azucar-morena94 · 7 years
Ants: The Empire of the Animal Kingdom
Ants may seem like a meaningless problem for a human being. They’re so small and easy to kill that the only concerns we have about ants is when they make a trail to our food or our trash. But in reality, ants are a much more powerful and organized creature that show an incredible similarity to a growing empire.
The cycle of the ant colony begins with, what we will call the Princess Ant soon to be the Queen. This special ant was born from another Queen alongside dozens of sisters which will be freed to the wild when their wings are stro enough. During this time, many Princess Ants die of starvation. But occasionally, one or two Princess Ants gets lucky enough to survive and start their own colony.
However, they cannot do it alone. The Princess Ant must search for other Princesses in the same pursuit as her own. Forming a temporary pact, these Princesses start the construction of a single ant colony. Even if it is a colective effort, each Princess Ant will slowly start conspiring to kill the other, for there may only be one Queen. Slowly but surely, the strongest Princesses will start killing the weakests until only one remains. That ant will be the Queen Ant of the colony.
After that comes the process of breeding. The Queen Ant will start raising different ants for different jobs. Some will be the Nursing Ants who take care of the young. Others will be Worker Ants to build the colony. Feeding Ants store food in their bodies and feed it to the colony, Warriors Ants deffend from invaders and Scouting Ants search the outiside of the colony for enemies.
Some colonies could unite and turned into super colonies, spreading their tunnels through miles and miles and having more than one Queen in a peace truce to endure the colonies’s lives
But, if a Scouting Ant returns with reports of another colony that could threaten their own, the Queen will order an invasion. Warrior Ants will storm the enemy colony, fighting their way through the underground maze, killing every ant, stealing away their food supply and capturing their infants to be raised as their own.
When the Queen Ant feels her life is coming to an end, she will born the next generation of Princesses that will start a new colony, one that might surpass the one they left behind.
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azucar-morena94 · 7 years
Please, tell your cat I miss her.
This is not a story about animals. Yes this week’s theme was animals, and I used them in the story, but is not about them. This is not a story about a specific person either, or is it…? To be honest, I don’t know anymore. This is just a story about a coward… and because he hurt my ego, I have to write about it, even if I have more important things to write. And even if this is shit, it has helped me heal. So good luck with this one, people. As a feminist, I try not to compare men to animals. In general, society would excuse everything a man does by comparing him to an animal. Boys will be boys or some other stupid bullshit. I try not to call men beasts, because I understand that men are capable of reasoning and they aren’t just mindless monsters with no self control… It might seem like I don’t try hard enough, but believe me I do try, I try so hard not to compare men to animals… Then comes the idiot. You see, he was a nice little thing to play with. He was a nice thing to look at, just like a little fish. A fish that could whisper sweet nothings into my ears, but he kept to himself and he didn’t take much space or bother me at all. He made my ego grow twice its size, a dangerous thing to do, since my ego was already the size of a Hippo. You see, he flew me over the skies… He became a majestic bird. He made me fly alongside him and I saw the world underneath us. It was wonderful. He was wonderful. We were amazing. He made me feel so good. He was like a drug. I couldn’t get enough. The trip was so great and so crazy, that I felt like I was licking a toad. Damn beautiful toad, with his perfect lips and sad looking eyes. I, a feminist, believed he was a prince in disguise. Ironic, I know. And how could I not think he was a prince? I’ve already compared him to a toad, all I had to do was kiss him, lick him, suck him enough to make him change into a prince. And I did just that. I licked. I kissed. I sucked. He changed. Oh he changed. He became a beast. In the middle of the trips he’d turned into a tiger, and he would growled out my name. He was strong, fierce, bad…. and I loved every second of it. And then, just like that, he’d turned into a little kitty. I enjoyed him as a kitty. He was fun when he was my kitty. He’d let me play with his hair, pinch his cheeks, and let him lay his head on my chest. And it happened. He wasn’t my little play thing, he wasn’t my little toy… He became more. He looked like a prince, and acted like a loyal puppy. He was perfect. So so so perfect. If you’d see him on the streets, you’d be scare of him, because my puppy was a big strong scary wolf. Loyal to only me. Or so I thought. My little fish, my birdie, my toad, my tiger, my kitty, my puppy, my wolf… he would leave me and go to someone else. He’d lie to my face. He wasn’t the only shapeshifter I’d spent my days playing with, and he knew it. He also knew he had a special place in my life. As I said, he was wonderful, perfect, so he was my second in command, and all the shapeshifters knew that he was special. But suddenly, without any explanation he stopped coming to me. Stopped taking me out to fly. He stopped taking me on wonderful trips… No matter how much I’d kiss, lick and suck, he would simply stay the same. I try reaching out to him, even though my Blue Whale size ego would get hurt every time I’d reach out first. But I did. And everything would be amazing. And then he’d stop once more. So I stopped reaching out too. Then another change. Like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly. He came back, he became even more attached to me. And I thought he was my wonderful kitty again, we had fun, more fun than before. He acted like my kitty, but he wasn’t. He’d sneak out on me, and went to the neighbor’s bed. And she would pick him up. She would spent all day with him, and he’d come back late at night. Some nights he just wouldn’t come back at all. You see, all I ever expected from him was honesty. Because he isn’t an animal acting on instinct, and because I deserve honesty. After all, I was and I am honest. If he’d just told me he had someone else, I wouldn’t have mind at all… but he lied to me. And he lied to her. For her he was the only one. She called him lover, I called him pet. She was so in love, after all, she spent all the days he was with me believing he was only hers, and falling deeper in love. And I told him I couldn’t do it anymore. I couldn’t just pretend like he wasn’t hurting her and using me. He looked me with those big sad puppy eyes, and begged me to stay… But I couldn’t. I never thought I would compare myself to a cat. But right now, that’s exactly what I will do. I couldn’t stay with him, because even though I never wanted a serious committed relationship, I love attention. I love to get attention when I ask for it. I want to be number one, but I want my space too. I’m like his own damn cat. Yes, I fell in love with his stupid black cat. She would demand cuddles and kisses from him, and scratch when she didn’t get them. I would laugh it off because I found it adorable. But when you are a grown woman, who is acting just like a spoil cat… is not that adorable. Besides, there is another girl in his life, a girl who didn’t even know of my existence. She’s sweet, and beautiful and wonderful. And she doesn’t deserve what I was doing to her. I didn’t know of her existence, and as soon as I found out I asked him why? But he wasn’t human enough to answer. He stuck his head in the ground like an ostrich… and never talked to me about it. For that, he doesn’t deserve one more paragraph. So this one is for you Rae. Your tail made my heart melt every time, and I’m sure you knew it, because you would move it around like you were stripping and seducing me. Your purrs and your meows made me feel warm inside. You were the only cat to capture my love, and your demanding of love and affection was my favorite thing. Baby, I loved petting you and cuddling you. I’m sorry I didn’t get to say goodbye, but that’s not my fault. Scratch him for that. And if I ever talk to your daddy again, I’d tell him: “Please, tell your cat I miss her.”
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azucar-morena94 · 7 years
Challenge #1: Who am I?
“Who are you?”
The answer to this question can be either extremely simple, or extremely complicated. If, for example, asked amongst a group of people out at a bar then you could simply reply with your name. That answer would suffice. Maybe you’d like to add that you’re John’s friend, or that you’re the guy who spilled vodka all over yourself during the last hang out. All of these options are acceptable in this environment.However, if you were to answer with your life story or a deep philosophical answer to that question in that particular moment, then you’d definitely get some weird looks. If I were in that particular scenario, I’d probably hold up my beer then I’d say I’m Abby, that one girl with the green hair who’s always talking about death.
But there’s always more to who a person is. Whenever anyone asks me this question in a deeper context, I answer with a joke, wordplay, or a very simple answer. Usually, I state the fact that I am a human being and nothing else. Needless to say, that answer is usually never enough. So… who am I? I’m not too sure myself. The reason behind this is not that I am incapable of deep thought, but the fact that I wouldn’t know where to begin.
There’s too much to tell and definitely not enough time or space, because a person cannot be defined by a simple set of words, at least not completely. It is impossible to captivate your essence with a few facts and adjectives. Do your actions define who you are? Or your reactions? Is it your emotions? Or where you come from? The truth is, there’s no right way to answer this question completely. No matter how much anyone may write about themselves, you’ll never truly know who that person is.
I could tell you I was born a female, one bright day in the year of 1997. I could also say I have a younger brother, live with both my parents and have the cutest dog in the world. At the top of my class my whole life, and the pressure put on me from every side caused me to become a very insecure individual. I could tell you about all the nice things I’ve had or experienced, but also reveal very dark secrets or horrible experiences I’ve gone through… but would any of these define exactly who I am? That’s entirely up to you, dear reader, and what you believe truly defines a person and who they are. To me, I’m Abby, a girl who will listen to all your woes and try my bestest to help, but also someone who’s trying to do the best she can and slowly learning to let people in.
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azucar-morena94 · 7 years
The Tragic Comedy of a Male Seahorse (A fable)
Okay so, sit the fuck down ‘cause I’m gonna tell you the worst fucking tale of woe you have ever heard, 'aigth? Grab a goddamned cookie.
So I’m just floating 'round my bongalow at the reef like the happy son of a bitch I am, when suddenly I see her. The most amazing motherfucking female seahorse I have ever seen. She was taking a shit by some seaweed and it was glorious. So I sashay on over and we get all Cinderella and Prince Charming like. We dance and twirl around; twinkle toes ain’t got nothin’ on us yo. But then, outta the blue she fucking grabs me by the tale and puts her eggs into my fucking pouch! And all I’m thinking is “WHAT THE FUUUUUUUCK?!!!?!?!!”. And that is how that bitch got me prego.
But don’t you move your little asses yet, there’s more. That bitch didn’t stay and get a motherfucking job to care for her motherfucking kids. No siree, too much to ask from the mademoiselle. She up and left to “find herself” and “see the world”. Man, she couldn’t have played me better if she had been a chess champion. So I’m left to deal with these stupid parasites all on my own. And I try to stay on point and give them quality time with daddy. Looks like they didn’t get the memo. After 2 goddamned days of excruciating labor the little motherfuckers pop up asking for food. Seriously? Do I look like a mammal? So I teach them where the motherfucking food and once they learn the greedy little sons of bitches eat EVERYTHING and LEAVE. Leaving me with a fucking weak body from labor and a fucking broken heart. I wish I’d never seen their mother taking a shit by the seaweed. I hope they get eaten by a motherfucking whaleshark who then pukes them out and eats them again until they are in an eternal loop of digestive goddamned misery.
So be glad you’re not a seahorse, you fucking asshole. Have a fucking beautiful day, bitch.
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azucar-morena94 · 7 years
Ants: The Empire of the Animal Kingdom
Maybe for humans, ants wouldn’t poise much of a threat, except when they make a dangerously long line to out food or our trash. Despite their size, ants are an incredibly resilient species. So much, that the process of creating an ant hill involves power, strength, treason and murder.
It all starts when a Queen Ant sees her life cycle coming to an end. She will procreate a series of ants, which, for the sake of simplicity we will call the Princess Ant. When these Princesses are old and strong enough they will be expelled from their home colony to never return.
Once in the outside world, each Princess must fend for themselves. Unfortunately, most Princess Ants will die of starvation shortly after leaving the colony. The ones strong enough will begin forming a momentary alliance to begin construction of a single ant colony.
Princess Ants know that a young colony can only have one Queen. Therefore, they start to slowly conspire to kill the weakest Princess Ant and fight amongst each other for the crown. The Princess Ant that survives ‘till the end will become the Ant Queen.
But the Queen cannot run the colony on her own. She starts producing different ants for different purposes: Worker Ants help build and fortify the colony, Nursing Ants will take care of the Queen’s young, Feeding Ants will store food in their bodies and feed the other ants, Warrior Ants will defend and protect the colony from enemy forces, and Scouting Ants that explore the neighborhood searching for food, tools, and enemies.
There have been cases of super colonies, in which a colony could be large enough to extends its territory throught miles. These colonies have more than one Queen Ant and take years to build and a lot of effort to maintain peace. There is a small amount of super colonies in the world.
In a young colony, if a Scouting Ant returns with reports of a enemy colony, the Queen may choose to invade their terrotory to become stronger. She will send Warrior Ants to the site and order them to kill every Worker, every Scout, every Nurse and every Warrior. The enemy Feeding Ants will be dismembered for their food supply and the younger ants will be taken as prisoners to be raised to serve another Queen. As the threat diminishes, the colony becomes stronger.
And when the Queen feels her life ending, she will have born another generation of Princess Ants to be released and continue the cycle, having one of them stay to rule over what has been left behind.
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azucar-morena94 · 7 years
My Whole Life’s Irony
     For those who know me, I’m all about animals. My favorite movies (most of them) are related to animals, when I’m making up stories, they’re all animal themed. When I was 14 years old, I created this story about a sport in a world of humanoid animals, and my designs, believe it or not, are basically what we know as Zootopia today. And no, I’m not saying it was a scam, it’s just a coincidence. 
     As an artist, the thing I do most is draw myself in the different universes out there (fandoms, movies, books) but my #1 original character is myself as a monkey. Monking, (get it? Monkey King? No? Okay, go on) because what a better way to blend one of your top favorite animals and and one of the best heroes ever (Spiderman[I love how relevant this is today]) into one original character?! Anyway, the point is, who doesn’t dreams to do things just animals can? Some can fly just with the push of their wings, some can dive with the whip of a tail and go to the darkest corner underwater with no problems at all, others run at speeds we could only imagine (except maybe Usain Bolt). I mean, HAVE YOU SEEN WHALES? Those are the most magnificent beings on Earth! But these are wild animals, that’s the macro, let’s go to the micro, pets.
    I love my pet Oogway, and my brother’s dog, Negri, even when his name makes me cringe. My girlfriend’s dog, Luna, is also the best thing ever even when she doesn’t get tired of barking at me. Los gatos de Luis y Fab son hermosos, especially Magnus pero a veces hace unas cosas que quisiera no saber de él, like dropping dead animals everywhere. Sirius, in the other hand, is the biggest adorable goofball on Earth. Basically, I love everyone’s pets, I just can’t help it. 
     Pero hay cosas que en la vida solo existen para joder a uno. For instance, allergies. Those fuckers make my life hell, especially when it comes to cats. It’s insane but not the worst of it. I AM EXTREMELY SCARED OF LOTS OF THINGS. The only reptiles I’m not afraid are turtles, even when I find them amazing. Amphibious? You better not get near because I might slap you. Rodents? Yeah, super cute, from a distance. Wanna take me for a swim to watch some fishes underwater? IM AFRAID OF GOING UNDERWATER. Wanna take me skydiving to feel what birds feel in the majestic sky? I. AM. AFRAID. OF. HEIGHTS. Just to think about all of this makes me shiver. My life is a joke, seriously. Maybe that explains my undying love for Lion King, I get to see the animal kingdom from the safety of my bed. Es maj’, chequiamo corillo. Voy a ver Lion King.
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azucar-morena94 · 7 years
(Sorry I had to) But I guess that is, in essence part of who I am. I am that crazy person that will bring up any musical, movie, book and series reference I can muster into any conversation. Especially with Disney. I love Disney! I am more of a Disneyologist (not sure if that even exists, but if it does I’m one of them). I like to watch movies and series over and over again to catch new things I couldn’t the last time and freak out about the brilliance of storytelling. There is no better feeling than those microseconds when all the dots connect and form a new idea or point of view that changes everything.
Family and friends are incredibly relevant in my life. I wouldn’t who am if it weren’t for their influence on me. Everything, the good moments and the bad moments have made me unique and stronger. And because of that feeling of gratitude towards my loved ones I tend to be very giving, which can be a good thing and a bad thing. Sometimes I feel like I give too much to someone who doesn’t reciprocate, and other times I feel like I give less to the people that need more. It’s all a very confusing scenario, but I’ve chosen to be okay with what I can and can’t do. I’m not a superhero nor am I a saint (no matter how much people believe I am) but I can still give what to my capacity I can.
Most of my hobbies include reading, drawing, writing, painting, doing pottery, playing the ukulele and learning new skills. But, most of all, I sing. I love singing and even if I’m not Celine Dion or Andrea Bocelli, I will wherever and whenever I can. Singing has taking me out of my deepest corners when I felt everything crumbling. It is my wings, my escape from reality, my light in my darkest times. I could honestly say, I don’t know who I would be if I couldn’t sing.
And I know there’s more to me, but since my mind is a blank right now I guess I’ll that for some other time.
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azucar-morena94 · 7 years
Challenge #2: Animals
Write something about an animal. It can you your pet, someone else’s pet, or a random animal that you like. Happy writing!
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azucar-morena94 · 7 years
Who are you? Challenge
“You are what you love, not who loves you.” Fall Out Boy
I am.
I am because I feel.
Because I think.
Am I the skin that burns under the sun’s fierce rays?
Or am I the blood that rushes to its aid?
I was.
I was innocent.
Or was I?
What is innocence?
Can one be truly innocent?
Or is it an illusion?
I will be.
I will be strong.
The rock that takes the hit of the waves everyday.
But the water always leaves its mark.
“I don’t define myself by the boys who may or may not like me.” Reyna Avila Ramírez de Arellano 
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azucar-morena94 · 7 years
Luz, Oscuridad y La Muerte.
¿Que quién soy?
Yo soy el producto de un amor entre dos seres que se encontraron muy tarde. Soy los deseos de una mujer que anhelaba sentir crecer en su vientre la maravilla de una vida. Soy su decisión clara de tener, y de sentir crecer en sus entrañas, una parte de si misma. Soy su esperanza y su más grande dolor. Dentro de mi corre su sangre, sus genes y sus deseos. Soy el producto de dos seres, quienes no conozco.
Yo soy quien tiene de vecina y de guardiana a La Muerte. Yo soy la que creció entre sombras, y con un vacío indescriptible. La misma que camina día y noche sin camino ni destino, con una fiel acompañante. La Muerte. Que camina a mi lado y me da la mano, y es que sin ella, no soy yo. Ella me ha privado de tanto… y la he despreciado y la he odiado todos los días de mi vida, pero a la vez no la puedo culpar. Mi vacío es un producto directo de su inevitable existencia. ¿Cómo culpar a la muerte de hacer lo que le corresponde? ¿Cómo pedirle a la tierra que deje de girar?
Yo soy el brillo de Luz, y el talismán de Juan. Tal vez por eso es que siento que estoy destinada a más, a mucho más de lo que la sociedad me permite ser. Por que ellos me bañaron en esperanzas, y yo crecí con una nube de expectativas y confusión, siguiendo todos mis pasos. Quiero experimentarlo todo, pero a veces me pregunto cómo podré hacer eso sí más de la mitad de mis días no puedo ni levantarme de mi cama. Entonces me doy cuenta que quien camina agarrándome la mano, no es La Muerte, sino mi amiga Oscuridad.
Oscuridad es bien chévere, porque ella no tiene que hacer ruido para llamar mi atención. A veces no la veo, ni la siento por un tiempo, pero yo sé que siempre está ahí. Me parece graciosa, ya que no es celosa. Me deja salir y compartir con otros que me llenan de vida. Ella tiene sus temporadas donde deja de joder a otros y hace de mi casa su hogar. Mientras está conmigo, y en los días que logro levantarme de la cama, Oscuridad me abraza y me despide con un tierno beso en la frente. La condena’ me espera todas las noches acostada en mi cama, y comienza todo un ritual de seducción. Primero me envía pensamientos invasores que me hacen pensar en todos mis errores pasados. Luego comienza a seducir mi cuerpo, dejándome sedienta y me pone a sudar. Oscuridad, una vez siente mi desesperación, termina apretándome el pecho, dejándome sin aire. Siento que me ahogo, y ahí es que ella se aprovecha y me abraza. Susurra en mi oído todos mis temores e inseguridades, y es ahí que me hace recordar a La Muerte, que se une a la acción. Entre ambas me seducen, Oscuridad me hace desesperar, mientras que La Muerte me muestra todo lo que me ha quitado y todo lo que me es capaz de quitar aún. Entonces siento miedo, y las primeras lágrimas comienzan a rodar. Veo a Oscuridad y La Muerte, intercambiar una sonrisa y celebrar su victoria.
Aunque esas son las noches donde La Muerte no le gusta joder con mi mente. Hay unas noches peores, donde La Muerte además de enseñarme todo lo que ella se ha llevado, me enseña que ella me puede ofrecer una salida. Susurra en mis oídos que puede hacer que Oscuridad se vaya una vez y por todas. La maldita Muerte me hace toda una presentación, como prostituta de esquina que hace lo que sea por conseguir dinero para alimentar a su familia. Lo qué pasa es es que La Muerte no tiene bocas que alimentar, y no tiene que hacer el trabajo. No, La Muerte es como el chulo que mira a sus prostitutas, y se asegura de que estás hagan su trabajo y le llenen su bolsillo de dinero. Yo soy una de esas putas. La Muerte anda molesta conmigo porque no le doy lo que quiere, y lo que ella quiere es ver rodar mi sangre y ver mi alma apagarse. Oscuridad espera con ansias que yo complazca a La Muerte, porque es una envidiosa. Oscuridad me odia, porque dentro de mi reside algo que la asusta, la intimida y la enfurece. Es algo que cuando ella me toca, la quema.
Yo soy un mundo de contradicciones. Yo tengo en lo más profundo de mi ser una fortaleza que me hace vencer cada día los deseos intensos de acabarlo todo. Aún cuando no lo demuestre, mis sentimientos pueden ser heridos con el más mínimo gesto. Actuó como si nada me afectara, pero en las noches todo me afecta y todo me importa. Mi corazón se rompe cada vez que escucho de la desdicha de otros. Mi vida parece insignificante cuando veo los éxitos de otros. Pienso y siento que soy única en este planeta de 7 billones de espíritus, pero yo sé que no lo soy. La realidad es que soy especial, porque me siento especial. Me ha costado años de inseguridades, de odio a mi misma, para por fin empezar a querer cada uno de mis defectos y dejarlos de ver cómo defectos y empezarlos a ver como hermosas diversidades. Cada día intento vivir lo más auténticamente posible, y defiendo mi realidad y mis visiones de mundo hasta lo último. Mi pasión a la hora de hablar de mis ideologías puede llegar a ser fascinante, pero a la misma vez puede cansar a todo el que me escuche. Soy contradicción, y adoro ser contradicción.
Yo soy una matrioshka, y en cada una de mis capas hay una realidad. En mi centro lo que hay es puro amor. El amor a la vida, a la gente, a la educación, al planeta, al arte, en fin, amor hacia todo lo hermoso de esta piedra flotante, entre miles de estrellas. Todos los días descubro una capa nueva de mi propio ser, y es todo un placer descubrirme a mi misma. Aún cuando otros no quieran compartir mi viaje de descubrimiento. He aprendido a disfrutar yo sola, a disfrutarme. Y es que yo soy una delicia de mujer, que aún cuando la Oscuridad y La Muerte me acompañan, he aprendido a a respetar su presencia y a gozarlas lo más que pueda. Porque ellas no son personificaciones de nada, ellas son yo. Yo soy mi propia oscuridad y mi propia muerte. Pero también soy Luz, y por siempre me mantendré encendidas, porque de este planeta no me voy, sin dejar mi huella.
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azucar-morena94 · 7 years
I am
“Who are you” sounds like such a bold question. Well “Who am I ?” Considering I’m asking myself as I write these words. I look deep in myself and I contemplate my own existence from time to time. But I find myself looking for something specific rather than stop and admire what is right in front of me. Something that gives meaning to everything, a sort of self validation. Something that tells me why I need to wake up every morning and head off to work. Something to base my decisions and steer me in the right direction, well really what’s perceived as the right direction. I must feed this ongoing need to justify what I do. I look for a purpose.
Humans are social creatures in their very nature. Within everything we do, we look to belong somewhere. Every so often we try to believe in something bigger than ourselves, or even better than ourselves. So as society grew, people were assigned roles. From that came jobs and later careers we know now. People were given a part to contribute to the social system. But eventually we ask ourselves why. Why do I do this ? Why am I like this ? Who are you? And who am I?
I am a human, I am a product of my own existence. I am a wanderer. I am a book that is yet to be finished. A cup that is yet to be filled and a life that is yet to be finished.
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azucar-morena94 · 7 years
The Maze
A free verse poem.
I’m reviewing the places I’ve been before To maybe figure out where to go next. The expanse of the maze is before me Though I cannot see it all. I know its twisting, never ending, ever changing I know its not my duty to solve it and get out. I am here to explore it, to discover it and chart it.
I’ve already seen so many kinds of beautiful The most dangerous paths lead to epic discoveries. But I grow weary, and it doesn’t hurt to rest The maze will wait, its not going anywhere.
When the end is near, and all is discovered I will turn and see its beautiful expanse Myself reflected in its twists and turns I am The Maze, I understand.
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azucar-morena94 · 7 years
Challenge #1: Who are you?
Asante sana Squash banana! Okay, no jokes. Who am I? I am the boy who loves my fandom Im the boy who loves to read It calls me!!
Now without joking I will write about myself And yes, in haikus
Five syllables here Seven more syllables there And five more again
For those who don’t know Haikus are important now Thanks to Apollo
Wait, can I complete A sentence like this in here? How do I haiku?
Nevermind that, clod Between Disney and heroes I cannot choose one
Drawing is my life Always imagining stuff Books and movies too
I fangirl a lot I freak about everything Bit annoyingly
I usually hide Behind all the excitement To not face the truth
A truth that scares me More than heights or deep waters Reality sucks
Wow, that’s kind of dark That escalated quickly Let’s cheer up a bit
That’s the real me A goofball that doesn’t shuts up Unless I’m crying
You asked who am I? I could really keep it up But that’s it *drops mic*
No more haikus now, just a quote to wrap this up:
——-“Oh yes, the past can hurt. But from the way I see it, you can either run from it, or… learn from it”– a wise oldman from Africa
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azucar-morena94 · 7 years
Who aren't you?
“I don’t want to rule or conquer anyone.”
-Charlie Chaplin
So I’m in the middle of my first ever college level Spanish class which everyone needs to take where I study, and the professor comes in and starts doing the usual introduction done in the first day. Only the way it goes down has a bit of a plot twist. He looks at a random student in the middle of the class and ask: “Who are you?” The nervous first year student tries to hide a look of defeat, not that i blame him. I mean seriously, first day already on the spotlight? He looks back and says: “I’m Jonathan Martinez.” The professor takes a moment and says: “That doesn’t tell me shit.”
Most of the classroom laughs a bit at the poor kid and he is just stunned, completely caught off guard. The boy Johnny takes a moment to compose himself and starts going like: “Well, I’m a first year student, I’m studying education, what else?” The professor interrupts him: “I’m going to stop you right there since you’re not giving a good answer.”
The dude looked confused as hell and it wasn’t until a kind soul in the form of a girl I would later find out to be named Natasha called to the professor. “What was wrong with his answer?” The professor tried to hide a small chuckle: “Because that doesn’t answer the whole question, nor does it separate you from the other people who are Jonathan Martinez studying in their first year of education.”
Natasha looked at the professor. “How do you know if there is someone who fits that description?”. The professor’s smile was more visible now. “I don’t but across the whole world and all time you think that doesn’t repeat?” Natasha bit her tongue “Fair enough, so tell me what is a proper answer to the question?”
The room, silent. The tension, palpable. The shit, lit. Like i never expected first day to start with such heat. The professor was chuckling at this point. “There isn’t. It’s easier to answer what you aren’t. Even when you look at yourself in a mirror you can’t see yourself for what you are. It’s easier to see what other people are and once you see what they are notice what they are that you aren’t.”
You remember what I said about the room, the tension and shit? Good, I don’t like repeating myself. Anyway the professor looks at us all again. And this time he says: “Tell me something that doesn’t describe you?”
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azucar-morena94 · 7 years
Challenge: Who are you?
You can write a story, an essay, a poem, whatever you want. This challenge will end on Monday, July 3 at 10:00pm. Start writing!
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