b2379n · 3 years
Life- (Original Work)
For every emotion... Give it time and I too shall pass. Life comes and goes over waves. We're just surfing the waves. We all fall when a big one comes, Some time we drown, But we manage to get air The air makes us stronger. Then we get back on the surfboard and do it again. That is how life is. We don't always feel one emotion 24/7.
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b2379n · 3 years
To my “Bestie” (Original Work)
Wow, I guess this is a goodbye, right?
You are replacing me with her. A relationship over a best friend.
I know I am not your lover, and I don’t want it. 
But, I am losing you. 
As the lyrics of Happier by Marshmello say,
“I want you to be happier, So I’ll go.”
I want you both to be happy.
I want you to feel happy when you spend time with her,
Just how you did with me.
She told me last week not to hang out with you, 
Cause you both needed time for each other.
I guess, you kinda forgot who was there for you at anytime you needed.
You forgot, who you were mean just to impress your “crush.”
You forgot who still kept on pushing friend during those time.
Who always saw the good in you…
But, its okay…
You found her.
She loves you.
You love her back.
Just never lose her, just like you’re losing me.
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b2379n · 3 years
I believed- (Original Work)
I believed that last night was the last time I believed in you. Your anger still stays in my empty memories.
Mind blanks, where all you do is get mad at me.
Tell me, “I’m the dumbest mathematician ever.” and when I write down on my paper, I’m dumb, you get mad at me.
Get mad at how I backchat, while you tear my self-esteem down.
Jokingly dance around me singing I’m fat.
You lie to people about what I dream to become when I am older,
lie about my grades. Why?
I don’t fail, but I don’t get awards either.
What’s wrong with becoming a firefighter, or a police officer?
Why is that lame to you?
You did hurt me on purpose
I thought families weren’t supposed to break.
They even have I love you on the end of the word.
They are supposed to be a place where you can come home.
But not here, not in my home. 
But then I feel the pain heart is too much to carry.
I go to bed, bones aching, heartbreaking, head in a swirl of confusion, eyes, chocking back every tear.
Sometimes, successful, sometimes not.
While you go to bed angry but with peace.
I want to run away from reality.
Go inside my head where everything seems too good to be true. Where I can dance around Abby, singing with cruise, fly a dragon, animals talking, where peter-pan takes your hand and time stops ticking.
To another place that ever exists
Far away from the hurt, we had created together.
That belongs to us alone and nobody else.
What happened to the family I knew?
Who is this new family I am a part of?
I believed in your intentions and your love.
At one stage, we all talked about our love as a family
now it’s just religion and opinions.
What happened to the love?
I believed the past could be recreated.
I believed in the smiles we had shared side by side united.
I’m sorry for the way things turned out surely was not only my fault but ours.
I’m sorry for yelling and shouting at you every single day,
but to be quite frank…You do it to me.
You threw anything your hands could reach,
But I couldn’t hold your hand down, protecting myself from the punches and slaps.
Couldn’t even run away from you so I wouldn’t get hurt.
I didn’t like how everything turned out to be. 
At one stage somewhere many years ago, something changed.
Something happened.
I don’t know what.
But we aren’t the same family we had. 
In a place a long time ago.
Holding me in your arms, dancing and singing, playing games when we were bored.
What happened?
Amused by little things, Laughing when we recall a funny memory
Laughing because we were happy.
It’s all in the past, sadly. 
All our happy moments and memories
While in the present is hurt, pain, heartbreak
I believed we could always be happy.
But something happened that I want to know why.
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