babs927 · 7 years
3 COR Warrior Raffle Prize Winner
3 COR Warrior Raffle Prize Winner
Hey Everyone! As you all have been waiting for, here are the winners from the 3 COR Warrior Virtual Run. As a reminder, in order to be entered you had to register and pay by June 4, 2017! Winners will be contacted this week…
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babs927 · 7 years
Throwback Thursday
When we decided to do a Virtual run we honestly didn’t know how big it would be so we decided to “shoot for the stars” by ordering 2000 medals. Yes, you read right 2000 MEDALS! To date we have sold 400 medals which is truly awesome but we still have a goal to sell the remaining 1600 whether it takes 1 month, 6 months or even a year, we just want to sell these medals because it will help these…
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babs927 · 7 years
#3CORWarrior Prizes: Part 1
#3CORWarrior Prizes: Part 1
We figured it is about time to talk about the prizes we will be raffling off at the end of the month! We have a good handful of things that we will be raffling for everyone that has registered and paid by Sunday, June 4, 2017. We will be picking the winners the following week. Let’s get started! Young Living inspires wellness, purpose, and abundance by distilling nature’s greatest gifts into pure…
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babs927 · 7 years
Pictures are starting to come in! Make sure to send them to me so I can add them to this page!!!!
  #MedalMonday #3CORWarriors Pictures are starting to come in! Make sure to send them to me so I can add them to this page!!!! email me: [email protected]
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babs927 · 7 years
This week I was excited for Kym to do this blog. She has truly been a warrior throughout this whole ordeal. I asked Kym to talk about how she became the “TuTu Princess” and how she is doing since the accident. For those of you that may not know, Kym was awake throughout the entire accident and has undergone multiple surgeries thus far. Here is her update!
How did you become known as the “TuTu Princess”?
I wore my first tutu at the Warrior Dash in 2014. Since then I’ve had one accompany me at a lot of different races from Tough Murders, Spartans races in Seattle, Wintergreen and Citi Field (my most favorite unrelated person in all this world, Scott, was my tutu twin for that), the Dirty girl, Candy run and pretty much any and all holiday themed 5ks. It kind of just became my thing.  Don’t have a TuTu, don’t worry I have one in almost every color and for every holiday.  My love for TuTu’s didn’t stop there. I started taking my tutus places and asking people to take pictures in them with me from bands such as Seether and Breaking Benjamin to the Colorado Avalanche players (they all declined but had no issues wearing the special Avs headbands I made) and this super cool singer from Rooster.
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How are you since the accident?
Well, I recently had my 4th and hopefully last surgery almost 3 weeks ago to put my intestines back together and to remove my ileostomy.  The seatbelt pretty much tore up my stomach but it kept me alive considering how hard we were hit and how much the car flipped. Because of the seatbelt I lost my spleen and a 18 inches of my colon.  I had named my ileostomy Maurice because when you have no choice but to have part of your small intestine protruding from your body why not make peace with the horror of it all. As happy as I am to no longer have Maurice,  I am also thankful as well because of him I survived. I’ve also started therapy recently to help with the extreme emotions and PTSD from the accident.
Special THANK YOU from Kym!
I am so incredibly thankful for everyone who visited me during my multiple hospital stays, for those who checked in on me and took me to some of my hundreds of Dr appointments. This experience has been horrific to say the least and the pain I’ve been through cannot ever adequately be put into words but knowing so many people from freaking everywhere have been rallying and praying for us has been so humbling. Thank you, from the very bottom recesses of my humble heart. I also wanna thank my gym, FAST in Arvada. Without the trainers there, there is no way I would have healed so fast.
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What’s next for Kym?
I’m so ready to get back on an obstacle course it’s not even funny.  I’m not a spectator by any stretch of the imagination! My Ortho Dr has me bearing weight on my left leg finally and PT is working with me to get that puppy stronger.  My goal is to be as close to 100% in time for Muckfest as possible. I already made plans for the US championships in September before all this so that’s my ultimate goal. One day at a time…. Until then my 13 year old daughter graduates from middle school this week so please throw a few extra prayers my way!!!!!!
There is still time to register! We have 1600 medals left (yes, we were a little ambitious for these ladies but who wouldn’t be). If you register and pay by the end of May you are entered into some AWESOME prizes that will be raffled. Otherwise, medals will still be available until completely sold! Cost is $25 with $20 going directly to the girls! Click the link below for details on registration and payment.
As you can imagine being in ANY type of accident isn’t easy. Let alone one that has turned your life around completely. Please find a way to participate in this virtual run and spread the word. Neither Ellie or Kym are working right so every little bits takes that less stress off their plate.
Think about giving up that Starbucks coffee for 5 days or not eating out for lunch for 3 days or even skipping that dinner and movie for one week! One week of giving up something that comes so easy and natural to us makes the WORLD of difference to these girls and their families.
If you have something that you would like to offer up in the raffle, please let me know and we can figure out the details. This race isn’t limited on where to participate. We have people in Canada and US but would love to see people from Italy, Sweden, Japan or anywhere overseas.
TuTu Tuesday: Kym Butcher This week I was excited for Kym to do this blog. She has truly been a warrior throughout this whole ordeal.
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babs927 · 7 years
This week I asked Elizabeth Rotter, one of the survivors from the accident if she would like to post something, especially after she finished walking the Spartan Sprint Sunday. She was only cleared a month ago which is crazy but awesome! Read below her recap from this past weekend at the Spartan Super and Sprint in Fort Carson.
This past weekend stands out far beyond I have ever experienced on any Spartan Race grounds in my whole OCR participation! After all the outreach, care, concern, care packages, cards, and visits while in and out of being at Craig Hospital, this past Fort Carson weekend surpasses engulfment of love from SO many people! 
Laughter and joyful tears started with my best friend Jessica’s coming to town from Arizona, since the last time I was suppose to see her was three month ago to race Spartan Arizona. This was an overdue delayed/postponed race weekend to spend time together and catching up in person prior to being on the race grounds in the Springs.
Saturday’s events started once we stepped into the festival area to visit Stacy Sanderson and the Tatham’s , who were almost on their way out. Friends on Spartan staff gave hugs and talked through any inquiries and discussions to catch up since Breckenridge. Quite a lot to share, including the accident and any life stories that have come up since the last time we all saw each other. Strangers even approached to discuss the significance of the COR medal and reached out to share a hug. Very heart moving!
Sunday’s events started once Jess and I were able to get to the corral and join others to step off into the 9:30am heat! Surrounded by COR jerseys, hugs and tears, once again, it was very welcoming to see members of my extended family in person. It all seemed surreal to experience and the heart beat was normal, knowing what to anticipate for the most part on course. My Spartan nickname quickly changed to “Eli” with an honorary moment of silence plus admiration for dear Corrina, to the crowd being informed that I was standing amongst the corral with everyone else. What a blessing!
With my protective, supportive, encouraging, and belly shaking from laughter COR walkers were amazing to have alongside the whole course! Rachel Babcock, her boyfriend David, plus Jessica and I made it through the course with their circular and vocal protection! Our laughter and story telling are all quite memorable plus being able to take photos of these 3 enjoying the obstacles and getting muddy together was amazing. My itches to run and desires to complete the obstacles were on hold knowing those will be reintroduced once my body is ready to take on the challenges. Knowing that I just started walking without any balance issues a month prior to this weekend, early on having an oxygen tank every night to breathe fully out of both lungs and multiple fractures from my right shoulder to my pelvis, it felt incredible to say the least to be on race grounds taking each step and hill with a soul full of blessings to be able to accomplish such a feat! The third hill had my heart beating faster than ever focused on before and I was very grateful to see the last hill to climb. I will say with determination and perseverance, I climbed each of the 5 hills without taking any breathers until the peaks, grateful for the team around me in case anything happened.
Once we reached Mt. Olympus, my eyes viewed the sea of COR people standing near the finish line and I was already tearful. Our discussion of jumping or walking or going around the fire obstacle spewed into my Niagara Falls of tears seeing, as we got closer to the finish line,  who was standing in front of the whole group, Tiffany, Corrina’s daughter. What an honor to receive the finisher medal from Tiffany! I am still completely humbled and my heart is full of so many incredible emotions from us all being together. These words only summarize a portion of everything that happened this past weekend. May the love of people keep spreading and bring us stronger and healthier together.
Much love,
Here is a special note from Emily’s mom Julie. Ellie and Emily are buddies through the “I Run 4 Michael” group. More info on that program HERE.
“My daughter just completed her 5K for Elizabeth Rotter. She’s only 9 years old and is a special needs child who Elizabeth actually joined “I Run 4 Michael” group and was matched with my daughter so Elizabeth could run for her.  Since the accident my daughter has been determined now to run for Ellie and she has – and today she did big time!  It’s not easy for her, but she kept her legs moving and had a smile on her face pretty much most of the time.  🙂  I just think having a picture or two of her for Ellie would be neat.
Thank you for the opportunity to do this for these amazing ladies.  My daughter ADORES Elizabeth and even though they haven’t met (we live in Michigan), she has connected deeply with my little girl and helps my daughter overcome and push through her struggles with her special needs.  It’s been a privilege to support Ellie now during this difficult time.
There is so much to be thankful for in our lives and its such a blessing to see everyone coming together to support these ladies. As we continuously mention, medals are still available and will be until all 1900 are gone!!! This is a big task at hand but the least we can try to do for these ladies that have given so much to others.
Remember, if you register and pay by the end of May you will be entered into some awesome prizes such as Tough Mudder entry, OCR Spear, thirty7’s apparel, LuLa Roe and much more.
Why Wait?! Register Today!!! 
Thankful Thursday by Ellie Rotter This week I asked Elizabeth Rotter, one of the survivors from the accident if she would like to post something, especially after she finished walking the Spartan Sprint Sunday.
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babs927 · 7 years
Good Morning Everyone!
Wow what an amazing weekend we had at COR. This past weekend was the Spartan Super and Sprint at Fort Carson where we ran and honored our 3 COR Warriors! Kym made it out on Saturday and was the best cheerleader anyone could ask for and Ellie was able to join us Saturday afternoon and Sunday! There truly is so much to talk about but I am only going to focus on the highlights.
First off, COR won biggest team for both Saturday Super and Sunday Sprint. We had over 300 people signed up! On Saturday, Kym was able to make it for the presentation where we honored the girls. COR gave Tiffany, Corrina’s daughter, the trophy from last year as well as a flag that was signed and ran during the Spartan Utah. On top of that here is the video of COR doing “Sally” in honor of Corrina (she definitely was smiling).
As I mentioned, Kym was a big cheerleader to everyone there! She even stood up to her name as “Tutu Princess” by wearing her bright tutu! Here are some pictures of Kym from Saturday.
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On Sunday, Ellie (aka Team Eli), came back to walk the Sprint course. She has been active walking on average 6 miles a day but that is flat ground. Her doctor cleared her to walk the 5.3 mile course that entailed hills but to just be careful! Prior to the start, Spartan took a moment to honor the 3 COR Warriors. Here is a the video for you to understand the community, family and love we have for these ladies.
Ellie was on a mission to finish this 5.3 mile course that included hills and I mean brutal hills where some people had to stop to catch their breathe or stretch their muscles but this lady right here was a BEAST and true WARRIOR. She didn’t stop once! She kept going passing people left and right. Each hill was a mental, physical and emotional battle to see where she has come from 11 weeks ago. Here are just a couple photos that were take along the way but the ABSOLUTE highlight of the day was her crossing the finish line and being medaled by Tiffany while the rest of the COR team was there to cheer her on! (video below)
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The one thing that is consistent in all these videos and photos is that Ellie and Kym have a nonstop smile on their faces. Their journey is still far from over but all this love, support and donations are helping tremendously. Neither of them are able to be back at work yet and still have ton of medical appointments to attend.
Medals will still be available after the month of May until they are sold out but the prizes are only for those that register and pay in May. So what is stopping you? The cost is $25 with $20 going DIRECTLY to the 3 girls and their families. We have sold about 350 medals as of today (May 17, 2017) with a ton more available. Please share their story and participate in this great cause! Medals are shipped out weekly!
For everyone that has donated or is participating THANK YOU!!! The girls love seeing photos so please keep posting them using #3corwarriors and please email me them ([email protected]).
For any questions, please feel free to contact me!
Warriors Wednesday: Fort Carson Spartan Good Morning Everyone! Wow what an amazing weekend we had at COR. This past weekend was the Spartan Super and Sprint at Fort Carson where we ran and honored our 3 COR Warriors!
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babs927 · 7 years
Talk About It Tuesday: Corrina Vaden
Talk About It Tuesday: Corrina Vaden
Special Offer Valid TODAY (5/9/17) ONLY!!! (see below for details) For the next couple of weeks, “Talk About It Tuesday” will focus on the 3 COR Warriors. Many people know these ladies but there is also a lot of people running that do not. Our goal with these is to help you get to know these ladies and why you are running this race or help you make that decision to sign up if you haven’t already.…
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babs927 · 7 years
F-Ya! Friday: Fundraising Update
F-Ya! Friday: Fundraising Update
HOLY CRAP! May the 4th was AWESOME! Let me just take a moment say THANK YOU and WOW!!!! This week has been AMAZING for the 3 COR Warriors Virtual Run!!! With everyone sharing the posts we have 224 people signed up and counting! Yesterday alone over 300 people visited the 3 COR Warriors site and today its already off with a bang! We still have a ton of medals to sell so keep sharing everywhere! A…
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babs927 · 7 years
Wow! The love that we have received for these ladies is beyond words! I know they personally feel all the love, support and excitement around this race. Since announcing this race we have had over 1000 people all over the world reading about it and have about 200 people signed up between Canada and the US. This is just incredible! Our goal is to get 2000 people signed up from all over the world! Check out where everyone is running
Today, Kym went in for her 4th surgery from the accident. She finally was able to part ways with Maurice (her ostomy bag). This is just another step in her journey to a full recovery. She had a going away party this past weekend for her and Maurice. Here are a couple pics and her vibrant smile.
Both Ellie and Kym are still out of work and recovering from the accident. By participating in this race you are helping take away their financial stress, showing support and love all the while they are able to focus on their recovery.
If every person that has looked at this race, the past  month, actually signed up we would have about 1200 people from all over the world which means the girls would have $30,000! That is nuts to think about!
What is stopping you from signing up?
Cost? Pay when you can just sign up to hold your medal. I won’t send medals til I know money has been sent.
Don’t know the girls? We will be showcasing each of the women over the next few weeks to let you see how amazing they are
Don’t have PayPal? Ok well contact me and we can figure something out!
Why should you? If you have or know anyone that has been in a serious car accident you know the stress, hassle and time it takes to settle everything (average length is 3 years). Each major surgery cost around $200k depending what is being done. It all adds up fast and not even including the emotional, physical and mental challenges that don’t have a price. In a blink of an eye these women’s lives changed forever.
Let me tell you through everything that these girls have been through, their strength, love and positivity amaze me. Yes, they have their bad days but overall they stay positive and move forward. They definitely took the term “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade” to a whole new level.
Think About It Thursday! Sign Up TODAY Wow! The love that we have received for these ladies is beyond words! I know they personally feel all the love, support and excitement around this race.
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babs927 · 7 years
Medal Unveiling: Ellie
Good Morning COR! Here is our last Warrior, Ellie, who received her medal yesterday and was definitely excited but had to wait. If you haven’t registered yet whats stopping you? Is it money? Fine register and pay when you can. Medals will be shipped out once we verify transactions. Don’t have PayPal? Ok contact Laura or me and we…
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babs927 · 7 years
Medal Unveiling: Corrina
Here is the medal unveiling to Corrina’s daughter, Tiffany. Corrina unfortunately passed away due to the accident.   What is stopping you from registering??? These are the ladies we are doing this for!!! Register Now
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babs927 · 7 years
Colorado Obstacle Racers could not be more excited to present to you the “3 COR WARRIORS” medal! These medals are 4″ in diameter, color with custom ribbon. This is a one of a kind medal that proceeds go to a great group of women and we couldn’t be more proud on how they turned out! Take a look for yourself Complete Medal   Comparison on how BIG they are! If you haven’t registered there is still…
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babs927 · 7 years
Medal Unveiling: Kym’s First Look Here is one of our COR warriors seeing the medal for the first time before anyone else!!!! If you haven't registered yet, what's stopping you? There is still time! REGISTER HERE
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babs927 · 7 years
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Kickoff: 3 COR Warriors Virtual Run Hello! Ok, it's the first week of the race and I wanted to touch base with everybody to make sure I communicated all the details again.
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babs927 · 7 years
We are officially 1 week away from the start of the 3 COR Warriors Virtual Run and we couldn’t be more excited about hosting this virtual event in honor of our 3 COR Warriors (Kym, Ellie and Corrina).
This past weekend Kym and Ellie did their first race back since this accident, the Cherry Creek Sneak along side their COR family who all ran in honor of Corrina.  Prior to the race, the COR captains took a moment to remember Corrina. They blew bubbles in her honor and gave away seed bombs for people to plant on their favorite trail. A highlight to the event was seeing Ellie and Kym cross the finish line together on their own.  The entire event was filled with smiles, tears, laughs, memories, family, and friends.  Below are just a few pictures from the event this weekend.
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Please take a moment and share this event! We promise it is one for the books and the medal is just as badass as these warriors! If you haven’t registered, what is stopping you? Here are just a few reasons to sign up for this race:
Supporting our 3 COR Warriors (Kym, Ellie and Corrina)
Custom 4″ Medal dedicated to these ladies
Chance to win some awesome raffle prizes
Weekly updates and motivation
Community which is more like a family
Enjoy Nature!
Fitness (walk, run, bike, swim any distance you like)
There are a million other reasons why you should join us in this virtual run! If you live in Colorado we have various groups that are getting together to complete this challenge (more details of that to come). We have set up a Facebook event page for people to post pictures, words of encouragement etc. If you like to join click HERE.
1 Week Away, Sign UP Today! We are officially 1 week away from the start of the 3 COR Warriors Virtual Run and we couldn't be more excited about hosting this virtual event in honor of our 3 COR Warriors (Kym, Ellie and Corrina).
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babs927 · 7 years
Bike MS Colorado 2017
Bike MS Colorado 2017
If it doesn’t CHALLENGE you,                      it doesn’t CHANGE you! Our goal—a world free of MS. David and I have formed a team for Bike MS—an epic fundraising ride that is changing the lives of people affected by MS and helping fuel progress toward a world free of MS. We’d love your support as we prepare for this incredible experience. If you want to do more than make a donation, join our…
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