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ayurveda-melbourne · 4 months
Top 10 Benefits of Triphala
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Triphala has long been seen as an invaluable ingredient to holistic healthcare practices. Though it originated in India, its benefits continue to captivate modern health practitioners today with regards to supporting various aspects of well-being and overall wellness. But exactly what is Triphala, and why can it aid on our path towards living healthier lifestyles? Explore this blog through the top 10 benefits of Triphala and how it impacts various aspects of health. 
What is Triphala?
Triphala (or “three fruits”) is an ancient Indian herbal blend composed of amalaki, bibhitaki and haritaki fruit extracts and can help support digestion, well-being and potentially more benefits in Ayurveda. It is available in powders, capsules, oil or extract forms – its benefits could potentially aid digestion while simultaneously reducing inflammation, increasing immunity levels and providing powerful antioxidant protection.
Uses of Triphala
It is described as a tridoshic Rasayana in Ayurveda and Triphala is widely used in many health conditions because of its following properties:
Blood purifying 
Benefits of Triphala
Here are the top 10 benefits of Triphala:
Anti-inflammatory Properties
Triphala, an Ayurvedic herbal blend, packs anti-inflammatory power! Studies suggest it reduces inflammation markers, protects cartilage, and even outperforms conventional meds. While promising, more research is needed to confirm its effectiveness in humans.
Protection against Dental Diseases and Cavities 
Triphala, an Ayurvedic herbal mix, holds potential against dental woes. Its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties might combat plaque buildup, harmful bacteria, and even inflammation linked to gum disease. Studies suggest it could reduce cavity risk and enhance oral health. 
Aid in Weight Loss
Some studies show increased fat loss, especially belly fat, in animals taking Triphala. However, human evidence is limited and inconclusive. Its potential mechanisms, like improved digestion and metabolism, may help to reduce weight. Remember, weight loss primarily relies on calorie balance and lifestyle changes: Triphala might offer support but don’t expect magic results. 
Natural Laxative
Triphala provides natural laxative effects through its special combination of fruits. Each fruit provides different actions: Amalaki stimulates gut movement; Bibhitaki softens stool and Haritaki cleans and tones the colon; together these three fruits promote regularity while relieving constipation symptoms – although individual results may differ and excessive use could potentially become habit-forming or lead to dependence; listen to your body, prioritize diet changes as necessary and consult a healthcare provider if symptoms continue.
Digestive Health
Triphala, an Ayurvedic herbal blend, supports digestive health in several ways. It stimulates digestion, softens stool and cleanses the colon with its mixture of fruits. Studies suggest it could even balance gut bacteria levels which might reduce bloating or constipation symptoms – lifestyle and diet adjustments should always be included as integral elements in maintaining overall digestive wellness.
Antioxidant Properties 
Triphala packs an antioxidant punch! Gallic acid and polyphenols work to neutralize free radicals found in your body and protect cells against damage; this could provide protection from various health problems; further human studies will need to take place before conclusively verifying its antioxidant effects and exact benefits can be seen from Triphala use.
Skin Health
CBD’s(cannabidiol) antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties could combat free radicals that accelerate skin aging while healing wounds faster; some studies even indicate its use to address acne breakouts; however, evidence on humans remains limited and inconclusive, with topical application or oral consumption producing mixed results; more research must be completed to ascertain both effectiveness and safety for all users.
Respiratory Health
Its anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties could help ease congestion, soothe irritated airways, and even reduce mucus production. Studies suggest benefits for conditions like asthma and bronchitis. Human studies are crucial to confirm its effectiveness and safety for everyone. 
Immune System
Triphala Has Antioxidant Properties that May Enhance Immune System Triphala contains antioxidant properties and has been found effective at reducing inflammation. This in turn has the ability to boost immune function; studies have also indicated triphala supplements increase activity of natural killer cells which helps boost our ability to fight infection more quickly and easily...
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ayurveda-melbourne · 4 months
Benefits of Ashokarishta
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Ashokarishta is a cherished Ayurvedic tonic made from the Ashoka tree bark, renowned for its health benefits holistically. It relieves menstrual discomfort and aids in promoting the health of reproductive organs, and regulates hormones in a way that is effective. The tonic's versatility also helps the digestion process, helps detoxify, improves the immune system, and fights inflammation. Ashokarishta is a transformative form of Ayurveda, which promotes overall health and well-being. Let's discover the numerous benefits this herbal remedy can provide and discover the secrets to the best health and vitality you can get with Ashokarishta with us.
What is Ashokarishta
Ashokarishta Also known as Ashokaristam is an incredibly well-known Ayurvedic treatment which has been used for ages to treat the health issues of women.
It's a mixture of components that undergo fermentation. The process of fermentation helps this tonic acquire Astringent properties which aid in the control of excessive menstrual bleeding or hemorrhoids that are bleeding, as well as bleeding ulcers.
According to Ayurveda Mensuration-related disorders usually result from aggravation. Ashokarishta because of its Vata-balancing ability helps relieve menstrual-related issues. It also contains Kashaya (astringent) along with Sita (cold) qualities that assist in controlling bleeding. Its Sita property is also helpful in the treatment of piles. It can help reduce in discomfort and burning in piles.
Ashokarishta for heavy menstrual bleeding
Ashokarishta is widely acclaimed as an effective natural treatment to menorrhagia or heavy bleeding during menstrual cycles. It is based on the healing properties from the bark of Ashoka plant (Saraca asoca). This tincture made of herbal ingredients is not just a way to menstrual flow but also helps address the underlying hormone imbalances and urinary health issues.
Additionally, it has substances such as Dhataki (Woodfordia fruiticosa) as well as Musta (Cyperus Rotundus) that work in synergy to boost the health of your reproductive system. Beyond halting excess circulation of blood, the plants can provide a wide range of benefits like decreasing menstrual cramps and inflammation. Integrating this supplement into your daily routine could help you to take an improved approach to managing the menstrual cycle without harming your overall health.
Ashokarishta for Pain during menstruation
In contrast to the over-the counter medications that usually cause symptoms for a short time, Ashokarishta addresses the root causes by balancing hormone levels and encouraging the health of your uterus. It not only eases cramps, but also helps with other discomforts such as bloating or fatigue.
What sets Ashokarishta distinct is their holistic method of female health. In addition to providing the relief of physical discomfort, it functions as a reviving agent by increasing general vitality and emotional well-being throughout menstrual. The antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties contained in this drink work together to increase blood flow and relax the uterine muscles, delivering long-lasting advantages without the risk of negative consequences. If you are looking for a long-lasting alternative to painkillers that aren't as expensive, Ashokarishta provides a compelling combination of traditional efficacy and extensive treatment.
Ashokarishta for symptoms of menopausal
Ashokarishta is a classic Ayurvedic formula, has emerged as an unusual ally to address the frequently overlooked symptoms of menopausal. It can help alleviate mood swings, hot flashes as well as other issues which are associated with menopausal. As medical science continues to research natural cures Ashokarishta's distinctive blend consisting of Ashoka tree bark as well as other rejuvenating herbs have been shown to balance hormone changes that are crucial during the menopausal transition.
Regular consumption can boost mental well-being and emotional balance by diminishing stress levels and leading to more restful sleep. Furthermore, while many go for hormone replacement therapy that is rife with negative side consequences, Ashokarishta offers a gentler alternative that's rooted in centuries of tradition. It's not only about managing symptoms, it's about making a smoother menopausal journey with less interruptions to everyday life.
Ashokarishta for Piles
The Ashokarishta formula is renowned for its use in Ayurvedic medical practices, Ashokarishta stands out as an effective remedy for pimples through harnessing its many advantages. The herbal blend is renowned because of its anti-inflammatory, analgesic qualities. These natural properties work in concert to relieve the discomfort that comes with piles, such as pain, swelling, and bleeding.
Additionally, Ashokarishta's astringent qualities assist in tightening tissues and shrinking hemorrhoids efficiently. It also aids in digestion by helping to maintain regular bowel movements and eliminating constipation, which is a major contributor to piles. If you are looking for alternative treatments that are natural or that work along with modern treatment, Ashokarishta offers an intriguing option that is rooted in centuries-old wisdom but still relevant to the current health-related landscape.
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ayurveda-melbourne · 4 months
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ayurveda-melbourne · 4 months
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ayurveda-melbourne · 8 months
Kizhi Treatment: Experience Ultimate Relaxation with Herbal Poultice Massage
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What is Kizhi?
Kizhi therapy is a deep ayurvedic massage that is done with Kizhi (poultice), filled with a variety of herbal mixtures, herbal powders and medicines, medicinal rice or sand. The kizhi is heated in lukewarm herbal oil for treatment and massaged over the affected area or the whole body if required. The warmth of the poultices, combined with the active ingredients of the herbs and oils helps to improve circulation, reduce body stiffness, provide relief from pain and relax the muscles. It is used to treat conditions like arthritis, spondylitis, fibromyalgia, any type of rheumatism, and general or chronic pain in any part of the body. 
Types of Kizhi Treatments
Kizhi, the ancient Ayurvedic poultice massage therapy, offers a variety of healing experiences. Each variation uses unique ingredients and techniques, targeting specific needs and ailments. Following are some of the most popular Kizhi treatments:
Podikizhi is great for people who want to get focused relief from stiff muscles and joint pain. With bags full of freshly ground herbal powders, this therapy works on certain areas, like the neck, shoulders, knees, or elbows. Targeted strokes and compressions are used by the therapist to get the concentrated pain-relieving effects of the herbs right to the source of the problem.
Reduced muscle tension and stiffness
Improved joint mobility
Pain relief in specific areas
Increased blood circulation
Elakizhi, meaning “leaf bundle,” give the power of nature’s anti-inflammatory warriors- Lawsonia (henna) and Vitex negundo (chaste tree) leaves.Filled with these and other potent herbs, heated boluses soothe sore muscles, calm swollen joints, and accelerate the healing process.
Reduced inflammation
Pain relief in muscles and joints
Improved joint function
Increased blood circulation
Njavarakizhi (Navarakizhi)
Njavarakizhi, which means “rice bundle,” is a luxury way to relax deeply. Warm pouches filled with rice cooked in a special herbal tea blend are an important factor of the Njavarakizhi treatment. Their gentle warmth and soothing herbal aroma combine to create a calming symphony that melts away stress and worries, promoting restful sleep and overall well-being.
Deep relaxation and stress reduction
Improved sleep quality
Reduced anxiety and depression
Enhanced mood and mental clarity
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ayurveda-melbourne · 8 months
Ayurvedic Herbs for Treating Arthritis
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Arthritis is defined as pain or sickness in the joints. There are over 100 different types of arthritis and associated conditions. Joint inflammation is the common cause of this illness, resulting in significant pain and stiffness that worsens with age. When it gets worse, it may even impact the elderly’s regular mobility and movements. Ayurvedic herbs may help alleviate arthritis symptoms; the exact herbs recommended will depend on each person and the severity of their condition.
Types of Arthritis
Arthritis is a broad term, covering more than 100 disorders that can affect your joints. However, the most common types of arthritis are:
Rheumatoid arthritis
Psoriatic arthritis
Juvenile idiopathic arthritis
Ankylosing spondylitis
Ayurvedic Herbs for Arthritis
Since ancient times, Ayurvedic therapies have employed herbs as part of treatment plans for arthritis. The following are some of the most well-known plants that are regularly used:
Commonly used herbs:
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Turmeric is widely known for its ability to reduce joint inflammation and discomfort. It contains curcumin, a powerful substance that can boost flexibility and mobility.
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Ginger’s anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties make it an excellent herbal treatment option for arthritis, helping to relieve symptoms such as pain, inflammation, and stiffness while improving joint functionality.
Boswellia (Shallaki)
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Also known as Indian frankincense, Boswellia is used because of its anti-inflammatory properties. It helps reduce the production of inflammatory molecules, providing relief from arthritis symptoms and supporting joint health.
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ayurveda-melbourne · 8 months
Yoga Asanas for a Healthy Lifestyle and Overall Well-being: A Beginner’s Guide
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What is Yoga?
Yoga is a collection of physical, mental, and spiritual exercises that have their roots in ancient India. Their goal is to quiet the mind and recognize a witness-consciousness that is divorced from the mind and from everyday suffering.
The Benefits of Yoga for Overall Well-being
Enhance flexibility and balance
Reduces stress and anxiety
Enhance digestion
Boost immunity
Improves overall health
Enhances mental clarity and concentration
Promotes better sleep
Increases strength and tone
Boosts self-awareness and self-esteem
Promotes a sense of inner relief
As with anything, yoga benefits vary for each person depending on various variables, such as health conditions, frequency and kind of practice.
Popular Yoga Asanas for a Healthy Lifestyle and Overall Wellness
For Relaxation and Stress Relief:
Balasana (Child’s Pose): This gentle pose calms the mind and eases tension in the neck and shoulders. 
Savasana (Corpse Pose): Promotes deep relaxation and rejuvenation, leaving you feeling refreshed and revitalised.
Viparita Karani (Legs Up the Wall): An inverted pose that improves circulation, calms the nervous system and aids in lymphatic drainage.
For Flexibility and Strength:
Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog): Stretches the entire body, strengthens the core, and improves blood flow.
Vrikshasana (Tree Pose): Improves balance, focus, and concentration while strengthening the legs and core.
Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose): Opens the chest and shoulders, strengthens the core and back, and improves flexibility.
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ayurveda-melbourne · 8 months
Ayurveda in Melbourne
Welcome to Ayurveda Melbourne, a serene haven where ancient wisdom meets modern wellness to the heart of this vibrant Melbourne City. Our dedicated practitioners embrace the principles of the Ayurveda, an ancient system of holistic healing that seeks to harmonize the mind, body, and spirit.
At Ayurveda Melbourne, we offer a personalized approach to well-being, recognizing the unique constitution of each individual. Our skilled Ayurvedic practitioners utilize traditional methods such as herbal remedies, dietary guidance, and lifestyle adjustments to promote balance and vitality.
Immerse yourself in a tranquil environment designed to evoke a sense of peace and relaxation. From the moment you step through our doors, you will experience the warmth of our caring staff and the timeless wisdom of Ayurveda.
Discover the power of Ayurvedic treatments that aim to rejuvenate, detoxify, and restore your body's natural equilibrium. Whether you seek relief from stress, digestive issues, or chronic ailments, our expert team is committed to guiding you on your journey to optimal health.
Join us at Ayurveda Melbourne and embrace the transformative power of Ayurveda. Experience a holistic approach to well-being that transcends the ordinary, and embark on a path towards renewed vitality and harmony in every aspect of your life.
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ayurveda-melbourne · 8 months
Kizhi Treatment: Experience Ultimate Relaxation with Herbal Poultice Massage
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What is Kizhi?
Kizhi therapy is a deep ayurvedic massage that is done with Kizhi (poultice), filled with a variety of herbal mixtures, herbal powders and medicines, medicinal rice or sand. The kizhi is heated in lukewarm herbal oil for treatment and massaged over the affected area or the whole body if required. The warmth of the poultices, combined with the active ingredients of the herbs and oils helps to improve circulation, reduce body stiffness, provide relief from pain and relax the muscles. It is used to treat conditions like arthritis, spondylitis, fibromyalgia, any type of rheumatism, and general or chronic pain in any part of the body. 
The Science Behind Kizhi
The science behind Kizhi massage is blending ancient Ayurvedic principles with modern physiological needs. Here’s a deeper dive into its key pillars:
Heat Therapy
Heated kizhi dilates blood vessels which boost circulation and send nutrient-rich oxygen flowing to your tissues. The warmth of kizhi loosens tight muscles, eases stiff joints, and provides the release of endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers, for a major pain-relieving effect.
Herbal Synergy
For muscle-targeted healing, the herbalist blends kizhi with potent ingredients such as ginger and turmeric to take aim at inflammation, while neem and tulsi actively boost your immune system and cleanse your skin. Each kizhi becomes a customised care medicine blend herbal massage, fighting specific illnesses and promoting your overall health.
Marma Stimulation
Therapists study your body’s need for treatment during a Kizhi massage. They gently press on Marma points, where your energy channels, nerves, and blood vessels meet. These key points are like power buttons for your prana (life force), and with the warmth of the poultice. The marma massage boosts its flow by bringing balance and relaxation. It’s like restarting your body’s natural healing powers.
Lymphatic Drainage
With each type of massage and hand placement, your Kizhi therapist gets your lymphatic system moving. This vital network, responsible for flushing out toxins, gets support which leads to reduced swelling and a cleaner internal body environment. Think of it as a gentle internal spring cleaning, leaving you feeling lighter and healthier.
Psychological Impact
Warm and fragrant herbal poultices soothe deeply. Sensory stimulation lowers cortisol and releases neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine, changing brain chemistry. This herbal massage reduces anxiety and improves sleep which is very important during treatment.
Types of Kizhi Treatments
Kizhi, the ancient Ayurvedic poultice massage therapy, offers a variety of healing experiences. Each variation uses unique ingredients and techniques, targeting specific needs and ailments. Following are some of the most popular Kizhi treatments:
Podikizhi is great for people who want to get focused relief from stiff muscles and joint pain. With bags full of freshly ground herbal powders, this therapy works on certain areas, like the neck, shoulders, knees, or elbows. Targeted strokes and compressions are used by the therapist to get the concentrated pain-relieving effects of the herbs right to the source of the problem.
Reduced muscle tension and stiffness
Improved joint mobility
Pain relief in specific areas
Increased blood circulation
Elakizhi, meaning “leaf bundle,” give the power of nature’s anti-inflammatory warriors- Lawsonia (henna) and Vitex negundo (chaste tree) leaves.Filled with these and other potent herbs, heated boluses soothe sore muscles, calm swollen joints, and accelerate the healing process.
Reduced inflammation
Pain relief in muscles and joints
Improved joint function
Increased blood circulation
Njavarakizhi (Navarakizhi)
Njavarakizhi, which means “rice bundle,” is a luxury way to relax deeply. Warm pouches filled with rice cooked in a special herbal tea blend are an important factor of the Njavarakizhi treatment. Their gentle warmth and soothing herbal aroma combine to create a calming symphony that melts away stress and worries, promoting restful sleep and overall well-being.
Deep relaxation and stress reduction
Improved sleep quality
Reduced anxiety and depression
Enhanced mood and mental clarity
Naranga kizhi
Naranga kizhi, also known as Jambira Pinda Sweda, is an Ayurvedic therapeutic treatment that uses heated boluses filled with lemon, herbs, and other medicinal ingredients to alleviate pain, inflammation, and stiffness.
Reduces pain and inflammation
Improves circulation
Relieves muscle spasms
Detoxifies the body
Boosts the immune system
Manal kizhi
Manal Kizhi, also known as Valuka Sweda, is an Ayurvedic therapeutic treatment that uses heated boluses filled with sand to induce sweating, improve circulation, and alleviate pain. 
Reduces pain and inflammation
Improves circulation
Detoxifies the body
Improves skin health
Provides a grounding and calming effect
Reduces Ama
How it works
The strong herbs, carefully chosen for your specific needs, are transformed into powerful poultices. These potent bundles deliver deep-penetrating heat, loosening those tight muscles, boosting circulation, and melting away pain. As the therapist’s rhythmic massage guides the poultices across your skin, your body actively receives the healing plant ingredients. This potent absorption tackles pain, stiffness, and inflammation, leaving you feeling renewed and refreshed. The warmth, the plant action, and the massage – a powerful trio that works together to create a deeply relaxing and healing experience.
Benefits of Kizhi Therapy
Pain Relief and Reduced Stiffness:
Warm poultices and targeted massage relieve tight muscles, blood flow, and joint pain. This reduces discomfort in muscles, joints, and chronic disorders like arthritis.
Detoxification and Improved Circulation:
The heat from the poultices and stimulating massage strokes promote lymphatic drainage, flushing out toxins and waste products from the body. This enhances blood circulation, boosts immunity, and leaves you feeling lighter and revitalised.
Deep Relaxation and Stress Reduction:
The rhythmic massage, soothing warmth, and calming aroma of the herbs create a deeply relaxing experience. This reduces stress hormones, promotes anxiety relief, and improves sleep quality, leaving you feeling calm and centred.
Improved Joint Mobility and Flexibility:
Targeted therapy and heat application with kizhi treatment help to loosen stiff joints and increase flexibility. This improves range of motion, reduces stiffness, and makes everyday activities easier and more enjoyable.
Boosted Immunity and Overall Well-being:
The herbs used in Kizhi poultices possess various medicinal properties, like antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds. These can strengthen the immune system, fight free radicals, and promote overall health and well-being.
Who Can Benefit from Kizhi Treatment?
Kizhi is a safe and effective therapy for individuals seeking natural pain relief, stress management, and overall wellness. It can be particularly beneficial for those suffering from
Musculoskeletal pain and stiffness
Chronic pain conditions
Insomnia and stress
Poor circulation
Skin conditions
Stress and Anxiety
Individuals Seeking Detoxification and Immunity Boost, Individuals Desiring Deep Relaxation and Rejuvenation can also benefit from this therapy
Precautions and Considerations for Kizhi Therapy
Inform your therapist about any allergies or medical conditions
Avoid heavy meals before and after the treatment
Drink plenty of water to aid detoxification
Wear loose and comfortable clothing
Relax for treatment
Kizhi is more than just a massage, beyond the therapeutic benefits, Kizhi pampers you with its luxuriousness and deep relaxation. The warmth and the gentle touch of kizhi therapy embarks you on a soothing sensory journey. This leaves you feeling completely rejuvenated and refreshed.
Seeking natural pain relief, stress reduction, or a path to deeper well-being? Look no further than Kizhi therapy! Its diverse benefits and holistic approach offer a unique and transformative experience that revitalizes you from the inside out. By embracing the wisdom of Ayurveda and the potent energy of medicinal herbs, you can embark on a transformative journey, rediscovering the balance and harmony within.
Consult with an Ayurvedic practitioner to find the right treatment for your individual needs and unlock the doors to a healthier, happier you! Explore Melbourne’s combined natural therapies and holistic massage offerings with kizhi therapy as your gateway.
Disclaimer: This blog provides information about Kizhi therapy for educational purposes only. It is not meant to replace professional medical help, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional before starting any new treatment, including Kizhi therapy.
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ayurveda-melbourne · 8 months
Ayurvedic treatment for weight loss
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It’s when there’s too much fat in the body because of eating too many fatty and fried foods and not moving around enough. This can lead to problems like high blood pressure, diabetes, and trouble with digestion. It can also affect how you socialize with others. To avoid and manage obesity, it’s important to eat a balanced diet with lots of fruits and veggies, exercise regularly, and make small changes like taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Paying attention to how much you eat and not overdoing it is crucial. Developing good eating habits early on can help keep you at a healthy weight and prevent problems linked to obesity. Ayurclinic in Melbourne provides you with the best weight loss treatment for you.
Challenges Associated with Obesity
Obesity brings about a host of health challenges that can significantly impact our well-being. Excessive body fat, often a result of consuming too much unhealthy food and leading a sedentary lifestyle, can lead to serious issues such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and digestive problems. Additionally, being obese can affect our social life, making it more challenging to engage with others. It’s crucial to recognize that obesity is not just a cosmetic concern, it poses substantial risks to our overall health. Managing weight through a balanced diet, regular exercise, and lifestyle changes is essential to mitigate these health challenges and enhance our overall quality of life. If left unaddressed, obesity can contribute to a range of complications that may impact both physical and mental well-being.
Ayurvedic Practices for Effective Weight loss
Dealing with obesity can be tough, but Ayurveda offers some helpful practices to aid in weight management. Here’s good news for those seeking Ayurvedic solutions or wanting to support a friend or family member in their weight loss journey. Ayurveda suggests a few practices to manage obesity:
Fasting: While fasting is often associated with religious practices, it can help manage obesity by reducing calorie intake. However, it’s important not to fast for long hours frequently to avoid dehydration and lack of nutrition.
Calorie Control: Lowering overall calorie intake, without completely cutting out carbohydrates or fats, is recommended for effective obesity management. Keeping track of your calorie consumption based on your diet can be beneficial.
Yoga and Pranayama: Engaging in yoga asanas and pranayama (breathing exercises) is a highly effective Ayurvedic approach to lose and maintain weight. Various yoga poses contribute to weight management, while pranayamas enhance stamina and support respiratory system cleansing.
Healthy Routine: Maintaining a consistent and healthy routine is crucial for preventing obesity. Disrupted sleep cycles and irregular habits can lead to increased calorie consumption and disrupt the digestive system, causing issues like indigestion and constipation.
Avoid High Carbohydrate Vegetables: Certain vegetables high in carbohydrates, like potatoes and corn, can contribute to obesity. It’s advisable to either avoid or limit the consumption of these veggies. Additionally, reducing rice intake is recommended when dealing with obesity. Following these Ayurvedic practices can contribute to effective obesity management and overall well-being.
Ayurclinic’s Holistic Approach to Obesity Management
At Ayurclinic, we approach obesity as more than just a physical concern, it’s a holistic challenge that involves mind, body, and lifestyle. Our comprehensive strategy involves personalized assessments considering your unique constitution, lifestyle factors, and underlying imbalances. We understand that each individual is different, and so are the root causes of obesity. Our practitioners work closely with you to tailor Ayurvedic therapies, dietary adjustments, and lifestyle modifications that address the core issues leading to weight concerns. We emphasize the importance of achieving a harmonious balance, not just shedding pounds. Through continuous monitoring and adjustments to treatment plans, Ayurclinic stands committed to guiding you towards effective and sustainable obesity management, promoting overall well-being and vitality.
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ayurveda-melbourne · 8 months
Optimizing Joint Health with Ayurvedic Heat Therapy: A Comprehensive Guide
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Ayurveda utilizes heat therapy as a crucial method for pain relief, promoting healing through increased blood flow and toxin elimination. This blog explores the benefits of heat therapy for joint health and provides insights into various Ayurvedic heat treatments.
How Heat Therapy Benefits Your Joints
Heat therapy, also known as ‘thermotherapy’, involves applying warmth to alleviate pain and discomfort in sore areas. This can be achieved through warm packs, wraps, baths, pourings, or devices generating heat. The key mechanisms behind heat treatment include:
Pain relief
increasing blood circulation
Muscle relaxation
Enhancing joint flexibility
Lubricating joints
Promoting overall relaxation
Types of Heat Therapy
Healthcare experts categorize heat therapy into:
Moist Heat
Warm Towels or Washcloths
Hot baths or showers.
Sauna or Steam Therapy – steam room or sauna room that induces sweating.
Paraffin Wax Therapy – Warm paraffin is applied to the area of pain.
Dry Heat
Heating Pads (Electric heat pads or microwavable pads)
Heat wraps – Adhesive wraps that generate heat
Heat Packs – Gel packs or Heat packs (Gel or grain-filled packs that can be heated)
Electric blankets – blankets that have heating equipment in them.
Infrared Heat Therapy – Devices that produce IR lights that can penetrate deep tissues
Ayurvedic Heat Therapy Treatments for Joints
Ayurvedic heat therapies for joints, collectively known as “Swedana Chikitsa,” involve various techniques like bolus applications, steam therapy, and warm oil massages. Ayurveda recommends Swedana Chikitsa for joint health, especially in cases of excessive pain, stiffness, and no active inflammation. Some key techniques include:
Bolus of the Herbal Mixture (Pinda Swedana) A medicinal herbal paste bolus is made by combining drumstick leaves, castor leaves, and chaste tree leaves with medicated oil or ghee. The mixture is tied in a cloth, placed in a vessel, and heated to an optimal temperature. This bolus is then applied to the painful joint for relief.
Bolus of Sand/Grains (Ruksha Pinda Swedana) A bolus of sand or grains, heated in a cloth in a vessel, can be applied with or without oil based on Ayurvedic principles. Consult an Ayurveda expert for personalized guidance.
Compression Covering with Medications (Upanaha Swedana) Heat a paste of medicinal herbal powders (e.g., Triphala and ginger) and apply it to painful joints. Place a pain-relieving leaf on the paste and cover it with a cloth as a bandage, typically left overnight.
Steam Therapy The process involves boiling pain-relieving herbs in a small vessel, and the steam is passed through a connected pipe onto the painful joint area for relief.
Dipping method It is a warm, medicated water tub bath for relieving multiple joint pains. For single joints, it is treated by immersing the painful area in the tub.
Pouring Warm Medications (Seka) Ease joint pain and enhance joint health by pouring warm medicated water or Ayurvedic oils in a thin stream onto painful and stiff joints.
Warm Medicated paste application Applying a paste made from grinding different herbs to your painfully swollen joint helps dry off all that swelling.
Combining Heat Therapy with Other Treatments
Ayurvedic practitioners suggest combining heat treatment with oil application, detoxification therapy, and subsequent yoga or physical therapy sessions to enhance flexibility and overall joint health.
Oil application: Before applying heat, oil application is considered mandatory.
Detoxification therapy: Heat treatment, along with detoxification therapy, helps remove the bodily toxins that cause your joint health issues. Detoxification helps cure chronic and acute joint conditions.
Yoga and physical therapy: After the application of oil and heat, the muscles and joints are more flexible. So, a session of yoga or physical therapy is advised.
When to Apply Heat for Joint Pain Relief
Choosing between heat and cold therapies depends on the dosha imbalance associated with specific symptoms. For instance, thermotherapy is recommended for severe pain, crackling sounds on movement, and loss of muscle bulk associated with Vata dosha imbalance.
Why Avoid Heat Therapy for Acute Inflammatory Joint Conditions?
In cases of acute inflammation linked to aggravated Pitta dosha, it is advised to avoid heat treatment, as Pitta is characterized by heat. Cold applications are preferable to prevent exacerbating inflammation.
Does Heat Application Help with Chronic Arthritis?
While ice packs are recommended within two days of onset in acute arthritis, thermotherapy becomes beneficial in managing chronic inflammatory joint conditions without flare-ups.
Tips for Safe Heat Therapy Application
Practicing heat treatment at home requires caution. Recommendations include
Choose the right heat source
Apply only to the affected area
Ensure comfortable positioning
Opt for warm rather than hot applications
Limit sessions to 15–20 minutes
Use a protective layer
Monitor for discomfort
Avoiding falling asleep with a hot pack
When Not to Apply Heat Therapy
Prolonged heat treatment carries risks such as skin rash, decreased blood pressure, or increased swelling. It’s essential to avoid it in specific conditions, including skin conditions, visible blood vessels outside, deep vein thrombosis, chronic heart conditions, diabetes, and open wounds.
Understanding how to effectively use Ayurvedic heat therapy can significantly heal and soothe joint function and quality of life. It is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before taking any of the mentioned therapies to ensure optimal safety and effectiveness. Get personalized guidance and treatments for your aches and pains with Ayurveda in Melbourne. Book your consultation with our expert Ayurvedic practitioners and reclaim your active, pain-free lifestyle!
The content on this website is only meant to be educational; it is not meant to be taken as medical advice or to be a replacement for expert medical treatment. It is essential to consult Ayurvedic practitioners for customized treatment plans because individual reactions to therapy vary.
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ayurveda-melbourne · 8 months
Upanaha – The Ayurvedic Way Of Bandaging
Bandaging remains an inevitable therapy in musculoskeletal conditions. Whether it is sprains to fractures, bandages were the primary choice among physicians. Ancient traditional healing, Ayurveda utiltises bandages by the name Upanaha where medicated herbal paste is applied over the affected region and wrapped with a cotton cloth. Let’s explore the healing properties of Upanaha.
What is Upanaha?
Upanaha is an Ayurvedic Panchakarma therapy to relieve pain, swelling, and localized discomforts. It is accomplished by applying warm medicated oil or paste over affected regions and tied with medicated leaves and cotton cloth.
The term ‘Upanaha’ refers to ‘poultice’ or ‘bandage’; the affected region is bandaged with medicinal paste.
The therapy helps reduce pain, swelling, and inflammation; balances the Vata Dosha, and improves blood circulation in the affected region. It is an ideal choice for managing musculoskeletal conditions and varicose veins.
How Upanaha Works?
When the medicated paste is bandaged over the affected area, the sweat glands get stimulated, creating external fomentation(sweating). The bandaging also causes an increase in localized body temperature.
It enhances metabolic activities, increased blood circulation, and stimulation of the nerve roots in the skin. The dilated blood vessels help with the expulsion of toxins, cleansing the region with increased circulation of oxygen and nutrients.
The opened sweat pores aids with transfer of nutrients and other essential elements to the affected region. The anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antioxidant properties of herbal paste aid with relieving pain and other discomforts.
If you are opting for sudden relief from pain in a busy schedule, a professional Upanaha therapy can address all your concerns.
Benefits of Upanaha
Upanaha is an external non-invasive therapy that can be performed even at the comfort of your home. It offers a wide range of health benefits including:
Helps relieve pain – As per Ayurvedic philosophy, all types of pain are caused due to the imbalance in Vata dosha. The procedure helps normalize the dosha, and thus helps relieve pain and discomforts in the muscles and joints.
Aids in reducing inflammation – The medicated paste used in the therapy contains anti-inflammatory components that act on inflammatory mediators on the affected area; thereby reducing swelling.
Helps relieve joint and muscle stiffness – Upanaha relaxes the muscles and joints and helps reduce stiffness.
Improve blood circulation – The rise in localised body temperature results in vasodilation. Improved blood circulation can expel the accumulated toxic materials from the area and increase the availability of oxygen and nutrients.
Enhance joint flexibility and mobility – Upanaha helps eliminate accumulated toxins in the joints, nourish the cells, and improve joint movements.
Helps normalize Vata dosha – The therapy helps bring the Vata Dosha back to normalcy.
Our expert panel of physicians analyzes your health to determine the suitable medicines for your therapy. After positioning the individual in a comfortable position, the affected area must be checked for any wounds or bruises.
The medicated herbal paste is prepared by combining the herbal powder with oil, water etc.
Once the individual is seated comfortably, local abhyanga must be done with suitable oil for a few minutes. The lukewarm herbal paste is applied over the affected area with a thickness up to 5 mm, covering the entire area. Once the paste is spread equally, the area must be bandaged with leaves having Vata pacifying property and tied with cotton cloth.
The duration of the therapy depends upon severity of the condition. Usually it is advised to perform therapy by evening for 12 hours. After the prescribed time frame, the herbal paste can be removed, and the area can be cleaned with lukewarm water.
Upanaha provides quick relief from discomfort and is highly beneficial in the following conditions like:
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Frozen Shoulder
Ankylosing Spondylitis
Varicose Veins
Joint injuries
Strains and sprains
Ayurclinic Approach to Upanaha
At Ayurclinic, we have a personalized approach to treating tropical health concerns using Upanaha. We first evaluate the patient’s condition, considering their lifestyle, diet, and body type to understand the underlying causes of your localized pain and discomforts. During the Upanaha therapy, we use medicated herbal paste as per your needs to reduce localized pain and swelling. This treatment is gentle but effective in relieving all your concerns.
In some cases, Upanaha is combined with other Ayurvedic therapies and lifestyle guidance to maximize its benefits.
Upanaha is a short-term yet potent therapy that connects the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda to the contemporary world. With its ability to reduce pain and swelling, improve blood circulation, and enhance joint mobility and flexibility. Upahana therapy can be opted for by anyone for quick relief of their aches and pains. Reconnect with your body’s natural balance and embrace the benefits of Ayurveda in Melbourne.
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ayurveda-melbourne · 9 months
Eye Care Ayurveda Remedies to Keep your Eyes Healthy
Eyes are very delicate and need special care. We use our eyes a lot, especially with phones and computers. Ayurveda, an ancient health system, says we should take natural and holistic steps to keep our eyes healthy.
Today, many people have eye problems. Our bad habits, pollution, and too much screen time are making our eyesight worse, even in young kids. Changes in the food we eat because of pollution and genetic modifications can hurt our bodies, including our eyes. Some common eye problems are squinting, scarring on the front of the eye, cloudy areas in the eye lens, dry eyes, allergies, and eye problems from diabetes.
Ayurveda thinks of the eyes as part of the body’s system that manages digestion and energy. So, it’s important to main proper eye care and keep our eyes cool and moist.
Ayurveda Care for Healthy Eyes
Caring for your eyes is essential in today’s digital age. With the increased screen time and environmental factors that can affect eye health, it’s crucial to take steps to keep your eyes in good condition. Simple practices like taking regular breaks from screens, ensuring proper lighting, and getting adequate sleep can go a long way in maintaining healthy eyes.
If proper care for the eyes is not taken, it can result in various eye conditions such as age-related macular degeneration and cataracts, which is a leading cause of blindness in the world. The Ayurvedic name for defective eyesight is ‘Drishti Dosha’. Alochaka Pitta is responsible for maintaining eyesight and it weakens with age. To ensure good healthy eyes, proper caring for the eyes is one preventative measure that helps.
A few causes of defective eyesight include prolonged constipation, nervous debility, prolonged common cold, stress, diabetes, excessive smoking, alcohol intake, and caffeinated drinks.
Additionally, you can include eye exercises, like rolling your eyes, focusing on distant objects, and blinking often to reduce eye strain. Eating a diet rich in eye-friendly nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, and zinc can also help. Foods like carrots, leafy greens, and almonds are great choices. Remember, just like the rest of your body, your eyes need regular care and attention to stay healthy.
Maintaining Healthy Vision through Ayurveda:
According to Ayurvedic wisdom, the eyes are associated with the Pitta dosha, which means they are sensitive and require special care. Incorporating Ayurvedic practices into your daily routine can help preserve your eye health.
Ayurvedic rituals for maintaining healthy eyes include eye exercises, proper nutrition, and stress management. Regular eye exercises can strengthen eye muscles and reduce strain. Foods rich in nutrients like apples, sprouted chickpeas, raw carrots, almonds, green leafy vegetables, and whole wheat bread nourish your eyes. Stress, which can lead to various eye conditions, should be managed through relaxation techniques and proper sleep.
Ignoring eye health may lead to issues such as cataracts and age-related macular degeneration, which can severely affect your vision. Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of Alochaka Pitta in maintaining eyesight, and as it naturally weakens with age, it’s vital to take preventive measures. By following these Ayurvedic principles, you can protect your eyes and enjoy lasting healthy vision.
Ayurvedic Eye Care for Eye Disease
According to Ayurveda, eye diseases are signs of an imbalance of doshas within the human body. Derived from two Sanskrit words ‘Netra’ meaning ‘eyes’ and ‘Chikitsa’ meaning ‘treatment’, Netra chikitsa is as old as Ayurveda and forms a very critical branch of Ayurvedic treatment which deals with the treatment of the entire area of the head and neck. Netra chikitsa also advocates the application of several eye exercises and yoga in order to keep the eyes healthy and efficient for years
In Ayurveda, the treatment of eye diseases is not limited to internal medications but also by way of several traditional applications like Anjanam and Aschyothanam.
Nasyam (part of Panchakarma) – This Ayurvedic therapy includes the application of herbal oils or powders through the nasal route. It works specifically on disorders of the ear, nose, and throat.
Netradhara – This treatment includes washing the eyes with the Triphala in which a non-stop stream of medicated liquid is poured in a rhythm over the eyes resting the head in an agreeable position.
Nethra Tarpanam – is the Ayurvedic practice where lukewarm medicated oil or clarified butter (Ghee) is poured over the eyes for a certain period of time to enhance eye health and nourishment.
Putapakam – Putapaka is a process in which lukewarm medicinal juice (swarm) is made to remain stagnant in the eyes. This therapy is mainly performed for persistent inflammations, irritative eye diseases, and eye ulcers
Shirodhara: This therapeutic Ayurvedic treatment involves pouring warm oil on the forehead to calm the mind and improve eye health.
Ayurvedic Medicines: Certain ayurvedic medicines like Triphala, Amla, Shatavari and Jhandu flowers helps to improve vision, strengthen the eyes, and rejuvenate them.
Eye Exercises: Regular eye exercises can help relax and strengthen eye muscles. One simple exercise involves gently rolling your eyes in a circular motion for a few minutes. Another exercise is to focus on a near object and then a distant one to improve flexibility.
Stay Hydrated: Adequate water intake is crucial for overall health, including eye health. Proper hydration helps prevent dry eyes and maintain eye moisture.
Diet and Lifestyle Changes: Avoid excessive use of electronic devices, read in well-lit areas, and consume a balanced diet rich in vitamin A and other eye-nourishing nutrients.
Yoga Therapies – Yoga is a healthy practice for eye care in Ayurveda. Practicing yoga can help manage various eye care concerns. Certain yoga postures like Chakrasana, Halasana, and Shirshasana are also advisable for better eye health.
Some of the major diseases that can be treated with the help of Ayurveda are Myopia (short-sight), Hypermetropia (long-sight), Astigmatism, inflammations, and infections like Conjunctivitis, keratitis, uveitis, blepharitis, recurrent stye, scleritis etc. degenerative eye diseases like retinitis pigmentosa (RP), macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, optic atrophy, lazy eye (amblyopia), computer-related disorders like Dry Eye (computer vision syndrome), Glaucoma, allergic conditions like central serous retinopathy, spring catarrh, etc.
Ayurclinic: Your Trusted Destination for Eye Health
When it comes to preserving and improving eye health, Ayurclinic stands as your go-to destination. With a holistic approach rooted in Ayurveda, we offer a comprehensive range of Ayurveda therapies and remedies dedicated to maintaining good vision and addressing eye-related concerns.
Our expert Ayurvedic doctor takes time to understand your unique needs, crafting personalized solutions that encompass traditional Ayurvedic treatments, herbal remedies, and dietary guidance. Whether you’re seeking relief from eye strain, addressing dry eyes, or working to prevent age-related eye conditions, Ayurclinic’s commitment to your eye care is unwavering.
Taking care of your eyes is essential to maintain eye health and vision strength while growing up. Book an online consultation or Talk to our expert Ayurveda practitioners @ +61 3 9078 2940 to choose the right Ayurvedic Eye care treatment for your eye health.
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