azaleabrickshire · 6 years
My Girl Headcanon
The Capitol kidnapped Haymitch’s girl and turned her into a Capitol puppet named Euphemia Trinket. I’m writing this Hayffie fanfic. Does anyone want to read it?
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azaleabrickshire · 9 years
Role Reversal Headcanon
Effie Trinket was the Victor of the 2nd Quarter Quell. Snow ordered the Peacekeepers to murder her family due to her stunt to win the Quell and her refusal to be sold for sex in the Capitol. She was a heavy smoker with a hobby of being Snow's pain in the ass with her crime buddy, Johanna Mason. She drove all of her escorts away until she met the Capitol model, Haymitch Abernathy. He organized everything down to the very last detail and he infuriates her with his unyielding "duty" (as he liked to call it) to teach her on how to be a proper lady. I'm not quite sure if I should write a story about this because I may not have time for that anymore or maybe I'll just write a series of one shots... will anyone be interested?
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azaleabrickshire · 10 years
I never thought that I'll love someone whom I haven't met...
I'm talking about my beloved fictional characters...
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azaleabrickshire · 10 years
What if half of your OTP was just a part of the other's imagination?
One of them laid in a comatose state because of the severe head injuries after an accident. All throughout the entire duration of being in coma, one of your OTPs was dreaming about a certain person and a story about the two of them overcoming the obstacles, surviving life and hoping for the future that was yet to come.
Every dream has its ending...
Your OTP didn't want to let go of the each other...
They hadn't said their goodbyes...
They were just...
torn apart... 
Away from each other...
  The comatose patient woke up...
feeling lost with the other.
  The patient tried to find the person who would make life more meaningful and worth living.
The patient was trying to find the person in the dream.
  Until one day, the patient remembered that...
  ... it was just...
       A   d r e a m.
           A   m e m o r y.
                       ...an   i m a g i n a t i o n.
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azaleabrickshire · 10 years
hi! =) i read in the description this is your fanfic blog and not your main one so... if i may ask, would you consider changing the theme or just making the font bigger for those shippers aging and having trouble reading? =P i feel such an oldie XD LOL sorry
Hi anon! I changed the font size to twelve.. Is it better now? I can change it again if you want. Just message me again! ;D
Thanks for reading my fics!!!! :D
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azaleabrickshire · 10 years
Whenever I ran out of fanfics to read, I read Consortium by allonsysilvertongue. It's that good!
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azaleabrickshire · 10 years
The Escort: Chapter 1
AU. Haymitch cuffed her and said, "Euphemia Trinket, you are under arrest for the murder of twelve innocent children and the attempted murder of Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark..."
Disclaimer: THG characters aren't mine.
This is a three part multichapter fic.
Chapter 1: Under Arrest
It was way past midnight when she came home. The loft was dark and she didn’t bother to open the lights because the bright lights made her dizzier than ever whenever she was this drunk.
She threw her clutch on the coffee table. She winced when she pushed off the heels since her feet were so sore and she would bet that some of her skin also peeled off. She stumbled on the way to her bedroom as she tried to release her chestnut brown hair from the hair clips. She changed her party clothes and put on something more comfortable. She was just hanging her couture gown on her red velvet plush chair when someone grabbed her from behind. She made use of her quick reflexes and twisted her attacker’s arm. She pinned him against the wall with all her strength.
He struggled to free himself but she was really strong even for her small petite figure.
As soon as she got close to him, she identified her attacker based on his scent. He still smelled like whiskey combined with soap and his cologne. “Haymitch?” she dared to ask but she knew that she was right. She wasn’t sure if she should let go of him but knowing who he was caught her slightly off guard.
He immediately turned around and swept her off her feet so she would tumble on the floor. He quickly pulled out his handcuffs and pinned her to the floor with his knees on each side of her hips. He cuffed her and said, “Euphemia Trinket, you are under arrest for the murder of twelve innocent children and the attempted murder of Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark...” He recited the Miranda Rights with his bitter and cold voice and gruffly pushed her out of her condominium.
They were both silent on the way to the station and neither of them dared to look at each other. He handed the white coat to her since she was only wearing a loose t-shirt, cotton shorts and slippers. The roads were abandoned and only a few people were still in the station but he felt sudden urge to keep her modesty though he was very angry at her when he found out about the truth.
Chaff immediately walked towards them when he saw them. His face was stoic, his jaw was clenched and his brown eyes narrowed at the sight of her. He grabbed her from Haymitch without saying a word and locked her up in the interrogation room.
Finnick and Johanna were already in the observation room when Haymitch and Chaff got inside. Finnick’s shoulders sagged as he watched her in the other room while Johanna looked like she was going to murder the woman who she had grown to treat as a friend as she stood closely on the one-way mirror and clenched her knife. Haymitch sat on a chair with his back on the mirror as he reached for his flask but Chaff quickly snatched it away from him.
“No,” Chaff firmly said and gripped the silver flask tighter.
Haymitch threatened him with his grey eyes looking straight through the older man’s, “I need that back.” His voice was demanding and gruff.
They all knew that Haymitch gone back to drinking again once they found out who The Escort was. He tried to stay sober in seven years because Effie helped him but as they uncover the identity of The Escort, it seemed like Effie would also be the reason why their friend will go back seeking the comfort of the liquor.
“I can’t believe that she did it,” Finnick quietly mused, oblivious to the growing tension around him. He still couldn’t wrap his mind that Effie can kill... especially children between twelve to eighteen. He knew her as the compassionate woman who liked taking care of kids and not capable of such violence. He was still hoping that what they found out wasn’t true but all the evidence led to her.
“Ha!” Johanna snorted and turned around to face Finnick, “You better be joking that you don’t believe her, Finnick.” She hissed Finnick’s name with pure disgust. She didn’t want to hear anyone to pity that pretty blue-eyed blondie. It was really sick that the person whom she considered as a friend turned out to be a child murderer.
He looked at her, “All I’m saying is, Jo, she could’ve been framed.” He raised his palm up and pointed tp their friend. “It’s possible that someone was just pinning all these murders to her. We haven’t had any real evidence for the past years and all of a sudden, she became sloppy and leaving those two kids alive?” He just couldn’t believe that Effie would do such a thing. He stood up and walked to fierce detective.  “No, this – The Escort – we know that she’s a woman and a professional. She had seven years of experience without leaving any trace of evidence. Something must’ve gone wrong and whoever killed those kids pinned this on Effie because she’s too close to home.” Finnick really believed that his explanation made sense. It must be. Effie was an undercover model. Not a killer. She had been working alongside them for seven years and feeding them information about the high profile murder cases. But a small voice at the back of his mind was warning him hat maybe the reason why they hadn’t caught The Escort was because Effie was covering her tracks and fed them the wrong information instead.
 “We all know that you have a soft spot for her,” she jerked her thumb to point Effie on the other side. “But you need to open your eyes, Fin.” She glared at him and her voice dropped to sound menacing, “She is not who we think she is. She’s a killer. She fooled you,” she pointed her index finger accusingly to his chest. “She fooled us!” she gritted her teeth and turned her back on him to walk again closely on the mirror. “She fooled me,” she whispered and her fists shook because she wanted to give the brunette a right hook.
“Are you two done?” Chaff calmly said as he walked in with a more sober Haymitch. Finnick and Johanna didn’t notice that the two older detectives stealthily got out of the room.
Johanna just glared at him with her arms crossed in front of her while Finnick just released a resigned sigh.
Chaff tossed a folder between the two of them and Finnick expertly caught it. “You two, in there,” he tilted his head towards the interrogation room.
Haymitch turned to him and lifted his hand to stop the two without looking at them. “No,” he shook his head, “I brought her in so I –“
“Without Coin’s permission.” He stepped inside the younger man’s personal space and glared down on him. “The captain told us to keep it under the wraps and you barged in there and brought her here. We all know that that was a rookie mistake, Abernathy.” His voice was booming though he wasn’t screaming yet. His voice was just naturally loud but for following words, he chose to lower his volume, “We all know that this is personal for you,” Chaff’s grip on Haymitch’s arm tightened. “If you can’t keep the line between personal and work, you’re out of the case, ‘Mitch.” Chaff released him roughly and the two younger detectives moved their way to the interrogation room.
Chaff stood stoically, looking at the two young detectives that barged in the room. Haymitch stood beside him as he ignored the pain in his arm. His eyes were locked on the slightly drunk brunette on the other side.
“She’s not just my partner,” he confessed. “This is personal.”
“I know.” He sighed.
Frankly, this was too personal for all of them.
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azaleabrickshire · 10 years
Being a writer is 3% talent, 97% not being distracted by the internet.
Anonymous (via komlin)
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azaleabrickshire · 10 years
Are you going to continue with When Twins Collide? :)
Yes I'm working on it but whenever I start writing, another idea comes into my mind then my fingers started to type that idea instead of WTC hence the one shots. And when I'm not facing my laptop to start thinking for WTC, I started drawing Hayffie and then it turns into a one - shot.
Sorry for the delay. I know what is going to happen but the scenario that I already wrote seemed a little bit off. Something is still missing and I need to change it. I'm really sorry fir the long wait.
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azaleabrickshire · 10 years
Angel of Death
Summary: AU. Set in n the 21st century. Haymitch had alcohol poisoning. He was in the brink of dying when a certain angel visited him. Hints of Hayffie and Everlark.
He woke up hearing the same beeping noise with a rhythm. He sat up from the bed and held his head in his hands. His mind was a bit wobbly. A shrill voice with a thick Elizabethan accent suddenly spoke up. Her voice made him wake up from his sleepy haze.
He looked at his left and found her standing there, just in arm’s reach. She was dressed in a spring green dress with matching boots and laces that ended just above her knees.
“Hello there, sleeping beauty,” she tilted her head and smiled, showing her perfectly white teeth.
He groaned, “Who the hell are you?” His face scrunched up at the sight of her. She looked like a clown with that pink wig and bright make – up.
She clicked her tongue in disgust, “Language, Haymitch!”
He narrowed his eyes at her and creased his eyebrows. His voice dropped down and sounded like he was threatening her, “How did you know my name?”
She chuckled and commented, “Oh aren’t you a curious one.”  She rounded his bed and picked up a clipboard. She was reading it calmly when someone barged in the room.
Katniss pushed the door open and Peeta was following her. Her eyes frantically found him and she came to his side right away but she looked past him. “Haymitch,” she whispered with worry in her eyes.
“Sweetheart, I’m fine.” He rolled his eyes. There was no need to worry but the girl didn’t calm down.
“What happened to him?” Peeta asked the nurse who showed them his room.
Why is there a nurse in -, he was asking himself then it dawned on him the he was in a hospital and he wasn’t on his bed. He was sitting on a hospital bed. His eyes wildly scanned the room and saw the dextrose and machines that made the beeping sounds and lines.
“Alcohol poisoning,” the nurse answered. “He’s still in coma and we can’t tell when he will wake up.” They all looked at the man on the bed when the nurse said that.
He backed away from the bed when he saw himself lying still on the bed with a pale face and chopped lips.
Peeta let out a shaky breathe and came towards Katniss whose fists were tightened and shaking. “I told him to cut down his liquor but he didn’t listen,” she said angrily and her jaw clenched tight.
The boy put his hands on her arms and rubbed it. “He’ll be fine,” he said but they all knew that he wasn’t sure about that.
 She turned to him with her eyes tearing up, “What if he doesn’t?” She bit her lower lip. She didn’t want to cry. She couldn’t give in and cry. She had lost too much, her father, Prim and her mother who was working away after her sister’s death. She couldn’t lose him too. She only had Peeta and him.
He didn’t answer her. He just hugged her until they feel asleep with her half sitting on his lap.
Haymitch stood there quietly, watching the kids until they fell asleep. There was an eerie silence until he heard, “You have sweet caring children, you know.” He turned to face the woman sitting on the chair on the far end of the room.
She didn’t look at him though. She was just staring at the night sky.
“You’re ghost too,” he tried to make sense of the situation.
She smiled. Her blue eyes sparkled in the dim part of the room. “Close, but not quite right,” she offered.
“Well what are you, sweetheart?” he stood in front of her and he didn’t know if he was just cold or he just he felt the chill in his body when he came near her.
This time, she looked at him, right through his grey eyes to reach his soul. She stood up slowly and gave him a deadly grin, “Well, I’m the Angel of Death, sweetheart.” She expected him to back away, get shocked or fear her but he surprised her instead.
He just sassily asked her, “So, do all angels wear ridiculous outfits and wigs?” He even plucked out the flower in her wig and played with it as he sat on the chair opposite of hers. “Didn’t see that one coming, did you?” he laughed though she stayed impassive.
She could believe the nerve of this man but she had to compose herself. “You know, you could die any moment at the snap of my fingers,” she replied back.
“Then why don’t you do it,” he challenged. He must be crazy to say that but he didn’t care anymore. He didn’t have anyone left. He lost his family. He lost his girl. The kids had each other. There really was no one left.
“That isn’t true, Haymitch” she told him coldly as if she knew what he was thinking. She leaned in with her perfectly long legs crossed with each other, “We both know that deep inside that stone cold heart of yours, you care about these children. And more than you should actually. I mean, they’re not really yours. You’re just their retired Commanding Officer.”
It brought him pain when she talked about that. He didn’t want to remember the war and his tour in Afghanistan with the kids. They were too young when they signed up but he knew that they didn’t have a choice, just like him when he was sixteen. Only the three of them survived the twelfth platoon. The three of them received a purple heart from President Snow but that didn’t mean anything when they found out that they lost their loved ones in the 9/11 bombing.
He lost his family and his girl, a long time ago and he felt like that again when he saw the kids mourn for their loved ones especially for Prim. The sweet, gentle and kind Prim who happened to attend a first aid seminar in the Twin Towers at that unfaithful day.
He was lost in his memories that he didn’t see her walking in front of him. “You are capable of loving again, you know.” She whispered and smiled sadly when she pointed at the two broken people across the room, “Just like them.”
The kids were just as broken as him. It was remarkable that they found love in the middle of the war though at first they were just determined to save each other’s lives. They were both damaged beyond repair but they proved the others wrong by healing each other from within. Peeta lost his leg. Katniss couldn’t hear anything in her left ear. They all had scars in their bodies and uneven patches of skin. They all have nightmares every night. But the two managed to slowly move on and live while he, he just moved on from one bottle to the next.
“Someday you’ll find her,” he was a bt startled when she spoke again. He looked at her quizzically, “Her?” he asked.
“You’re second chance,” her voice grew softer and her eyes twinkled. She walking out of the door but he called her.
“Hey! Where are you going?” he stood up quickly. She can’t leave him alone. She was the only one who could see him and talk to him. He wasn’t good at socializing but he seemed to like talking to her.
“My presence here is not needed anymore,” she answered as if it was obvious.
“I’m dying,” he stated.
“If you were, you’d be coming with me,” she countered. “You’re waking up. “ She pointed to the heart monitor with his vitals. “I wasn’t sent here to kill you. I was sent, to give you a choice. You were giving up but from the moment you saw them, you were fighting again for your life.”
She turned around but he needed to ask out of curiosity, “Sweetheart, you only have one question left unanswered.”
“How did I know you name?” she asked if that was it.
“I saw you looking at my record and that was a stupid question. The question is, do all angels wear –“
She waved him off and chuckled, “Oh Haymitch,” she mused. She never had a client like him before, “We don’t have a reflection. We don’t know what we look like. You’re the one who decides what we would look like. For all I know, you could’ve seen this face before and you just want to see it again before you die.” She disappeared after that, leaving him with his lips parted.
He stirred and felt his muscles sore. He was back on the bed again and he couldn’t move his limbs. He saw the children still wrapped around each other. He groaned when he tried to sit up. His eyelids were heavy when he tried to blink and see the nurse at his side.
He saw the pair of blue eyes and blonde hair pushing him back down and adjusted his white linen blanket. “Hello there, sleeping beauty,” her voice was soft and gentle. He felt like he saw her before but he couldn’t point it out.
“Who the hell –“ he cursed when he felt the pain all over his body, “are you?” he was panting when he finished his question.
She clicked her tongue and reprimanded him, “Language, Haymitch.” But she softened when she saw him in pain. She wouldn’t tolerate foul words but she will tell him that when he wasn’t in agony. “I’m taking care of you now,” she informed him. “I was the one in charge of you before you went into coma last week and for the whole week, actually. Also, Katniss and Peeta hired me to be your personal nurse when you get home.”
He wanted to protest that he didn’t need any nurse but his throat was so dry.
She sensed what he needed so she quickly got him a glass of water with straw. While he was sipping, she introduced herself, “I’m Euphemia Trinket but please call me Effie instead.”
He was going to say that he didn’t need her but from the way she smiled with those pearly white teeth of hers, he felt something warm in his chest that suddenly surround his body. He didn’t know what made him say, “’M Haymitch.” He was going to shake her hand but he hit the glass of water in her hand instead. He cursed. “Sorry.”
Her eyebrows rose, “Well Haymitch, I couldn’t tolerate your foul words when you’re in my company. You’ve got to have some manners at least.”
He felt the vibration of his chuckles in his chest. “Loosen your corset, sweetheart.” He teased and the warm feeling in his chest grew stronger as he looked at her face.
He didn’t realize that she was the face of his angel... and the second chance that the angel said.
Uhh... I just thought of her as his Angel of Death and then it somehow got complicated and turned out like this! I hope you loved it! Please leave a review in my fanfic account! :D
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azaleabrickshire · 10 years
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PANEM International| Haymitch Abernathy
PANEM International is a world class high fashion magazine. One of its models is Haymitch Abernathy.
Haymitch Abernathy started modeling at the age of sixteen. He was the face of PANEM for its 50th year special. He has been in the business for 25 years. Since last year, he has been mentoring the new face of PANEM or also known as the star-crossed lovers, Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark, with the help of a talent scout and model, Effie Trinket.
Through the years, he acquired his infamous reputation because of his alcohol consumption. The Capitol, his modeling agency, issued a statement that he was only going through a midlife crisis but the famous model stayed drunk as ever. The media labeled him as the Capitol Bad Boy. 
Despite his drinking, he's still handsome and fit though he's in his 40s. He is known to be rude, sarcastic and have poor manners but regardless of that, he is clever enough to survive this long in the business.
In all those years, he stayed single though women had been throwing themselves at him. He is always seen with Chaff Mitchell during the parties of the Capitol. He had been friends with Chaff ever since he entered the modeling world. They were considered as best friends but the media hadn't confirmed it. He picked up a few friends along the years such as Finnick Odair (the youngest model to be the face of PANEM and also the Capitol Sweetheart) and Johanna Mason (she was assumed to be another petite sweetheart but she is a fierce model as it turned out). There are a few others but the next person that he was close to, is his long time partner in the 12th division, Effie Trinket.
His closeness with Effie caught the media's attention though sources said that they barely tolerated each other. The media hadn't found any proof that there could be something more between the two but the rumors started again when they presented the star-crossed lovers to the Capitol.
The two famous models hadn't given any comments about this as well as Katniss and Peeta. The stylists Cinna and Portia also didn't give anything and instead, they told us that it wasn’t their and our business to know.
Dear readers, do you think that our Capitol Bad Boy, Haymitch Abernathy, is dating the Pearl of the Capitol, Effie Trinket? 
Please leave us a review.
Stay tuned for more model profiles for the 75th year special of PANEM International!
Next update: Effie Trinket.
- Ceasar Flickerman, Journalist
I started drawing and when I finished I thought, Ooooh Haymitch looks like a model. I was thinking that something's off.So, I added the beanie and he looked way cooler than I initially drew him. After that, I just started writing and it became this!
Shall I continue this PANEM International?
I'm gonna add this in my fanfic account as PANEM International| Haymitch Abernathy. Please review! ;D
P.S. I don't own The Hunger Games. ;D [I forgot the disclaimer...]
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azaleabrickshire · 10 years
Morning Madness
Summary: He woke up with her on his bed and started doing something until he realized that he wasn't dreaming.
I wrote this because I was craving for something fluffy lately and I had tons of fun writing this! I hope you'll love this! Please leave a review on my fanfic story under "A Tale Between Two Cities". ;D
Morning Madness
He was drunker than he used to be. He was reeking in alcohol and the alcohol stain on his clothes just added another layer fetor around him. But despite of his state, he still managed to move his legs back to the penthouse with the aid of the walls for support. He wasn’t aware that he broke a vase and stumbled on a lamp. His hands guided him in one of the doors of the penthouse and he didn’t care which room that he opened. Besides, their tributes died yesterday.
He removed his clothes on auto-pilot once he got inside. His three piece suit was haphazardly thrown on the floor followed by his matching dress pants. He was left in his boxers and flopped uncaringly on the empty side of the bed. Unbeknownst to him, what he assumed was a mountain of pillows underneath the comforter was another human being instead.
He felt the warm body beside him. His arm was wrapped around a slim torso. The hair that was tickling his chin smelled like strawberries, the most delicious fruit that he tasted in the Capitol. He pulled her on his chest and leaned in. His stubble grazed on the silky smooth skin on her shoulder. His hand traveled downwards on her hip and squeezed it a bit. He kissed the juncture between her neck and shoulders. He heard a throaty moan and her lithe smooth hand reached for his thigh that was just beside hers. The touch of the pads of her fingers left goose bumps on his skin. He playfully nipped that spot again and he received a response that made him open his eyes.
“Oh Haymitch,” her seductive throaty voice laced with her Capitol accent proved him that he wasn’t having a dream and it wasn’t with some random woman either. He was sure that the voice belonged to Euphemia Trinket.
He immediately opened his eyes to confirm his suspicion and removed himself from the comforting warmth of the said escort. He found her staring at him with her eyes unfocused and still sleep induced.
The instant loss of warmth enveloping her made her open her eyes. She quickly rolled out of bed at the sight of a man in front of her. “AHHHHHHH!!!” she screamed at the intruder. Her instinct made her throw the nearest object within reach at the man without even identifying him.
He cursed loudly as he was hit in the abdomen. “Why the hell are you screaming woman!” The screeching of her voice was bad and with his hangover, it was worse than he could ever imagine. It was like his ears were ringing as if a bombed was thrown within the perimeter of the room. His hands instantly protected his ears.
“Haymitch,” she hissed as she finally woke up and stared at him pressing one of his hands on his ear while his other hand was reaching down.
He picked up the thing that she threw and incredulously questioned her sanity, “You threw an alarm clock at me?” His voice was slightly raised. He couldn’t believe that she threw an alarm clock on him and it was too heavy for just an alarm clock.
“Well for what it’s worth, I thought you were a stranger,” she narrowed her eyes at him. She was a bit angry that she woke up like this. She was having some trouble sleeping whenever it was the Games season.
“A stranger, really?” he snorted. “A few minutes ago you were enjoying my company,” he said smugly and winked.
“What?!” No, that can’t be. It was only a dream. Just a dream, right? Only a dream... right? she thought. Then, she looked at him... really looked at him.  And there was nothing on him except for those blue cotton boxers that barely left anything to her imagination. And it also didn’t help her situation that she only sleeps in her tiny nightgown that ended higher than the middle of her thighs and clings on every curve of her body.
His was supporting a smirk that used to bring the Capitol women on their knees during his younger years and now, that smirk was making her all gooey in the inside. His eyes glinted with amusement as he saw her flushing when he caught her looking at him.
“I –“ she stuttered and he never saw her get speechless for this long before. “Wha – We – No, no, no, no, no, no. That cannot be,” she pointed a finger at him. “We did not – ” she closed her eyes and breathed deeply. She put her hands on her hips and tried to compose herself. She opened her eyes and calmly stated, “Tell me that what I think you’re implying, didn’t happen, Haymitch. My sleeping pills aren’t that good to make me forget things like that.”
He completely ignored when she was trying to make sense of what had happened. He took in her appearance, her real natural appearance. Her hair was honey blonde curls that fell on her shoulders. She had a creamy white skin without any tan lines. Her eyes were bluer than before. He was simply mesmerized by her beauty and he was brought back to the world at the sound of his name rolling out from her lips. His lips just parted and imagined what it would feel like it he pressed his lips on hers.
“Haymitch,” she hissed to get his attention but he just kept on staring at her. “We didn’t, did we?” she can feel that her cheeks were burning and it was spreading down on her neck.
His grin grew wider, “Oh no, we didn’t sweetheart but we will,” he promised and before she could protest, he was climbing on top of the bed to reach her. He pulled her in by the waist and she fell on top of him.
She was biting her lip and looking at his Seam grey eyes. She couldn’t believe that she could blush even more when she realized that she was straddling him.
He reached for the strand of her curls and tucked it in her ear, “You should stop wearing wigs and make – up, sweetheart. You look better this way,” He can’t believe that he just admitted that. That was highly unlike him.
Sudden horror flashed her face as she remembered that she didn’t look decent enough. She was about to bolt away but he held her wrists that were pressed on his shoulders. “I look horrible. A lady can’t –“
He rolled his eyes and cut her off, “I already told you that you look better this way, princess.” He traced circling patterns on the inside of her wrists and it seemed to calm her down. “Besides, I don’t want you to be a lady, I want you to be Effie.”
She tried to stop herself from grinning but she couldn’t. She was leaning down on him when the shrill noise of her alarm clock echoed throughout the room.
He groaned as he felt her move away to stop the wretched thing. He pulled her back by her hips but she didn’t budge.
With a frown on her face, she informed him. “We need to go for the interview. Our tributes –“ she was cut-off again when he rolled them so she was underneath him.
His face was mere inches away from hers. His voice dropped down a notch, “We’ll have time later.” He tried to convince her by kissing that sensitive spot between her neck and shoulder. He continued his way up her jaw and just before he kissed her lips, “If you want me to stop,” he didn’t go on anymore when she crashed her lips on his.
They were lying on the bed with their limbs entangled. They were both catching their breaths and cooling off after their morning activities. Layers of sweat were still covering their bodies.
She felt the random patterns that he was tracing on her arm while was half on top of him. She kept her head on his chest when she curiously asked him, “Haymitch, how did you get into my room?”
“Your room?” he looked around. “I thought this was mine,” he said though that really didn’t answer the question.
 She pushed herself up and glared at him, “We’ve been awake for three hours and you didn’t even notice –“
His face scrunched up, “Well, how could I notice anything when you’re right in front of me –“
She gasped as she saw the numbers on her very durable alarm clock. “Oh my glittering buttons! The interview!”
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azaleabrickshire · 10 years
I have a feeling that I will squeal in the theater whenever Effie and Haymitch appear side by side in 13... I can't wait for MJ!!! ='>
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azaleabrickshire · 10 years
Hayffie fluff
I want to read some good Hayffie fluff... Any suggestions? :D
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azaleabrickshire · 10 years
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She walked in silently in their room, knowing that he must be sleeping by now. But when she looked at his relaxed form, she saw his eyes cast down do a blueprint instead.Well now, the scenario would be better than she thought.
"Haymitch," she called and smiled and the door way. She waited for him to notice something different about her but he just narrowed his eyes and waited for her to talk.
She just smiled wider.
He rolled his eyes, "What is it, sweetheart?"
She shrugged off her shoulder and flipped her hair. "Did you notice that something change?" she asked cheekily with a glint in her eyes.
He waved her off, "Ahh... You're hair's blonde again." He picked up his beanie at the edge of the bed, "Guess you don't need this anymore." He put it snugly on his head and leaned back on the headboard to continue planning.
Her mouth gaped. It had been more than a month when her muddy black hair faded and turned back to her natural honey blonde hair and he just waved her off like that. She was insulted. She quickly walked towards him and snatched the beanie from his head.
"Hey," he protested. "That," he pointed is mine. "You don't need that anymore so I would have that ack."
She leaped away when he tried to snatch it from her. She clicked her tongue and wore the woolen thing on her head, "This is mine now, Haymitch." She smiled and walked away.
With blueprints on his lap, he didn't dare to catch her but he smiled because he got her back. He got his irritatingly possessive Effie Trinket back.
This is for akachankami. Sorry if it isn't that fluffy. You can give me a prompt and then, I'll draw it for you. ;D
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azaleabrickshire · 10 years
The Punishment
Summary: This is how she became an Escort of Twelve. She was just punished to make the mentor fall in love with her.
I hope you'll like it! ;D
“I know what you did, Ms. Trinket.” His elbows rested on top of the wooden table with his hands clasped loosely. His back was comfortably laid on the black leather chair. His eyes were pointed at the man who was tightly grasping her arm. “Release her,” he said in a calm but authoritative voice.
The man did what he was told and pushed her forward so roughly that she fell on her hands and knees. She glared at him through the honey blonde curtain of her curls and gritted her teeth.
He sat still from his position while watching the man closed the door. When the door clicked shut, he commanded her. “Stand up, Ms. Trinket.” And she did do what he said because she knew what would happen to her if she didn’t.
She stood up with grace and poise, letting him know that she was still, indeed, a Capitol citizen despite the things that she knew because of her little act. “What did you know, Mr. President?” she challenged. If she was about to die, then, she would die fighting.
“Ahh,” he smirked, “Is that a fire I see inside a small little thing like you?” he mused. “Trinket,” he let the word rolled on his tongue. He liked the sound of it. “A small thing of little value,” he leaned forward and narrowed his eyes, “Perfect definition of you.”
Her blood was boiling. She didn’t like where this was going but she stayed frozen from where she stood.
“Hmm...” he scratched his chin and his fingers stayed there. He knew that there was a small spark building inside this young woman in front him and that had to be vanquished. He was intending to kill her but seeing her beautiful face and figure, he knew exactly where to put her.
“You will enter the Game school,” her eyebrows creased. This was not the punishment that she expected. The Game school was for the elite and only a few where chosen every year. She didn’t go there because she wasn’t qualified. She didn’t go there because she really wanted to pursue Architecture. Hearing his, she knew that there was more to it.
He noted that she didn’t seem to be fazed by it.”You will enter the Escort program and you will apply to be the Escort of District 12.”
She didn’t understand the correlation of what she did to the punishment that she was receiving. It was well-known that nobody won from that District since Haymitch Abernathy, the Capitol bad boy. She thought that he was a clever good-looking man who always made a mess in his interviews but lately, he got a reputation of being a drunk. Working with a handsome drunk wouldn’t be that bad, she thought.
“Your punishment is this,” she narrowed her eyes, listening to every word that he said. “You,” he pointed at her, “will make him fall in love with you.” He shrugged as if that was very easy to do.
Her lips slightly parted. She absolutely didn’t expect that. She heard rumors but they were bad, really bad. Some people gone missing and then sometimes, they became Avoxes as a reminder to the citizens about the Government’s power.
“Why?” she managed to choked out.
“Let’s just say that I need to put a leash on him.” His mouth turned bitter at the thought of the young man who outsmarted them.
Her voice was cold. She felt like she was treading shark infested waters. “What if I fell in love with him?” Somehow, she thought that, that was her punishment... to fell in love with this victor.
“Oh you will,” He grinned. “I’m counting on that, Effie.” Her face fell but before she could say another word, the man grasped her arm again and led her to the door. But before the door closed, “There will be consequences if you will not do what I said.” The last thing that she saw was him burning a picture... her family picture in their mantelpiece.
She woke up on her bed with him beside her, fully clothed. This was the first time that they slept on the same bed and they just slept with him holding her as she cried over the very sweet female tribute who almost won the Games by hiding in a cave.
She combed the dirty blonde strands of his hair with her fingers and admired his face. The once handsome, clean-shaven face of a young man was now owned by a ruggedly-looking victor with a two-day stubble and eyes deep with sorrow.
Her hand fell on his cheek and her thumb rubbed his rough stubble. She kissed his lips, longer than just a peck on the lips but more innocent than their personal definition of kissing. As she watched him flutter his eyes open, there was a weird feeling of warmth in the pit of her stomach that she could decipher.
He was blinking and saw her face that was only an inch beside him. He tighten his hold of her waist and smiled, “Good morning, sweetheart.”
She felt the warmth in her cheeks. She must be blushing. The feeling of his arm around her made her insides twist. The sound of his gruff morning voice spread warmth in her whole being. She was beginning to wonder if she was starting to fall for him but she knew that she couldn’t let that happen. She knew that he can never love her. She tried her best to make him fall in love with her but in the end, it was the other way around. She was falling for him. She knew how broken he was. She knew that he wouldn’t let himself love again.
She will always be in that area where he wanted her but can never love her while she was on the other side of not wanting him but still pathetically loving him.
She understood now what her punishment was. It hurt so damn much to be with the one you love and not be with him at the same time.
But the real punishment was that she didn’t know that he was falling for her but he can’t do anything about it because Snow will hurt her or kill her, just to set him straight. He would rather let her think that their relationship was purely physical and nothing else so he can protect her.
It was a mad a risky idea but it worked. They were both miserable.
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azaleabrickshire · 10 years
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She ran outside to meet Haymitch but she couldn't find him. She became more worried because fewer hovercrafts landed than the ones that launched yesterday. She looked so lost that a rebel stopped her.
"Haymitch!" she grabbed the rebel's shoulders. Her eyes were frantic. "Have you seen Haymitch? Abernathy. Katniss' mentor." She was trembling, so afraid that he wasn't with the rebels.
The rebel told her that some of the hovercrafts were attacked. He didn't know if Abernathy flew in those. He pushed the trembling woman aside and went on his way inside the District.
She didn't hear Finnick calling her until he stopped in front of her. "Effie," he tilted her chin. He was gasping for air and severely injured. 
She looked at him with her tears rolling on her cheeks, "Where is he, Finnick?"
His throat suddenly gone dry. He stepped closer and gave her something from his pocket. With shaking hands, she grabbed it. "We saw it... where the hovercraft fell. We're not sure yet, Effie. We didn't see his body." He tried to hug her but she stepped back. "I'm so sorry, Effie." Finnick said. He wanted to comfort her but she wanted to be alone. Instead of staying beside her, he went to find Annie.
Effie just stood there looking at  the small wool cloth and hugged herself. She felt so alone and the only comfort that she needed was from a black little beanie that she used to stole from him.
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