b100berry · 8 years
[[I keep thinking about returning to RP, and then I get self-conscious and ditch the blog/msparp again for another several months.]]
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b100berry · 8 years
D --> Hay, Horuss
D --> I’m doing moderately ok
D --> Have you considered modifying your husktop’s e%terior to resemble a steam-powered device D --> It wouldn’t be quite the same in fun%ion, but you could retain the steampunk 100k at least
b100berry started following you
Hoofn’t dun one of these greeters in a bit, but I wasn’t using my regular devices for a while. It’s really difficolt when using an incredibly outdated steam powered phone, instead of mare modern, practical devices like husktops. The ease of use definitely is worth it, even if I dun’t get that steampunk feel. Aneighway, enough about my technical difficolties. 
 Hay Equius. Hopefoally you’re doing well. 
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b100berry · 8 years
D --> Abundantly
D --> I’m sorry for the trouble
Stop it. Just stop right there.
I don’t care who you are. I don’t care who your moirail is. Don’t even fucking try to level with me.
If you’re looking for friends, you’re not going to find one here, blueblood. I’m done being respectful and playing nice, with anyone. You’ll get the same treatment every other highblood gets here: I don’t trust you, I don’t like you, but if you really want to hear the heresy that destroyed everything I ever knew by the touchstubs of highbloods, then fine, keep following me, whatever. Do as you will. But hurt or even insult the people I love, and know that I will make you regret it.
Have I made myself clear?
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b100berry · 8 years
D --> Acquaintance
D --> I’m trying to drag myself out of an e%tended period of social withdrawal by meeting new people
D --> Also, animal photography posts
D --> I see that you reblog them regularly
@b100berry started following aberrantcadenza
What do you want? And more to the point, what do you hope to gain from following me?
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b100berry · 8 years
makeup is gender neutral
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b100berry · 8 years
*doesnt talk to tumblr friends for 6 months*
*thinks about them and hopes they are okey dokie*
331K notes · View notes
b100berry · 8 years
D --> I just
D --> Completely and utterly forgot about this thing
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b100berry · 8 years
D --> Oh my good golly
D --> I’ve neglected this blog for half a sweep
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b100berry · 9 years
D --> Well, no, not nine lives D --> I just don’t have to be as concerned about injuries as a ghost
D --> Yes D --> And for the sake of having a moving target to demolish D --> My species can be rather violent, but I’d rather not harm others if I don’t abso100tely need to
“the one time”. fuckin shit.
y'all havin like nine lives or something. (would place here a friendly laughter but ain’t think it fits the moment) usin them just to train yourself? :o)
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b100berry · 9 years
D --> Oh, that one
D --> I agree
D --> And the singer has such a rich, fine voice
D –> This one. Nepeta suggested it to me and it is rather catchy.
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b100berry · 9 years
D --> Indeed they are
D --> I myself have gotten wrecked by them to varying degrees before
D --> But not as much as I do to them in return
D --> Usually
D --> E%cept for the one time I was decapitated
!! cool. is they strong enough to wreck shit?
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b100berry · 9 years
D --> Which song are you listening to
D –> That is good to hear and it is fine. 
D –> I am doing well, listening to an amazing human song
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b100berry · 9 years
D --> They’re roughly my own height and troll-shaped
D --> They’re programmed to fight, and I use them as an outlet for my temper
second dead person i got to chat at outta an ouija board. i’m surprised, not gonna lie.
what robots you like to do? i mean, is they big as fuck or those cute lil ones what helps people some?
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b100berry · 9 years
D --> Yes, albeit more of a hobbyist than one who has taken it up as a career
D --> I’m dead and have no need for employment
no worries, it’s nice to be meetin ya.
woa, that sounds cool. you’s an engineer?
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b100berry · 9 years
D --> I’m Equius Zahhak
D --> I apologize for getting to this late
D --> I’ve been busying myself with more roboti% work
been such a long ass time since i brought myself to do any kinda greetin. mostly cause it got lazy. anyway. haha. heyo. wassup? i’m zee. how would y'all like to be called? :o)
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b100berry · 9 years
D --> I’m well, more or less
D --> Pardon the delayed response
D --> And how are you
D –> I shall remember that
D –> How are you tonight Equius?
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b100berry · 9 years
The Flower Garden | Howl’s Moving Castle
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