azure-sky23 · 3 years
Kakashi Hatake is no longer lost on the path of life
A Kakashi x fem Reader
Chapter 3: Tsunade’s Shock
Meanwhile in Konoha, Lady Tsunade gazed out the window figuring out what to do with Naruto. Suddenly she sees a light flash, something falling and another thing appearing almost as if aiming towards what might be crashing through the sky. Eyes narrowing to perhaps see what these unknown specks are, she notices a slight glint then multiple other splatters of dots as the two dots disappear behind trees. Some time had passed as a cloud of dust rises. "Lady Tsunade! Did you see that?" Shizune comes in yelling.
"Shizune! Send two ninja to the outskirts of the north entrance. Have them search carefully for whatever that may have been." Princess Tsunade invokes.
Her worries digress from the Naruto situation and his 9 tails. A knock resonates through the door, "Lady Tsunade, May I come in?" Sakura requests on the other end of the door as a frantic Shizune zooms by.
"Ah, Sakura! Good timing. How's training been?" The Fifth asks about her strong willed apprentice.
An hour had passed when Medical Ninja's stormed in, interrupting Tsunade and Sakura.
"Sorry to interrupt! It's an emergency. The area was searched and a young woman was found battered with large cuts. She's lost a lot of blood. We need your expertise, Lady Hokage!"
A door is flung open to reveal a girl lying on her death bed. Directions are flung as Sakura and Tsunade prepare for a long evening.
"Several broken bones, chakra flow has been stopped... strange chakra.....I'd like that tested. Bruising, internal bleeding, and a hole that nearly missed her heart. This situation is grim, but we must hurry. Her heart is failing. Are there any forms of identification?" Tsunade demands.
"None, Lady Hokage." A medic perks up.
"I need one of you to search through the "missing person's" folder. Check all information on all the residents of Konoha from the past to now. Send a messenger to other villages to see if there's anyone missing from their village with her features."
After the procedure Tsunade left back to her office, "No information. Survival rate is 50%. It's almost implying she's from a different world." A frustrated kick is firmly applied to the desk a faint "click" and "thud" being heard. Peering under her desk, she sees a file filled with papers along with a wooden statue. Tsunade grabs them out noticing the statue is of none other than the girl from the sky.
'No doubt, it's her. Even if there's some slight fading.' She gauges. The file is opened revealing letters from the past Hokage, each with a stamp from the respective Hokage. Reading each letter carefully down to every detail the contents leave certain things standing out. "Appeared and disappeared in the sound of wind, fell from the sky, found being chased by wolves, found on the outside of the village, doesn't speak the language well, honest, not from our world, strange appearance and odd chakra levels, white hair in the night?" All this information left unanswered questions. 'White hair?? It was (N/c) when I was working on her...What is this?'
Shizune knocks, coming in with a tea set, pouring the chamomile into the cup. Eyes dropping to the statue. "That's... a unique female. Family?" She inquired.
"One last thing for the day," Tsunade suddenly chirps while smelling the chamomile. "Find me some books on chakra, the history of shinobi, and legends. I'd like to figure something out. Family? She's the girl lying on my medical table who was found where those things fell."
Shizune's eyes widen a bit. "I see, I'll go find what I can." After the tea had been poured another time, she left for the Records room.
Some time had passed and a stack of books are now resting on her desk. All seven containing potential information on what could be up with your chakra and how you came here.
"The Librarian struggled because these records are old, but they should have something." Shizune gives a bow to excuse herself.
Pulling on a book, the first line is read: "Chakra rarities in Shinobi and other lost warriors."
The hope rising that the girl would survive taking a steel center at her now confused heart.
Grunts, groans, and occasional whimpers echoed in room 2B as nurses piled in trying to solve the case of noise. "What's going on?!" A nurse whispers. "We've checked everything. It doesn't seem to be her wounds, we gave her pain medication, but her heart rate is going up." Another responds.
As the moonlight grew and rested on the girl the noises spilled from her lips, higher pitches being accentuated. Her body slowly started to turn to stone once the cries stopped, the stone cracked just as quickly as it happened falling from the body and white hair resting on a no longer scathed face. Gasps flow in the once silent room. Some rushing to take new vitals and check injuries careful to not disturb the stone resting on the bed. "Someone take a blood sample and a piece of the stone to be examined!" The voice hollers. A nurse runs out of the room searching for the medic genius another in tow to confirm the situation.
"Lady Fifth!! Lady Fifth!" A yell bounces through the halls to her already pounding head. Tsunade bursts through the door, "What is going on?? Why are you yelling so loud at 11:30 during the night?"
"The girl... she turned to stone!" One chants, the other joining after. "The stone fell off her body! Her hair turned white and her vital signs are perfect."
"Show me." Tsunade demands.
Sure enough, the nurses were right. Stone remains were being put into containers for examinations. Nurses bustled in and out bringing new IVs being gentle with the strange situation. As Tsunade leans down to check her wounds shock ensues. "They are perfectly healed... I want to be notified immediately when she wakes up. Tell Ibiki to be ready." Wandering the halls she manages her way past nurses straight to her office where five books remain.
Hello! Thank you for reading the next chapter! I hope you all enjoyed it! Please comment and react! I'd love to hear your thoughts! I'm excited to be writing a story for Kakashi. He is one of my favorite characters and I hope I can portray everything to the best of my abilities so we all can enjoy the journey.
Thank you for joining me!
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azure-sky23 · 3 years
Kakashi Hatake is no longer lost on the path of life
Kakashi x female reader
Chapter 2: 9 bells
A good 9 years had passed. I had tried to go back many times. I learned handsigns, Japanese, sealing jutsu, even the history of Konoha and the other 5 hidden village. Eventually, I had even taken up all kinds of Martial Arts, mastering them on top of swordsmanship and black smithing. Many times I repeated what I had done that day, only to be signed up for therapy with no one to believe me. It was declared by my own family that I was delusional, lacking a sense of reality. It ultimately led to the time for me to move out. The therapy was intensive during my move out time and I had been put on "watch" to make sure I didn't touch Naruto related movies. I had times where all I could do was work out and go to college.
Sighing, I drop my books into my bag and rushed up to Professor Heart bombarding him with questions on the nervous systems workings and pressure points. He laughed, it was always a hearty one that left you in a smile. His aged brown eyes gained a crinkle at their edges. "You are the most interesting student I have! Let me give you a book to keep. I hope it will explain things better." I gave him a smile, "Thank you Professor! I wanted to let you know I'm taking a test for my CNA career this evening. I also wanted to say thank you for working with me these past couple of years."
The man gives a light pat to your shoulder, "If there's anyone who needs thanking, it's you. You are hardworking and brilliant Ms. (Y/n). Good luck!"
Sure enough, I ended up running to take my test. It was awkward that I was a little late, but nonetheless aced the materials while refusing any breaks they offered in order to take the time to finish sooner.
Once testing was over, I walked home. Luckily, home was close by and I could satisfy the need for exercise I had! Walking through my door, I gazed at the set up that my mother and therapist had come up with. Closed off, not much space, a tv, a plain red circle rug resting on the creme carpet, and a decent black couch. My bag hits the floor as I sit crisscross applesauce and start my meditation and workout. 300 sit-ups, 100 push-ups, 175 sumo squats, and a 7 mile run on the treadmill. Tired, tho still willing to keep going, I decide to study the book Professor gave to me. I pull it out only for it to slip from my hands landing near the DVD player, launching a cd into the device. My tv turns on and the Naruto movie begins to play. I glanced around anxiously only to realize, 'I passed my therapy years ago.' My gaze returns to the screen a bit more relaxed as I watch handsigns being wove, my own hands moving with. A grin had fully reached my face as I remembered meeting the Hokages. "I'd sure love to go back.." I whispered not noticing tears filling my eyes.
"A PathWalker? Hm... I could make a deal with you and seal you to my world since you love it so much."
I turn fast to see a cloaked figure readying their red laced chakra finger tips with a sealing jutsu of some sort. I back myself up only to feel the door knob touch my spine causing adrenaline to course through me.
"Or... I could let you watch my world be destroyed? Maybe your sad fate will be to die along with it?" The deep, gruff, inhuman voice yells, body moving fast towards me. I duck and swing my leg up knocking the once chakra glowing hand, off setting the balance within his chakra system. A bright light appears and I feel arms wrap around my torso. "Child! I'm sorry to be late, this is the best I can do for you. Always be near the moon." I heard that voice before! "Super gramps?" I call out. The light fades and my vision returns as I feel gusts of wind and look around to see I'm falling from the sky! "Holy....!" I cry out, when I see a portal open to reveal the cloaked guy. "I will seal you!" He yells hand flying towards my stomach. I turn as much as possible to avoid the guy but feel a graze against my side the new low burning creeping into my system. The wind is too strong for me to see anything.... Panic sets in as I struggle. I feel a different warmth hit my arm. I reach out and feel something hit my hand, yanking it in my palm I swing it at the cloaked man to realize I somehow had a sword. A gash forms as blood paints the sky above me, the cloaked man and I fall. I hear a groan as I feel hard ground smack against my back, head, and legs. My vision instantly blurs and I turn my head to see the sword disappear while red starts to puddle beneath me. My vision darkens, the inhuman voice screaming, "For the wound you've given me.... I'll triple yours! I doubt you'll make it to your rebirth!"
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azure-sky23 · 3 years
Kakashi Hatake is no longer lost on the path of life
Kakashi x Female reader
Chapter 1 part 2: A Long Night Cont….
The yellow glints appear and then, they charge!
Suddenly two figures jump in front of me, trees wrapping around my torso lifting my worn body closer to a person with fur lining near their neck. They start yelling stuff in Japanese, the ground seeming to shake at their words scaring the wolves away. I covered my eyes hoping that I might be able to get them to adjust more so I could see. Startled, I feel hands pull my own hands away from my dirt and tear stained face.  "Who are you?" One of them asks. Dawn settles a bit more as I can now see none other than the First Hokage and a young shinobi. They speak to each other glancing at my clothes and lift me off the ground more with the trees as they travel to the new looking Konoha.
Standing in the Hokages office was a dream come true! How was I even here?? The adrenaline I had earlier wears off  leaving my weak legs to give out. The First Hokage rushes over catching me and waving a different amount of fingers in my face to see if I'm able to focus. My vision blurs and the last thing I hear from the Hokage was, "Document this and file it in some records! Store it in the desk I use."
Wind. Large gusts fill my ears and I stir to see I'm in chains, wrists bleeding, being dragged by two men through the Hokage's office once again. Confusion takes over. The Second Hokage at the seat, "Who is she?" He asked. It was a good thing I was trying to learn Japanese, because this was hard to understand. I could understand bits and pieces, but not where I could fully process. "We don't know Lord Second. The woman is strange." The Second examined me noticing my once again strange clothing, it being torn this time. "I'll ask once. Who are you?" He sternly speaks. I felt my stuttered words fall from my lips, "I- I'm (Y/n), 14 years old, why am I here? I was with the First Hokage a minute ago..."
"The First?" He says eyes widening. "How high did you fall?"
I tilt my head not understanding the last sentence. I thought hard trying to form my next sentence. "I'm from..... not here." A wave of relief flooding through me with my attempts at Japanese. The Second stands and bends down to my face staring in my eyes.
2nds POV
"How interesting..... She's not lying! Her features are different than anyone's in the five lands. I wave the guards down to my level. "Can we document how she looks?" I ask. The shinobi stare at each other and suggest paper and a small wooden bust. "Find the best carver. Have him start and write the details. I need her back here soon."
Guards drag the young thing away watching panic fill her eyes. I pull out paper and start writing what I've seen so far when I realize she doesn't speak our language well. 'Maybe I can teach her.' The Second writes down characters that a beginner could memorize with only pointing. A yawn escapes after four hours and the Second gazes out at the dark night seeing dawn should be coming in an hour. Not knowing that her hair had turned white during the examination for a bust made of herself.
(Y/n)'s POV
People had poked and prodded my face and shoulders shouting numbers to the man. The moonlight had hit me through a window and I didn't know my hair had turned white until the guards and carver started shouting. "Shiroi no kami!" Meaning "Hair of white!!" I was even shocked and no longer understood what was going on. After what felt like eternity they FINALLY brought me back to the Office with the newly carved figurine. The Second sat me down and started pointing to characters saying something then pointing to an object nearby. 'Ah! He's teaching me!' I grinned and caught on saying it with him. Soon, the sun rose and I grew dizzy. I looked at the wood figurine of myself, "That... me?" I spoke to the Second. He nodded. "Me... know you." He spoke simply. My eyes widened realizing he was trying to say he'd remember me. I gave a teary smile as the sound of wind took me again.
I woke to the Thirds face looking into my eye, shining a candle in it. I tried not to scream so a weird whimper escaped me and he gave me some space. I looked around, 'cemetery..'
The third watches the girl who fell and landed in the grass by him. "Are you alright?" I was stunned! Daytime!? Three Hokages all in one sitting? I rubbed my head trying to process everything. The Third knelt and put a hand on my shoulder to steady me. "What's your name?" He called softly. I responded, "(Y/n). Speak Japanese little.... Not from this world." He looked at me up and down seeing my (f/c) shirt and grey leggings. "Very pretty. I'm sure mom is happy." He spoke. "Where are you from?" I tried to tell him of the world with "big, big houses". He seemed a bit tense, but still smiled at me. The third watched my expressions as they landed on the graves of the First and Second Hokages.
'Hm? Sadness?' He thought watching the way my eyes watered a little while looking at their resting place. "I knew that one and that one. Met today." I spoke solemnly. The Third's eyes rested on my figure eyes swirling in confusion. "That one.... That one... pen, paper, write, me. Don't know where." I said as night came. He started asking questions, then saw something and started saying, "Come back! Talk more! We can smile together! The fire... with you!" His voice getting lost in the wind. The wind stops and my vision remains dark as nine bell tones ring.
Not realizing the future Fourth in the trees having witnessed the entire situation.
Gasping I sit up from the couch and search around. "No grass, no wolves, no Hokages, Naruto still playing in the back ground, Note? A note! Agh... my mom is gone already??" I sit up looking out the window seeing the neighbors houses through the blinds and slide off the couch to go shower. As my hands hit the couch to help push myself off, pain surges through them, standing and wobbling with weak legs I search my hands seeing the marks where the chains were. Bruises and small cuts! "It.... Was real....."
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azure-sky23 · 3 years
Kakashi Hatake is no longer lost on the path of life
Kakashi x Female Reader
Chapter 1 part 1: A long night
Y/n= your name
H/c= hair color
F/c= favorite color
W/c= weapon of choice
S/c= Skin color
E/c= Eye color
N/c= Natural color (hair)
Rushing to the end of the hallway, (y/n) takes a right zooming down the four flights of stairs, backpack in tow, and (h/c) strands chasing the 14 year old.
A gasp erupting from her mouth as she hops on the side railing to avoid an elderly woman carrying an armful of groceries. A breeze picks at her clothing as she slides past the woman, her (f/c) shirt pressing against her skin. Jumping off the railing when she spots the number "1", she goes to the door with a "#23" plaque and rushes to open it. She slides in and checks her phone to see she's beat her previous record: 1 minute and 50 by a whole 30 seconds. "1 minute and 20 seconds!" (Y/n) gushes. Taking her shoes off at the entrance she looks around her home. "Mom? I'm home!" She sighs, "Always working.."
(Y/n)'s POV
Walking by the red leather couches I head to the kitchen counter where the leftovers were set out. My eyes graze over the still cold options, hand grabbing a plate of lasagna and popping it into the microwave. After eating and cleaning the counter, I went and put on Naruto. It is my favorite after all! My eyes began to be completely heavy as I heard Minato telling Kakashi to take care of Obito while he places the nine tails back in Naruto. I find myself drifting to the sound of wind. It had increased to the point it was all I could hear. Soon, I felt softness under me and my consciousness drifted back. I turned to remove an ache I had on my hip when I realized it was an object causing this pain in my side. Sitting up, I grab.. a rock... a rock?? "Mom?? Why is there a rock in the couch!?" I holler. Silence. Then the sound of something moving in a bush. That's when my eyes open. Dark, trees, grass, dirt, yellow eyes. What? Thinking I was crazy I check the same direction again and then pinch myself as hard as possible. A whimper escapes my throat as the feeling of heat rushes to the now swelled lump on my arm. Glancing around and seeing no yellow, I jump to my feet determined to find my way out of this when a piercing howl reaches my core causing tears to spring into my eyes. The growls start and so do my legs. 'It's a good thing I can kinda run fast.' I think jumping over a fallen tree and trying not to trip over the natural obstacles here in this wooded area. I look behind me seeing shadowed figures chasing, 1, 2, 3, no 5. I determine as I see 2 split into different directions to speed up the chase. I can feel my lungs reaching their limit, the burning creating a deep pain with every breath I huff out. My legs are almost at their limit too. I do another check on what I'm pretty sure are wolves to see they have gained on me. I feel the adrenaline flood my body as I sprint, tripping over a root and tumbling out of the forest into a dark clearing. My hands start searching.. anything. My mind screams out as my hands feel a rounded wall looking for a crevice but to no avail. Growls come in range once again and echo off the tall wall. Turning, I prepare myself for worst case scenario as sobs start to wrack my being. "Someone! Please help! I don't know where I even am.. please....." The yellow glints appear again and then, they charge.
Alright!! Hi guys!!! I'm so excited to share a story I have imagined waayy too many times. Haha 😂 I hope you all enjoy and leave your comments and feedback! Characters belong to respective owners and you belong to you. 😇
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azure-sky23 · 3 years
If someone is willing: Please!!! Write a kakashi x reader for first kiss… Maybe like… upbeat reader experiencing Kakashi’s forehead kiss, cheek kiss, and actual kiss kiss. Needing this…. Lol 😂
Side note…. Imma be posting my own Kakashi x reader soon along with a few of the others I’ve done on WattyPad!!! Eeee
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