baekkxong · 7 years
A-List – Part 2
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Part 1
Pairing: BTS Jungkook X Reader
Genre: Angst
Warning: Swearing
Word Count: 1,834
A/N 2 months later and it’s updated im sosorry
You were miserable. Miserable to the point that you no longer found dancing, singing and performing an enjoyment of yours. It was all laborious, tiring and arduous. It required such strenuous effort and you no longer found the motivation or excitement in your work. You used to find being an idol such a blessing – you were one among the incredibly lucky ones. Yet now, you wondered quite how immoral you must have been to deserve experiencing such an unfair scenario. You could feel yourself drifting away from your bandmates, becoming more spiteful towards even the friendliest workers in the company, and tending to stay in your room until you needed to come out.
Once Jisu, Mijin and Yeona had heard the news, they’d bombarded you with questions: why didn’t you tell us beforehand? Wasn’t he treating you right? I thought you were head over heels for him? It had all become so overwhelming they’d reduced you tears, crying into their arms while avoiding answering a single one of their questions.  
While you’d got away with remaining secretive about the whole deal with Jungkook, Jisu had decided she’d have to pursue what happened in order to help heal you. You had been in your room tidying relentlessly – something which had become a coping habit of yours - when Jisu had let herself inside.
“Hey,” she approached you softly, soft brown eyes adjusting to the dim lighting in the room. You threw the last pillow on your bed and looked up to see her. She was dressed in a strap top and pyjama shorts, face clean of makeup and hair up in a messy bun. You were in similar attire, although you felt nothing as radiant as she looked in her natural state.
“Hi.” Your voice was quiet.
She lowered herself down onto your bed, reaching for your wrist and tugging gently. You sat next to her. The tension between the both of you was like that of friends who’d recently fought. Jisu was behaving as if you’d explode any second; she was stepping on eggshells.
“I just wanted to talk,” Jisu shrugged, “to you.”
“About what?” you questioned, although you needn’t have asked.
“You know… the situation.”
You frowned uncomfortably and looked away from her, finding something on the wall of your room to look at instead. Jisu shifted closer to you and reached for both your wrists which were resting between your thighs.
“Y/N, anyone can see how shit you feel. And that you miss Jung- ” You whipped your head around, wincing and shocking her to silence for a moment. Jisu sighed. “We’re all worried about you. You can open up to me, you know. Please, it’ll make you feel better. And how can we help if you’re caging yourself away from us?”
You were trying so hard, holding with all your might to keep the brick wall you’d built from collapsing. Feeling like a child, you bit your lip to push the tears back and looked away. The wall was trembling. Seeing Jisu so anxious and sympathetic hurt you, and soon were unable to protect the wall from the tremors. You burst into tears, sobbing into Jisu’s shirt while she rubbed your back comfortingly. You stayed like that for a while before finally leaning away from her and looking her into her concerned eyes.
“Hyunwoo made me do it. Of course I never wanted to break up with Jungkook; I love him so much. I never wanted any of this to happen.”
You’d never seen Jisu’s eyes filled with so much sincerity.
“Break up with him?! What? Why?” you demanded, challenging Hyunwoo. He opened his mouth to respond, but instead you interrupted him. “You think me breaking up with him is going to make more money for you?! Look at you,” you gestured to your manager – still sitting on the desk and looking down at you as if he were a king – “you’re richer than all of us put together. Instead of watching our earnings run into your pocket, why don’t you invest in the wellbeing of the members?” you ranted, unable to control yourself as the accusations kept coming out.
Hyunwoo remained scarily calm.
“Y/N,” he began, shifting slightly and allowing you to recognise the pounding of your blood in your head, “I don’t appreciate the way you’re speaking to me.”
You were silent.
“You will break up with him tonight.”
“… Why me?” you asked, your throat hoarse as you daren’t let any tears arise.
“It’s your relationship. You do it. And you will not tell him the truth.”
“Excuse me?”
“Right, picture this. Y/N, you’re tired of dealing with the publicity. The hate is getting to you. You hate how your relationship is a spectacle for fans all over the world. That is why you’re breaking up with him.” Hyunwoo set the scene as easily and as casually as if you were filming a music video. He was getting you into your role – getting you in the head of who you were playing as you often did. While Hyunwoo’s director instincts were great, often producing fantastic ideas, it meant he viewed the world with great expectations, as if everything were literature and he were the writer. He enjoyed being in control, to write the story and watch the events unfold and fall into place.
“You expect me to lie to him?” Your voice was barely a whisper and your manager had to strain to hear you.
“You of all people know what Jeon Jungkook’s like. He won’t stand for it. He can be rather hot-headed, can’t he?” You wanted to defy him, to say that lying wouldn’t be necessary, but you full well knew how angry Jungkook would become. Hyunwoo was right, and it made you sick. Talking about Jungkook like that felt so personal; discussing his personality only made your heart warm with familiarity, but was soon struck with ice once the circumstances crawled back to you. Even Hyunwoo knew that Jungkook would be upset and protective over you – and it only broke your heart more.
Searching desperately for an excuse, you wildly attempted to stall the process one last time.
“It wouldn’t make any sense – breaking up with him now. We’re so happy at the moment,” you tried.
“Y/N,” Hyunwoo said sternly. “Just do it.”
He gave you a look which you knew all too well, one that screamed the threats he had in mind. You had crossed Hyunwoo one too many times and had certainly learnt to obey him. All four of you had grown to become submissive and respectful towards your manager. It was unfair and inhumane, his form of mental torture, but it also made you successful. While what he did was wrong, you had all been twisted to believe that it was justified – you lived a glorious life loved by all the world after all.
Your group had been close with the whole of BTS, frequently visiting their dorms like college kids. You no longer went. The other three girls noticed that Jungkook hardly joined them anymore, and while the nine of them were used to the two of you being absent, an unhappy aura hung low in the air. You two would only be absent as you were together - and the thought that you were both in your rooms alone, mourning the relationship, made everyone uncomfortable. It was all so different and wrong.
Everyone sans for both you and Jungkook were huddled in BTS’ living room. Some were slung lazily on the sofas and chairs, while some crowded round the coffee table, sitting cross-legged on the carpet. You’d ordered pizza and had put a movie on, which ran quietly in the background while you all chatted.
“I still can’t believe Y/N broke up with Jungkook. It just seems so unlike her – weren’t they happy?” Namjoon asked, sitting in front of the small table while trying his best to build a house of cards. Jisu was silent, staring at the floor and convincing herself that spilling the truth wouldn’t necessarily fix things.
Yeona frowned. “I know, it’s so strange. Y/N’s been miserable the whole time. It sucks seeing her like this.”
“Then why’d she do it?” Yoongi questioned, sitting with his legs swinging over the armrest of his sofa chair and pulling out an earphone.
“Speaking of,” Jisu interrupted, attempting to steer the conversation away while also gaining some kind of information. “How is Jungkook?”
Namjoon opened his mouth to respond before the door of the sitting room opened. It was Jungkook himself, dressed in a huge red hoodie with the hood up, concealing his messy hair. All eyes fell on him, tracing his movement. There were dark circles under his eyes, and while they were grey, they stood out as if they were fluorescent.
“Jungkook! You going to join us?” Jimin piped up, smiling extra widely to his friend and attempting to lighten the mood in the room.
“Just came to get pizza,” Jungkook answered, making his way to the coffee table and picking up the last, cold slice in one of the cardboard boxes.
“Why don’t you stay? We can play a game of cards,” Jisu suggested and glanced at Namjoon, who had almost finished building his tower. Namjoon flicked an evil glance back at her – it had taken him all night to get as far as he had with the playing cards just then, but would really do anything if it meant improving Jungkook’s mood.
“Nah, I’m good. Tired.” He turned and departed the room while everyone watched after him with sad eyes.
“Yeah, not so well,” Taehyung sighed, answering Jisu’s previous question.
“At least he ate something this time,” Hoseok said, eyes lingering on the now empty pizza box.
You found yourself in Hyunwoo’s office again, and never had you hated your job quite so much as you did in that particular moment. You stood lazily, your posture untidy and unattractive while you glared aimlessly at a painting of a gloomy and desolate forest, where a strange white path stretched forwards to nowhere behind your manager’s head.
“Are you listening?” he hissed, and you blinked, in an attempt to bring yourself back to reality.
“Sorry, yes.”
“You were tying him back, holding him down. Jungkook didn’t deserve that. Now he’s thriving, don’t you see it? Their comeback was a tremendous success, and it’s all thanks to you.” He smiled falsely. Hyunwoo structured his words carefully to make sure you were both aware that it was in fact him who had boosted BTS’ success, not you, by steering your relationship to a dead end. Your band’s sales had increased also, however Hyunwoo cautiously decided not to address that. He was snide, and soon he’d drilled it into your head that you should feel guilty. “Jungkook must maintain his innocent, maknae image. You understand that, don’t you?”
You nodded, and soon realised that your fingernails, which had been digging into your elbow, had drawn blood.
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baekkxong · 7 years
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Pairing: EXO Sehun X Reader
Genre: Fluff
Warning: Swearing
Word Count: 1,735
here, have a Halloween sehun scenario
lol I had fun writing this one
Leaning against your bathroom sink, you added the finishing touches to your makeup. Satisfied, you leaned back with a sigh, admiring your appearance. You were pleasantly surprised. Reaching forwards, you picked up the thickly black rimmed glasses and slid them on. You looked great.
The local club was having a Halloween event, something your boyfriend and you had anticipated with great expectations. You’d argued back and forth over what to dress up as. The both of you had agreed that it had to be something relevant and new. You had come up with the idea of Eggsy and Roxy from the new Kingsman movie, while Sehun thought Thor and Loki would be better. The argument had taken place over weeks, until Sehun had finally given in and let you have your way. It was rare; Sehun was very stubborn.
You were fully dressed as Roxy – wearing a grey tweed jacket, a white shirt and dark striped tie. You heard an excited knock at the door, spinning out the bathroom and rushing to let Sehun in. Your eyes widened in shock.
“Sehun!” Instead of a smart, black suit and matching tie you’d expected, he stood in the full Thor suit. Your jaw dropped. He’d even dyed and cut his hair – it was now a dirty blonde with two diagonal strips cut into the side. Two, angry, red lines of paint swam parallel down the left side of face. He’d even gone the extra mile and had ordered a Thor hammer, grasping it proudly in his hand.
“Y/N? Why are you dressed like that?” He cocked his head to the side.
“I could say the same thing…” you trailed off, too shocked to form a full sentence.
“We agreed on Thor!” Sehun exclaimed.
“No, we didn’t! We went with my idea – Kingsman!”
The two of you stood in silence, staring at each other.
The door to the apartment next to yours opened, and your elderly neighbour stumbled out. She stared with wide eyes at Sehun, who looked like he’d stepped right out of a comic book, before giving a confused smile at you both. You smiled awkwardly back to her, feeling ridiculous; you probably looked like some kind of business woman to her.
Grabbing Sehun’s shoulder, you yanked him inside and shut the door.
“What are we going to do now?” you questioned, hands in your hair in distress.
You both took Halloween far too seriously, and you knew it. But in the moment, nothing seemed quite as important as this affair which you’d planned for weeks in advance.
“Who are we going as then? Thor and his well-known assistant?” you demanded, pacing back and forth in the small living room.
Sehun glanced at the clock. “We need to go.”
A little scream escaped out the back of your throat.
“Come on, let’s just go,” Sehun ordered, “we’ll think of a solution in the car.”
You rolled your eyes, but reached for your bag and followed him out the door.
“You know, you look really hot. You should wear those glasses more often.” You turned to thank Sehun, who’s eyes were fixed on the road. “Although, you would have looked even hotter as a female Loki.”
“Ugh, Sehun.” You crossed your arms and turned your head to glare out the window. “I was really looking forward to see you dressed all smartly, like an English Kingsman. You know how I feel about you wearing those kinds of glasses.”
You wanted to be annoyed with each other, but neither of you could really justify why. You’d both messed up your plans as equally as one another.
After a curt drive in the dark, you’d arrived in the city centre.  
“Wait, where are we?” you asked as you stepped out the car.
“There’s no parking spaces near the club; we’ll have to walk. It’s only short,” Sehun explained.
You could have murdered him. Sehun’s idea of ‘short’ was certainly not short, and you had already taken your shoes off before you’d arrived.
“Can you believe this? My feet are already killing, and we’ve not even got into the club yet!” you complained.
“Quit whining,” Sehun instructed, dropping a few coins into the bouncer’s outstretched hand and sauntering into the club. You stumbled after him.
It was loud and bright inside. Characters were wandering all over the place and you seemed to have already lost your other half. You were almost regretting your outfit as the shirt clung to your back with sweat; all the bodies seemed to make the room boil. You stood near the entrance, scanning the huge people-filled room.
“Boo!” A voice shouted into your ear, causing you to yelp in shock as you spun around to see Baekhyun, dressed in a huge black coat and a midnight coloured hat. His black hair was styled in waves, a straight fringe peeking from underneath the hat.
“Baekhyun!” you screeched, eyes still darting round for Sehun in the mass of people.
“Wow, what are you?” he asked, eyes trailing up and down your outfit.
“I’m Roxy from Kingsman,” you stated, still searching for your boyfriend.
“Oh, cool! So Sehun’s Eggsy then?” Baekhyun asked, beaming.
“Uhh,” you began, attempting to explain your misfortune.
“Man, I wish I had someone I could have dressed up with. Couple outfits are so cute,” he pouted, interrupting and saving you from the explanation.  
“So, what are you?” you questioned.
“I’m the Grim Reaper! From Goblin!”
Sehun suddenly appeared behind you, and you grabbed his arm and hauled him over to you.
“Sehun, control your friend. He almost gave me a heart attack!”
“That’s… kinda my job.” Baekhyun grinned. Suddenly he frowned, looking Sehun up and down with confusion. “Since when was the lead role in Kingsman blonde? And which scene was he dressed as a superhero? Am I missing something here?”
Sehun sighed and looked to the side.
“I’m Thor,” he mumbled.
“Thor?! But why are you Thor?” Baekhyun laughed, puzzled.
“Y/N was supposed to be Loki.”
“Whoa, that would have been hot.”
“I know right!” Sehun exclaimed, throwing his hands out to the side.
“Right, well, anyway. I’m gonna go and scare some more people. Bye guys!” Baekhyun waved before disappearing into the crowd.
“Someone needs to find him a girlfriend,” you said. Sehun murmured in agreement.
“I can’t believe we fucked this up so badly. We look so stupid.” Sehun sighed.
“Roxy and Eggsy was a perfect idea. It’s such a shame really.” You shook your head, looking up to the ceiling and away from your boyfriend.
“They’re not even a real couple!” Sehun protested.
“Neither are Thor and Loki!? They’re brothers,” you pointed out.
“But they’re an iconic duo.”
“Not really. Loki continuously tries to kill Thor.”
“Exactly. That’s why I thought you should be Loki.”
“Hey! At least Roxy and Eggsy could work as a team!”
“Guys,” Jongdae interrupted, “let me buy you two more drinks.”
The two of you had been quarrelling for a good few minutes while you sat with Jongdae and Minseok at the bar, who were probably fed up with you both now. They’d dressed up as Mario and Luigi; a result of being single and only having your friend willing to dress up with you. Jongdae came to your sides with the drinks in his hands. Sehun had been drinking all kinds of cocktails, while you were stuck with lemonade as you’d offered to drive you both home.
You picked up the glass, downing it all in one as if it was alcohol while Jongdae and Sehun stared with wide eyes. You slammed the empty cup down on the bar.
“I’m gonna need a glass of straight vodka in a minute if Sehun doesn’t shut up.”
Sehun’s jaw fell open and he crossed his arms childishly, looking away as if he were offended.
“God… See, Y/N, this is why you don’t go for the maknae. You had such a broad choice of men, yet somehow you’re stuck with the boy,” Minseok said, finishing off the rest of his drink and getting up from the bar stool. “Come on Jongdae, let’s find some girls. I hate baby-sitting these two.”
Jongdae nodded in agreement as the two slid through the crowd together.
“Great. They’ve abandoned me,” you sighed, crossing your arms on the bar and leaning your head on them sideways, so you looked up at Sehun. Sehun started biting his lip before looking down at you.
“Should we go somewhere?” he proposed.
“I don’t feel like dancing…” you mumbled.
“I mean outside of the club.” You perked up at this. The club hadn’t really exceeded your expectations.
The bar-tender watched you both depart, sighing in relief to himself. The two of you had been difficult to work around.
You’d agreed on finding somewhere classy for a meal, finally settling with a posh looking restaurant, before comically realising that you were both dressed up as characters.
“How embarrassing,” you mumbled, stumbling out the restaurant close behind Sehun while the waiter at the reception watched after you in distaste. “I can’t believe we just walked into a place like that looking like this.”
The both of you continued to trope through the city, unable to find anywhere that’d be socially acceptable for you to sit and eat while in full costume. That was until a huge yellow ‘M’ sign smiled down at you - as if you were seeing the sun for the first time - from the end of the road.
“McDonalds! Am I glad to see you,” you grinned, jumping for joy. You glanced at Sehun, who was also looking at the building with shining eyes. “Can we agree on that?”
With food in your stomachs, you both felt satisfied. The servers had quizzed themselves on who you’d both dressed up to be, while you and Sehun had laughed it off, explaining the story. You weren’t the only Halloween characters in the fast-food restaurant, which made you both feel less ashamed.  
“I mean, it wasn’t what I had in mind… But at least we had a good night in the end, right?” Sehun asked, reaching for a chip from the tray.
“Definitely. I’ll admit, you make a hot Thor. Chris Hemsworth’s got nothing on you,” you said, smiling wistfully and admiring your boyfriend.
Sehun smugly smiled to himself. “Should we go now? I want to see how Roxy is in bed,” Sehun winked. You laughed, pushing the empty tray aside.
“Maybe it’s for the best that I didn’t dress up as Loki then…”
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baekkxong · 7 years
I think all content creators can relate to this.
In my opinion, I don’t think followers really understand how much your requests/likes/reblogs/etc. and random asks mean to me. It’s just so refreshing and nice to know that people enjoy what I’m doing and support me.
People that go the extra mile and send an ask or message letting me know they liked my stuff honestly makes my day. I love reading tags and stuff…it’s honestly so cute….
And people who ask about how I’m doing or send me random questions or cute asks….I just want you guys to know it honestly makes my day. I just love all the interaction and such. It makes running a blog so much more enjoyable.
And Fanart/Fanwork? Honestly that’s one of the greatest things to receive. To everyone that draws or writes, please don’t feel too insecure to send it end! No one is going to criticize you over quality. It’s so sweet that you even thought about making something…I will always appreciate it no matter what, and I’m sure all other content creators feel the same.
So, in conclusion, don’t be afraid to talk to your favorite blogs and show them some love, guys! We always appreciate it! ☺️
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baekkxong · 7 years
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blessed kpop image 1071
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baekkxong · 7 years
When will you have exams?
my next mock exams are a week after my christmas holidays (could kms) but real exams will be may / june 2019 :)
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baekkxong · 7 years
Hi, I hope you’re alright. I was just wondering when you might update again? It’s been a while and I miss you.. have a great day
I know it’s been so long… I’m literally so bad at committing to things like this ;-; but coming back to messages like this really make my day and motivate me to be more active. i’ve actually just posted, thank you so much
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baekkxong · 7 years
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Pairing: BTS Taehyung (V) X Reader
Genre: Angst
Warning: Swearing, implied smut
Word Count: 2,263
2: “Not you again.”
17: “Are you upset with me?”
29: “There never was an ‘us’.”
send me a number + an idol
A/N I lost the request for this, but I remembered what they asked for :)
Finally, you were going to do it. You were going to confess your real feelings for Taehyung. You knew it was blatantly obvious that the two of you liked each other, your flirting and playfulness dragging on for far too long. You’d reached as far as spontaneously kissing a couple of times – one a playful peck at the beach and the other in the dark as Taehyung dropped you off at your house.  Just the memory of them both made your body tingle in adoration. You only wondered what it’d be like when you two were in a proper relationship. However, neither of you had addressed the intimate moments while it was all you ever thought about. If he wasn’t going to take charge and tell you, then your only other choice was to do it yourself. And what better way was there to do it than at a party where you’d dressed up and felt good about yourself? It had boosted your self-esteem by a mile, and rejection wouldn’t hurt as much – maybe you’d be able to laugh it off with some of his friends. But you knew that wouldn’t happen.
It was Jimin’s house party – he threw them almost every weekend. While you enjoyed parties, you weren’t so socially confident that you felt the need to attend every single one. However, tonight, Taehyung had insisted you’d go. His persistence had only raised your excitement and expectations for something to happen between you both, so you ventured off to find him. You’d specifically decided not to drink this time, as to avoid forgetting anything that may have happened with Taehyung.
You remembered spotting him waltzing up the grand stairs of Jimin’s house, drink slopping out his cup while he seemed to look exceptionally pleased with himself. Steadying yourself and gripping onto the wooden rail of the stairs, you took a step onto the first stair. A hand landed on your shoulder, and you whizzed round to meet Jungkook’s eyes.
“Y/N! What’s up?” You blinked. “Where are you going?”
“To find Taehyung,” you stated, your eyes shifting over his features.
“Is that such a good idea?”
You rolled your eyes. Jungkook had warned you time after time not to get too close to Taehyung, that he’d reel you in before hastily burning you without warning. He had done it “countless times” according to his friend, but you had decided to take no notice and pursue your indefinite relationship anyway. It irritated you how often Jungkook brought the situation up – what, di Jungkook fancy the boy for himself?
“Get off, Jungkook,” you shrugged, making his hand fall and drop to his side, “I’ll be fine.”
Jungkook sighed, assuming you were drunk.
“Whatever you say,” he said, raising his hands in surrender and backing away. You nodded as you turned back to the stairs and continued your way up.
Taehyung had his tongue down her throat while she squirmed beneath him, moaning excessively and almost comically back into his mouth. He rolled his eyes at her desperation while hers were squeezed tightly shut; she was on cloud nine. Taehyung was used to this, another girl, another day. He found it easy to get over them, forgetting their names as fast as he’d latched onto them.
For the silver haired boy, every morning seemed to be a routine of waking up next to another girl in his bed, helping them scurry out and never seeing them again. While all his friends knew Taehyung was like this, they had kept the truth from you. The way you spoke about Taehyung was too hopeful – so innocent and childlike, they’d instead felt the need to protect you. Instead though, it had led you into a façade that you would’ve put a stop to had you known. Jungkook had tried, but it seemed that he’d left it to Taehyung to force the harsh reality on you instead as he guided the brown-haired girl’s hands down to his zipper.
“Taehyung?” you called, sliding your hands along the hallway walls while you stumbled down the corridor. He was sure to be somewhere – Jimin’s house was a maze with what felt like an endless amount of rooms. Perfect for a party.
Unexpectedly, the door to your left suddenly opened and a satisfied looking Taehyung emerged, buckling his belt shut. You frowned. His eyes widened upon landing on you, trying his best not to reveal the small affair he’d just partaken in. “Taehyung!” you grinned innocently upon seeing him, leaping forward and enveloping him into a hug. He was surprised at the gesture, jumping slightly; but wrapping his arms around you.
“Y/N,” he greeted, “are you okay?” He gripped your shoulders and gently pushed you back, looking into your eyes and flicking from pupil to pupil. He probably thought you were intoxicated, too.
“Yeah, I’m good…” you trailed off, analysing his face and noticing his lips - the way they looked plumper than usual, a shiny layer atop them. You perceived the way his pupils were dilated, huge black circles gradually returning to their usual size while dazzling sparkles danced within them. His hair was array messily, huge volume on his head while silver strands stuck out in odd directions.
You opened your mouth to continue, but a high-pitched whine of his name interrupted you both. Taehyung’s eyebrows rose in shock and he whipped his head to the side, before the door opened into the room behind him.
A girl, sloppy drunk, stumbled out of the room, wrapping her arms around Taehyung’s chest from behind.
“Tae Tae… Come baaaack, we didn’t get to go the whole way!” she moaned against the skin of his nape.
At first, Taehyung struggled in her grasp, but with hardly any effort, and soon allowed himself to be dragged back into the room by the girl. He flashed an awkwardly sheepish smile before whirling his head around. You gawked at his silver head from behind before the door was slammed violently in your face.  
Fuming, you sauntered away from the door and jogged down the stairs, taking two at a time and almost falling. It felt like a punch to your gut. Jungkook looked up at your figure running downwards towards the front door, gazing at your glassy eyes from beneath the red cup he was sipping from. Tossing his now empty cup to the side and unhitching his elbow from a girl’s shoulder, he made his way towards you.
“I told you so, didn’t I?” Jungkook boasted, clinging to your side while you carried on.
“Fuck off, Jungkook,” you spat, shoving his shoulder away and exiting the house.
Days after, you couldn’t get that feeling that pooled at the bottom of your stomach away. It was a mix of confusion, humiliation and dismay.  Why had you been so naïve? You wished you’d paid more attention to Jungkook, who had been right all along.
It was nearing 7 o’clock on a Saturday night, at which you’d agreed to go out for some drinks with your friends. It’d be sure to distract you momentarily. Ruffling your hair in the mirror for some volume and grabbing your jacket, you opened the front door.
To your absolute shock, Taehyung stood right there, arm raised as if he were about to knock on the door.
“Ah, Y/N!” he beamed, while you could only gasp at him. He stood in loose trousers, one hand in his pocket, and a large, striped sweater. He’d put no effort into his appearance, but he still managed to make your stomach twist in excitement.
“Taehyung? What are you doing here?”
“Where are you going? You look very nice,” he poked, leaning slightly forwards towards you and completely ignoring your question. Deciding you didn’t have time to talk to him, you stepped out the house, forcing Taehyung to back out the way while you twisted round and fumbled with your keys to lock the door.
“Out,” you replied curtly, still with your back facing to him.
“The girls.” His eyes brightened.
“Can I come?” he asked hopefully.
“What? No, you’d be the only boy there anyway.”
“Even better,” he grinned.
You both fell silent for a moment, while Taehyung thought to himself as he perched on the edge of your lawn.
“Are you upset with me?”  he asked, his voice rising unusually high, like he was asking the most unusual question on the planet. You scoffed, unlocking your car and opening the door. You stood for a while, resting your hand on the top of the door.  
“Are you joking? Am I upset?”
Taehyung shrugged. You rolled your eyes and stepped into your car. Before pulling out your drive, you rolled down the window.
“I’ll leave you to think about that yourself. And Taehyung?”
He lifted his head to look up at you.
“Get off my lawn.”
That night, you spent the whole evening finding the whole situation completely and utterly bizarre. Why had he even shown up at your house?
“So, what do you think I should do?” you asked, leaning your chin on one arm while you stared at the liquid in the bottom of your glass, swirling it and examining it. It was only some kind of alcohol free ‘mocktail’; you’d opted to drive everyone home while they filled themselves with alcohol.
“Do not bother going there, it sounds toxic,” your friend, Lisa, advised.
“Yeah, but, we weren’t officially a couple. Maybe I shouldn’t have got mad,” you sighed, tilting your head and scanning the rest of the bar. It wasn’t your fault that nobody here seemed even a fraction as good as Taehyung, but you couldn’t help seeing anyone else as plain and boring.
“Y/N, he got off with another girl when you two definitely had a thing. He’s notorious for doing just that; he’s been with so many girls it’s unreal. What makes you think he’d stop doing that for you?”
Fuck, that hurt. You excused yourself to the ladies’ room, where you glared at yourself in the mirror. All your friends seemed to agree. Don’t put yourself through misery. You could have an easy escape. What Lisa had said hurt, but you knew it made sense and was the best choice.  
To put it one way, Taehyung had already pissed you off before you were even in a relationship – you could only imagine what’d it’d be like if you were together.
Another week had passed. You’d not heard from Taehyung until a short, precise knock at the door made you jump. You tore yourself from the sofa and made your way to the door. This time, you weren’t half as glamorous as you had been the previous night he’d arrived out of the blue. You caught a glimpse of his silver hair out the small window next to the door and readied yourself to greet him.
“Yes?” you said, opening the door.
“Y/N!” he greeted, arms thrust wide open.
“Not you again,” you responded glumly, leaning on one foot in a slumped and effortless position.
“Hello.” He brought his arms behind his back, linking his fingers and nervously leaning forwards and backwards. It reminded you of a shy child. “Aren’t you going to let me in this time?”
“Uhh,” you pondered, unsure of what to do. “Why should I?”
“I don’t know… Maybe, it’s polite?” He shifted and leant his left arm against your door frame, forcing himself up onto the step and becoming imminently closer to you.
“Polite?” you scoffed, “Taehyung, you can’t keep showing up like this.”
“I have a reason, you know.”
“Really? I thought you were just turning up because you were bored. Pestering me seems to have become quite the hobby for you.”
Taehyung sighed, removing his hand from your door and looking down.
“It’s because I miss you. Us. I want us back.” He struggled with his words, pupils shifting over the concrete that glared back up at him from the ground.
You were silent for a few moments, a mix of emotions racing through your mind. You could fall for it, again, or you could push your temptations away. Remembering the feelings that had gone through you when you’d watched Taehyung’s cocky smile as a girl tugged him into the bedroom, you only grew heated with jealousy and annoyance. How could he honestly play with you like that? Jungkook had warned you. Your friends had warned you. Hell, Taehyung had pretty much pushed you away himself. What makes you different to every single other girl he’s ever chased after?
You didn’t deserve that kind of heartbreak.
“Tae…” your voice cracked; he looked up with hope at the sound of his nickname. It was affectionate; he liked it. “There never was an ‘us’”.
All hope fell from his face; the air became thick and tense.
“Ah… I see…” He scuffed the ground with his shoe, avoiding eye contact with you. “I must have been mistaken.”
You nodded ever so slightly. Taehyung began to turn away, before stopping and looking at you again. “I’ll see you around, Y/N.”
It had been awkward and you hated it. You despised encounters like that. After you’d shut the door you felt both guilt and regret, but tried your best to reassure yourself that you’d only saved yourself from future disappointment.
Taehyung wasn’t ready to settle down and you knew it. He was probably happy doing what he always had – another girl, another day.  
Whether you’d wait at the side lines for him to change or whether you’d find someone else – you didn’t know.  
109 notes · View notes
baekkxong · 7 years
↖This user supports idols dating, getting married, having kids and living full happy lives
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baekkxong · 7 years
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506K notes · View notes
baekkxong · 7 years
I was tagged by @dokyungwrites an amAZING WRITER i love her work
@supernooodles @baekheuyn @kimjongdaely @jonginismy24 @luke-penguin-hemmings @kpoptart216 @forbyun @yikes-anotherkpopblog 
sorry if you’ve already done it :)
2ND RULE: BOLD the statements that are true
I am 5'7" or taller
I wear glasses
I have at least one tattoo
I have at least one piercing
I have blonde hair
I have brown eyes
I have short hair
My abs are at least somewhat defined
I have or have had braces
I love meeting new people (on tumblr, yes, not in person tho lollll)
People tell me that I’m funny
Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me
I enjoy physical challenges
I enjoy mental challenges
I’m playfully rude with people I know well
I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it 
I can sing well
I can play an instrument
I can do over 30 pushups without stopping
I’m a fast runner
I can draw well
I have a good memory
I’m good at doing math in my head
I can hold my breath underwater for under a minute
I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling
I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch
I know how to throw a proper punch
I enjoy playing sports
I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else
I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else
I have learned a new song in the past week
I work out at least once a week
I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months
I have drawn something in the past month
I enjoy writing
I do or have done martial arts
I have had my first kiss
I have had alcohol
I have scored the winning goal in a sports game
I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting
I have been at an overnight event
I have been in a taxi
I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year
I have beaten a video game in one day
I have visited another country
I have been to one of my favourite band’s concerts 
I have a crush on a celebrity
I have a crush on someone I know
I have been in at least 3 relationships
I have never been in a relationship
I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them
I get crushes easily
I have had a crush on someone for over a year
I have been in a relationship for at least a year
I have had feelings for a friend
I have at least one person I consider a “best friend”
I live close to my school (is 5 miles away close?)
My parents are still together
I have at least one sibling
I live in the united states
There is snow right now where I live
I have hung out with a friend in the past month
I have a smartphone
I have at least 15 CD’s
I share my room with someone
I have breakdanced
I know a person named Jamie
I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce
I have dyed my hair
I’m listening to one song on repeat right now
I have punched someone in the past week
I know someone who has gone to jail
I have broken a bone
I have eaten a waffle today
I know what I want to do with my life
I speak at least 2 languages
I have made a new friend in the past year (online, yes)
20 notes · View notes
baekkxong · 7 years
five things which make me happy 
tagged by @jonginismy24 thank you :)
1. bbh
2. bbh
3. bbh
4. bbh
5. bbh
i tag @supernooodles @baekheuyn im feeling lazy sorry
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baekkxong · 7 years
Kimjongdaely’s First Follow Forever
I decided to do this because I hit 2k followers! Thank you guys so much, really. I’m so blessed.
Bold are mutuals
Keep reading
54 notes · View notes
baekkxong · 7 years
Thank you for tagging me @baekheuyn! Let’s hope I still have 11 friends to tag at the end 
1. Post the rules.
2. Answer the questions given to you by the tagger.
3. Write 11 questions of your own.
4. Tag 11 people.
1. Why is your bias your bias? it’s an unexplained love jks idk he’s just so bubbly and cute and funny but then next minute he catches you off guard and you want him to manhandle you to the bedroom so 
i guess you get the best of both worlds with bbh
2. What is your all time favourite k-pop song? My favourite is constantly changing, but atm I’m loving Pied Piper by BTS
3. Describe your ideal meeting with your bias. I’m literally always coming up with new scenarios of meeting him, but a few include in a coffee shop, backstage or smth (like i accidentally walk in to the changing room at the end of a show? lmao v unlikely but i can dream), just at an airport where we have time to kill as our flight is delayed and we end up talking, helping out at a photo shoot or working at SM and just running into him all the time... see what i mean? i dont think i live in real time anymore
4. What’s your dream job? To be a concept artist for BigHit lol
5. What’s your favourite animal? Probs cats, but I’m a horse lover too
6. What is one food you could eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner? 
7. How did your bias become your bias? Well, I remember watching the episode Baekhyun and Chanyeol starred on ‘The Return of Superman’ back when I didn’t know EXO super well and believed Kai was my bias. Long story short I watched the ep, fell in love with baek’s hands and cried because he was cute. That night I dreamt about him and woke up with baekhyun all in my head and he just became my bias. Since then I’ve only discovered more to him and his personality, and I’ve never been able to escape the hole he dragged me into :’) (not that i mind)
8. Which fandoms are you a part of? I used to be a huge directioner and was in the 5sos fam (i still like them but they’re inactive atm lol), i like aot, tmi, tid, tda, thg, general stuff really
oh obvs im also an exo-l + army
9. Favourite Non-Kpop artists? the weeknd, ariana, fob, p!atd, chris brown
10. What drink do you usually get from Starbucks (or any coffee shop)? Mocha
11. What’s your favourite scent? whatever aftershave bbh wears
I’m gonna tag @supernooodles @kimjongdaely @jonginismy24 @dokyungwrites @kpoptart216 @luke-penguin-hemmings @forbyun @thumbpower @heart-baek-bleed @anticpo-blog @yikes-anotherkpopblog sorry if any of ya’ll have already done one or if you cba lol
my q’s:
1. If you had to write a novel, what would you write about?
2. What was the first kpop song you heard / MV you watched?
3. What is one food you know you’d hate in Korea?
4. Who’s your OTP (includes fictional characters / non kpop celebs)?
5. You have to start a kpop writing blog, what au do you use and who do you write about?
6. Name one movie you’re interested in but have never got round to watching.
7. You have to have one large painting in your bedroom - what is it of?
8. What is the subject you find / found hardest at school?
9. If you had the choice to be born and raised somewhere else - where would you choose?
10. What language would you like to learn most (aside from Korean)?
11. What is your favourite combination of hair and eye colour on a person?
8 notes · View notes
baekkxong · 7 years
EXO as tumblr text posts
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9K notes · View notes
baekkxong · 7 years
wow i was texting my friend from school and i was going to write i miss you but when I wrote i miss
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this showed up lmao bye
105 notes · View notes
baekkxong · 7 years
an exo theory
We all know Zhang Yixing was announced to not partake in EXO’s FOURTH ALBUM, THE WAR’s activities, but here’s a theory that’ll keep you awake at night.
As shown on many television broadcasts, we all know that Mr. Zhang is very forgetful. You may be wondering, what does this have to do with an EXO theory? Is this a joke? How is this related?
Here’s a “meme” made from an interview several years back, showcasing Mr. Zhang’s very forgetful personality.
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He forgot his age.
But of course, this type of behavior does not fade away with age.
What I’m implying? The only reason why you’re not seeing Mr. Zhang Yixing in your EXO teasers?
He forgot his orb.
You may be thinking, “But Byun Baekhyun doesn’t have an orb, either!”
Which I will retort, saying that Mr. Zhang Yixing lended his “orb”, which was proven ineffective. 
Zhang Yixing’s power is “healing”, which has been said by many fans, to be able to take out life as well. 
This power, the power over life and death, is much too powerful. This is why neither have orbs. Zhang Yixing handed over his orb to Mr. Byun which caused a system crash (Mr. Byun’s orb is missing and he is kept in the dark). Zhang Yixing then went missing because he wasn’t able to participate with the rest of the boys because he didn’t have his power.
Mr. Byun Baekhyun’s power was missing because his orb was missing before Mr. Zhang Yixing lended his over, which caused a system crash.
Zhang Yixing is now promoting separately in China, probably sipping on his tea watching all the trouble unfold. No, he is not the antagonist in this situation. He’s looking for his orb.
“Aye, Lu, can I borrow your orb?”
“What orb?”
“I lost mine.”
“I lost mine to Sehun.”
“Your what?”
“What are we talking about again?”
in all seriousness this isn’t an actual theory and i fucking want my beautiful xiao yang back like gIVE HIM BACK also he was fucking hot in the lucky one mv when he passed out like i’ve never seen a handsomer guy pass out in my computer monitor i have a problem don’t i no i don’t thanks
731 notes · View notes
baekkxong · 7 years
Can you take your phone to school?
yep, although we’re not supposed to have it out where younger students can see lol
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