babysauce · 11 years
Babysauce Part 2
We had a girl! We welcomed baby Addie just before Christmas and she is a sweet calm happy little baby. Olivia is being an excellent big sister, even if she fingerpaints the sofa with yogurt and then pokes the baby in the eye once in a while. She's trying her best. So far much more cuddling and playing must be done vs. updating a blog. But I'll try to keep family and friends updated now and then.
We are so "yucky" as Olivia would put it......which means "lucky." Happy 2013!
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babysauce · 11 years
At the doctor just before I was due, the nurse practitioner ventured a "guess" after listening to the baby's heartbeat. She said I think it's a girl. She was right. 
Take a deep breath Steve. 
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babysauce · 12 years
The Things People Say When You're REAL Pregnant
Guy at Macys: Wow, you are ready to go
Cashier at Macy's as she comes around the cash register to grasp my belly in both hands: Oh my yes, you are having a boy?
Me: I don't know.
Cashier: Yes you are having a boy.
Me: Maybe.
Guy again pointing at my belly: That almost looks fake!
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babysauce · 12 years
Big Girl Bed
Just before Thanksgiving we transitioned Olivia to a big girl bed. She is clearly very pleased with it. It was her dad's bed and her Nana's bed before that and we painted it white to match her room. And her Grandma and Grandpa Paco got her special bedding with her name on it! 
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Here is the before shot. 
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We decided to nix the bed rail thinking we could just tuck her in really tight but the 2nd night of big girl bed sleeping I went into check on her at about 2 am and nearly stepped on her. She had rolled out of bed and accross the room and was curled up still sound asleep on the floor in a ball. Wooops!
We thought that getting the crib out of sight and out of mind before the new baby arrives would be a good way to bypass some jealousy issues that might pop up. The "going to bed" part hasn't gotten any easier lately but we've had no major spills out of bed since then. Thankfully. 
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babysauce · 12 years
Well we really are behind. I am due to have baby #2 in 6 days and our house is taped and tarped and under construction because we thought it would be a good idea to make some last minute changes before baby comes (brilliant idea btw) and this is my attempt to catch up on this blog and on what's been going on. I haven't posted since October and a few things have happened since then.
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babysauce · 12 years
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Long Beach in October. 
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babysauce · 12 years
Long Beach
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We went to the beach in late October for the yearly gathering of all the women in our family. This is Olivia playing in the waves with her Great Grandmother Lucille and Aunt Julie. "The beach" to me means the Long Beach Peninsula in Washington. I've been going there with my grandparents since I was a baby and now I bring Olivia. 
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(this is me at the beach when I was about 2) 
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It was a wild windy weekend and I got caught in a hail storm or two trying to walk on the beach. But it was wonderful to be with everyone. I think we had a turn out of about 14 this year and Olivia was the only child. She got lots of attention but at this point is just starting a clingy phase that I think had something to do with my growing belly. My family threw me a surprise baby shower, which was so unexpected and sweet!
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On the way back to Seattle we stopped for chowder, oysters and fish and chips at the best fish shack in Raymond. Then back home, last time I will be flying for a while. 
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babysauce · 12 years
Happy Halloween
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Here is our attempt at a group photo. I thought by dressing us all in tutus it might distract from my enormous belly. I don't think it worked. 
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Halloween is my all time favorite holiday so I usually organize some sort of dress up party for Steve's birthday - this year we dressed up and went wine tasting again. I drove, didn't taste much. I am a dia de los muertos senora, I got steve to wear this "Car-Freshner" tree costume I found in my cubicle at work. 
We took Olivia trick or treating at the mall on Sunday and tonight is Halloween! And I think  I am too tired now to do anything. :(
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babysauce · 12 years
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babysauce · 12 years
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Hunting for pumpkins. 
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babysauce · 12 years
Giants 2012 World Champs!
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We can't believe it's all over.  Giants fever! What are we going to do now? I guess it will be time to stop dressing Olivia in outfits like this.
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babysauce · 12 years
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Olivia is REALLY into helping out in the kitchen. Everything is "I cooking!", "I cook it." And that could be from pouring a glass of water to cracking eggs to stirring everything herself. It takes me a lot longer lately to make lunch. So this weekend, since we were cooped up inside with colds anyway, we did some serious cooking. 
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We made halloween brownies. 
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And pumpkin cupcakes. 
And of course made an incredible mess so ended up naked in the sink with a black frosting mustache looking like a little french-man. 
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babysauce · 12 years
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She is really getting prepared for this new baby business. Serious. 
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babysauce · 12 years
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Soaking up the last of the summer.
Notice the pumpkins, fall is around the corner.
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babysauce · 12 years
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End of summer days with her buds. 
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babysauce · 12 years
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Ok, this one is slightly better. 
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babysauce · 12 years
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This is a typical family photo these days. 
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