azir-018 1 year
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summary:United against hate, you and Kylian Mbappe face the storm together, spreading love and kindness to triumph over negativity.
Weathering the Storm
The room felt suffocating, as if the walls were closing in around you, echoing the relentless barrage of hateful comments on social media. You had never anticipated the backlash, the vitriol that would be directed towards you, simply because you had fallen in love with Kylian Mbappe, a football superstar. It felt like a cruel twist of fate, as the love you had found was overshadowed by the relentless hatred of others.
Kylian watched your struggle, his heart breaking at the sight of your pain. He pulled you into his arms, holding you tightly as if to shield you from the world's cruelty. "I'm so sorry you have to go through this," he whispered, his voice heavy with sadness. "Please remember, their words don't define you, nor do they change how much I love you."
The weight of his words sank deep into your heart, and you desperately wanted to believe in his unwavering support. But it was difficult to escape the relentless onslaught of negativity, the waves of doubt crashing against the shores of your self-worth.
Days turned into weeks, and the storm of hate showed no signs of subsiding. It seemed like every step forward was met with a thousand steps backward, and you wondered if you were strong enough to withstand the ongoing torment. Doubts gnawed at your spirit, threatening to erode the foundation of your relationship.
One evening, as you sat with Kylian, both of you feeling weary from the constant struggle, you found yourself voicing the thoughts that had plagued your mind for far too long. "Kylian, I love you, but I don't know if I can handle this anymore," you admitted, your voice laced with defeat. "The hate, the constant criticism, it's tearing me apart."
Tears welled up in Kylian's eyes, and his voice trembled as he replied, "I understand if it's too much for you. I never wanted you to endure this pain. But please know that without you, my life would be incomplete. You bring so much light and love into my world."
His words struck a chord within you, reigniting a flicker of hope amidst the darkness. You realized that your love for each other was a sanctuary, a place where you both found solace and strength.
In that moment, a newfound determination surged through your veins. You couldn't let the hatred extinguish the flame of love that burned between you and Kylian. It was time to rise above the negativity, to embrace your own worth and the happiness you deserved.
Together, you decided to take control of the narrative, to counter the hate with love and compassion. You both used your platform to spread positivity, to advocate for kindness and understanding. Slowly, the tide began to turn. For every hateful comment, there were now messages of support and admiration from fans who had seen the depth of your love.
But the path to healing was not without its challenges. There were moments when the pain of the hateful words seeped into the cracks of your heart, threatening to shatter your resolve. The public scrutiny continued, and it took a toll on your mental and emotional well-being.
In those moments of vulnerability, Kylian became your rock. He held you close, wiping away your tears and reminding you of your strength. "We are in this together," he whispered, his voice filled with unwavering determination. "You are not alone, and we will overcome this storm, no matter how long it takes."
Together, you sought refuge in each other's arms, finding solace in the love that bound you. You surrounded yourselves with a support system of friends and family who uplifted you, shielding you from the worst of the online negativity. Their support became a beacon of hope, a reminder that there was goodness in the world even when it felt like darkness was closing in.
As time went on, the storm began to lose its ferocity. The waves of hatred gradually receded, replaced by a sense of understanding and acceptance. People started to recognize that love knows no boundaries, that it transcends societal expectations and norms.
The journey was far from easy, but the love between you and Kylian remained steadfast. It had weathered the storm, emerging stronger and more resilient. The experience had taught you both the power of love and the importance of staying true to yourselves, no matter the opposition.
Together, you continued to use your platform to spread positivity and advocate for love and acceptance. You became a symbol of resilience, showing others that love can triumph over hate. The world began to take notice, and your story inspired many who were facing their own battles against prejudice and discrimination.
In time, the storm became a distant memory, a testament to the strength of your love and the unwavering support of those who stood by your side. You and Kylian emerged from the darkness hand in hand, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.
And as you looked into each other's eyes, you knew that together, you could weather any storm that came your way. Love had triumphed, and it would continue to be your guiding light, forever illuminating your path.
you can leave requests if you want (i write for all footballers)
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azir-018 1 year
hii can u write something about neymar talking to the reader about having a baby!
ofc hope you enjoy<3
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warning: none
summary: Neymar shared his deepest desire to have a baby with you
The Whisper of New Beginnings
The soft evening breeze swept through the open balcony, carrying with it a sense of serenity. Neymar, sitting next to you, glanced out at the fading sunset before turning his gaze towards you. There was a gentle intensity in his eyes, as if a profound thought was weighing on his mind.
Taking a deep breath, he mustered the courage to voice his deepest desires. "You know, my love, I've been thinking a lot lately... about us and our future together."
Curiosity and anticipation sparked within you as you turned to face him, waiting for his words to unfold.
"I... I want to have a baby with you," Neymar admitted, his voice laced with a mixture of excitement and vulnerability.
Surprise washed over you, mingling with a wave of emotions. The idea of creating a new life together filled your heart with both joy and a touch of trepidation.
Neymar continued, his words filled with earnestness. "I've always dreamt of being a father, and with you by my side, I can't imagine a more perfect partner to embark on this journey. I want to share the beauty of parenthood with you, to witness the miracle of our love creating new life."
His sincerity and the depth of his longing melted away any doubts or fears that may have lingered within you. His vulnerability and the love that radiated from him enveloped you, drawing you closer to him.
You reached out, gently placing your hand on his, interlacing your fingers. "Neymar, the thought of bringing a child into this world with you fills my heart with immeasurable joy. I've dreamt of being a mother, and the idea of sharing that role with you, of seeing our love flourish in a little life we create, is beyond words."
A smile blossomed on Neymar's face, mirroring the warmth that flooded your own. His eyes sparkled with love and anticipation as he leaned in, capturing your lips in a tender kiss. In that embrace, you felt a profound connection, a shared excitement for the future you would build together.
As the evening unfolded, you and Neymar delved into discussions about the possibilities and the joys that awaited you as parents. You talked about the values you would instill, the adventures you would embark on, and the unconditional love that would surround your child.
In that moment, the world seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of you and the beautiful dream of creating a family. It was a dream that would take time and patience, but one that filled your hearts with hope and a renewed sense of purpose.
Together, you embraced the possibilities that lay ahead, holding each other's hands tightly, ready to embark on this remarkable journey of parenthood. With Neymar's unwavering love and your shared commitment, you knew that the path ahead would be filled with challenges, but also with immeasurable love, joy, and the miracle of new life.
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azir-018 1 year
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Love's Spotlight
warning: none
summary: In a delightful interview, Neymar reveals that his heart belongs to someone special, describing them as his best friend who brings light into his life. He expresses gratitude for their unconditional love and sends a heartfelt message of love and appreciation to his girlfriend.
Neymar sat comfortably in the interview chair, exuding confidence and charm. The room was abuzz with excitement, eager to hear his thoughts on football and his personal life. The interviewer, a friendly face with a glint of curiosity, leaned forward, ready to dive into the depths of Neymar's heart.
"Neymar, your fans are always curious about your personal life. Can you share a little about your current relationship status?" the interviewer asked with a playful smile.
Neymar grinned, his eyes twinkling with affection. "Well, I'm happy to say that my heart belongs to someone very special."
The room filled with whispers and giggles, the anticipation mounting. The interviewer leaned in, a mischievous spark in their eyes. "Oh, really? Can you tell us more? Who is this lucky person?"
Neymar's smile grew wider as he spoke, his voice filled with warmth. "It's someone who brings light into my life every single day. Someone who is not just my partner, but also my best friend."
The interviewer couldn't help but be enchanted by his words. "That sounds incredibly sweet. How did you two meet?"
Neymar's eyes sparkled as he recalled the moment their paths intertwined. "We met in the most unexpected way, a chance encounter that turned into something magical. From that very first conversation, I knew there was something special about this person."
The interviewer leaned forward, captivated by the love story unfolding before them. "And what is it about this person that makes them so special to you?"
Neymar's voice softened, his gaze filled with tenderness. "It's everything about them鈥攖he way they laugh, their kindness, their unwavering support. They accept me for who I am, flaws and all, and love me unconditionally. With them, I feel complete, like I've found my missing piece."
The room filled with sighs and "awws," the interviewer included. But there was one more question burning in their mind. "If your special someone is watching right now, what message would you like to send to them?"
Neymar's smile turned tender as he looked directly into the camera, his words filled with love. "To my beautiful and amazing girlfriend, you are the center of my world. Thank you for being by my side, for bringing joy and love into my life. I cherish every moment we spend together, and I'm grateful for the love we share. Te amo, meu amor."
As the interview concluded, the room was filled with warmth and a renewed belief in the power of love. Neymar's fans, touched by his genuine affection and heartfelt words, couldn't help but feel a little envious of the lucky woman who held his heart. But little did they know that she was watching, her heart bursting with love and a smile that mirrored Neymar's own.
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azir-018 1 year
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Fragments of a Broken Love (part 2/2)
warning: none
summary: Amidst a painful separation, Neymar unexpectedly reappears in your life, expressing his remorse and desire to rebuild what was lost. As you navigate the complexities of forgiveness and healing, you both embark on a journey to mend the fragments of your broken love. The story explores the power of resilience, hope, and the possibility of finding happiness in the face of past heartbreak.
Months had passed since that painful day, but the ache of separation still lingered within your soul. Memories of Neymar flooded your thoughts, each one a bittersweet reminder of the love you had shared.
Late one evening, as raindrops danced upon your windowpane, a knock at the door startled you from your melancholic reverie. With trepidation, you opened the door, and there stood Neymar, rain-soaked and with eyes filled with a mixture of hope and regret.
"I couldn't stay away," he whispered, his voice barely above a whisper. "I've missed you every single day."
Conflicting emotions surged within you鈥攑ainful memories intertwined with a glimmer of longing for what once was. But deep down, a spark of hope flickered, reminding you of the love that had once bound you together.
Tears streamed down your face as you found the strength to speak. "Neymar, why now? Why did you come back?"
He stepped closer, his voice trembling. "Because I've realized that a life without you is no life at all. I've learned from my mistakes, and I'm willing to fight for us, for our love."
Your heart ached at the vulnerability in his words, and for a moment, you allowed yourself to hope, to believe that perhaps love could find a way back to you.
"But the pain we went through..." you started, your voice laced with uncertainty.
Neymar reached out and took your hands in his, his touch sending shivers down your spine. "I know we can't erase the past, but we can learn from it. Let's rebuild our love, piece by piece, and create something stronger, something that can weather any storm."
In that moment, you saw the sincerity in his eyes and felt the truth in his words. The decision was not an easy one, but love had a way of defying logic and embracing the possibility of second chances.
With a mixture of hesitation and hope, you took a step forward, closing the physical distance between you. Raindrops trickled down your faces as your lips met in a tender, desperate kiss鈥攁 kiss that carried the weight of past mistakes and the promise of a future forged in forgiveness.
The rain continued to pour, washing away the remnants of pain and heartbreak. Together, you and Neymar embarked on a journey of healing, acknowledging the cracks and scars that marked your love story, yet determined to mend them.
Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months. Through laughter and tears, you rebuilt the foundation of your love, layer by layer. The wounds of the past were not forgotten but rather transformed into reminders of the strength and resilience of your bond.
And as the rainbows painted the sky, reflecting the colors of a love rekindled, you and Neymar stood hand in hand, ready to face the world together. The road ahead might still hold challenges, but with each other by your side, you knew that love would guide you through, offering solace and support.
In the end, your love story had not been a perfect fairytale, but it was real, raw, and brimming with the beauty of two hearts that refused to give up. And as you looked into Neymar's eyes, you knew that the journey of rediscovering love was just the beginning鈥攁n opportunity to create a future that was even more beautiful than the past.
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azir-018 1 year
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Fragments of a Broken Love (part 1/2)
warning: pure against
summary: You and Neymar find yourselves at a crossroads, realizing that the love you once shared has fractured beyond repair. Amidst tearful goodbyes and painful acceptance, you both acknowledge the need to let go and move forward. The story explores the raw emotions and difficult decisions that come with the end of a relationship, leaving room for personal growth and the possibility of finding happiness in unexpected places.
The air hung heavy with silence as you stood at the center of an empty room. The walls, once adorned with memories of laughter and joy, now echoed with the emptiness of a shattered love. Neymar stood a few feet away, his eyes filled with a mix of regret and sorrow.
The weight of the silence was suffocating, each passing second etching deeper cracks into your wounded hearts. It had come to this鈥攁 painful realization that the love you once shared was slipping away, slipping through your fingers like fine grains of sand.
"I don't know how we got here," Neymar spoke softly, his voice laced with melancholy. "I never wanted this to happen."
Tears welled up in your eyes, the pain of the moment threatening to consume you. "I know, Neymar, but sometimes love just isn't enough. We've grown apart, and the pieces of our love have crumbled."
He took a step forward, his voice pleading. "Can't we try to fix it? Can't we salvage what's left?"
Your heart ached at his words, knowing deep down that the damage had already been done. It wasn't a lack of effort or desire鈥攊t was the simple truth that some things are beyond repair. The love that once burned brightly had dimmed, and it was time to face the reality of letting go.
Tears streamed down your cheeks as you shook your head, your voice choked with sorrow. "Neymar, we've tried. We've fought, we've pleaded, but it's tearing us apart. We can't keep holding onto something that's no longer there."
A pained expression crossed his face, his eyes brimming with unshed tears. "I can't imagine my life without you. Losing you feels like losing a part of myself."
The depth of his anguish resonated within you, amplifying your own heartbreak. But sometimes, love demanded sacrifice for the sake of healing. It demanded the strength to accept that walking away was the only path forward.
With trembling hands, you reached out and gently touched his cheek, your touch a bittersweet reminder of the love you once shared. "Neymar, we need to find the courage to let each other go. It's the only way we can find true happiness, even if it means our hearts ache for a while."
His eyes pleaded for one last chance, but in that moment, you knew it was time to say goodbye. It was time to gather the shattered fragments of your love, embrace the pain, and move forward, even if it meant doing so alone.
In a final act of love, you leaned forward and pressed a tender kiss against Neymar's lips, cherishing the bittersweet taste of what once was. As you pulled away, tears mingled with regret, but also with a glimmer of hope for a future where both of you could find healing and happiness.
With heavy hearts, you turned away, each step a painful reminder of what had been lost. The echoes of your footsteps seemed to fade into the distance, leaving behind the remnants of a love that had once burned brightly but had now become a bittersweet memory.
And as you walked away from Neymar and the shattered pieces of your love, you held onto the belief that in time, wounds would heal, and new beginnings would arise from the ashes of a broken heart.
(part 2)
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azir-018 1 year
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warning: nothing realy
summary: Neymar gets jealous when a teammate gets too close to you during his game. After expressing his feelings, you reassure him of your love and loyalty. The moment strengthens your bond, reminding both of you that your hearts belong to each other.
The stadium buzzed with excitement as you settled into your seat, eagerly awaiting the start of the football match. It was a special night, as Neymar was set to play a crucial game, and you were there to cheer him on. Your heart swelled with pride, knowing that your presence meant the world to him.
As the players took to the field, your eyes were locked on Neymar, his grace and skill mesmerizing. The crowd erupted into applause, their cheers echoing through the stadium. You cheered with all your might, your voice blending seamlessly with the roar of the crowd.
During halftime, Neymar jogged off the field, sweat glistening on his forehead. He glanced up, his eyes searching for you in the stands. Spotting you, a smile tugged at his lips, and he made his way towards you.
"Hey, beautiful," Neymar greeted, his voice filled with warmth.
"Hey, Neymar! You're doing amazing out there," you replied, your eyes shining with admiration.
But as you exchanged words, a familiar figure approached. It was a fellow teammate, his arm slung casually around your shoulder. You had been discussing the match, unaware of the subtle shift in Neymar's demeanor.
Neymar's smile faltered, his eyes narrowing ever so slightly. "Oh, hey," he greeted his teammate, his voice tinged with a hint of coolness.
"Great game so far, huh?" his teammate said, oblivious to the sudden tension.
Neymar's grip on his water bottle tightened, his jaw clenched. The surge of jealousy within him was unmistakable. He wanted nothing more than to have your undivided attention.
You noticed the change in Neymar's demeanor and turned to introduce him to his teammate. "Oh, sorry! This is Neymar. Neymar, meet Lucas," you said, trying to diffuse the situation.
Neymar extended a hand, but his eyes remained fixed on Lucas. The handshake was brief, but the air crackled with an unspoken rivalry.
As Lucas excused himself to rejoin the team, you turned to Neymar, concern etched on your face. "Are you okay?"
Neymar's gaze softened as he looked into your eyes. "I'm fine," he replied, his voice tinged with vulnerability. "I just... got a little jealous, seeing him so close to you."
A mix of surprise and understanding washed over you. You reached out, gently squeezing his hand. "Neymar, you have nothing to worry about. You're the one who holds my heart."
A flicker of relief passed across Neymar's face, and he pulled you into a tight embrace. In that moment, the world around you disappeared, leaving only the two of you entwined in each other's arms.
"I'm sorry for getting jealous," Neymar murmured against your ear. "I just can't help but want you all to myself."
You smiled, running your fingers through his hair. "I appreciate your honesty, Neymar. But remember, there's no need for jealousy. You have my heart, and it's yours completely."
Neymar's lips found yours in a tender kiss, his touch filled with both apology and adoration. In that moment, the weight of jealousy lifted, replaced by a renewed sense of trust and love.
As the second half of the match commenced, Neymar's focus returned to the game. But now, whenever he glanced up to find you in the stands, his heart swelled with a sense of security, knowing that your love was steadfast and unwavering.
And as the final whistle blew, sealing Neymar's victory on the field, you both celebrated not just a game well-played, but a relationship fortified by honesty, understanding, and the knowledge that love conquers all, even the occasional bout of jealousy.
you can request ideas with any footballer if you want <3
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azir-018 1 year
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warning: angst but happy ending
summary: They stood in each other's arms, ready to let go of the past and embrace a future filled with love and happiness.
The cool breeze swept through the streets of Barcelona, carrying with it an undercurrent of tension. You and Neymar found yourselves standing at a crossroads, emotions swirling between you like a tempestuous storm. It was the aftermath of a heated argument, and the pain of hurtful words hung heavily in the air.
Standing in front of the Camp Nou, you couldn't help but feel a pang of nostalgia. This iconic stadium had witnessed your shared triumphs and celebrated victories, but now it seemed to reflect the shattered state of your relationship. Neymar stood a few feet away, his face etched with regret and longing.
"I never meant to hurt you," he whispered, his voice barely audible above the distant sounds of the city. "I was just scared...scared of losing you."
His confession pierced your heart, the raw vulnerability in his eyes tugging at your emotions. You knew deep down that the love you shared had been clouded by misunderstandings and fear. You took a step closer, cautiously closing the physical distance between you.
Tears welled up in your eyes as you spoke, your voice filled with a mixture of pain and hope. "Neymar, the way we've been hurting each other... it's not what love is supposed to be. We need to find a way to heal and rebuild what we had."
He nodded, his eyes never leaving yours. "I know, and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make things right. I can't bear the thought of losing you."
The sincerity in his words warmed your heart, rekindling the flicker of hope within you. There was still love between you, buried beneath layers of hurt and regret. It was time to unravel those layers and allow your hearts to mend.
With cautious steps, you reached out and cupped his cheek, your touch gentle and comforting. "Neymar, let's start over. Let's rebuild our love, one step at a time."
He leaned into your touch, closing his eyes and savoring the warmth of your hand on his face. When he opened his eyes again, they were filled with determination and a newfound sense of clarity.
"Yes, let's start over," he said, his voice steady. "No more walls, no more doubts. Just you and me, committing to love each other fully."
A weight lifted from your shoulders, and a smile tugged at the corners of your lips. This was the turning point, the moment when your relationship would be reborn from the ashes of past mistakes.
As the sun began to set, casting a warm golden glow over the city, you and Neymar walked hand in hand through the streets of Barcelona. The world seemed to slow down, allowing you to savor every moment of your newfound connection.
The familiar sights and sounds of the city took on a renewed vibrancy as you explored its streets together. Laughter mingled with shared stories, creating a melody of joy that resonated deep within your souls. The wounds of the past were healing, replaced by a love that was stronger than ever.
When you finally reached a quiet park, Neymar stopped and turned to face you. His eyes shimmered with tenderness as he took both your hands in his.
"Today is the beginning of a new chapter for us," he said, his voice filled with conviction. "I promise to love you with all my heart, to cherish and protect our love, no matter what challenges lie ahead."
Tears of happiness welled up in your eyes as you nodded, your voice filled with love. "And I promise to trust you, to communicate openly, and to never lose sight of the love we share."
With those words, Neymar pulled you into his arms, enveloping you in a warm and tender embrace. In that moment, all the pain and heartache of the past seemed to melt away, replaced by the overwhelming feeling of being loved and understood.
As the two of you held each other tightly, a sense of peace washed over you, assuring you that you were exactly where you were meant to be. The world around you faded into the background as you focused on the gentle rhythm of his heartbeat against your chest.
"I love you," Neymar whispered, his voice filled with sincerity and devotion.
A smile bloomed on your face, and you whispered back, "I love you too, Neymar, with all my heart."
In that shared declaration of love, the wounds of the past were mended, and a new chapter began for both of you. With every passing moment, you built a love that was stronger, more resilient, and fortified by the challenges you had overcome.
Hand in hand, you and Neymar walked into the future, ready to face whatever obstacles may come your way. Together, you would navigate the highs and lows, knowing that your love would always be the guiding light that led you back to each other.
And as the sun set on the horizon, casting a warm glow over the city, you knew that your love story was just beginning, filled with hope, happiness, and the promise of a lifetime of shared adventures.
you can request ideas if you want <3
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