backcountryprogeny · 7 years
A few weeks ago i found a without from @outsidemagazine i liked and finally started it. Its a no equipment work out to get in functional shape for the activities i like doing. Density pull ups (climbing) Max reps in 1 min: 20 Week 1: 30% max rep 6x 60 sec rest Modified all body (mountain biking) 2 walking lunges 1 burpee: 50x THIS WRECKED ME.. it was great Calves (peak bagging) Tabata calf raises Full speed 20 sec rest 10 sec 4x . . . . #addictedtohavingmyshittogether #leadbyexample #calisthenics #outsidemagazine #ectomorph #getsome #thetimeisnow #fakeittillyoumakeit #dadstrong
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backcountryprogeny · 7 years
Fair Weathered Dad
     McGregor’s is a modest sea cave on the west side of Maui. Glue-in bolts adorn the 30ft tall crag. It’s high tide and the seawater occasionally reaches the tarp our purple Sterling rope lays flaked out upon. Usually a place reserved for climbing in the early morning or evening due to the intense sunshine, a looming front casts its shade much to our party’s appreciation. The temperature for climbing was perfect. The mood however, was anything but perfect.
      My son’s face is wretched with agony while my own is glaring with righteous indignation. My phone is a foot or so in front of his face and with the intentions of documenting his meltdown. A cynic could go so far as to say it’s fashionable these days to exploit strife under the guise of humility. A pissing contest of sorts meant to say hey world, my life isn’t all sunshine and rainbows, #keepingitreal.
      Looking at pixilated tears in the gallery of my phone, a peaceful realization slowly starts to take aim at my high horse. It’s my two-year-old son’s first time “climbing” outside. He’s not crying from a skinned knee, a lack of snacks, or a lack of toys to keep occupied with. If I wasn’t blinded by own misguided expectations for the day, I might have noticed his eyes have gone a certain shade of yellow. He is just plain pissed off at his Dad because not only is it not his turn to “climb it”, I won’t let him go see his Mommy. She happens to be in the fall line, belaying our friend on her first sport climb on the island.     
     The boy has no concept of waiting for his turn to do things. At the park, at friend’s houses, or just watching TV, he is accustomed to doing an activity with others. He also hasn’t the slightest clue about rock fall, or that when mommy’s climber needs a catch, he can’t be in the way. I realized that I can’t in good conscious, blame him or take it personal that he’s not having the idealistic first day at the crag that I had envisioned.
   Post climbing and post IPA at a beach just west of the crag, the same front casting shade before now sends down an mid-afternoon mist. As I try to will my own goose bumps away, I watch the fair-weather tourists wrap their Ipads up in their towels and run to the cars. In my head I take my expectations out of their respective towel and leave them behind in the sand. There is no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothes and bad attitudes.
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backcountryprogeny · 7 years
Type ll F***k You
By Tommy Barton
When he climbs a hill, he has the feeling that it is lifting him, for he takes it one step at a time and does not fight with it.-Alan Watts
     For now, two miles to the south, the Halemau’u Trail, inside the crater of Haleakala, still contains the footprints of a 2 and half year old boy. If the wind still carries his exuberant laughter across the cinder cones, between the Silverswords, and into lava tubes, I can no longer hear it. All I hear now are the snores of my boy and the rain pinging off the rain cover for his carrier that is currently strapped on my back. I found out later, the pack exceeded its 40 pound limit by five pounds. 100 yards to the north is the beginning of a 2 mile stretch of trail with an elevation gain of 1000 ft.
     In the foreground, between myself and the switchback buzzards circling above me was my Wonderwife. I have a healthy appreciation for yoga pants, bikinis, and flannel shirts just as much as the next guy. That being said, damn if there isn’t something beautiful about a women standing effortlessly under a teal 65 liter pack filled to the brim with the majority of your families backpacking gear. Her trucker hat casts a shadow over green eyes filled with empathy. Empathy is an emotion she keeps tucked away in a dark corner for a rainy day. It was raining and she had tried on my pack earlier. She knew it was all bad.
      We’ve all got that friend that can speak some truth to you that has some stank on it. In response to the stank, your eyes narrow, the ends of your mouth form a sly smirk, and one or more middle fingers goes promptly in the air*. If your friends stanky truth comes from their concern for your wellbeing, then they will know that the fuck you should certainly be translated as I love you. The mountain’s stanky truth was I didn’t really have a choice to avoid the impending sufferfest. Not only did my wife have to be at work the next morning, but our food supply and most of all my ego, wouldn’t allow any procrastination. Due to cloud cover, I had to imagine a ridgeline 1000 ft up. With a smirk, my bird flew with the Nene in the sky and I hiked on.
I'll take you to land, where the lake made of sand And the milk don't pour and the honey don't dance And the money ain't yours Now it's just a red pill,Got a blue and a hand full of Advils -Chance the Rapper
     Teton Gravity Research defines Type ll fun as “Type II fun sucks the entire time you are doing it, but you are excited to either brag about it at the bar later or look back on it and value it as a character-building episode. Equal is not always fair… my feat of getting to the top was no Grand Teton Picnic, ultra, or winter ascent, but it did suck the entire time and I do very much value the time as a character-building.
     You know what else sucks the entire time for me and also builds character? Doing the dishes, working out at home, and making myself write. The thing is though, is that procrastinating doing these things just sucks and doesn’t build character. Yet somehow I forget that. That’s where church comes in. My church anyway. Nature’s cathedrals. I’m provided with lessons that facilitate growth. Those lessons will repeat themselves until I no longer see being proactive as a choice but a necessity. Allow the truth to set me free.  When that happens, I’ve got to find myself a mirror, give a sly smirk, hold up a big type ll fuck you, and get some.
*If you don’t have that friend, find one.
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backcountryprogeny · 7 years
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"It's such a fine line" the father thought to himself . . . . #letthembelittle #plantwildroots #wildrootsrundeep #microadventure
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backcountryprogeny · 7 years
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Sunrise, sunset. Sunrise, sunset. Swiftly go the days - Bright Eyes #wildroots #anothermauisunset
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backcountryprogeny · 7 years
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Rocks and ripples Riverside giggles bounce off canyon walls #iaovalley #wildroots #microadventure
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backcountryprogeny · 7 years
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On the trail yesterday I couldn't help but notice an increase in not only bravery but also in playfulness. Little legs ran over uneven volcanic terrain. Little knees and shins bled without tears. #watchingthemgrow #laparousetrail
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backcountryprogeny · 7 years
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It can't get much better than gathering big rocks for ring and sticks for the fire with my own little adventurer.. #itshot #firstbeachfire
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backcountryprogeny · 7 years
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Dry dirt, two wheels, and big smiles. #littleripper #forceofnature #blessedtolivehere
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backcountryprogeny · 7 years
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A half hour after this beautiful moment i backed our car into a tree.. #neededperspective #hikingtoddler #lahainapolitrail #blessedtolivehere
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backcountryprogeny · 7 years
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On our way back to the trailhead, Taylor said, "almost dare". He also told me to sing "the oink oink moo moo song" ie Old McDonald. It's amazing what you can see when you slow down and be present in the trail. #underestimatingtoddlers
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backcountryprogeny · 7 years
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The homestead is complete. #swinginginthepresent
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backcountryprogeny · 7 years
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Gotta love rainy Haiku days.
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backcountryprogeny · 7 years
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Being grateful for the little things. A little bit of peanut butter honey toast. A little bit of coffee. A couple little feet. #toddlerpoopedhispantstwice #stillagoodmorning
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backcountryprogeny · 7 years
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I didn't know how much i needed this little trip. Camping under breath taking stars in Kipahulu, jumping in Venus Pools, and living slow and easy on the road with my family was food for the soul. #grateful #hammockwifehappylife #toddlerscamping #firstpee@camp #campingpottytrained (at Kipahulu Campground, Hana, Maui)
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backcountryprogeny · 7 years
# littleripper
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backcountryprogeny · 7 years
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Taylor was in high spirits on the trail today! Pappy, Taylor,and I enjoyed the first section of Halemau'u. (at Haleakalā)
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