babyybunnii · 1 year
how can you have something you’re “ manifesting ” ?
simple. you can’t.
if you’re struggling to surrender to your 4D, stop identifying with the state of “manifesting”. you already have what you want in your 4D, so why claim to be manifesting something that you KNOW you already have ?
i’m not saying manifestation isn’t real, but when u claim to be manifesting in your 3D, you’re contradicting what you claim to believe.
your 4D is your only TRUE reality, you are not your body, you are your soul, so why try to favor to something that u are not rather than something you are?
if u seek validation thru your 3D, you don’t truly believe you have it. YOU are your only validation.
you have it. you have it. you have it. that is it.
you know, so why overcomplicate it? if you do not genuinely believe you are the only person who can give yourself what you want, then start.
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