How is Avengers?”
“They’re the best. I can’t believe they’re more than I thought. I even got my own room! Oh, it’s a great place with great people, I felt welcome.”
“Glad to hear that… I wish I can be there with you.”
“You will, maybe one day I will bring you here to my friends here.”
“Woah… okay then, I gotta go. See you, sis.”
You put the earpiece back to the bracelet and you sigh, you feel happy in this facility, you thanked Grand Leader for sending you here.
“Can’t sleep?” A voice behind stopped you from smiling, and you look over your shoulder.
“No, Steve… I was just talking to my friend.” You chuckle.
“Yeah, I heard that.” He walk to you and sit beside you. “Does any Star Warrior ever been to Earth?”
“No. Not any of us has been here, because Earth have its best defender.”
He giggled, “You’re not wrong… Y/N, can I know your power?”
“Of course, you can. It’s the power of the star and used to be called ‘full force’. The power is lovely, you can burn, power a machine, blasting, and punching. But I can’t fly, that’s the Shooting Star’s power.”
“Shooting Star?”
“Yes, the Star Angel’s commando leader, like a captain, like you.”
Light red starts to show on his cheeks, but he hide it, “Wow uuh… that’s amazing… can you be a Shooting Star?”
“Well, consider that I am now a Warrior stage one, maybe if the Grand Leader wants me to be promoted, I can be a Shooting Star.” You both look at the starry sky.
“No need, you’re already are a shooting star for me.” Steve mutter to himself, but you heard it.
“Oh, uuh…- no- nothing.” His cheeks turn red.
You giggle, “You’re cute, Steve.” You stand up, “Goodnight.”
“Goodnight.” He sigh.
You walk out while smiling, guess he likes you.
Feedbacks are absolutely appreciated <3
@maddie-laufeyson @whynot3027
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ayinko · 5 years
Brave Heart - Prologue
Pairings: Steve Rogers x Warrior Angel!Reader
Summary: You are a warrior angel sent for a mission to catch Thanos and help The Avengers to protect Earth from him, but as you’re doing your mission, someone is impressed by your job.
Words count: 1,108
Warning: I don’t know, maybe just fighting (?)
A/N: Brave Heart is starting!! Taglist is open and I can’t wait to write the story. I had this idea and I think it’s worth a story, so… I hope you like it!!
Masterlist | Series Masterlist
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You are a Star Warrior, angel who was born from the Star Nation. Every people have jobs, from protecting and defending, taking care for the nation, until defending other nations or planets. You were born and chosen to be a Star Warrior, and only Star Warrior named as an angel. You were very brave, but kind, you never let down your Grand Leader, he’s proud of you. You’re not alone as an angel, you have brothers and sisters from your nation until other nations.
You are the best Star Warrior from the rest of your sisters and brothers, that’s why you are the Star Angel. Other nations like Sun, Moon, and Comet, also have one, but they also different Grand Leader, so they have different jobs, too. Even if you are an angel, you don’t have any wings, but you’re gifted with great strength and memory, also a special sword, Astrum, and a power, the full force of a star.
You really are great on defending and attacking, people trust you for anything they asked for. And you gladly and happily did for them, that makes you a special person.
“Y/N.” The Grand Leader called you from his throne room. You walk in the room and kneel on one knee in front of him.
“Yes, Grand Leader?”
“I have a mission for you, a very unique one.”
“Tell me, Grand Leader.” You look at him as you smile brightly.
He chuckled, “You will be sent to C-53 or Earth, to catch Thanos. He will go to Earth in 5 days, just to get the Mind Stone and the Time Stone, he will get the Mind first, from an Avenger called Vision. You have to stop him and bring him back to us before he gets to Vision. I will send you down near the Avengers facility, so they notice and let you stay with them.”
“I will so as you say, Grand Leader.”
“Remember, Y/N. He will bring the Chitaurian, and you need to be careful. And once you put the handcuffs on him, I will quickly send you up. Understand?”
“Yes, I understand. When will I go down there?”
“In two days, Y/N.”
“Alright, thank you, Grand Leader…”
You walk out of his room and walk to your room, you see from out of the windows, your sisters and brothers are training. You are very glad that you live in this beautiful place, where everyone live in harmony. You wish everyone could live just like you, but no matter what, you understand that people have agrees and disagrees and that’s where opposition begins, it can lead to conflict and leads to chaos, fighting, and ends up with downfall.
You sigh, remembering Thanos, the chaos maker. Sire, he has a point, but some people disagrees, and you’re afraid planets and galaxies will end up in downfall if they don’t agree with Thanos. And you don’t want Earth or any other planet to end up destroyed by the Mad Titan, that’s why keeping him in your nation maybe a great solution the Grand Leader had.
You heard a notification sound and you look to your monitor, there’s a message from the Grand Leader, it’s all the information about the Avengers and Earth, you read them until night. You’re quite surprised to them, you never thought Earth is that amazing.
You had breakfast and walk down to the field to meet your siblings, they are not really born from the same mother as you, but Grand Leader always tell all of you to love them like your own sibling, that’s why you call each other that.
“Good Morning, Lori.” You smiled to your best sister.
“Morning, Y/N.”
“Hey, I heard you got a mission to Earth, is that true?”
“Yes, I got it. I will go tomorrow, I think it’ll be fun.”
“Yeah, I’m sure you can do it. You’re the best angel now.”
“Oh, come on Lori…” You shake your head, “So… have you reach stage 2?”
“Yeah, I did. I did the promotion mission perfectly, and Grand Leader was proud of me, but not as proud to you who is now in stage 3.”
“Oh, come on, Lori. I don’t care about my stage, I care about safety. I want everyone to be safe.”
“I know, I got you, girl. That means you have the full force now?”
“Yeah, and I got Astrum. You’re lucky you have Asteria, it has the nicest look. Well, I know that Astrum can change form and do stuff, but for practice? Asteria is better, rather than Artemis that’s for beginners.”
“Yeah, Artemis is very, very small and bit blunt, because it’s for beginners, make sense, sis.” She smiled. “Hey can you show me the full force? I wanna see, you never showed it to me.”
“Oh yeah, I forgot. I was just about to practice that too.”
You push the button on the pole near you, you’re now closed in a transparent box that should protect the others from your shot or the shooter machine’s shot. Inside the box, there are some target and shooter, all surrounding you. You ignite the white and blue power, clenching your fist closed. You watch the targets and shooters around you, marking them one by one, the monitor shows your time that is set on 1 minute, while the A.I. counts down from five.
“3… 2… 1… begin!” the A.I. speaks and you quickly swing you right arm to the back, going over your left shoulder transfer a ball filled with power to the target behind you and shoot another with your left arm to the target on its side.
Both of your arms swing back to the front, shooting two target at once and you kneeled to dodge the shooter from behind you and quickly jump and flip back as you shot the both shooters down. You kept run, jump and dodge while shooting shooters and targets quickly and simply. You then shoot the last two shooters, you shot to the front and kneeled on one knee as your arm extend to the back, shooting the last shooter as you dodge the shot.
You look down while panting as the A.I. said, “Y/N Y/L/N, you succeeded the ‘full force training’, you hit all 20 targets and 20 shooters in one minute.
You hear clapping and look up to see your siblings are all cheering at you. The box is now disappeared, and you look at everyone while smiling.
Lori look at you, looking very proud “Great job, Y/N! you’ll make it out for your mission.”
“Yeah, I hope I will…” You mutter, more to yourself.
Feedbacks are absolutely appreciated! <3
@maddie-laufeyson @whynot3027
46 notes · View notes
ayinko · 5 years
Brave Heart - Masterlist
Pairings: Steve Rogers x Warrior Angel!Reader
Summary: You are a warrior angel sent for a mission to catch Thanos and help The Avengers to protect Earth from him, but as you’re doing your mission, someone is impressed by your job.
Warning: I don’t know, maybe just fighting and fluff (?)
A/N: Brave Heart is here!! And I’ll try to update it as fast as I can. Anyway, i’m not really that good at making aesthetics, so please don’t mind it, this is my first series too :/
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Status: Ongoing
Chapter 1: I’m Alright
Chapter 3: Feels Great
Chapter 4: Be Brave
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ayinko · 5 years
Nothing Else
 Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Rich! Reader (High School AU)
Summary: You are in a prom party, but you were too bored for the party, then you meet Bucky, the boy from the class next to yours. You then had a little runaway together, and you never know it leads to something else.
Words count: 3,286
Warning: Swearing, smoking, lots of fluff!
A/N: I was sad today and I just got the idea for this story. Hope you like it!! And thank you for the likes and reblog for ‘I Want to Hold You’ and ‘Soldier, Start A Fire’!! I really appreciated everything you gave for me, and if you have any idea or anything for me, please submit it on the link in the bio.
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You stand in front of your full-body mirror, you tidy you’re A-Line off-shoulder navy dress and walk to your vanity table. You make sure your make up is not too much, you just applied nude and soft-colored make up around your face. You take your purse and walk to downstairs to the front door, your house is very big, consider your dad is an oil company executive director, a big house is just what rich people used to have. You’re grateful that you can buy whatever you want thanks to your dad, but you still loved simple and classic, instead of showing off your glory and glamour to people.
You walk out of the front door and you’re greeted by your driver, Paul.
“Paul, where’s mom and dad?”
“You haven’t know? They went to Paris for a week.”
“Oh, well…” You shrug.
You’re not surprised about the sudden trip, they always did that. And you’re not even sad that no one asked you to go to prom with them, you don’t really like the idea of prom, you rather stayed at home.
You climbed to the car and Paul drove to your school, you walk out of your car and walk to the school hall. You walk inside the hall and greeted by your red head friend, Natasha.
“You look beautiful tonight, looking for someone?”
“No, actually. I was just using my old dress.”
“But I’m sure boys are looking at you.”
“But I’m not as beautiful as you.”
She clicked her tongue, “You’re talking shit, Y/N. you never know how great you are.”
You smiled and walk to the table to get a drink, you get a cup of coke and sit on the corner. You’re so bored with this stupid party, maybe people joined this party to get a partner, but you didn’t have one, so what’s the point? You drink your coke while scrolling through your phone.
You’re tired so you walked to the toilet and sit in the empty place beside the sink, you scrolled your phone as you see people walk in and out of the toilet. After a solid 15 minutes you walk out of the toilet and lean your back to the wall while putting your feet on top of either one. Then you see a man, with a long hair, stand beside you. You glance at him for a while and look back at your phone.
“Not joining the party?” He ask you.
“Well, to be honest, this is the worst prom I’ve ever been.”
“Yeah, I agree. I mean, it’s fucking boring.” You started to look at him after he swear.
“It is, I really don’t wanna be in this crappy party, anyway. I rather be at home.”
“You’re alone here?”
“Yeah, no one asked me to go with them, but I’m invited. So… rather than people call me disrespectful, I come anyway.”
“So do I. My friend forced me to come, I can’t deny, he’s really good at convincing.”
“What a shitty day, right?”
“Yeah, a very shitty day.” He pursed his lips. “Oh, by the way, I’m Bucky.”
“I’m Y/N. nice to meet you, Bucky.” You gave him a soft smile.
“And by this, we both can agree that this party sucks.”
“Yes, exactly.”
“You wanna go out? You know, like walk around this place to get fresh air, or just enjoying some things together. Rather than staying in this shitty party.”
You giggled, “Actually, I really want to do it. So, where do you want to go, Bucky?”
“I don’t know, anywhere as long as I’m with you.”
You dropped your jaw in surprise. You raised both of your eyebrow and quickly pulling his hand, going out from the party.
“How about we go to a market? I can buy you something…”
“Yeah, sure.”
You walk down the street to the nearest market, you bought a can of coke while he bought cigarettes. You walk out of the market ad sit on the nearest bench.
“We’re actually going away from the party aren’t we?” You smiled while looking to the moon.
“We are, and the wind is nicer than the hot air inside the hall.”
“Right… you smoke?” You look at him that’s lighting his lighter.
“Yeah… sometimes my friend keeps saying I can’t smoke and blah blah blah… I don’t care, it’s my choice.”
“Do you smoke?”
“No… my family is strict on that one, they said once I got caught, I will not be able to get out of house.”
“Wow, that’s very bad.” His eyes widened.
“I know, but even though my parents aren’t here, when they come home, they can be suspicious.”
“Where’d your parents go?”
“Paris, they’ll come home next week.”
“That’s… a long damn time. They won’t be suspicious. The prom party don’t go for a week, it’s only a night. You can do whatever you want, now that your parents are away.”
“Yeah, damn right.” You look at him with a smirk.
You throw the can of coke to the nearest trash bin, Bucky also squeeze his short cigarette and throw it in the bin. The night wind is pretty cold for you, so you put your hands around your arms, consider you used and off-shoulder dress.
Bucky noticed it and quickly takes off his blazer and put it on your shoulder to keep you warm. You looked at him in surprise, he look back while smiling softly.
“Thanks, Bucky… You looked very nice with a three-piece suit, actually.”
Heat creeps up to his cheeks while he’s chuckles.
“Thanks, Y/N…”
“So… where are we going, Mister?”
“I don’t know, where do you think we should go?”
“How about we get some food from food trucks maybe? I’m hungry.”
“Lead the way, princess.” He accidentally say that pet name, he rubs the back of his neck, while you look at him with a smile.
“It’s alright, Buck. I think it’s kinda cute.”
You hold the blazer close to you because how warm it is, you can smell his scent from the blazer you’re wearing now. You wait for him to walk beside and both of you walk to the nearest food truck, you both bought sandwiches and smoothie, and enjoy it on the nearest bench again.
“Tell me about you, Bucky. I wanna know… I rarely heard a lot about one person.”
“Well… I am Steve Rogers’ childhood friend. I was his best friend, all the time we have hard times, we always help each other a lot, until now. Well… how about you?”
“I uuhh… I was born from a well-fortuned family, my dad is an executive director. I was an only child, that’s why my mom and dad protect me very much, hoping nothing wrong will happen to me. My mom and dad always told me to be careful at searching friends, but in fact, my friends hated me.”
“Because I’m rich, they said. I always use things that my friends never get to use. And they say that I’m a show off, but I never feel like one. That’s why in high school I kept sticking with Nat, she’s the only one who trusts me with these.”
“That’s also why you actually don’t wanna go to prom, right?”
“Yeah… that’s part of the reason.”
“I think you’re not, you’re a cool girl. I can say that.”
“Yeah, I really like the way you just cool it out on anything.”
“Well, this is actually like the deepest conversation I’ve ever had with a boy. I never talk so much like this to someone.”
“Well, I’m sure you can talk more to my friends, well… Nat is also my friends. But the others, like… you know… yeah, they can have deep conversation with you, and they’re a hundred percent nicer than this.”
“Well I’d like to know.” You lay your head to his shoulder, making his cheeks flushed.
“You will know.”
You both just eat sandwich there, enjoying the night under the moonlight. You started to feel cold again, you had a feeling it will rain, but you don’t care, you feel something deep in your heart, safety. You feel something more than just a conversation with Bucky, you feel affection, comfort, and love.
“I wish I can feel like this forever, rather than going to school to only talk to Nat, and when I’m home, I’m lonely again.”
“You won’t be alone, I’m here, and all my friends will take care of you, too.” You look up to meet his eyes that’s sparkling bright under the light.
“Really…? You know, you don’t have to.”
“I know, but I felt bad for someone that felt so lonely.”
You smiled gladly, “Thank you, Bucky.”
“Hey, now that we’re done, why don’t walk in the park?”
“Great idea, let’s go.”
You both walk to the park, you extend your hand a bit to hold his arm, and he gladly accept it. You walk around the park while seeing your shadows on the ground. You’re now so cheerful, that you walk backwards, trying to face him as you’re talking until your heels slip and you tumble down, but he quickly grabs you,
“Careful!” He grabbed you by the waist and you rest you hands on his chest and back, “Are you okay?”
You pant in fear of falling, but you then realize you hold his chest, you quickly get up and get your hand to your high heels.
“Yep- these heels sucks,” You take off your high heels “There.” You hang your high heels on your fingers.
You then continue to walk on the park while talking about your lives again, you gotta say, that you’re very happy to talk to him. After almost 30 minutes of talking, you look at your phone that says 22.37, you’re shocked, because you spent almost 2 hours being with Bucky.
“Oh my god! It’s already 10 PM, I gotta go home. But I don’t want to.”
“Then don’t. Your parents are not home, right?”
“No, but my driver must be wondering where I went. I gotta text him first.”
You then drop your shoes and text Paul that you don’t need him to take you home, you will have a ride from your friend. But when you’re writing, you feel a drop of water fell to your hand, you’re afraid that it will rain, but you’re too focused on your phone. As you finished texted Paul, the water drops more, and then it started raining.
“Oh, great.” You said as you put your phone in your purse.
“Well, seems like we’re gonna be wet until tomorrow.”
“But I’m glad I’m all soaked with you, rather than being soaked alone, it’s worse.”
“Yeah… well what should we do now?”
“I don’t know… you wanna stay in my house? I have spare room for you…”
“Sure… is it okay?”
“Totally okay, just say it’s my ‘thank you’ for making me happy tonight… you know you made me happy, tonight. I never felt joy this much, especially with a man.” Your cheeks started to become red. “I never know what’s it feels like to be happy with a partner, even if it’s just a night. Thank you for making me happy, Bucky…”
“I-I uuhh, you’re welcome. Also thank you for making me not bored in a prom party, this is the best prom runaway of my life.”
“Wow… that’s good for you.”
“Yeah…” he rubbed the back his neck, “Y/N?”
“Yes, Bucky?”
You both are still standing in the middle of the park, all soaked with the rain, including your hair, clothes, and body. You make up started to fade away and you wiped it away with your hand, and because you don’t use a lot, it’s easy to remove. Now, your face is bare.
“I-I don’t know how this came up to me… but I felt something inside me, it felt weird, I just-”
You hold his face to make him look at you.
“Just say you love me because all of this, Bucky.”
“Just say you love me. I also feel the same. Don’t hide it, I can see it.”
His eyes widened and he started to smile, seeing you with sparks in his eyes. You smiled back, now holding his face with both of your hands.
“Yeah… I love you Y/N…”
“You know what? Now, there’s nothing else but you that I need. You made me happy for tonight, and I want you to keep me happy… forever if you can.”
“Maybe I can do that for you.”
You giggled, and his head started to lean in to kiss you, you accept it and keep holding his head close to yours, you and Bucky tilted your head to the side, deepening your kiss. He hold your waist while you move your hands to his neck. You both kissed under the rain happily and gladly.
You don’t care if someone sees this, all you care is just the long haired man in front of you that is kissing you and holding you close. You pulled away, making his face pulled with you, wanting to continue the kiss.
“Bucky… aren’t you gonna get cold?”
“I don’t care, as long as I’m with you, doll.”
He closed the gap between you two and continues to hold each other. You both kissed passionately and very slow, until you finally both puled away.
“It’s getting late, Bucky. You gotta go home.”
“I live with my friends in an apartment, I don’t live with my parents anymore.”
“But you gotta go home.”
“No, you gotta go home. I’m free to go anywhere, I don’t need permissions. Your driver or someone at home must be suspicious, why aren’t you home by now.”
“So… are you telling me, you wanna stay with me for the night?”
“Yeah… that’s also part of the plan.”
You giggled, “Come on tough guy, you gotta get yourself changed before you get cold.”
You then walk back to your house, getting inside the gates, Bucky look around to admire the big house.
“Damn, your house is big.”
“It’s fucking big.”
You both walk inside the front door and greeted by your maid.
“Miss Y/N, where have you been? Are you alright?”
“Yeah, we’re fine. Me and my friend here were having a conversation in the middle of the football field because we’re bored, and suddenly it’s raining. My friend then ask me to come with them to send me home, because they know we’re soaking.” You shrug, “And he lived alone, so you don’t need to worry about him. Our house is closer than his.”
Theresa nods and smiled to us. “Alright, your friend can stay in the room beside yours, Y/N. And there are large clothes in your closet, remember?”
“Yep, I do. Thanks, Theresa.”
“Now, do hurry to clean yourselves, before you both get cold.”
“Yes, I will. Thank you.” Bucky said softly to Theresa.
You both walk upstairs and both of you walk into your room.
“She said I have my own room, why do you take me here?”
You sigh, “There’s a door that leads you straight to your room.” You pointed to the door near you bedroom door. “Oh, please put your dirty clothes here, I’ll take care of it.”
“Thanks. I’ll go take a shower.”
Bucky walks to the other room to take a shower, while you take off his jacket and put it on the laundry basket carefully. You take off your dress and quickly take a shower. While you’re taking a shower, all you can think about was the time he kissed you slowly and passionately. Your cheeks blushed, remembering the way his lips touched yours and the way he hold your waist closely, pulling you closer to him.
You finished your shower, and you walk out of the bathroom and put your dress on the basket. You wanted to take Bucky’s in the other room, you then walk into his room and you see his clothes are on the floor, you pick them up and you walk towards the door, but Bucky opens the bathroom door. You gasp as his eyes widened, he only have a towel wrapped around his waist, and you could see the muscles on his torso. Heat started to creep on your cheek and you quickly started,
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry… fuck, I should go…”
You quickly walk out of his room to yours, you slammed the door behind you and drop the basket, panting hard. You can’t contain what was happening, you feel your cheek burning, you then quickly walk outside to give the basket to Theresa and you give an oversized sweater to Bucky, with your eyes closed.
You then sleep in your bed alone, wondering what he is thinking now. But then it stopped when you heard your divider door crept open, showing a tired Bucky, wiping his eyes. You sit up and watch him as he walk to your bed.
“Are you okay?” You asked worriedly.
“No. I can’t sleep, I don’t now why.”
“It’s alright, you can come here, Buck.” You move aside and pat an empty space for him to sleep in.
He then climbed to the bed and face to your side, your back faced his body. You can’t help but feel your heart beating quickly, feeling it will jump out of you chest. You pretend you’re sleeping, hoping he won’t notice it. You feel your cheeks started to burn, you just kept inhale and exhale slowly and sounding like a person who’s sleeping.
“You know I can hear you.” Your heart skips ten beats now.
“I can hear you, you’re not sleeping.”
You turn to face him and you still can see the sparkle in his eyes.
“Whatcha thinkin’ doll?”
“You. I just can’t stop thinking about you. I don’t know why.”
“It’s alright, I’m also thinking about the kiss.”
You chuckled, smiling shyly to him. He then grab your face and pull you into another passionate kiss. You smiled into the kiss and he’s doing the same.
“Doll, you’re fucking gorgeous, and no one can tell you otherwise.”
You giggled, and he kissed you forehead.
“G’night, doll. Go to sleep.”
You then sleep on his chest until the morning. When you wake up, you noticed he’s not there. You sighed, understanding that maybe he must’ve gone away, leaving you behind. For some reason, half of your heart says yes and half said no. You shrug it off and walk to the bathroom to brush your teeth and wash your face. You walk out to your bedroom and see him sitting on the side of your bed.
“I thought you’re already going home.”
“No… I’m waiting for you to wake up and Steve to pick me up and get me home.”
You hummed, and you went downstairs to see Theresa, holding his suit.
“Your suit is cleaned and dry, and I see there’s a car in the front, seems like your friend is waiting for you.”
You both then walk to the front door and you see Steve in his silver car.
“Well, you gotta go home.”
“Yeah, I hope I can see you again.”
“You will, I left my number on your desk. I’ll call you if I wanna see you.”
Your lips pull up to a smile, “Thanks, Buck.”
“You’re welcome, doll.” He then lean to peck you cheeks and wave you goodbye.
He then get inside the car, and the car drive away from your house.
“Seems like you found a better partner in the prom and enjoyed it outside the school. How’s she then?”
“The sweetest, nothing compares to that. Nothing.”
Feedbacks are absolutely appreciated! Thank for you who liked my stories!
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ayinko · 5 years
Sharing Some Love!
 Hi, if you’re looking for some interesting stories that I loved, you might want to look at the list down here
Last updated July 7, 2019
Bad Day by @jaamesbbarnes
Next to Me (Series) by @sgtjbuccky
Red, White and You by @moonbeambucky
Skinny Dip by @buckyforbreakfast
Vanilla Latte (Series) by @jaamesbbarnes
Spilled Wine by @sunmoonandbucky
Back For You, Want You Back, Kill For You, Run to You, Next to You (Series) by @sinner-as-saint
my heart the shape of a begging bowl by @youngmoneymilla
Midnight Intruder by @jaamesbbarnes
Crossfire by @sinner-as-saint
Happy by @sunmoonandbucky
Alleluia by @boricuabarnes
Questions by @sinner-as-saint
Two Punks In Love by @jaamesbbarnes
Star by @introvert-explainenough
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ayinko · 5 years
i would definitely volunteered to be jonas here
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1K notes · View notes
ayinko · 5 years
Soldier, Start A Fire
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader (College!AU)
Summary: Your fight with Bucky was burning like the sun. You thought he was your star, but he is your star.
Words count: 3,048
Warning: Swearing, smoking, smut-ish,  mentions of sex, the reader is a cool kid.
A/N: A song inspired me again! It’s called ‘cigarettes’ by Carlie Hanson, once I listen to the song, it reminds me of Bucky, and as always, I really hope you enjoy and like it! I think i’m too excited until i made another one.
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You’re standing beside your car, back laying at the door of the car, you park your car near the river so you can see the moon reflected on the water. You light your cigarette and inhale it. You blow the smoke as you look down thinking about what happened a year ago.
“Who’s that girl?” Bucky asks Steve while he looked at the girl who’s skating her board.
“Y/N, but a lot of people call her ‘Sunset Raven’.”
“What does that mean?”
“Raven means a girl who likes to wear black and she’s a night owl. She’s very active at night.”
You look up to the moon, and you see your shadows illuminated by the lamppost near you.
“Hey, Alvin! Can you pass me my water?” You shouted, while catching the bottle your friend throw at you.
While you were drinking you saw a guy in a black bomber jacket and black jeans, he had a long hair, tied up in a bun. ‘he looks cute.’ You thought. He’s walking with his friend, heading out of the campus.
“Hey, Y/N, I’m gonna go. See you tomorrow!” Alvin said to you.
“Yeah, see ya!” You walk back to your dorm with your board.
You open the door to see your roommates, Carol and Wanda. You put your board down and take off your sweater, because there’s a t-shirt inside of it.
“God, it’s hot in here.”
“Consider you just skate for hours with two layers of clothing.” Carol said to you.
“Yeah, I know.”
“Hey, have you ever heard about the most famous and handsome boys around the campus?” Wanda interrupted.
“No. Who are they?” Carol ask.
“You know, Steve, Tony, James, Peter and Clint? And Nat, Clint’s girlfriend.”
“Oh, the cool kids? I heard of them.” You said. “But I don’t who’s who.”
“I can tell you.” The brown-haired smiled, “Tony, the genius one, Steve, the muscular blonde guy. Peter, the sweetheart, James the long-haired muscular guy, and Clint, the athlete.”
You nod, understanding what Wanda said, ‘Oh, so that’s James… the long haired one…’ you thought to yourself.
“Hey, Carol, you kinda fit with Steve. Blonde, active, a great leader.” You joked.
“Whatever you say, Y/N… whatever you say.”
“That means you agree, right?” You giggled.
“No. Not at all. I’m gonna get a shower.”
You drink the beer on the glass bottle you hold, while opening your phone, it says 22.09; Thursday, 11March. And the wallpaper of your phone was the streets of New York at night, the date you can never forget.
You chuckled, “Fuck, it’s our time.”
You walk down the street to go to the gym, when you have arrived, you started to use the treadmill and run. After 30 minutes, you take a break and run again. You didn’t notice that someone is looking at you, you then stopped after you see the time, you’ve been running on the treadmill for an hour.
You tidy your bag and make your way outside, but somebody bump you, you didn’t know who it is because you’re focused on your phone.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry. I didn’t focused, I was jus-” You said suddenly, but you didn’t notice who you’re bumping to.
You look up to see the long-haired man, hair tied up into a bun, looking at you.
“It’s alright, it’s my fault. I was just too hurry.”
“Wait- you’re… James, right?”
“Yeah, that’s me. But please call me Bucky, everyone called me that.”
“Bucky… what a nice name, I’m Y/N.”
“Hi, Y/N. Well, now that I’m here, do you wanna get some food? I’m kinda hungry…”
“Yeah, sure.”
You both walk to the closest coffee shop to order a sandwich and a latte. You both talk to each other about your lives and hobbies, you shared a lot with him, you never thought, the person that is adored in campus is this nice.
“Why do you like skateboarding?” He asks.
“I just liked it, I grew up with a brother and my neighbours are boys too, so, I followed their hobbies. And it just sticks with me.”
“Do you consider yourself a sweetheart…? Or a tomboy?”
“Maybe I’m both. I do smoke and drink, but I also still hang out with my roommates, like shopping, go to salon.” You smiled. “Tell me about you, I see you like to box and often go to the gym.”
“I always like to train, so much that people call me a soldier.” He chuckles, making you laugh at his words.
After you talk for about an hour, you look at your phone that says 11.24; Sunday, 11 March. You both walk out of the coffee shop and back to your dorms.
“Hey… can I see you again, maybe?” He rubbed the back of his neck.
“Yeah, of course. Just tell me when and where, I’ll make sure I’m free.” You smiled, turning to walk away.
“Great. Oh wait!” You turn back to him. “My friend is having a party on his penthouse, maybe you wanna come? It’s next Sunday, on the Stark Building.
“Yeah, I’ll go.”
You blow the smoke from your cigarette, and you throw the cigarette down, crunch it with the edge of your Converse. You get into your car to take some papers, you found an empty barrel, you light your lighter and burn the paper and throw it inside the barrel.
“What’s that?” Bucky ask to you.
“I made a poster, it’s filled with the photos of us that I printed.” You smiled at him.
“It’s beautiful… like you.”
‘It’s beautiful… like you.’ The words ghosted your mind, it repeats over and over as you burn the papers.
You look at it like you just don’t care, you never wanna remember that cringey moment of yours. You walk back to your car, it’s a great car, not too old, not too young, your dad bought it for you. You’re not as rich as Tony Stark, but you’re sure that you still can afford a good car. You drive home, back to your apartment, but the traffic is jam is a shit, you put your elbow near the window, and your hand support your tilted head as you wait for the traffic light to go green.
You waited for Bucky to pick you up, You’re wearing a short black, A-Line dress with a white denim jacket, sleeved rolled high enough to show half of your arm. After a while you saw a black car heading your way, you smiled and when he arrives, he opens the window,
“Good evening, miss. Mind if I give you a ride?”
You rolled your eyes, “Seriously, Buck?” You hopped into the car.
After you arrive, you see the place is like a castle, it’s very elegant and feels expensive. People are looking at you confusedly, you used to ride skateboards and hang out with boys, and now you turned 180 degrees, looking feminine, and different.
You bit your bottom lip nervously, and Bucky quickly hold your hand, “It’s alright, you have me.” He smile at you.
You meet Bucky’s friends and everyone you ever heard. And you meet Steve, he’s pretty shocked to see you here, you talk a bit with him, sharing out your likings to him, you had a great time talking to Steve while Bucky chat with the others.
“You know, if I was Bucky, I would feel very lucky to have you.”
“Thanks, Steve.”
Bucky then come to you, and take you to the balcony. The view is very beautiful there, you get to see the whole New York with one glance. You notice no one is here, just Bucky and you, admiring the view, but Bucky’s view is you.
“Y/N?” You looked at him softly.
“Yes, Bucky?”
“You have to know that I love you, very much.” He said softly.
You’re beyond surprised, you don’t know what to say, to be honest, you really do have a crush on him.
“I love you too, Bucky Barnes.” You sigh in relief.
He’s also surprised, then he leaned closer to you, pressing his lips to yours and kissed you passionately. That is the very first kiss with him, you kissed slowly, very slow. You felt his love in every breath. From that day, you are sweet couple, people wonder how come the rich Bucky Barnes fall for the wild and active Sunset Raven and became a sweet and loving couple?
You kept driving until you pass the famous ice cream shop, you park on the side of the road, and go buy an ice cream.
“Hi, how can I help you?” The cashier ask you.
“I would like to have a 3 scoop ice cream, Vanilla, Bubble Gum, and Cotton Candy, and can you serve it in a cup? Not a cone.”
“Yes, I can. Please wait for a while.”
You wait, and when the Cashier serve your ice cream, you pay for it and eat it on the table.
“Vanilla, Cotton Candy, and Bubble Gum? That’s way too sweet.”
“Don’t care, as long as it tastes good, I’ll take it. Better than you who only eat Mint Chocolate Chip.” He rolled his eye.
“This is the best, sitting on the park at night, eating ice cream. I wanna take a photo of this place.”
You turn on your phone again to see the wallpaper picture, it’s the park, and the streets near the ice cream shop.
You thought you will have a great life with Bucky, you always go somewhere with him, to the festivals, exhibits, concerts, even a beautiful park. You still remember that you kissed under the moonlight on the park, after you ate ice cream, you still can taste the mint on his tongue.
You really are a sweet couple, having a cute date, always go everywhere with him until you reach the last year. You live together in his dorm, but you never leave Carol and Wanda. You never have bitter moment, always sweet. You can never forget the first time he slept with you, the way he make love slowly to you, gentle and tender. You can’t forget it.
It was sweet and great until one day, you came home from campus to your shared room.
You’ve been busy for the last 2 months then, you always come home late. You take the keys from you jeans pocket to get in, but before you put in the key, you heard moaning from the inside, the sound of another girl. You’re shocked, you hoped it’s not Bucky, you open the door slowly, and walk into your shared bedroom, the bedroom was slightly ajar, and you peek and open the door widely. You’re beyond shocked and hurt when you see Bucky is on the bed there, fucking Nat.
‘What in the fucking hell?!’ you thought, ‘I thought She’s with Clint.’ But you remember Clint was also in your class, so he’s also busy, but Bucky cheating on you, on your shared bed. You took a moment, watching them, and you heard Bucky moan Nat’s name. ‘he loves her better than I am.’
“What the fuck, Bucky?!”
Bucky quickly gets up and look at you with shock. “Y/N… i-it’s not what you thought.”
“Not what I thought? I saw what I saw, the fuck was that?” Bucky take his t-shirt and cover his bottom and getting up but you quickly stop him, “No, you stay there!”
“Look… I’m sorry, Baby…”
“Baby? Call her that!” You pointed at Nat, who’s covering her body.
“Shit… Y/N… please…”
“Please what? Seriously? I watched you fucking her, and you want me to still stay with you? Bullshit.” You walk out of the bedroom.
“No, Y/N…” He walk after you.
“NO, YOU STAY THERE, BARNES! I’m fucking done with this kinda shit, what a waste of time I dated you. If this is the way it goes? Fine, I’ll just stay away. I don’t need this shit.” You exclaim, “And this?” you take out the dorm key, “It’s fucking bullshit.” You threw the keys away from you and you slam the door close.
You walk to your dorm, not caring that your things are still in his room. You knock at the door, and Wanda opens it.
“Hey, you look pale… what’s wrong?”
You can’t say anything, and without waiting, Wanda quickly hug you, and Carol walk to you both and join in. They know you rarely become upset.
“Bucky… he… cheated on me…”
“With who?” Carol asks.
“It’s Nat.”
“Oh shit. That’s bad.” Carol shakes her head.
“It’s alright, Y/N. You will be alright.” Wanda said as you nodded.
You put your forehead on your palms, you don’t notice your ice cream in finished and tears are coming out of your eyes. You sniffed and walk back to your car to drive home.
You meet Steve the next morning, he looked at you, so concerned.
“Hey, you look very tired, and sad… and where’s Bucky.”
“Well last time I saw him, he’s fucking Nat.” You spit bitterly.
“Oh shit.” He pulled you to a hug while crying.
Meanwhile, Bucky saw you. He thought you’re also cheating on him, his jaw clenches.
“Hey, Steve can we talk about it?” you ask him.
“Yes, of course. But maybe this afternoon. I’m busy now.”
“Okay, can we talk at the Ephemeral Coffee Shop? I wanna go there.”
“Yeah, I’ll meet you there, 3 PM, is that okay?”
You nodded, and he walk while patting your head.
You start your car and sighing, thinking about that moment. You wipe the tears out of your eyes. And drive home.
It’s 14.30, you’re getting ready to go to the café. But you were stopped by Bucky.
“Hey, can we talk for a while?”
“What do you want to talk? I thought it’s enough.”
“No, I just wanna tell you that I’m sorry… I never wanted to.”
“But why did you do it?”
“Nat asked me to, if I don’t do it, I have to break up with you. That’s the only choice.”
“It’s okay, I forgive you.”
“But please, don’t leave me…”
“I can’t, it hurts me so bad to see you like that.”
“And now you’re bailing me?”
“I’m not bailing you, I just can’t take it. I don’t want to see you.”
“And then you run to my best friend?” He raised his tone.
“What? No! I’m not.”
“Then why do you hug him?”
“So now I can’t hug any boy but you now? How possessive.”
“I’m not- listen to me.” he grab your arm tightly, “I don’t want to lose you, please. And because you saw me, you’re also cheating on Steve now?”
“No, I’m not cheating! I will never cheat! Even on you! You were the one who cheat on me by fucking Nat in front of me!” You yell, “I’m going.”
You left Bucky alone there, sadly. Bucky can’t believe he just hurt you.
You arrive at the café, and you talk to Steve while crying for 2 hours.
Tears fall down again on your cheeks, you sniffed. You feel better now, because you never saw him again. You arrive at your apartment, change clothes and go to sleep.
Something on your heart is still keeping something, his sweet words, his face, his smile. You can’t forget about him. You feel like you’re cursed to remember the worse moments in your life.
And so do Bucky, he can never forget about you. He regret the moment he raised his tone. He can’t forget the look in your eyes, your eyes are glossy with tears that is going to come out.
You remember the days when you’re broken because of Bucky, and Carol told you the sentence that always stuck in your head.
“Just remember one thing, Y/N. If you’re meant to be with Bucky, you will always see him, remember him, and look like him. And if you don’t, then none of that will happen. Just don’t be sad about him too long, if god wanted you to be with someone that’s better than him, it’s good. Just act normal again, no need to mourn a lot about cheating boyfriend, chill out, sis!”
You wake up at 6 AM and you prepare to get some coffee down the street. After a long ride last night, you learn that you should just forgive him and let him go. You know you should just act cool and normal, just like what Carol said.
You wear a baby blue sweater and a white beanie, you touch your hair, realizing that you never cut it since you break up with Bucky, now your hair is below your shoulder, and you think it looks good on you. You wear a white beanie because it’s cold outside. You brought nothing but your phone and credit card inside your phone case.
You’re looking at your phone, opening gallery and watch every photo that is in your phone, some of it are you and Bucky, taking a selfie or a photo of Bucky that you took. You’re so caught up in your phone until you didn’t realize you’re about to cross the street while the cars are going fast.
You felt a hand on your waist and pick you up from behind, you scream in fear, afraid that it’s a thief. You then dropped by the person who picked you and turn around looking at the person. It’s a man with a long hair tied up in a bun. You know him.
“Bucky?” You ask.
He was surprised, “Y/N- I-I, uuhh… I didn’t know it was you, I was just afraid you’re gonna get hit by a car an-”
“Bucky…” you look him in the eyes deeply.
“Yes, Y/N…?”
“I’m sorry for everything that I’ve done to you… I never wanted to.”
“I-I… understand…” He smile, “Do you still love me?”
You gasp, never thought he will ask that, “Do you?”
“Yes, I still do… for you.”
“Then I still love you too… I can’t…”
“Forget about you?”
“I can’t forget about you.”
You hug him and he hugs back, you both didn’t care you’re in the sidewalk, all you care is that he’s still with you.
“You wanna have some coffee?” He smiled to you.
“Yes, I would love to.”
Feedbacks are absolutely appreciated <3
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ayinko · 5 years
My Main Masterlist
Welcome to @starstruckbucky’s main masterlist! In here, you can see the stories I posted, from the oldest to the latest! I’ll make sure it’s up to date.
Bucky Barnes One-shot
Lie: Bucky found out there’s something behind you brave and strong form, it’s a feeling you never told anyone. And you always lie to him.
I Want to Hold You: When Bucky didn’t come home from a mission, you felt responsible for it. No matter what the risks are.
Soldier, Start A Fire: Your fight with Bucky was like a fire. You thought he was your star, but in the end he is your star.
Nothing Else: When the prom is boring, there’s someone that light the night for you.
Jump In: When you and Bucky can't sleep, you found yourselves enjoying the warm water in the pool.
Steve Rogers Series
Brave Heart: You are a warrior angel sent for a mission to catch Thanos and help The Avengers to protect Earth from him, but as you’re doing your mission, someone is impressed by your job.
There are more coming soon! Fun stories are heading your way!
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ayinko · 5 years
I Want to Hold You
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Readers
Summary: When the avengers come home from a mission, but one didn’t made it back home to your arms, all you want to do is to get him home, whatever the risks are.
Words Count: 4,017 (this is quite a lot)
Warning: Blood, Fighting, reader is hurt and almost dying, kinda violent, sad!Reader, a little angst.
A/N: I got inspired by the song ‘Back to You’ and I just got this idea. I really hope you like it!
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“Good morning, guys!” you say cheerfully as you walk into the kitchen, making a tea.
Everyone smiles and reply to your greeting and continue to eat, while you make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and dipping the tea bag to the glass filled with hot water.
“Hey, where’s Bucky?” Nat walk to the counter and stand beside me while pouring coffee from the coffee machine.
“Oh, he’s still in the bedroom, I asked him to go get breakfast, but he said he still wanna play with Alpine and will make his own breakfast.” I smiled and I see my tea is brown, and throwing the used bag tea away.
She smiled and offered me to sit down on the dining table chair, eating while everyone is busy doing their business. After a while, you see Bucky walk to the kitchen and pour a coffee to a glass and sit beside you.
“I thought you’re gonna get me some coffee, Y/N.” He said as he put his right arm on the chair you’re sitting on.
“But, you said you’ll gonna get it yourself.”
“Nah, I’m just joking. Anyway, Alpine wants to see you.”
“Yeah, I’ll do that after this breakfast.”
Everyone was just silent, focusing on what they’re doing, but it stopped when all of you heard footsteps walking into the kitchen and the sound of two men talking to each other. Tony and Bruce are just talking to each other, while Tony is looking at his phone, thinking about what Bruce said and what he sees on his phone.
Tony then walk beside the table and sit on the chair on the edge of the table, putting his phone down. Everyone is hoping he would tell everyone what’s going on, because he look very confused.
“Everything alright?” Steve started to ask, making everyone look at both Steve and Tony.
“No. Everything is not alright. We just got a news that HYDRA is active again. They’re now making weapons and bombs again. I hate this.” Tony said clearly.
“What’s the plan?” Nat look at everyone after she ask her question.
“We’ll figure it out this afternoon, 5 PM. Everyone on the meeting room.”
Everyone nods and focusing back to what they’re focusing on before. After you finish your breakfast, you walk back to your room, and change your clothes into a track jacket and leggings, preparing to jog for about 2 hours around the facility.
While you are changing, you heard a meow from outside of your bedroom door, you chuckle while smiling, knowing who it is. You change quickly and open the door to see the white cat sitting in front of the door, you then squat down to caress his head. He close his eyes, as you pat him.
You then walk to the living room to get a glass of water, but you also see your white furry friend is standing beside you. You smiled and sit down on the sofa, Alpine follows and sit down beside you. After a while, the front door opens and Bucky walk in and see you with a smile, because he sees you with his best friend too.
“Wanna jog?”
“Yep, you wanna join?”
“No, thanks. I wanna sleep with Alpine.” Alpine than meows with a bored face, you laugh.
“Alright then, I’m gonna go.” You walk to the front door where Bucky is still standing there, “Love you both.”
“Love you, too.” He quickly plant a kiss on you forehead as you walk out of the door and close it.
Bucky then sits on the couch beside Alpine and he heard a knocking on his door.
“Come in!” Bucky said.
Steve walks in with a worried face, Bucky quickly notice that. “What’s wrong, man?”
“It’s about the mission. I have to tell you something.”
“Tell me about it.” Bucky said with also a worried face.
You jog around the facility for about 30 minutes by now. You only bring a water bottle, your phone and earphone there. You circled the facility twice by now, and you sit down under the tree to get a break. You look around to see no one outside the building, only a few, but so far away from you. You then see the water streaming behind you, you walk there to see that the water is clear and clean on the river.
You’re thinking to try out your power, you know it’s dangerous, but it’s worth a try.
You were HYDRA’s experiment, just like Wanda and Pietro, they found you in the place HYDRA attacked, all alone. You were scared, but they taught you how to let it go, learn to forget about your past. You once met The Winter Soldier for your training, but he was no match for you, because your power is beyond his. You have the power that came from the Power Stone, similar like Wanda’s but stronger and more dangerous.
You were found by the Avengers when they come to destroy the base, and they bring you back with them. And then you met Bucky, the one known as Winter Soldier, but now he’s different. He remembered you, and he was not as cold and cruel as he used to be. You became friends then, but it grew better when he knew you understand him very much, because you once felt those too. And now you end up dating him, having a happy life with him and Alpine.
You closed your eyes as you try to ignite the Power  Stone, you exhale, getting ready. Your hand started to glow, showing purple gleaming rays around it. You open your eyes and raising your hands to see the power now is surrounding your hands. You then move your hand and transfer you power to the water, hoping you can lift up the water. You raise one of your hand up and move your hand around to move the water. You let the power go and the water fall back down. You cheered happily and walk back to your track and run again.
You walk back to your shared room to see Bucky is sleeping beside Alpine. You walk to the bedroom and change clothes, you look at your phone that shows 11.32 on it. You sigh and walk outside, sitting beside Alpine and try to close your eyes after a long run.
“Babe… Y/N, wake up… Hey… Wake up, baby…” Bucky called you as he shake your body.
You hum and you wake up, stretching your arms and wipe your face.
“Come on, we haven’t even had lunch.” He said to you.
“What?” You said in disbelief, “What time is it?”
“It’s 2.45 PM, come on.”
“Oh my- what!?” You suddenly wake up, “We both fell asleep so long.”
“I know, come on.” You both get up and walk fast to the kitchen and make lunch.
There’s Wanda and Sam in the kitchen, they’re just chatting on the island. They both look at you and Bucky with a smirk.
“Where have you been? We called you for lunch but you didn’t come?” Wanda asks.
“Yeah, man. Did you do something together?” Sam asks teasingly.
“No, we fell asleep.” You said.
“Are you sure?” Sam ask teasingly again.
“Yes, can’t you see our wake-up face?” Bucky says.
“Yeah, alright tin-man, now you better eat your lunch before anyone eats it.” Sam said, pointing at their plates.
“Yeah, and all of us are in the main room, please join us after you eat.” Wanda said nicely.
“Yeah, of course, we will.” You said and you both have lunch.
After you ate, you walk to the main room, which is the living room. ‘Bourne Identity’ was playing on the TV, you both joined in, sitting on the floor and Bucky put his arm around you. You both missed the movie, obviously. It’s still the beginning of the movie, you just missed several scenes, but you don’t care, all you care is that you can relax with you friends and your boyfriend.
After the movie finishes, you look at your phone, the time says it’s 4.52, everyone is starting to prepare for the meeting, you’re also walking towards the meeting room, but then Steve and Nat stopped you.
They blocked your path to the meeting room, you stopped and looked confuse, this never happens if there is a meeting. You look at them and see the worried and sad face they show.
“What’s wrong? What’s going on?” You ask worryingly.
“We gotta talk for a second.” Steve said as he lead you a bit far from the meeting room.
“Y/N, I’m sorry to tell you this, but you can’t join the meeting with us.” Nat started, putting a hand on your shoulder.
“What? Why?”
“We don’t want to let you be hurt, this mission is hard, we can’t risk you joining this.” Steve answer.
“But everyone join in, why only me?”
“It’s the best thing we can do.” Nat smiled.
“The best thing? By putting me away from everyone-”
“We’re not putting you away.” Steve cuts in. “We just wanted to keep you safe.”
“By leaving me alone?” You raise your tone.
“Look, we will go home as fast we can.” Steve said.
“That won’t help.” You harshly spit, “You just wanted to leave me alone.”
“That’s not the point… we wanted to keep you safe by staying here while we’re out.” Steve concernedly answer.
“All by myself? and letting me be alone here while everyone is out doing their job, you trusted me for a mission a week ago!”
“I know, but this is HYDRA. We’re afraid they’ll take you back. We don’t want that to happen.” Nat said, comforting you.
“But why does it have to be me? Why not Bucky too?!” You shout. “Why do you have to keep me here, when I can use my power to safe you?!”
Meanwhile, everyone inside the meeting room is also listening to their talk before they start the meeting. Bucky is looking down, he is so sad to hear his girl being upset like that.
“I know, Y/N. I’m sorry.” Steve said to you.
“No, you’re not sorry! You just wanted to keep me away from your adult business, because you think I’m still too young for your things!” Tears started to run down your cheeks.
“Please, forgive us for this…” Nat looking very sad to see her crying.
“Why is it have to be me?!!” You sniffed and walk away to your room.
“Y/N!” Steve call out your name, but you don’t care.
Bucky heard your words, and he gasp, too shocked to hear what you said. He’s now very sad, anxious, and concerned about her.
“Do you really have to do that to her?” Bucky ask Tony sadly.
“I’m sorry, but it’s for the best.”
Steve and Nat walk into the meeting room, looking very sad and down.
“What do we do now?” Steve ask Tony.
“We have to keep on going.”
You’re now crying on the couch while Alpine is looking at you. He looks a bit sad, seeing you cry.
“Hey, Al. Don’t mind me.” Your red eyes looking at his clear blue ones.
He meows, laying himself beside you. You caress him, but tears still streaming down your cheeks. You smiled and walk into your shared bedroom, looking at the picture you and Bucky took after the first mission you went together.
It was sweet, the way you pose together, but it’s also bitter, remembering the scars and blood on both of your face. You take your backpack and fill it with some of your clothing and walk outside and go to your old room, the room of your own, before you dated Bucky. You lock the front door and lay on your bed and playing your phone.
After the meeting was finished, Bucky walk back to his shared room, as he opens the door, he don’t see you.
“Y/N?” He called out your name softly.
He don’t hear anything but a meow, he sees Alpine in front of the bedroom door, he hopes you’re in there. He open the door to see no one, he walk to your nightstand to see your photo together was facing down, covering the photo, and his dog tag that he gave you was on top of it. You used to wear that every time. This means something is wrong. He quickly walk back to the living room with Alpine.
“FRIDAY, where’s Y/N?”
“She’s in her old room, she went in the room at 5.22 PM.”
He sigh in relief, he really thought you’re gone. He was told by Steve that he’s also sad seeing you cry. But no matter what happens, it’s for the best.
All the avengers are getting ready, and walk to the Quinjet. Bucky walks out of the room and knock on your room, hoping you would answer, but you don’t. Meanwhile you were behind the door, listening to his knock closely.
“Y/N? Baby?” Bucky knock again, “Please open the door…”
“What can you say about me? I’m trying to help. I know I did wrong, but at least I can help.” You can’t help but answering his question. Bucky is quite surprised with it.
“I know. You’re a strong girl. But, maybe this is for the best. Maybe next time you get to go.”
“Fine… now go ahead, Buck. Go save the world.”
“Thanks, baby girl. And Alpine misses you.”
You chuckled, and Bucky can hear it from the other side. He then knock on the door four times, long knock on the first and then three quick knocks. You smiled, knowing that it was a Morse code for his initial. You felt guilty for yelling at Nat and Steve yesterday, you acted like a child and now you feel stupid. You waited for a while and then you see from the window that the Quinjet have fly away. You bring back your things you took yesterday and went back to your room, greeted by Alpine.
“Hi, Al. I missed you too.” You close the door and he responded with a meow. “I’m sorry I left you for the night.”
You put your things bag to the places they belong and walking to the front door, wanting to make breakfast. But the A.I. voice stopped you.
“Y/N, you have a video message from Steve and everyone.”
“Really? Show me.”
Then the TV near you light up, showing Steve, Tony, and Nat in the Quinjet on the screen.
“Hey, Y/N. Sorry that we let you stay home. We have a reason why, and we’re very sorry about it, we’ll make sure after this mission you can go to missions again. Tony planned to keep you here, because the threat for you if you’re there is pretty big. We’re also risking Bucky to be here, I regret bringing him here, because we’re afraid that HYDRA will bring back Winter Soldier to life. And if you’re the one who is taken will have higher risk for us and you. We hope you understand it or maybe even watch this.” Steve explains.
“Yeah, kid. I’m personally very sorry for this, but it’s for the best. I know this hurts you, you don’t even eat dinner last night. And I know so much that you really wanna help us, to show how grateful you are. But next time, alright, Y/N? next time, I promise.” Tony continues Steve.
“We all still care for you, because you’re a strong one.” Nat added. And suddenly everyone from behind gets to the camera and saying they still love you.
“Oh and Y/N? Bucky said he loves you” Sam joked, making you laugh.
“We gotta go…” Steve said. And everybody says bye to you and close the call.
You can’t help but smile while Alpine brushes your legs with his body while meowing. You look down and smile and make breakfast. It’s currently 8 AM, and you’re so bored, so you spent your day reading books. After a long time waiting, you heard FRIDAY said,
“Miss Y/N, the Quinjet has arrived.”
You quickly jump from the couch and walk outside, you walk to the living room, seeing everyone is dirty and hurt after the fight. You watch everyone walk into their room one by one until Steve is left there standing, alone.
“Steve?” You ask softly, “Where’s he?” He looked at you with sad eyes.
“He… he got caught.” Steve said sadly and you walk closer to him. “What we feared happened to him.”
You felt sad and walk closer, you look at him and pulling him into a hug. You know you have to be ready when things like this happen and it did.
“What are we gonna do? There’s no way we’re just gonna let him out there, become Winter Soldier again.”
He sighs and pull away, looking at you as he think about your words. “I don’t know we haven’t had any plan yet.”
“I have one. I’m going for him.”
“Wait- what? Going there to bring him home? That’s insane, Y/N, I can’t risk you there.”
“And I can’t risk Bucky.” You said in a strict tone, “I’m going to bring him home, now if I can.”
“No, don’t.” Steve said, “They’re still preparing him, if you go there, consider they just got a free gift.”
“Fine, tomorrow. And I’m going, with or without you.”
“I will go with you.” Steve nods.
You use your leather jacket and your pants while putting guns on your waist, just in case. You walk into the hangar with Steve, Nat, Sam, and Wanda. Everyone is now ready and take off to the base. Steve walk and sit down beside you, patting your shoulder, you look at him and smile.
“You ready for this?”
“I have to.” You smiled, “And I know him too. I know how to handle it.”
“I wish you the best, Y/N and be careful.”
“I will.”
The Quinjet finally arrive and land on the place a bit far from the base, so that no one can see them. They get out and spread out, knowing their job. You, Nat and Steve going for the ground while Sam and Wanda going from the air. Sam silently knock down guards on the outside while Wanda clear the entrance. Nat and You stick together while Steve guard your back. Suddenly a lot of HYDRA agent surround all of you and you quickly ignite your power.
“Get the girl.” One of the agents call out, you quickly know who they refer to, so you motion your hand and extend it to them, throwing your power to every agent, and push them far. Nat and Steve also help you in this moment.
After you clear the place all of you ran forward and walk through some places, but then stopped when you see a big cage, sealed with glass, and you see the chair that was used to wipe memories. You quickly notice, that is the room where Bucky was kept. All of you look around to see the dark place and suddenly again, HYDRA agents come again to attack you and your friends. You quickly defend and attack them with your power, but then you see a form emerging from the dark, running fast towards Steve, you know who that it. You run to Steve and push him and you wrapped your arms around his torso while you’re rolling into some place, he pushed you so you roll a bit further than him. One of the agent push a button and the place you’re standing in closes with a glass door sliding down, followed by a metal one. You stand up and see and call your friend out,
“Steve!” But it’s too late, because just as you say it, the door closes.
The place is like a bunker, closed tight and the wall seems very thick, which means no way out. You look where the man now stands up, looking at you with no emotions, this is not your Bucky. You really don’t want to use your power, because you don’t want to hurt him. He quickly take out his gun and shoot it at you, but you hold it back with your power. He run to you but you hold him back and push him back with your hands. He take out his knife and swing it at you, but you dodge it and take his hands and throw the knife away. You keep trying to punch each other and you’re the one who mostly got hit, but you keep attack him, until he punch your cheek and you kick him away.
Both of you fell down, but you’re the worse, both of you got up, and you spit and see the blood is mixing with your saliva. Bucky takes out another knife, you sigh and shake your head, you had enough.
“Oh, please…”
You then continue to fight, you can’t take his quick fight, so you got scratch with his knife around your face, and your jacket is also teared by his knife. You keep punching and punching, but it’s no use, he’s stronger than you. You didn’t even notice he took out his gun and he shot you in the stomach and you groan, without wasting time he kick you in the stomach, making you drop to the ground and slide back a bit.
He walk towards you and keep punching your face, until you can’t take it anymore. You have no choice but to use your power, just after he punched your face, you push him away across the room with your power, his head knocked on the wall. He fall down, unconscious, while you were unconscious first.
Steve and Nat are done outside, and he open the door that kept you closed for ten full minutes. He saw you and Bucky laying on the floor, both unconscious, they both quickly pick you up and bring you to the Quinjet and take you both home.
You wake up with a beeping sound on your right, you already know what it is. You sigh, you just gathered your memory, you remembered that you just got beat by The Winter Soldier. You look down to see Bucky was sleeping beside you, his arms are on top of the bed, supporting his face while he sleeps. You extend your hand to his head, caressing his hair, he then wake up and shocked to see you already up.
“Baby, are you okay?” He grabs your hand and hold it tight, intertwining his fingers in yours.
“Yeah, I’m alright now.” You smiled.
“I’m so sorry I beat you up, I can’t cont-”
You shush him off, “It’s alright, I forgive you…”
“But now you’re hur-”
“I know, but it wasn’t you. It was the other person.”
He kissed your hands, “But now I feel bad…”
“It’s not your fault, and in fact, I saved you from there.”
“Yeah…” He smiled and then both of you heard a meow coming from under your bed. “Oh, come here, buddy.”
He picks up Alpine and give it to you, and you see a metal necklace on his neck. You take it off and see it was the dog tag you left.
“You left this, and I believe this belongs to you.”
You chuckled, “Thanks, babe.”
He kissed your forehead and sit down again, “I think now you know how to bring me back from-”
“Oh please, stop talking about the fight. I just want to hold you.” You sit up,
“Whoa, slow down… are you hurt?”
“No, I’m okay…” You sit up and pat the empty place beside you, motioning him to sit down beside you.
He sit down beside you, his arm around your neck and Alpine sit between you. You look at him, and lean in to kiss him passionately, not caring about the scars on your face. You pull away slowly, smiling at him.
“The point is that, now I get to be with my two loved ones, and enjoy a happy life with you both.”
Feedbacks are absolutely appreciated! <3
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ayinko · 5 years
Bad Day
Pairing : Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: When a bad day turns into the worst, you find yourself a surprising knight in shining armor
Words: 2.9k
Warnings: Flooff.
A/N: Hey guys, as promised here is a new oneshot, I really really hope you’ll like it! Lots of love! 
I Main masterlist I
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When you woke up today, you just knew the entire day would be a disaster. First, you actually didn’t woke up. Apparently, you didn’t plug your charger properly before going to bed, causing your battery to die and your alarm to not go off. You overslept for an entire hour before realizing it.
Then, in your haste, you slid on the bathroom carpet after your shower and sprained your wrist when trying to save yourself from hitting the edge of the bathtub. Getting ready with your bad wrist caused you to take twice as much time as usual and miss the very important meeting you were supposed to attend.
Keep reading
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ayinko · 5 years
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warning: Slight smut, Swearing, Fluff (maybe? idk)
Summary: Bucky and Y/N are a dynamic duo, work together perfectly and never fails at a mission. Their friendship is also a cool one, but one day, Bucky knows there’s something behind her.
Author’s Note: Well, hope you like this. This is my first ever imagine in this account, hope you like it!
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Y/N and Bucky just went into the gym and prepare for her daily combat training with the metal-armed soldier again. This time, she feels ready and fresh, just like she used to. They wore matching clothes for today’s training, black tank tops and shorts, and she ties her hair into a high ponytail while his hair is on a man bun.
“Alright then, let’s get started as usual.” He rubs his palms together, signalling her that he’s ready.
“Let’s go!” she said with an excited tone.
He then quickly move towards her while swinging his metal arm to her, she quickly dodged it and push his torso with her shoulder and upper arm. She then swing her fist to the left side of his head, but his right hand hold it and his left hand push her collarbone down, so she is dropped to the mattress. She is now laying on the ground while he is on top of her, putting his right fist on top of her head, while his other arm hold her down and his hips holding down her torso.
“That was too quick.” He smirk.
“Did you forget my classic move for this?” She then wrap her legs on his waist and quickly flip them around, so she is now straddling his waist.
Bucky then stop for a while, thinking about her that is now on top of him. He glance at her hips, making his fantasy gone wild, imagining what if she is riding him now. He then snap out of his imagination and realizing that he is still on a fight,
“I think not.” He quickly say as he swing his metal arm again to the side of her head and Y/N dodged it perfectly by getting off of his waist.
She then slide on the mattress and kneeling on one knee as he gets up. They both stand up and start to throw quick punches to each other and also defend it quickly. She throw a straight punch with her right hand on his face, but he quickly grabs her wrist and turn it to her left with his left hand and wrap her arms around her neck while his other arm support it by holding her arms on her neck. Her body was turned around, so they both are facing the same side.
“You know this is dead end and I’m gonna win.” He confidently say it.
“Not so fast, Buck.” She smirk and knock her left elbow to his head, while the other knock his stomach, making him groan in pain and drop to his knees.
Y/N then move to his back, pushing the back of his neck down, and putting his arms on his back and she sit on it to hold it. He is now laying down on his stomach, and she push his head to the mattress, and he have no choice but to turn his head to the side, putting half of his face down directly to the mat, so he can breathe.
Just as she make him suffer by pushing his face down further, Steve walks in, and Y/N notice, so she turn her head to the man on the door,
“Hey guys- ooohh… sorry to interrupt your fight but… there’s a meeting in 5 minutes, so be ready…”
“Okay then, thanks, Cap.” Y/N look at him as she smiles.
“Yep, thanks, pal.” Bucky follows her answer with a breathless voice.
“Alright, then… you guys can continue to your fight again…” Steve said as he walks out of the gym.
Y/N was smiling looking at Steve as he walks out the door, but her smile turns back into anger when she turn her face to see Bucky again.
“Giving up, Barnes?” She said in a serious tone now, knowing that she just said ‘Barnes’. She usually call him ‘Bucky’ but when she just call him with that different name, he knows she is dead serious.
“I would never give up for you, Baby Doll.” He said in a seductive tone, hoping it’ll distract her, but she only chuckles, signalling she is absolutely not distracted.
“Oh, shut it with the stupid name.” She push him further down, “FRIDAY, set a timer for 3 minutes… 3 minutes and we’re done.”
“Alright, timer is set for 3 minutes, Y/N” FRIDAY remind her.
“I know you liked the nickname.” He said as he turn his body, making her fall from his back and quickly stand up.
“No, I don’t.” she say it clearly in a serious tone.
They then go back on track and keep on throwing and dodging punches and kicks from each other, until she finally throw him down, but the same time as the timer went off.
“Oh, come on! That was close!” Y/N said loudly as she feel upset.
“We can continue it after the meeting, Doll… and I won right?”
“Umm… no, it’s a tie.” She said, making him thinking again.
“Well… sounds fair to me.”
They both then walk to their bags and drink some water. Bucky watch her as she drink her water, she drinks so much that it drips down to her neck, mixing with her sweat. His imagination just run wild again and he shakes it off, trying to focus on what he is supposed to do, but it fails when he sees her taking off her top, showing her black sport bra and her toned body. She then dry herself with her towel and put on a grey shirt, he watched every single one of her movements, learning her appearance, but then snap back again.
Bucky then takes his shirt off and turn around, his back facing her. But he don’t know, that someone is now watching him, she watch him as he wipe his towel on his face, she stare at his muscled back and shoulder. She imagined if she can scratch it like she own it. She then shook it off while smiling while she put her towel back in her bag.
Meanwhile, Bucky was thinking if she like him or not. He knows he always call her names, but he wasn’t joking, he meant it. But Bucky didn’t know that Y/N liked it, but all he knows is that he had a feeling that she like him back. And he really want her to be his, to be his own girl.
They both then walk to the meeting room just in time, everyone is already there. She then sit beside Wanda while Bucky is beside Steve.
“Okay, so we just got a mission to stop HYDRA from getting a nuclear bomb to blow up the whole New York.” Tony explains. “It’s not very urgent, they just started making the bomb now, so we can keep this mission for next week.”
Y/N look around and look to Bucky, when she look at him she caught his stare and pay attention to Tony, she chuckle and look back to Tony.
“…Okay… now that we all got the point of the mission, I’m gonna set you up is pairs, because the base have so many entrances. All we’re gonna do is stop the bomb growth and destroy the base. Each pair will have their own job, be we can talk about it later. So, I’m just gonna tell your partners, alright? Starting with me, I’m with Rhodey, Cap, you’re with Sam, Y/N with Bucky, Peter with Thor, Nat with Clint, Vision with Wanda…”
She didn’t focus on what Tony says next, because she’s gonna go with Bucky, between good and bad.
“Hmm… seems like you’re confused.” Wanda interrupted her thoughts.
“yeah, you know… I don’t really feel good about it.”
“Oh, chill out, Y/N. You’ll be fine.”
“And why is that?”
“Because he like you too…”
Her eyes widened with warning, then she look at Bucky with a straight face, but he gave her a wink, she rolled her eyes, but her heart is in shock.
“You’re good at lying, Y/N. But I think he will notice that.”
“Yeah right.”
“Okay, so that now everything is clear, we will continue this meeting in 5 days. Dismiss.” Tony finishes.
Everyone leaves and she and Bucky head back to the gym and prepare for round two, because they miss the first one.
“Ready for round two, Sweetheart?”
“Please don’t call me with that, I hate it.”
“Oh, come on. You’d like that, don’t you?” He said in a seductive tone again.
“No, I don’t, Barnes. Now let’s go back to training.”
“Oh really? You don’t like that?” He walks to her, now face to face. “You know what, Baby Girl? I saw something in your eyes. Your eyes says you’re hiding something from me, is that true, Y/N?” He said, getting serious while she look him in the eyes, hateful look plastered on her face and she look away.
“Get a hold to yourself, Barnes.” She push him away, but he holds her, “You’re drowning in your own lust. We’re here to train, not to flirt.” She tried to let go his hold on her, and she walk away to the mattress, her back is facing his back.
He can’t see her, now that she’s behind him, but she’s actually smirking, hoping he could look at her again like that. But she still have to hold herself, making herself look like she won’t give in easily. She did this all to make sure that she isn’t falling for the wrong person, to make sure that Bucky like her back, and now Y/N is sure, Mr. Bucky Barnes here, is having a crush on her.
Meanwhile, Bucky is feeling flirty because of what he done. He knows he can’t give up loving Y/N, he is 1000% sure that she love him too.
“Alright then I’m sorry… let’s get back to training.” He sigh as he turn around to face her back, he watch her body curves from behind, wishing he could touch it all day.
They then steady themselves on the mattress, getting ready to fight again. For some reason, Y/N is also flirty, the way he look at her before made her blush a bit.
Both of them start to fight again, punching, kicking, knocking each other out. And they both ended on the floor again, Y/N is straddling on Bucky’s shaft, but this time, it’s more awkward. Because her hands are on his chest and his hands hold her body up on her sides. Also, she sit slightly near his length, she can feel a bit of his member on her folds, making both of them blush immediately, but she look away to hide it.
“Aww, don’t hide it, Y/N. You looked cute.” Bucky tried to make her confident a bit.
“No, it’s awful.”
“You looked hot, Doll.” He said, making her shocked and turn to look at his blue eyes that turned darker because of lust. “You know you’re hot. And as I said before, you’re hiding something from me, aren’t you?”
“No, I’m not hiding anything, Buck…” she answered with a low and soft voice. “I’ve told you that, right?”
“Yeah…” He said sadly.
But he didn’t believe her in the inside, so he moved his hips, enough to graze her folds with his length. And unconsciously, she moan a little while closing her eyes, but she quickly realized she just made a mistake, so she snap her eyes open and cover her mouth.
“Feeling flirty aren’t we, Doll?” He smirk to her.
“Uuhh… no…?” She said, with embarrassment.
He then sit up to meet her eyes and watch her face closely, but she look down, “Oh geez, come on… I can see it.”
He tries to look at her eyes, but failed.
“You’re good at lying, Y/N. But you can’t lie to me, I can see the truth in your eyes.”
She look up to him to meet his eyes that is pinned to hers.
“So, you do love me, right?” She ask him shyly.
“…yeah…” he said gladly as he sigh.
He then close the gap between them by putting his lips on hers while closing his eyes. He kissed her gently, slowly, and softly, waiting for her response. She haven’t responded, she is shocked at the sudden movement, she can’t even contain on what’s happening. He stopped kissing her and whisper her something that made he even shocked.
“I know you love me…”
She can’t lie, though. She had no other choice, this is what she always wanted from him. And now she have to tell the truth, too. She then tell him the truth by responded to his kiss, closing her eyes, putting her hands on his shoulder, holding him.
He then put his hands on her back, pulling her closer, their kiss is in sync, their lips moved together perfectly, feeling the lust from each other’s lips. Their kiss went from passionate to physical contact, because now his hands are under her shirt and her hands are on his hair, she’s messing up the man bun he have, and his hands is roaming her skin while his tongue lowly slip into her mouth, exploring her mouth.
They slowly started to take off each other clothes off, now that they are shirtless, hands went everywhere. Her hands move from his neck to his chest and stomach, tracing his abs one by one. His hands are also still on her back, holding her tightly and lay them both down on the mattress.
Their kiss is now on heat when she slowly pulling his shorts down, and he try to take off her bra, but the Steve come in,
“Hey Buck- uuuhhh… okay then…” Steve said, making them get up suddenly.
“Yeah, what’s up?” Bucky responded, while Y/N get her shirt and put it in her bag.
“Umm… nothing- uhh… I actually forgot, so you guys just better carry on then.” Steve said and walk out of the gym and close the door.
He then walked to her and hold her close to him, face to face in front of her.
“So do you love me, Baby Girl?” Bucky ask her seductively.
“Yes I really do.” She put her hands on his chest and get on her tip toes to peck a kiss on his lips.
“Are we gonna continue this here or…?” He ask.
“My room. Now.”
“Yes, Ma’am.” He smile as he walk to her bedroom.
love you all <3
Feedbacks are absolutely appreciated! <3
20 notes · View notes
ayinko · 5 years
he’s so cuuuteee 😄😄
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he’s a delight
9K notes · View notes
ayinko · 5 years
this is soo cuteee!!!!
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mild spoiler!! i love my son bucky!!!!
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ayinko · 5 years
Bucky: I found two puppies. I’m gonna name them after Steve and Sam.
Natasha: that’s nice…I think
Bucky: they’re named Bird and Little Bitch
Natasha: and there it is.
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