azira-fell-in-love · 4 years
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It came from the shadows and waited for the sun.
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azira-fell-in-love · 4 years
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His name is Damien and he’s a demon.
His angel sort-of boyfriend belongs to @crimson-chains!
He’s kinda serious and selfish, and his modern wear is very Punk! I’ll post more art of him in the future, I keep drawing him it’s fine it’s fine.
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azira-fell-in-love · 5 years
So like, Hopper can’t be dead because his name doesn’t start with a B.
Rip: Barb, Bob, Billy.
That is all.
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azira-fell-in-love · 5 years
A snippet of a thing I’m working on where Aziraphale gets an Internet education from the Them (and Crowley kind of suffers.
Aziraphale is staring at him contemplatively, fork half raised to his mouth, a strawberry in danger of slipping off and staining his cream colored waistcoat.
“Something wrong angel?” Crowley asks.
Aziraphale blinks, his hand lowers and the tines of the fork scrap across his plate. “No, no, not at all.”
Crowley quirks his lips and leans foreword. He makes sure to tip his head down, his glasses sliding along the bridge of his nose until his eyes meet Aziraphales. “You’re staring.”
“Oh, was I? Dear me, I was just lost in thought,” Aziraphale says.
“Well, you see, young Adam and his friends have been teaching me all about slang and delightful new phrases and well... I was just thinking that one of the phrases they mentioned reminds me of you.”
“And that would be?”
Aziraphale looks pleased by the question, his wrists resting on the table as he leans in. “Big dick energy.”
Crowley, chokes on his next sip of wine.
Jesu—juda— for fucks sake, what are the children teaching him.
Crowley clutches his glass in lieu of his chest. “You— do you even know what you said?”
“Oh, well, I, that is to say, I’m certain it’s a compliment.” Aziraphale stumbles out, though his eyes have gone wide with worry. “Is it not? I must admit that while intriguing, i am not very well versed in the new ‘lingo’.”
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azira-fell-in-love · 5 years
Aziraphale: *exists*
Crowley: *is overwhelmed*
Crowley: can you not?? I am am too soft for this? Someone call the police.
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azira-fell-in-love · 5 years
i’m a simple woman, i see a slutty demon and his angel boyfriend and i hit reblog
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azira-fell-in-love · 5 years
Aziraphale knows Crowley’s obsession with ducks and it’s cute.
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azira-fell-in-love · 5 years
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azira-fell-in-love · 5 years
Why would you share that???
it’s so endearing but Jesus I’m snorting over it. I can’t. 😂 😂
I was just driving home and for some reason had the thought, “What if Crowley says, ‘wahoo’ when he has an orgasm?” and laughed for about ten minutes straight. And I guess I’m telling all of you this because if I have to imagine that, so do all of you people. You’re welcome.
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azira-fell-in-love · 5 years
Head canon that Crowley had some famous chef teach him how to cook centuries ago—and secretly takes at least one class every decade to keep up with food trends— just in case his favorite angel ever stays over or wants a home cooked meal.
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azira-fell-in-love · 5 years
What if he did take off his socks and get in the tub and then decided that he would very much like them back on??? So, he just sort of stares down Dagon and says, “be a peach and grab those for me.”
Dagon, mystified and scared does it without a moments hesitance. Then, because aziraphale is already having so much fun as Crowley, decides to get Dagon to put the socks on him while he’s still in the tub.
a helpful tutorial
I was taking with my friend about good omens and we were wondering how the hell aziraphale-as-crowley managed to get into that bath without getting his socks wet and so I drew this ‘helpful’ guide.
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I like to imagine that all the demons had to just awkwardly stand around watching him clamber around getting into this bathtub… @neil-gaiman can you confirm?
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azira-fell-in-love · 5 years
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There is strength in being soft
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azira-fell-in-love · 5 years
“You had ONE job!” both Satan and God scream at you.
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azira-fell-in-love · 5 years
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azira-fell-in-love · 5 years
It’s interesting how Aziraphale is on Crowley’s right side in all these clips...
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crowley and aziraphale - in the beginning - faceless
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azira-fell-in-love · 5 years
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- anthony? - you don’t like it? - no, no. i didn’t say that. i’ll get used to it.
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azira-fell-in-love · 5 years
Crowley’s middle name is Juliet, here’s why:
Crowley hates Shakespeare’s gloomy plays. However, he, without a doubt, watches them because Aziraphale watches them and he likes to be able to converse with the Angel about the plays—even if it’s just so he can put them down, the angels indignity is always entertaining. So, yeah, Crowley has seen Romeo and Juliet (and he can’t believe he thought his love life was tragic.)
Ever since he first witnessed the production it has stuck with him, in an uncomfortable and entirely too close to home way. It’s about love between to people that shouldn’t be in love. Two distinguished families. A Great War that’s been waging between them for so long they can’t even remember when it first began.
Crowley’s mouth always goes a little dry when he sees it—because yes he’s seen this one more than once— his hands always go a little shakey until he curls them into fists on his knees and grits his teeth. It’s a story that’s doomed from the start. The play resonates with him because of this. He feels a kinship with it in a way he’s been trying for years to ignore but can’t. He loves Aziraphale. He can’t admit it to anyone else, but he can admit it to himself.
Every time Crowley gets drunk he thinks about the play. The characters, the story, the choices. Specifically he thinks about how much Romeo and Juliet loved one another and how they would rather be dead than live another moment with out their other half. It’s dramatic and a bit foolish but...
Crowley gets it. He just understands, so damn much. He would rather drink a shot of holy water than ever think about Aziraphale being taken away by heaven. He’d rather stab himself a million times in the heart than spend an eternity alone on the planet—or anywhere else.
And so, one night, because Crowley is drunk and emotional and thinking about that damn play, he chooses a new name. (He’s long since decided his name is Anthony Crowley but he’s recently learned about middle names and fuck all of he’s not going to give himself one of those too.) Crowley introduces himself—drunkenly to other drunk people in the bar— as Anthony Juliet Crowley. It’s liberating. Like he’s secretly saying “hello world, I love someone so much it might actually be the death of me one day.”
Later, when he’s sober he realizes that it was a bad decision (bad because there’s too much to lose if anyone with a brain tried to analyze his choices) but a part of Crowley doesn’t want to give up the name. He wants to hold onto it. So, he shortens Juliet to a single J. No one else has to know his middle name is Juliet. No one but Crowley (because he definitely made everyone he told forget) . The name is Crowley’s secret. His coping method. His promise to do everything in his power to keep Aziraphale here and safe from harm—because a world without Aziraphale is a world that Crowley doesn’t want to be a part of.
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