balledjely · 4 years
Weight of the World
Part 4 - Hospital Gowns and Plushies 
A bakugou x reader fic where you’re an apprentice of Ragdoll, from the famous Wild, Wild Pussycats (Part 1)
When you wake up, the first thing you notice is cold white walls of what you conclude is a hospital room. The second thing you notice is Kota leaning from his chair over onto your bed. His head is buried in his arms, and from the slow rise and fall of his chest you can tell he’s asleep. 
Towards the back of your room, you see Mandalay and Pixie-bob, both in their casual clothes. Mandalay quickly shakes Pixie-bob awake. She jumps up quickly, eyes settling on you almost instantly.
You can't help but grin when you see their relieved smiles. You give them a little wave, and you can already tell that you’re much, much better. Your body doesn’t feel heavy anymore and your vision is a lot less blurry. You can feel a little pull as you raise your arm, and you notice the needle for an IV tucked into your hand.
Mandalay wraps you up in a hug as soon as she gets to you. “God, we were so worried…” Your heart hurts and just how upset she sounded.
Behind her, Pixiebob smiles at you. “We’re really proud of how you handled yourself. You’ll be a great hero someday.”
Kota stirs at the noise, gently turning his head away from the three of you. Mandalay looks at him fondly, “He won’t admit it, but he was worried too. He refused to go home last night. I suspect he wanted to be here when you woke up.”
You can’t help but smile. It was nice to know that he cared about you so much. He was always so standoffish, it made you wonder if he even liked you. But despite your doubts, you know that he looks up to you. It’s just hard to see it sometimes.
After a moment, you glance around and your stomach drops. “Where’s Tiger and Ragdoll?” Instantly your mind goes to the worst possible option. What if they were hurt? When you look at the two women beside you frown, panic sets in.
The Pussycats were all you had. If you lost them- if you lost Ragdoll, you didn’t know what you’d do. She took you in, even when your own mother didn’t want you. There was a reason that the Pussycats were here in your hospital room, and not your parents. 
“Ragdoll was captured by the villains, and Tiger was part of the rescue mission,” Mandalay explains. She doesn’t meet your eyes. “They’re both recovering. It’s just some minor injuries.”
Her words do little to calm you down. You sit up quickly, “I need to see them-”
“(y/n)?” Kota’s sleepy voice cuts you off. You must’ve woken him with your sudden movements. When he sees that you’re awake, he gets up and hugs you.
“You’re so stupid!” He yells. He repeats the same phrase over and over, his words devolving into sobs as he clutches your shirt tightly. He buries his head in you chest to hide his face.“You’re stupid.” He whispers, his voice choked with tears.
“It’s okay, Kota. I’m okay. I promise.” You wrap your arms around him, doing your best to comfort him. Your eyes start to water as you realize just how distressed he was by your disappearance. And then it hit you. His parents.
“Hey,” you gently pull him off you so you can look him in the eyes. When you see just how upset he is, your heart breaks all over again. “I’m not going anywhere. I’m always gonna come home to you. I promise.”
He sniffles, trying his best to wipe away his tears. “You can’t promise that.” He mumbles. You smile at him, trying your best to cheer him up.
“I came back this time right?”
He looks away, trying to hide his feelings. He’s too young for that. “I can make you monster ice cream to make it up to you.” You poke his chest, and he huffs. His eyes are still puffy from crying, but he’s smiling, if only a little.
“I’m too old for that.”
You knew he wouldn’t admit to wanting any, so you decide to come up with an excuse for him. “Well, I’ll make some for me, and if there’s extra I’ll leave some for you.”
“Kota?” Mandalay leans down so that she’s eye level with him. “Would you mind if we talk to (y/n) for a moment? Can you wait outside?” His little smile turns into a frown, but he leaves the room, shutting the door behind him.
When you look back to Pixiebob and Mandalay, they look serious. “One of the villains has a quirk that lets them steal other people’s quirks and…” Mandalay trails off, not meeting your eyes.
“Did...are they okay?”
“Ragdoll lost her quirk.” This time it’s Pixiebob who speaks. Even though you knew where this was going, it still hits you like a truck. “And I hate to put this on you now, but I wouldn’t want you to find out from someone else…”
How much bad news could they have?
“We can’t train you anymore.” It feels like the ground is ripped out from under you. Your mind reels, trying to find a way to make this okay. This isn’t the end of the world. At least, that’s what you tell yourself.
Mandalay picks up where Pixiebob left off, “We were only able to train you without a hero permit because we focused on rescues. We didn’t usually face villains, but with this…” She places a gentle hand on your shoulder. You lean into it, her touch making you feel calmer. Mandalay never failed to comfort you. She was like the mother you never had.
The doctors decide to keep you for a few days, just to observe. You’d complain, but you had been severely dehydrated, and the doctor had scolded you for nearly half an hour because he was so concerned for you.
You spent the first day playing cards with Kota and helping Ragdoll pack her things to go home. It was a little upsetting to see her leave before you, but you were mostly glad that she wasn’t hurt. The strong hug she gave you when she finally saw you made you break down in tears. You really did love her. 
The second day, the kids from class 1-A stopped by. Mr.Aizawa formally apologized to you before he let his class enter your room. You weren’t even sure how to respond to him. It wasn’t his fault at all. No matter how many times you told him this, he still felt like he should’ve paid more attention. He didn’t tell you this, but you could tell from his demeanor.
When he gave a sluggish nod to his class to signal it was alright to go inside, Kirishima practically launched himself into your room. Behind him, his classmates were laden with plushies, sweets, and balloons. Mina pushes past Kirishima to wrap you into a tight hug.
“We’re so glad you’re okay.” Yayorozu says gently, as she places a stuffed cat on your bedside table. You can’t help but notice that cat looks very similar to you in your hero costume. Did she make this for me? 
When Mina pulls away, Kirishima wraps himself around you. “Be gentle Kirishima! She’s hurt!” Iida calls from a distance. You wave him off, “I’m fine!” When Kirishima finally lets you go, you tear up at the sight of the class. They’re all there to try to make you feel better. It’s been a long time since you felt that special.
“Oh god we made her cry!” Kaminari whales from somewhere in the back. You shake your head, “You guys are so sweet. I just…” you can’t find the words to describe the warmth you felt inside. “It’s nice.”
“Aww (y/n)!” Mina hugs you again, squeezing you tightly and nuzzling her face into the crook of your neck. You rub your eyes, trying to clear the tears that lingered there.
Down by the side of your bed, you see Mineta. You do your best to not wrinkle your nose at his smell. He was here to visit you, you had to at least be civil.  “Who changed your clothes?” His eyes are wide as he stares at you. You suddenly feel uncomfortable in you hospital gown.
You falter for a moment, trying to figure out how to respond. Thankfully, you don’t have to, because Jiruo picks him up by his weird grape hair and tosses him out. “We should’ve left him behind,” she mumbles.
Izuku places a basket of brownies on a table in your room. “Um, I made them myself so they might not taste that good…” he says sheepishly, flushing red.
Todoroki places a piece of Tupperware beside Izuku’s basket. “I brought cold soba.” He says simply.
“Todoroki you like cold soba.” Tsyuu deadpans.
“Everyone likes cold soba.” He shrugs in response. You can’t help but smile at the class dynamic. It was nice, a cheerful event that you needed to light up your life with all the recent events.
Before anyone gets the chance to chastise Todoroki, you tell them that you also like cold soba and you were glad he brought it. You frown a little when you realize that one person is missing—Bakugou. You were really hoping you’d see him. You thought that you’d bonded through your little adventure, but maybe you were wrong. The thought hurt a little.
The mood gets gloomier when Kaminari mentions practicing with you again. “I, uh… I don’t…” You don’t know how to tell them. “I don’t think that will happen for a while.”
Izuku’s face drops, “Oh, of course. What happened must’ve been traumatic. No one can blame you if you stop trying to be a pro.” His tone is thick with sympathy.
You go to correct him, but you’re cut off by a loud voice from the back. “You’re really gonna let some shitty villains scare you out of being a hero?” You can tell it’s Bakugou even before he pushes his way to the front. “I thought you had potential.”
“Bakugou! You don’t know what-” Uraraka goes to reprimand him, but he cuts her off.
“I do know. I was there.”
“I thought you weren’t coming?” Kaminari makes a pathetic attempt to change the subject.
“Yeah, dude. Maybe you should go.” Kirishima says, stepping in front of your bed to keep you from Bakugou’s view. Kirishima’s usually so laid back, you’ve never seen him this serious. “I don’t think you’re in the right headspace.”
“The fuck did-”
You stumble out of your hospital bed, nearly tripling at the sheets tangled around your feet. You push your way in between them, desperate to try and stop the fight that’s bound to happen.
“It’s okay! It’s okay.” You’re stumbling over your words, trying to get them out as fast as possible. “I’m not going to stop training. It’s just… I can’t work with the Pussycats anymore, so there’s no one to train me. At least until I graduate.”
“Oh, (y/n)...” Uraraka places a gentle hand on your shoulder. You instinctively lean into it. Something about her really comforts you and keeps you from worrying about the tension all around you.
“Yeah, uh, normally they only focus on rescue missions, so I could work with them while being underage and untrained. But, with the villain attack that’s not really true any more.” You explain, rubbing your hands up and down your arms in an attempt to focus on something besides their pity.
You didn’t want to be pitiful.
“Then why don’t you just come to U.A?” Bakugou asks, as if it were a perfectly logical solution. All you can do is stare at him. All of his previous anger had disappeared, leaving his usual annoyed demeanor. “No one in this class can take me head on. I need to fight with someone who can actually do some damage.”
“I…” You can’t find words. Did he just compliment you? You’ve never heard him say anything so nice to anyone. Did he really think you were on his level? That thought alone made your heart pound.
“Bakugou we can’t just offer positions like that! We need to at least talk to Mr. Aizawa.” Iida scolds him, and thankfully gives you more time to sort out your scrambled thoughts.
“We could go ask right now!” Kaminari cheers, already halfway out the door.
“(y/n) is really strong. Surely she could get in.” Tokoyami mutters under his breath from somewhere in the back of the crowd of 1-A students. Agreement comes from all of them, and embarrassment floods through you at the praise coming from all sides.
“I mean, is this something you want?” Iida asks you. You hesitate, wondering if you should even get your hopes up. It would be wonderful to be able to continue becoming a pro hero, but U.A was a prestigious school. And would they even let you join so late in the year?
“I’d like to try,” You decide.
The class cheers. Mina excitedly goes on about having you in her class, and all the fun things you could do. Bakugou hides a small smile that only Todoroki catches. 
Intrigued by the sudden noise, All Might peers into your hospital room. He was originally going to wait for the class to clear out, as not not overwhelm you, but now he was interested in what all the fuss was about.
You weren’t the first to notice him, too busy teaching Tokoyami, Aoyam, and Shouji how to play a card game that you and Kota had invented. The cards came from Tsuyu’s bag. In the few days you’ve known her, you’ve learned that she’s prepared for everything. Mina and Momo crowded around you, watching the game intently.
Izuku and Uraraka were over by the door, so they were the first to notice him. “Ah! All Might! We were just talking to (y/n) and…” he pauses as he tries to figure out what to say. “Well, the Pussycats can’t train her anymore, so we wanted to know if she could come to U.A?”
You lower your gaze back to the cards in your hand, suddenly feeling guilty about putting this on him so suddenly. But, to your surprise, he doesn’t even seem fazed. In fact, he seems excited.
“Well, I can’t really make that decision, but I’ll talk to Nezu and Aizawa about it!” He gives you such a wide smile that it makes you blush. “However, she would have to take an entrance exam, like the rest of you. I’m not sure they would set all that up for just one student.”
“Well, we could use the provisional license exam as the test.” Izuku mutters under his breath, deep in thought. He grins. “That could work, right?”
All Might beams. “That would be perfect! I’ll talk to them right away to set this up for you, young (y/n).”
Needless to say, the class erupts into chaos. Everyone is celebrating, shouting with excitement. So much so, that when Aizawa reappears, he reprimands All Might for letting things get this out of hand. After that, the class is ushered out of your room, with Aizawa promising to contact you about your position at UA.
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balledjely · 4 years
Rotten Work - Part Six
Haikyuu x Reader - Part One, Part Five 
“Noya!” You see him enter the small (thing) in front of the gym. You call out to him, waving your hands excitedly and bouncing on the balls of your feet. Beside you, Tsukki huffs and Tadashi gives you a questioning glance.
“(Y/n)!”  He shouts back, instantly matching your excitement. He rushes over, Tanaka close behind. He looks a little sad that you didn’t call out for him.  
“Look! Look!” You smile widely as you duck down to do a somersault. He gasps as you come back up, stars in his eyes. “Rolling Thunder!?” He shouts, jumping up and down. Tanaka has gotten over his sadness and is now shaking you by the shoulders.
You can’t help but grin at their reactions, “I worked really hard last night to finally figure it out!” Tanaka picks you up and swings you around, which has you giggling uncontrollably.
“That’s so cool! We’re gonna scare every single school. They’re gonna see that and ask where’d you learn that? And you’re gonna tell them ‘my amazing senpai’.” He goes on, looking proud and puffing out his chest. He stops all of a sudden, “I need to tell Coach so we can practice!”
And after a lot of pleading from Noya, Ukai allowed you two to use the practice to perfect ‘rolling thunder’. By the time that Daichi announced the break, you were beyond dizzy.
You were sitting on the floor of the gym with Noya and Tanaka, sipping on your water. After a few minutes of sitting still, the dizziness subsided. The three of you were talking when you got interrupted by yelling from outside. By the sound of it, it was Hinata and Kagayama.
Tanaka stood on his tippy toes to peer out the window. All you had to do was glance at Noya and he caught the hint. He lifted you up just high enough for you to look outside.
There stood Hinata and Kagayama, both completely drenched. You watched as Hinata rushed over towards the hose on the side of the gym. You didn’t even have time to react as he turned it on and sprayed down Kagayama.
Tanaka gasped dramatically beside you, which drew in the third years and Ennoshita. Noya puts you down quickly, nearly dropping you in his haste. “Hell yeah! Water fight!” He cheers, and Tanaka follows close behind, equally excited.
As soon as they disappear out the door, screams and shouts erupt from everyone outside. Coach Ukai gives the situation a glance before returning to whatever he’d scribbled onto his notepad.
You follow Noya and Tanka’s trail curiosity, still hesitant for fear of getting soaked. Carefully, you peer around the corner of the doorframe. You’re met with an amazing sight. Yamaguchi is crouched behind one of the ledges on the other side of the clearing, with Tsukki scowling at full night right beside him. Tanaka, Noya, and Hinata are running around, buckets of water in hand. Kagayama is complaining to Asahi, who is equally wet.
You flinch as Noya’s eyes catch yours. “(y/n)~!” He nearly screeches as he rushes towards you, the water in his bucked barely keeping from spilling out. Tanaka follows suit, running at you full speed.
You shriek, covering your head with your hands. It does little to protect you from the water that splashes over your entire body. Immediately, you feel colder. Luckily, it was pretty warm outside.
The two of them laugh hysterically as you try to wring water out of your shirt, pouting. As they double over from laughter, you’re struck with an incredible idea. You walk over to Tsukki.
He eyes you, clearly noticing that you have some sort of intention. “(y/n)...” He warns. He’s not even sure what you plan to do, but he can tell from your devilish smile that he won’t like it.
Suddenly you launch yourself at him, wrapping him in a hug as quickly as you can. He makes a sudden sound of disgust, trying his best to push you off him. Even though you cling to him with everything you have, he still manages to tear you off.
You physically can’t stop the smile that spreads itself across your face at the sight of the huge wet stain you left on his clothes. It’s even better when you see his expression, completely annoyed as he drops his arms in defeat.
Then, you turn your gaze to Yamaguchi, who’s no longer cowering in fear. As he notices, he tries to make a quick escape back to the gym, where the third years are dying from laughter. He doesn’t make it, getting caught in a tight hug by you.
Unlike Tsukki, he doesn’t try to push you off, just sighing in defeat as he lets you soak his clothes. It’s not like he could really stop you now.
With everyone outside at least a little wet, the second years and Hinata are satisfied. The team takes practice outside for the rest of the day, much to your delight. Tsukki was not happy, favoring the cool air conditioning inside the gym. Hinata, however, is running around nonstop, his focus all but gone. The rest of the practice went by fast, the outdoors giving you an extra burst of energy. The breeze did wonders for morale as well.
The team gathered around Coach Ukai for a talk before practice ended. Unfortunately, you had to stay in the gym because it was beginning to get dark outside. In the middle of Ukai’s lecture, Takada bursts through the double doors, panting.
“I’m glad I caught you guys!” He rushes towards the group, holding up a piece of paper for all of you to see. “I finally got the Bracket for the prelims!” You glance at it over Noya’s shoulder, seeing a bunch of schools that you don’t recognize. It doesn’t mean too much to you, as you didn’t really know what schools would be a threat.
Though, you did recognize one school. Aoba Jousai. You’ve heard the boys talk about their school, and you’d listened to Hinata’s rants about the ‘great king’ who apparently had a killer serve. After talking with coach Ukai and Noya, you knew that if you were to go against them, you’d be the Libero. Which meant you’d be responsible for receiving such an intense serve.
Coach Ukai can sense the team’s apprehension. “Hey! Don’t get too caught up with weather or not it’ll be an easy win. We still have to fight like hell, no matter who we’re up against!” The intensity in his voice draws out the competitiveness in the team, causing them all to yell out in agreement. You falter for a moment before joining them. Were you really ready for something like prelims?
Tags - @cleophei, @galagcica, @whothefuckstolemykeds
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balledjely · 4 years
Are you gonna write more of “Rotten Work”?
Yes! More is on the way, but I’ve gotta finish some school work before I can start another chapter. There should be another one soon!
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balledjely · 4 years
Weight of the World
Part 3 - Desperate 
A bakugou x reader fic where you’re an apprentice of Ragdoll, from the famous Wild, Wild Pussycats (Part 1)
When you come to, you can feel straps on your arms and legs. Your roll you head back, a wave of dizziness hitting as soon as you open your eyes. You can’t help but mutter a curse as you try to adjust to the fucked up state of your body. A few deep breaths later, you try to open your eyes again. 
You’re in a small, dimly lit room. The walls are lined with brick, and there’s a small bar towards the back. Then, you notice the small line up of villains, the one who attacked you is among them. 
There’s another villain who catches your attention. He’s got blue hair, and he’s watching you with some sick sort of interest. When your gazes lock, you narrow your eyes. He smiles. 
“So you’re awake?” His voice is gravely and sick sounding. It’s as if he’d been smoking cigarettes since he was five. “Sorry to keep you out for so long, your friend here wouldn’t give us any information on you. We couldn’t wake you until we had some sort of idea of who you were.”
Your heart stops at the mention of ‘your friend’. When you follow his gaze you notice Bakugou glaring daggers from the opposite end of the room. Automatically you rake your eyes over him, searching for any kind of injury. 
“Bakugou? Are you okay?” When you speak, your voice is strained. How long had you been out? The other villains perk up when they hear you. 
“Like hell I’d let these losers injure me.” He’s angry as always. You take comfort in the fact that the villains hadn’t done anything to break his spirit. Though, his loud voice does make your head hurt. Apparently, you’d been out for at least a day because you could feel how little water was left in your body. If you don't get some water in your body soon, you’re going to be down for the count. 
The blue haired villain looks slightly annoyed at the fact you ignored him, but he brushes it off quickly. “We were just telling him why we brought the two of you here. We thought you’d want to hear.”
You don’t answer him. Either you could tell them to go fuck themselves, or you could see how far you could bargain with them. You could play along, at least for a little while. Maybe you could convince them to let Bakugou go 
“This society that the heroes created is shameful.” He goes on a little rant, talking about how people are cast out from society. You resist the urge to wrinkle your nose in disgust. You had to play this right. He finishes his speech by asking the two of you to join him. 
“Like hell!” Bakugou barks out, but you take a moment before you respond. You sigh. Bakugou definitely wouldn’t play along, even if it kept him alive. That meant you’d have to get him out of here before these villains start to lose their temper. 
These villains are smart. They know you won’t switch to their side this easily. You had to be honest, otherwise they’d know exactly what you’re doing. You glance over at Bakugou and then back to the villains. You lower your eyes, doing your best to make it seem like you’re mulling it over. 
“Bakugou won’t do what you want,” you say with a sigh. “No matter what you do. But, if you let him go I’ll join you.” 
“Are you fucking stupid? I can handle myself, dipshit!” He screams from his side of the room. You don’t look at him. Can’t he tell you’re trying to save his life?
“That was a pretty quick switch…” the villain that’s body is a weird form of black gas mutters. You look away, “I only became a hero to protect the people I love.” That wasn’t quite a lie, but it wasn’t entirely true either. “I don’t really care what happens as long as they're safe.” 
The blue haired villain is quiet for a moment before nodding to the villain in the black and white skin-tight suit. “Twice, undo her restraints.” 
You watch quietly as the villain approaches you, kneeling take the cuffs off your wrists. Once everything is removed, you stand up. The world sways and you try desperately to keep your cool. You couldn’t let on to how sick you were. At that point, your threats would mean nothing. 
Luckily for you, they don’t seem to pick up on just how messed up you are. “Him too.” You look over at Bakugou, praying that he behaves himself. “If you hurt him, I’ll fight too. I’m sure the two of us could do some damage to your little team.” 
The blue haired villain doesn’t think for very long before nodding to Twice to remove Bakugou’s restraints. Once he does, explosions immediately erupt from that side of the 
room. From the looks of it, the villains already expected this. 
One of them, the one who attacked you earlier takes a step towards him. Immediately you stick your hand out to stop him. “Don’t you touch him. I’ll get him to calm down-”
You’re cut off by Bakugou’s yelling. “Don’t just talk about me like I’m not here!” His eyes sweep over the room, searching for a way out. “I don’t need protection.” He growls. 
Internally, you want to apologize. You didn’t know Bakugou all that well, but it still hurt to act like you didn’t care. This wasn’t his normal anger. This was different. It was a sort of calm, which made it all the more terrifying. 
All of a sudden, he grabs the collar of your shirt, yanking you backwards harshly. You stumble back into his chest, where he brings his hand down around your stomach to keep you steady. Your head spins at the sudden movements. 
“Don’t try to do that self-sacrificial bullshit with me. I’m not so weak that you have to die for me.” You expect him to be yelling, but his voice is softer. Lower, so that villains can’t hear him. 
“They wouldn’t-” You go to defend yourself, but he cuts you off with a huff. You don’t try to talk anymore. At this point, your vision has settled enough for you to stand without his help. 
The blue haired villain goes to say something, but before he can there’s a knock on the door. Everyone freezes, and a moment later the wall to your right is caving in. 
You try to blink the dirt out of your eyes, and when you do you see the towering form of All Might. No one gets the chance to react as another pro uses his quirk to restrain the villains. You let out a deep sigh of relief. 
After threatening  the villains with a classic All Might Speech, he turns his attention to Bakugou. “You must’ve been scared. I’m sorry, but I am here now.” He’s kind with his words, but you can see Bakugou’s face twist with anger. 
“I wasn’t scared! I was calm the whole time.” He’s back to yelling, but there’s much less seriousness in his tone. That gives you comfort. His anger towards you was practically forgotten. 
All Might just gives Bakugou a smile, and then turns to you. “I’m sorry that you got caught up in all this, young (y/n).” It takes you a moment to respond, as your mind is only filled with the thought of  ‘he knows my name!’ 
“Don’t worry about me, I’m fine.” You respond automatically, though you really weren’t. The sound of the wall caving was making your head pound so much you could hardly see straight, but you didn’t want to worry him. You could get that taken care of later. 
Your attention is drawn to that same villain, the one All Might called Tomura. He’s muttering something, and as his voice gets louder you can just make out what he’s saying. 
“Justice, peace…” His voice gets louder, until he’s almost yelling. “You created such a garbage society by holding up such ideals. Your kid there agrees.” His gaze lands on you, as do the rest of the gazes in the room. 
“Oh please,” you snarl, “Like hell I’d believe shit like that. I only planned on waiting til the heroes got here. Looks like I stalled long enough.” 
Even though you’re not looking at him, you can feel All  Might’s surprise to hear you speak so harshly. Even in the few minutes you spent with the group, you still had an endless supply of pent up anger toward them. Unlike Bakugou you had to bottle it up to try and keep yourself safe. But not that that was over, you didn’t have to hold back. 
All of a sudden you’re choking. For a moment you think that your nasua has gotten the best of you, but whatever was coming up your throat was not vomit. It was thick, and slimy. Your body automatically begins to wrench it up, and beside you you can hear Bakugou coughing too. Your panicked eyes meet All Might’s as the substance envelopes your body. 
And then, your feet hit cracked concrete. The bar is gone, replaced with the cold night air. Wherever you are is covered in debris, but Bakugou is there with you. As well as all of the other villains. 
“What the hell?” Bakugou chokes out, voice rough. He glances at you, taking a moment to check you over. You give him a small smile to show that you’re doing alright. 
“I’m sorry about that,” This time it’s a new villain speaking. He’s got some sort of life support machine strapped to him. You don’t know what it is, but you feel the need to be as far from him as possible. He seemed like he wouldn’t hesitate to kill you. 
The villain turns his attention to Tomura, the blue haired villain. As he speaks, you tune him out slightly. You take this as a chance to try and find a way out while now one's focused on you. You look for a busted pipe, a puddle, anything at all. But there’s nothing. 
You see something in the distance, and as it rapidly gets closer you can make out the colors of All Might’s hero costume. Before you can blink he’s crashing against the main villain. The force of the wind knocks you back, scraping your skin against the concrete. 
Your vision gets blurry again, and another wave of nausea hits you. It takes you a couple moments to recover. When you push yourself up, you're pleased to find that you don’t have any major cuts. Nothing besides the constant headaches that have been plaguing you since you awoke.
You try to locate Bakugou through all the dust in the air. Once you do, you stumble towards him. When you look back towards All Might and the villain he called All For One, All Might is blasted backwards through a line of buildings. 
Fuck, you think to yourself. He knocked All Might back that far with just his bare hands. You were right, this guy was beyond dangerous. 
One for All turns to Tomura. “Get off the battlefield,” he says, his ice cold eyes landing on your form in the dirt. “Take the children with you.”
At that, you tense. In your current state you couldn’t fend off all six villains. And to Bakugou, you’d just be dead weight. You turn to him, and thankfully you’re close enough that the villains won’t hear you talk. 
“I can’t do much in my state, I’ll let them take me.” You speak fast, knowing there isn’t much time. This was the best plan you had at the moment. He looks furious that you’d even suggest something like that. 
“Are you stupid? That’s not happening.” 
Panic swells inside you. Why can’t he just listen? This is the best way to keep him safe. “I’ll only weigh you down. You can get yourself out of here!” You plead with him, but he only seems to get angrier. “They won’t kill me!” 
“Shut up! I’m not leaving you here, dumbass. What, you think I can’t-” he cuts himself off as his eyes focus on something behind you. You don’t get to question him, because he grabs you before you get the chance. 
He uses his other palm to propel the two of you backwards. At the sudden force, you instinctively clutch onto him. Through your spinning vision, you can see two of the villains approaching from behind. 
You rip water out of your body through your palm, sending a few shards of ice to knock them away. Blood runs down your arm, a shallow, but large hole left where you forced water out of your body. 
At the loss of more water, your dehydration gets worse. The world spins, and you tuck your head into Bakugou’s shoulder. You don’t even care that you’re doing something so intimate, at this point you’re just trying so keep yourself steady. 
“Don’t kill yourself, I got this.” His voice is much softer now. He’s calm. You didn’t know he was capable of that. He wraps an arm around you to keep him from dropping you as he fires out another blast. 
Across the clearing, you can make out All Might’s voice. He’s calling out to the two of you, but his voice is strained. He’s struggling. The thought makes your heart pound. You’ve never seen All Might like this - afraid. Even though he was hiding it you could sense it in his tone. All Might was scared. If All Might was scared, that meant the two of you were in real trouble. 
When you look up, the world is blurry. You try again and again to focus your vision but you can’t. At this point, you know that you’re not going to last much longer. 
“Bakugou just go, it’s better if only one of us is captured. They can get me at a different time.” Although you try, you can’t hide the desperation in your voice. He doesn’t even react to your pleas, he just ignores you. 
“You need water for you quirk, right?” 
You look up, vision swirling. “Yeah-” you’re cut off by him sending off another explosion. He brings you to a corner of the battlefield, gently placing you on your feet. 
You smile, to your right is a busted pipe with water leaking out. Just what you need. With a glance behind you, you see that the villains are getting close. This is your chance. You could use the water to cut the villains off from Bakugou. 
“Get yourself somewhere safe!.” When you say this, his eyes go wide. But, before he can react, you rip water from the pipe. It tears through the metal from how hard you force it out. There’s a lot of it, so you can make the wall fairly tall. You freeze the water as quickly as you can, leaving the form jagged and messy. 
You can hear Bakugou yelling from the other side, but you’re too distracted by the villains who're getting too close for comfort. When you turn around, you see Tomura, with his group close behind. They’re closing in. 
“Does our deal still stand?” You try to keep your fear from leaking out into your voice, but you can’t. Tomura gets closer, and you press your back against the ice wall. At this point you can nearly focus on him. 
You know you can’t fight right now. And if you were to try and use water to defend yourself, you wouldn’t be able to move. In the short time it would take for you to do something, he’d already have you. You couldn’t use your quirk, you had to move and you had to move now. 
“We don’t need liars in our group.” He’s too close. Much too close. He reaches a hand out towards your neck. You don’t know what his quirk is, but you know that you don’t want him to touch you. The ice digs into your back as you try as hard as you can to stay away from him. 
Your legs shake and your vision goes blurry as you dart to the side. “I don’t think you want a dead kid...on your reputation…” You can hardly get the words out, but it’s the best you can do. 
“Actually, it’d be pretty helpful.” 
And then, Bakugou blasts his way through the wall. The blast sends shards of ice flying, forcing the villain to jump back. “Why the hell did you make that so thick?” He yells as he grabs you and drags you to him. 
The action makes your vision spin, but you respond. “To try and save you! What are you doing?” 
He doesn’t answer, and instead looks up. You follow his gaze, only to see a streak of green light. When it gets closer you see Izuku, Kirishima, and Iida flying across the sky. All of a sudden, Bakugou wraps an arm around you and launches the two of you up into the air. 
You tip your leg back so it rakes over the ice wall. While the two of you blast into the sky, you use shards of ice to keep the villains from following. Bakugou grabs onto Kirishima’s arm and your grip onto him tighter. 
When you’re in the air, you roll your head back. Muttering cursed as more and more nausea washes over you. Bakugou shifts you in his arms and gently pushes your head into his chest to keep you from having to watch the whirlwind of colors go by. 
As you try to block out the feeling of all this motion, you can hear Izuku’s concerned voice from above you. “Is she alright?”
“Yeah dude, what did they do to her?” 
“I didn’t let them do shit to her! It’s from her quirk.” You can feel Bakugou’s voice rumble in his chest. You’re surprised that he gathered that much, seeing as you didn’t tell him anything. 
“Should we get her to a hospital?” This time it’s Iida who’s talking. You really want to have some input, to at least explain, but you’re too focused on trying to stay conscious. 
“Are you fucking stupid? Yes, we need to get her to a damn hospital!” The yelling makes his chest rumble even more, which brings you at least a little entertainment. Once the three of them stop talking, you can hear Bakugou’s heartbeat. It makes you feel safe, like maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to just let go for a bit. So you do. 
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balledjely · 4 years
The Weight of the World
Part 2 - Burn
A bakugou x reader fic where you’re an apprentice of Ragdoll, from the famous Wild, Wild Pussycats (Part 1)
You place a card down on the table, grinning widely. Across from you, Kota huffs and pushes himself out of his chair. You try to frown, but it’s really hard when he looks so cute, pouting like this.“Oh come on, don’t be like that…” 
Kota glares at you from across the room. “Why don’t you get those stupid wanna-be heroes to play with you?” He sneers. You sigh in response, not quite ready to get back into that conversation. 
“You’re just mad because you lost. And also,” you continue, “those wanna-be heroes are still training.”
“Then why are you here?” 
“Wow, rude.” You mock offense at his tone. You knew he didn’t really mean it. After having known him for awhile, you knew he was just like that. All angry to hide the fact that he was hurting. You lived for the rare moments where he would be unapologetically happy. “I’m here to check on you, and to set up for dinner.” 
You nod your head towards the back of the building, where you’d set up plates, veggies, and other foods for the kids to cook. Most of the day you were bouncing back and forth between training and checking up on Kota. Luckily, you’d gotten off early to set up. 
“Speaking of,” You glance out the window to see the tired group trudging towards the camp. “They’re here. Are you gonna join?” He doesn’t respond, instead just walking back towards his room. “Okay!” You call after him, “I’ll save you a plate. You can sit next to me if-” His door slams shut. You sigh, so he’s back to being angry…
You meet up with the group outside, and comfortingly, they’re excited to see you. “Ah, how come you got off early?” One of the girls, Mina, whines as she drapes herself over your back. 
“Who do you think set this up?” You playfully shrug her off you. Across the yard, Pixiebob announces that the group will be cooking their own dinner. That includes you. But, with everyone’s quirks and skills, dinner was made pretty fast. 
Before you settle down to eat, you decide to make an extra plate for Kota. It was already getting dark, so it seemed like he just planned on not coming down tonight. As you turn the corner around the building, you almost run into Izuku, one of the kids from class 1-A. 
You glance down at the bowl of curry in his hands, “Were you going to go find Kota too?” He rubs the back of his neck sheepishly. “Yeah, but if you want to…”
You shake your head at him. “Actually, I think he might take to you better. He’s a little angry at me right now.” You see him cock his head questioningly, so you explain. “He’s got a thing against heroes. He’s really feeling it today. But maybe I’ve been around him too much…” you trail off, glancing up towards the cliff where Kota likes to hide out. “Would you mind going to bring him something to eat?”
He nods. “Of course.” As he walks off, you smile and thank him. Although, worry was working its way into your stomach. Kota’s so young, and yet… he’s in so much pain. You wish he would just let you help him. But maybe it just wasn’t time yet. 
When you return back to the picnic tables, Mina excitedly waves you over. “Can you tell them that Mount Lady would totally win in a fight against Mr. Aizawa?” She leans on her hand, starting over towards Hagakure. Or at least where you assume she was. 
You settle yourself down and begin to eat, watching Hagakure place her gloves on the table. You can picture her leaning towards Mina, “She’d lose! Mr. Aizawa could trip her and she’d be down for the count-”
They go on like this for a long time, you don’t even bother trying to jump in. As they bicker, you glance at Tsuyu with amusement. 
The two of them are still going at it when you decide to go get cleaned up. When you get back to the room you share with Kota, he’s already fast asleep. You try to make as little noise as possible as you get into bed. Luckily, he doesn’t stir
The next day was pretty much the same, train, check on Kota, back to training. You did a lot of sparring with the kids from class 1-A, and so you got to know them better. It was really exciting to finally get to know some kids who had the same passion for becoming a pro as you did. 
By the end of the day, you were exhausted. But, luckily for you, the teachers had something fun planned. The two classes would split up, with one hiding out in the woods to spook the other. Since you weren’t in either class, you didn’t have to fear wandering around in the woods. Even better, you were there to supervise, or in other words, watch the others get scared. You couldn’t wait to see some of the stoic members of the two classes scream. 
It was a little while after you left the main group of students when you smelled something burning. A slight fear fluttered in your chest when you remembered that you didn’t have your costume, which meant there was no way to communicate back to the Pussycats. 
You ran towards a clearing, trying to get a better look at the sky. Once you finally got to a patch of woods where leaves weren’t obscuring your view, in the distance you could see plumes of black smoke. So something was on fire. 
You knew that you didn’t have enough water to do anything about the fire on your own, and that there was the possibility that the Pussycats weren’t aware that there was danger. You decided the best thing to do would be to head back to where you’d left the group, and to gather any students you could along the way. 
The constant screams from the students had died down, which gave you hope that they’d noticed something was going on. But, it also made it much more difficult for you to locate where the other kids would be. 
“Guys!” You called out to no one in particular as you ran back towards the camp. “We have to go back, something’s on fire!” When you didn’t hear anything in reply, you repeated the warning. 
As you ran, you noticed a light twinkle in the corner of your eye. A split second later you realized that it was something coming towards you. On instinct, you jump back. As you do, a column of blue fire sears the ground where you were just standing. 
You scramble back farther, desperately trying to get away from the scorching heat. Your mind was racing. No one in either of the two classes had a quirk with blue fire, and no one would attack you. 
Your heart stopped when you realized what it was. A villain. What’s worse - a villain with a fire quirk. You wouldn’t stand a chance, certainly not without any water with you. 
It only took a few milliseconds for you to come to that conclusion, but it was long enough for another blast of fire to be thrown at you. You’re again scrambling backwards, nearly tripping over yourself. 
Your mind is racing. How the hell would you get out of this situation? Without access to water you were practically quirkless. You duck behind a tree as a third column of fire comes at you. It splits around the trunk of the tree, painfully heating up the skin of both your arms as it goes by. You push off the tree as it begins to smoke, running deeper into the woods. Maybe there you’d find some better cover. 
“Shouldn’t make so much noise, you know.” A man’s voice comes from the same direction as the fire. “Drew me right to you.” 
He’s behind you now, walking slowly. He again sends out some fire, but this time it’s not aimed at you. It’s aimed at where you’re going, effectively cutting you off. You’re really starting to panic now, glancing around to find another way out. 
“You weren’t on the list,” He muses, watching you stand defensively against the wall of flames behind you. “But, I suppose you’ll do.”
At this point, you really only have one last resort- the water in your body. As he walks towards you, you make it seem like your fidgeting with your hands. You make sure he can’t see you dig your nails into the soft flesh of your palms, effectively creating a way to pull water out of your body. 
“Your list?” You question. You're satisfied with the stability of your voice, but you can tell he knows you are feigning confidence. All you can really do now is stall for time. As he gets closer, you work water out of your body, moving it around your waist and down your legs to keep it from his view. 
He ignores your question, “Why don’t you come with me, and I won’t have to melt the skin off your bones?” 
You refuse to react to the threat, staring him down and trying to drain the fear out of your body. So, his aim isn’t to kill me. That brings you both comfort and fear. 
He’s in front of you now, and before you can knock his hand away, he grabs you by the hair. He forces you to look up at him, and you meet his eyes. Can’t show fear, can’t show fear, you repeat to yourself. 
The water you pulled out of your body is hovering behind him now. You don’t look at it, trying to keep him from noticing it. You freeze it, and send it flying towards his arm. 
Before it can actually puncture his skin, he lefts flames burst out his arm and melt it. You take his momentary distraction as a chance to kick his knees, attempting to stun him. He barely stumbles, pulling to the ground forcefully. 
You hit the ground so hard the wind is knocked out of you. He gets down on top of you, but before he can put his hands on you, you pull the last bit of water from your body. Your vision goes blurry from the dehydration, but you pull even more. A quick as you possibly can, you form a jagged dagger with the ice and slash at him. 
He immediately leans back, but you nick his cheek. Fire erupts off his face, and you pull your hand back. Despite your quick reaction, you still burn the tips of your fingers. You don’t get a chance to do anything more as he presses a cloth to your face. 
You shake your head violently, trying to get him off. It doesn’t work, and you can feel your hands loosen around his arms. You clench your teeth, fighting desperately to dog your nails into him, but your vision is fading, and all the strength is deeper out of your body. And just like that, you’re out cold.
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balledjely · 4 years
Rotten Work - Part Five
Haikyuu X Reader -  Part One, Part Four
It’s the end of the training camp, and you can’t help but feel anxious as you step off the bus with your teammates. Although, the Karasuno jacket pulled around you brought you some comfort. It made you feel like part of the team. 
You’d gotten it yesterday, when Kiyoko was handing out uniforms for the Nekoma game. When you got it you felt kind of disappointed. Unlike the girls’ uniforms, the guys’ uniforms felt baggy and made you look like a rectangle. But it can’t be helped, the uniforms weren’t meant to make you look pretty anyway. 
As your team started to make their way towards Nekoma high, you kept towards the back of the group. With this being your first game, you were nervous. And despite knowing that you were part of the team, you could help but feel out of place. 
“Aw sweet!” You hadn’t even noticed a kid from the other team looking over towards you. Instinctively, you step closer to Kiyoko. “Two female managers.” You eye the boy, seeing that he’s got a curly blonde Mohawk. He kind of reminds you of Tanaka. 
“Um, actually…” You try to think of a way to correct him without being awkward. Anxiety swirls in your chest, and you shrink lower into the jacket. It was one of the first times that someone’s height was making you nervous. “I’m not a manager…” How do you explain this situation without it getting weird? 
“Yeah,” Tanaka suddenly appears behind you. He gives the other boy a hard glare. “What do you want with our libero?” As the two boys glare at each other, Kiyoko gently takes your arm and leads you away. As you two walk away, you hear something about a ‘rumble’. 
After following Kiyoko into the school, you split off from her to go find the bathrooms. After wandering around for a couple minutes, you finally find one. Only, once you’re finished, you can’t seem to remember the way back. You start to panic, trying to map out the way back in your head. After a moment, you calm yourself down. You can just text Daichi, right? He’ll find you and bring you back. 
When you reach for your phone, it’s not there. You mentally curse the uniforms for not having any pockets. Who’s idea was that? The panic comes back and it comes back hard. What if you were late to the game? How the hell would you explain that?
In the midst of your panic, you hardly notice the boy walking up behind you. “You okay?” You jump at the sound of his voice, quickly turning around to face him. He looks down at you, “Ah, my bad. Didn’t mean to scare you.” 
You recognize him as the other team’s captain. Dear god, how did you manage to fuck up so horribly every time you go somewhere new?
“I’m fine, just uh, just lost.” 
He tilts his head, “Yeah, our school’s probably bigger than what you’re used to. Want me to take you back to the gym?”
You ignore his little jab at your ‘county’ school, much to anxious to try and bicker with him on that. You’re just happy that you’re not lost anymore.
“Yes, please.”
As you follow him down a maze of hallways, you feel the need to apologize to him. “I’m sorry if this made you go out of your way…” You mutter, fiddling with your hands. 
He glances back at you with a wide grin, “I’m always willing to rescue a damsel in distress.”
You’re feeling more comfortable now, so you finally respond to his teasing. “A damsel?” You question. He shrugs, and before you can question any farther, he swings open a door to reveal the gym. As you walk away you thank him again. 
When you arrive back to your team, Tanaka rushes up to you. “Was that guy hitting on you? Just say the word and I’ll teach him a lesson.” He does that thing where his face gets all serious. Somehow you don’t notice when Noya appears behind him. “Yeah, he can’t be flirting with you! You’re our cute girl.”
“Um, thanks for the compliment…” you trail off, deciding not to think about that too much, “Anyway, I got lost when I went to the bathroom. He was only helping me get back to the gym.”
Noya leans In close to you. “He didn’t say anything weird to you, did he?”
“No, I-” 
You’re saved when Suga drags the two away by their collars. “We’re supposed to be warming up!” He scolds, “You’ll make Daichi mad.”
When you start to warm up, you can feel eyes from every corner of the gym watching you with curiosity. It makes you feel anxious and kind of self conscious. As you’re handing Suga balls, he noticed your apprehension. 
“First game’s always hard. Once it starts though...” He trails off, staring out towards the stands. “It feels totally different.” You definitely knew what he was talking about- the rush you get when the crowds gasp in surprise. You can’t help but smile, “I know, but…”
“Hey,” Suga places a gentle hand on your shoulder, “You’ll be fine.” Even though it’s not much, it definitely does calm you down, even if it’s only a little bit. 
You know he’s right, but you can’t stop the images of you face-planting in the middle of the game running through your head. “Yeah,” What’s worse is you'll be starting. Normally that’d be great and all, but that just means that everyone’s going to be watching you. 
You talked to Noya about it. When Coach announced it, you immediately felt guilty. You were taking the place of a really good second year, how could you not? But, when you brought it up he pretty much laughed at you. He was just excited to see you play. 
Daichi calls the team together to give a little pep talk. Though, it doesn’t do much to calm you down. Just before you walk onto the court, Noya grabs you by the shoulders and shakes you. “Fuck ‘Em up!”
“Nishinoya.” Daichi warns, glaring at him for manhandling you. 
“Ah, right sorry. Sometimes I forget.” He takes his hands off your shoulders, looking guilty. You shake your head, giggling, “It’s fine, really. Kinda makes me feel better. Makes it feel less serious…”
“Then I’ll touch you more!” He grins proudly before realizing what he said. Once he processes it, he flushes bright red. “I didn’t mean- I would never-” You laugh as he stutters, waving as you walk off onto the court. 
The game does not start well for you. Your revives are decent, but they aren’t great. You’re growing frustrated despite the constant reassurance from your team when you switch out. What really got you was a spike that you could’ve easily gotten, had you not been so focused on a different player. 
At that point, you locked eyes with the other team’s setter. You just knew that he could tell you were getting flustered. Once he knew that, it was pretty much over for you. Spikes were getting sent to you over and over again, until you lose the set. 
When the team gathers around for a water break before the next set, you take the chance to talk to Coach Ukai. He and Takada glances up at you as you make your way over to them. 
You shift your weight from side to side anxiously, “I think that Noya should take over as Libero for the rest of the game…”
Coach Ukai only looks at you with confusion, and Takada is the first to speak. “I may not know much about volleyball, but I do know that everyone has it rough during their first game, especially with a new team.” 
“It’s not just that though,” you glance over towards the other team, gaze resting on their setter. “I’m not very good with teams that focus on strategy…” you confess, “It trips me up, and I can’t follow like I normally do. I’m better with teams that just use raw power. I think Noya could handle the situation better than I can…”
Coach Ukai nods. He can tell you thought about this a lot, and he trusts that you know where your weakness lie. “That makes sense…” he trails off as he recounts how you’d been trying to follow the movements of the other team. Deep down, he’s a little upset that he didn’t pick up on that sooner, though he’s only seen you play for a couple of days. “Alright…” 
You smile and walk off as he calls Noya over. You can tell that your team is curious about your conversation, but everyone has enough sense to not question you. Everyone except Hinata, who tilts his head with curiosity, “What was that about?” 
“Noya’s better at this kind of thing, so he’s taking over for me.” You give them the simplest explanation, hoping that they won’t worry over you too much. 
Hinata gasps dramatically, “But I thought you were doing so good!” You smile and shake your head in response. He frowns, but lets it go. Everyone can tell you’re already tired of talking about it. You just hope they know that you know your worth. 
You spend the rest of the match on the sidelines, cheering for your team. But, it doesn’t seem to do much, as they end up losing the second set. Even though you know it’s not entirely your fault, you can’t help but feel that you’re to blame. 
Hinata manages to persuade Nekoma’s coach into playing two more games - both of which were lost in straight sets. By the time you were getting your stuff packed away, your voice was aching. 
Your team lined up outside the school, waving goodbye to Nekoma. Tanaka and his counterpart are sobbing, Daichi and Kuroo are staring each other down, and you’re quietly hanging out with Kenma. 
He apologized for targeting you so hard, which you shrugged off. “That’s  just the game. You’re a really good setter for being able to take advantage of situations like that.” 
He hums in response, and the two of you just sit together in a comfortable silence until Daichi calls the team together to get on the bus. You wave goodbye to Nekoma’s team from your window. Tsukki ends up being your bus buddy, and he rolls his eyes at your childishness. 
Even though the bus ride isn’t long, you end up drifting off. When the team sees you sleeping on Tsukki's shoulder, they immediately begin to tease him. 
“What do you want me to do, shove her off?” He mutters. 
At that, Noya nearly jumps out his seat. “You would never-!” He nearly yells, to which Tanaka slaps him upside his head. “Shut up, she’s sleeping!” 
Noya immediately regrets getting so loud, and leans over his seat to check to make sure you're still sleeping soundly, which you are. Tanaka and Noya spend the rest of the bus ride making sure no one gets too loud. 
When you arrive back at the school, Tsukki wakes you up. Though his voice is harsh, his gentle nudges are the complete opposite as he shakes you awake. 
You yawn, apologizing for falling asleep on him, to which he just huffs. The team continues to tease Tsukki as he and Tadashi split off to walk you home.
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balledjely · 4 years
The Weight of the World
Part 1 - Pussycats!
A bakugou x reader fic where you’re an apprentice of Ragdoll, from the famous Wild, Wild Pussycats
With sparkling eyes, we rock on! 
We’ve come to lend a helping paw,
Whenever, wherever, we’ll arrive! 
Cute, cat, and stinger! 
The wild, wild pussy cats! 
You watched the Pussycats as they assembled into their strange, theatrical poses. Even though you’ve seen this time and time again, you can’t help but laugh at the absurdity of it. Although, this time you tried your best to hide it, as the Pussycats were trying to make an impression. 
It was mid-summer, and UA’s hero course classes had arrived at the forest that the Pussycats oversaw for a training camp. Being Ragdoll’s apprentice, it seemed only fitting that you’d show up too. It would be great to train with some of the students from the top hero school in Japan. 
One by one, the Pussycats went about explaining their quirks and how they’d be using them to help with training. “This is my little apprentice!” Ragdoll appeared behind you, resting her paw-shaped gloves on your shoulders. “Can you tell?” She asked excitedly, shaking you slightly. 
They probably didn’t even know that you were a hero in training. Your hero costume was simple- you could mistake them for street clothes if you didn’t look close enough.
Ragdoll encouraged you to take on some aspects of the Pussycats’ costume, but it was much too flashy for you. Although, you did design your crop top after theirs, with the same multilayer design and ribbon crossing your chest as a little homage to your mentor.
“Hi, um, I’m (y/n).” You introduced yourself nervously. What if these kids were like, rich preppy kids? What if they looked down on you for not going to UA? You tried to push away the thought. “I’ll be sparring with you guys,”
“Are you sure you can handle that, sweetheart?” One of the kids asks. It takes you a second, but you manage to pinpoint the boy who said it. A kid with bright yellow hair and a bolt of black streaking through it. You can tell he’s not trying to put you down, he was just showing off, but it rubbed you the wrong way nonetheless. 
Before you can even think to respond, another one of the students is there to stand up for you. “Well, if she’s being trained by the Pussycats’ I think she’d be pretty strong.”  The girl who said this had jet black hair and a dignified manner about her. 
Another kid, this one seeming to be completely uninterested with what's occurring, snickers. “I bet she could beat your ass in a heartbeat.” He yells, even though there’s no need to be that loud. It sort of sounds like he’s challenging the blond to fight you. 
“I mean, if you’d like, you can fight me first.” You offer. You weren’t really one to challenge people, but this would be an exception. Even though you wanted to feel differently, you couldn’t help but want to have a good first impression with the UA students. You wanted them to see just how strong you were. Perhaps, you were stronger than them. 
“If that’s what you want, darling.” He strides forward. Behind you, Ragdoll bounces with excitement. “Oh wow! So soon? I’ll let you two get started!” She bounds off to a different group of students, leaving just you and a couple of kids from the original group. 
“Would you mind making somewhere for us to spar?” You turn your attention off the boy and to Pixiebob. “Of course,” she responds, using her quirk to flatten out the earth around you. Absentmindedly, you push your boots into the dirt, testing the stiffness of it. Pixiebob had a habit of making ground muddy just to throw you off a bit.
Before you get started, a different boy from the group walks up to Pixiebob, asking if the group could stay and watch you fight. The arrogant one from before mutters something along the lines of ‘I want to see him get his ass kicked’
Pixiebob agreed, and just like that you have an audience for your first match. “Ah, I’m Kaminari. Probably should’ve introduced myself sooner.” He holds his hand out for you to shake. You take it, and give him a smile. “Well, you already know my name.” You drop his hand, “You ready?” 
He smiles back, “You know it, Babe.” You roll your eyes at his pet name, but don’t comment on it. You decide you’ll tell him off once you beat him. 
He takes his stance, so you take that as a signal to start. Activating your quirk, you pull some water out of the pockets on your belt. It rises up to your hands. Once you have some around your forearms, you send out a tendril to wrap around his leg. 
You pull it back, attempting to topple him over. He seems to be caught off guard, but he responds with his own quirk before he loses balance. He sends out a wave of electricity, and it hits you instantly. The water falls and soaks into the grass as you crumble to your knees at the sudden pain. 
“Oh, shit.” He sounds genuinely remorseful, “Was that too many volts?” He starts to walk towards you. You put your hand out to stop him. You stand back up, shaking yourself slightly. “I’m fine! Just wasn’t prepared for like, my one weakness.” You dip your hand back into the water, pulling back what you can. You give him a nod, signaling for him to keep going. 
Without missing a beat, he sends out another wave. However, you were ready for this one. You quickly pull some water to cover you, freezing it before the electricity hits. You were suddenly glad that you’d done research on whether or not ice was a conductor. 
“We talked about assessing quirks before you attack!” Across the glade, Mandalay calls out to you. The kids behind you look shocked that she called out like that. She glances at them with an amused look, “She’s here to learn too, you know.”
You sigh, “Are we done with the teaching moment now?” You crack the ice apart with your quirk, sending the shards flying towards the boy. They catch on his shirt, and you’re glad to see that they haven’t impaled him. The force pulls him back, where the shards pin him against a tree. He struggles for a moment, and then gives up. 
As you go over the release Kaminari, the obnoxious kid from the back laughs. It’s not even like he found the situation funny, he just seemed to be taunting Kaminari. You touch the shards of ice, melt them, and then pull them back into the bottles on your belt. 
Once he’s freed, you offer him a hand. “You did really well.” He takes it and flashes you a smile, “You’re really good.” You nod in response, before turning around and facing the rest of the students. “Anyone else?” 
The obnoxious kid is the first to answer. “What, you think you can beat me?” His eyes are angry, and it starts to make you uncomfortable. Trying not to make the situation awkward, you ignore it. 
“I don’t know, maybe.” 
Your answer only seems to infuriate the boy more. “Fine, then let’s go!” He’s yelling again, and you turn your gaze away from his. Small explosions fire out from his palms, propelling him over towards you. 
You jump back, trying to put some distance between the two of you. “Before we start, whats your name?” 
He holds his palm out, aiming an explosion right at you. “Katsuki Bakugou. Don’t you fucking forget it.” Fire erupts from his hands, and you immediately slide to the right to avoid it. However, his other palm is right there to meet you. 
Pain spreads through your side as the explosion hits you point-blank. The force sends you stumbling backwards. While trying to keep your balance, you pull the water from your belt and from the small tubes tucked into your hero costume. 
Before he can fire off anything else, you send the water towards him. It’s pools around his hands, forming a sphere around them. You watch proudly as he tries to send out another explosion to no avail. He shakes his hands, trying to free them. You don’t let him. 
“What the hell, woman?” He roars, “Let me use my fucking hands!” He’s panting from the pure anger that’s boiling inside him. 
“It’s (y/n).” You correct him calmly. As he’s seething with anger, you move closer to him. You know that it’s a bad idea to approach someone so angry, but you will only be able to win if you get in close. Most of your water is being used to keep his explosions under control, which means no long distance attacks. 
As soon as you're within reach, he swings at you. You duck out of the way and push his arm up. On instinct, he leans back and you use that to continue to push him over. Only, he’s heavier than you expected, and you can only manage to make him stumble. Because of that, you’re the one who’s off balance.
He grunts, and hooks a leg behind yours. When he pulls it back, you lose your balance and fall on your back, hard. The wind is knocked out of you, which breaks your concentration. That in turn, releases his hands from the water, letting it fall down onto your chest. 
While you’re down, Bakugou drops down on your waist. You can see what’s happening and try to squirm out of his grip, but you can’t, and he pins your arms above your head. 
You both take a moment to catch your breath, and while you do, you come to a very upsetting realization. There is a boy. A hot, pretty boy, on top of you. Pinning your arms down. 
Normally you didn’t get like this when you fought, but this was just a little too much for you to handle. You turn your head away quickly, trying to stop the rush of embarrassing thoughts before you started blushing. 
“You know you can let her up now, Bakugou!” The blonde, Kaminari, calls from the sidelines, amusement heavy in his tone. It’s now that you start blushing. 
“Shut the fuck up before I come over there and beat your ass next.” He yells as he pushes himself off you. Once you can, you sit up and pull the water out of your shirt with  your quirk. 
He offers a hand to pull you up, but doesn’t look at you as he does it. Once you’re up, you dust yourself off a bit. Bakugou walks away, but another boy with green hair rushes up to you. 
“Wow! Only Todoroki can fight Bakugou like that! That was really impressive!”  He analyzes your hero costume, trying to take it all in. “Where do you keep all that water?” 
“Oh, um, Do you see these?” You point to some of the wires imbedded into your hero costume. They run up and down the entire length of it, molded to fit your body perfectly. “These are like little pipes. I keep the water spread out across my body so it doesn’t get too heavy in one place.”
“Oh! That’s so smart! Do you come up with that design?” His eyes are wide with wonder, and you can’t help but want to tell him everything he wants to know. 
“Yeah, actually.” You’re beyond happy to talk about the mechanics of your hero costume. It’s not often that you could find kids your age to talk about hero stuff with. While you’re answering his questions, a cute girl makes her way over to you. She glances at the boy fondly before introducing herself. “I’m Uraraka, and this is Izuku.”
“Oh, I didn’t even introduce myself to you! I’m sorry, I should’ve-” He rubs the back of his head, cheeks red with embarrassment. 
You cut him off because you can tell he’d go on about it all day. “It’s fine, really.” You don’t get a chance to speak again, because you’re caught off guard by the sudden pain in your side. With the adrenaline wearing off, it was becoming slightly painful. 
The two of them notice you flinch, and immediately become worried. “Are you okay?” Izuku asks. You place a hand on your side, “I’m fine, but I probably should’ve taken a break after sparring with Kaminari…” The words trail off as you feel pain throbbing throughout your body. Why hadn’t you taken into account the fact that you’d been electrocuted? You’d probably pay for not resting later. 
You reassure them that you’ll be fine, but when you leave they still look worried. Before heading back to the camp, you let the Pussycats know that you’ll be back soon after you checked yourself over.
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balledjely · 4 years
Rotten Work - Part four
Haikyuu x Reader - Part One, Part Five
At the moment, this is more of a various x reader, but I was thinking about narrowing it down. If you have any suggestions about who it should be for, please let me know :)
The next couple days are nothing special. You wake up, go to school, go to practice, go home, and go to sleep. It felt like you were finally getting into a routine, but then came the training camp.
It’s about seven thirty when you step outside into the chilly morning air. When you walk down your steps, Tsukki gives you a nod and Tadashi waves at you from your front gate.
He’s sent you a text early that morning telling that they’d be there to pick you up. Yesterday at practice he was practically shaking with anxiety when he asked for your number. Once you’d given it to him, Tanaka and Noya got jealous and asked too. That ended up with you handing your number out to Hinata, then Kagayama, and eventually the entire team. Hinata had been texting you all night until you finally had to tell him you were going to bed.
The walk to school is short. You were talking to Tadashi, so the time flew by. When you arrive at the school gate, you can hear someone yell in the distance. You pause, and after a moment you recognize Hinata’s voice growing closer. He’s yelling your name, trying to get your attention as he runs up the street.
Tsukki watches with annoyance as Hinata slows to a stop in front of you. “I…” he trails off catching his breath. He leans down on his knees. “I want to race!”
“You want to race...me?” You ask. So far, Hinata has really only worried about competing with Kagayama. You weren’t really sure why he felt like he had to challenge you.
“Yes. Kagayama said that you’re faster than me, and I want to prove him wrong.” He’s recovered his breath now, bouncing up and down with excitement.
Not to be cocky, but you knew you were faster than Hinata. You also knew that he’d be upset at the fact that Kagayama was right about something and that he wasn’t the fastest person on the team. “Are you sure?” You try to give him a chance to back out.
“I don’t think we need a race to prove (y/n)’s faster.” Tsukki says. Hinata flushes with embarrassment. “Im fast! I’m super fast all the time.” He defends.
“That’s the first time that I’ve heard you say something nice about anyone.” You glance up as Tsukki, and he looks away from you. “Yeah, but it was it to put Hinata down so I think it cancels out.” Tadashi adds in. You snicker, and Tsukki just rolls his eyes.
“What do you say? Can we race?” Hinata leans toward you, intense eyes staring holes into you. “I mean, if you really want to, sure. I’ll race you.”
So, with that you two lined up at the School’s gate. Tadashi counts down from three, and then you take off. Just as expected, you beat him. He was faster than you thought he’d be.
You touch the doors to the gym a few seconds before Hinata, successfully beating him at the race. As the two of you catch your breath, the third years arrive into the courtyard. “What was that about?” Suga asks as he walks up to the two of you.
“Hinata wanted to race…” you glance down at him where he’s sprawled out in the grass. It continues to amaze you just how dramatic he can be.
Daichi sighs like a disappointed mother. “We have practice all day today. You’re supposed to conserve your energy.” You give a little gasp, “Oh….” It honestly didn’t even cross your mind. Daichi sighs again.
“Who won?” Suga asks. Asahi glances down at Hinata who was just now pushing himself off the ground. “I think it was (y/n).”
“I’ll…” Hinata pants, finally standing back on his feet. “I’ll get faster!”
“Sure you will,” Tsukki mutters. You hadn’t even noticed that he and Tadashi had also arrived.
“Let’s just warm up.” Daichi says as he leads the boys into the gym to start practice.
It’s the end of the day, and you’re beyond tired. You’ve never really practiced for an entire day before. Despite the exhaustion, you were still buzzing with excitement. Because tonight you’d be sleeping in the train camp facilities!
Even though it looks like it might fall apart with a strong breeze, it was still exciting. It was like a whole team sleepover. You knew it would get hectic, but it was going to be fun, right?
Beside you, Hinata is jumping, as always. “Can you calm down?” Tsukki glares over at the two of you. Beside him, Tadashi mutters, “It looks kinda sad.”
Daichi ushers the group inside, where Kiyoko is waiting with dinner. “You made this...for us?” Tanaka is blushing furiously, even though it was such a small gesture. She gives him a small nod as she reaches down to grab another plate.
“Please, at least let me help with-” You’re cut off by Kiyoko shaking her head. “You were training all day, I’m not letting you help with dinner.”
“But I can help make seconds-” you try again, and she gently pushes you to the tables. Agitated, you sit down between Suga and Asahi. Suga shakes you by the shoulder gently. “Just sit down and enjoy the food.” You sigh, knowing that no one was going to let you help out.
Once all of the boys finish eating, Daichi offers to let you have the first bath. You gladly accept, to which Hinata objects.
“That’s unfair!” He whines, “All the other first years have to bathe last.”
“Well, it’s not like we can bathe together.” Tsukki mutters.
“I mean-” Noya jumps into the conversation, “We could…”
Tanaka has joined too, “Yeah! We gotta conserve water and stuff.”
“When have you ever worried about water conservation?” Ennoshita sneers. Suga laughs in the background. “It was a good try, though,” you offer, as you head down the hallway towards the baths.
Once you're done, Kiyoko has already left, and Hinata has dug out the bedding. You were out on your own, in a separate room from the boys. It wasn’t a problem, at least for a little while.
You’re with Hinata in the hallway when the second years are bathing. “(y..y/n)? Did you…see that?” He taps you on the shoulder.
You glance around quickly, anxiety worming it’s way into your stomach. There’s nothing there, but it’s so dark that you could’ve missed something. “Don’t fuck we me, Hinata.” You warm him. Even though you can tell he’s not trying to scare you, he’s still doing it.
“No… I really saw someone-” Hinata’s cut off by a voice cutting through the darkness. You jump, but then you recognize Tanaka’s voice.
“The first years get the bath…” He tails off as he sees you ducking behind Hinata. “What’s up… ?”
“I...I saw someone…it was a kid.”
As Hinata’s explaining, you can see Tanaka starting to look afraid too. That only made your fear worse. If he was scared, surely that means that there’s something to be afraid of, right? “That can’t be, we’re the only ones using this place today.” He mutters, glancing over his shoulder.
“I definitely-” Hinata cuts himself off, silent for a moment, before he starts screaming. You don’t even see what he’s screaming at, but you scream too. And then, Tanaka starts screaming. You bury your head into Hinata’s back, trying to hide from whatever it is he saw.
“What are you guys all worked up about?” You peek over Hinata’s shoulder, only to see Noya standing in the hallway. It takes a moment to recognize him though, seeing as his signature hairstyle was different. It dropped down over his eyebrows, but his streak was still visible.
“Goddamn it, it’s just Noya!” Tanaka slaps Hinata in the back of the head. You jump back to get out of the way. Hinata rubs his head where Tanaka hit him, and you glare at him. “Hinata! That actually scared me.”
“I was scared too!” He defends.
“Aw did I scare you?” Noya laughs, finding your nervousness kind of cute. Although, he finds almost everything about you cute. “I’ll protect you!”
At that, Tanak shoves Noya to the side. “I can protect you too!”
Before you can respond, Daichi appears behind Tanaka. “All of you, quiet down!” His hard glare stops on you, and it softens, wordlessly telling you that you’re the exception. You give him a small smile, but you’re still shaking from the scare you’d just had.
“Um, Daichi-” You glance at your feet, suddenly feeling very self conscious. Daichi watches you with curiosity. He hasn’t seen you this anxious since he first met you. “Can I...um, I’m kinda…” You mentally curse yourself for not being able to just ask.
“Do you think I can sleep in the boys room?” You talk quickly, trying to just get the embarrassment over as soon as possible. “I’m kinda nervous about sleeping on my own, like what if someone’s here? What if someone just breaks in-?”
“If it makes you feel better, sure.” Daichi says, as if he didn’t think anything of it. You sigh with relief. Tanaka, Noya, and Hinata cheer in the background. “This is gonna be so fun! We can-”
Daichi cuts him off. “You’re going to go bathe with the other first years so that we can all get some sleep.”
Hinata huffs, but continues down the hallway. You follow Daichi back towards the boys room. Daichi explains the situation while Tanaka and Noya fight over who’s going to grab your bedding from the other room.
Once they’re back, Daichi tells them to set you beside Suga and Asahi. You thought things would be really hectic, but most of the team was out within half an hour.
Tags -
@cleophei, @galagcica, @whothefuckstolemykeds
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balledjely · 4 years
Rotten Work - Part 3
Haikyuu x Reader - Part One, Part Two
Umm,,, also I didn’t think anyone would read this so I’m really excited that you guys actually like it.,,,,so thanks ( ・_・)♡
Once the group finally gathers in the gym, Daichi calls for you to gather around him. As he begins to describe what he has planned, he’s interrupted by the harsh screech of the gym door sliding open. You practically jump out of your skin. Everyone was in the gym, so who could it be? Your mind automatically goes to the ‘it’s a murder!’ scenario. Behind you, Tsukki snickers at your reaction.
In the doorway are two men, one completely out of breath and the other totally undetected.You recognize one of them as the faculty adviser for the volleyball club. You’d spoken to him about joining, and he cleared everything for you. “I’ll introduce you!” The first announces loudly. “This is Ukai! From today on he'll be handling the coaching.”
Daichi’s face lights up. “Coaching? Really?” Behind him, Hinata bounces on his feet excitedly. “I’ll only be coaching up until the Nekoma match, so don’t get your hopes up.” Ukai looks annoyed at the question, but you can tell it's not genuine. He seems like a softie.
“Nekoma?” You turn to Yamaguchi, who’s standing beside you. “Who’re they?” The question catches him off guard, and he stutters out an answer. “We, uh, we have a practice match with them soon.”
You nod and give him a sweet smile to calm his nerves. He blushes in response, and you can’t help but find it cute. Instead of commenting on it and embarrassing him more, you turn your attention to your new Coach.
“Alright, there’s no time to lose so I’ve set up a game with the neighborhood association at 6:30.” Ukai announces loudly, wasting no time introducing himself. I guess he’s just made himself at home, you think to yourself. That takes some nerve. But it was the kind of nerve you had to admire.
You don’t even bother asking who the “neighborhood association” is because the rest of the team seems as confused as you are. When the team gets back to practicing, you can hear the Coach mutter to Takeda, “What’s with her, I thought this was a boy’s team?”
You swallow a mix of embarrassment and annoyance at the question. But at least it was directed at you. You shutter at an imagined scenario where he points you out and asks “What are you doing here?”. That’d be horrific.
About half an hour later, the neighborhood association shows up. Coach takes a couple of players onto the other side, seeing as some of the associations’ players couldn’t make it. You’re set up with Hinata, Kagayama, Tsukki, Tanaka, and Daichi.
You can’t help but feel a little bitter. How did you manage to get stuck playing a practice match with people you’ve known for maybe two hours? Only two of which you’d actually played with during those two hours. What’s worse is that you’d be receiving spikes from full grown men. You hadn’t even gotten the chance to get used to a high school level spiker, let alone a grown man’s. You take the few minutes before the match starts to mentally prepare for what’s going to hit you. You pray that you aren’t left with bruises.
The match starts and Suga sets up a quick attack for one of the association players. He hits it fast and it hits the ground before anyone can do anything. After that, you manage to receive a serve and send it to Kagayama who sets up Hinata’s quick attack. Luckily the serve wasn’t all that powerful, so it didn’t affect you much. Hinata lands his quick attack, and your side congratulates him on his point.
Once the next rally starts, Asahi sends out a spike. Fortunately, Tanaka, Kagayama, And Tsukki are able to stop it with a three-man block. You can hear the impact of it on their arms, and flinch at how harsh it sounds. Didn’t this guy take a month off? You think to yourself, and he’s still that powerful?
For a moment, you let yourself relax, thinking that your side had scored the point. But, somehow Noya managed to recover the block and send it back in the air. Both you and Tanaka can’t help but praise him, even though you’re on opposite sides. Even from across the court you can see the light blush on his cheeks from your compliments.
The ball gets set back to Asahi, but this time he manages to break through the three-man block. It breaks trough a gap in the block, and you dart forward. You’re able to recive it just in time, but it hit you hard. On instinct, you shake your arm out to try and distract yourself from the sting.
“You okay?” Suga asks from the front row. He’s looking over his shoulder at you, clearly concerned that you couldn’t handle such an intense spike. On the other side of the net, Asahi yells an apology. “I’m fine! Really.” You try to reassure them by holding up your arm. “See? No bruises.”
“You do know that bruises take a couple hours to form, right?” Tsukki gives you an empty stare. You try to take his sarcastic question as a sign that he has concern for you. “I’m fine. Promise.”
The game goes smoothly from there, up until Asahi is up to spike again. You’re watching the ball as he hits it and sends it to Hinata. But you can tell he’s spacing out, so you rush over to him. You reach out to try and keep the ball from hitting him directly in the face. You’re not even an inch away when it slams into his forehead. The force sends him to the ground.
“Ah, I’m sorry. I tried to keep it from hitting you.” You rush over to him to check if he’s alright. Kagayama calls him an idiot and Takeda freaks out on the sidelines. Hinata mutters something about hurting as you crouch down beside him. Asahi is apologizing profusely as he comes over to this side of the net.
“It’s his fault. He should’ve been paying attention.” Tsukki says without an ounce of pity. You reach down and brush Hinata’s messy hair out of his face to check his forehead, and luckily there was barely even a mark. Noya says something about how he should get with a ball so that you’ll take care of him too.
“I think he’s fine.” You lean back to let Daichi look him over. Hinata sits up and starts getting back to his feet. “You sure you don’t want to take a break?” Suga asks, but Hinata brushes him off. “I’m fine, really. I just should’ve paid attention.”
The rest of the game is uneventful, but your side losses in straight sets. Once it’s over, Coach gives a little feedback and sends the team off to do some stretches and clean up.
You’re in the middle of helping Ennoshita sweep the floor when Tanaka comes to a realization and feels the need to announce it to the team. Out of the blue he yells, “Where is (y/n) gonna change?!”
The team gives him a collective stare of confusion, and Tsukki is the first to speak. “You really are a pervert, huh?”
Tanaka looks offended, “I am not! I just want to make sure none of you look at her weird.”
“You’re the only one who’s thought about it.” Ennoshita replies. The team doesn’t even try to hide their laughter, which causes Tanaka to go completely red. Before he can say anything in response, you jump in. “Thanks for the concern, but I’ll change with Kiyoko.” Across the gym, Kiyoko gives you a silent nod that makes you smile.
Once you’re done with the sweeping, Ennoshita takes the broom back to the storage room for you. You thank him and follow Kiyoko outside and to where she changes. For a moment it’s quiet, but she speaks up.
“How was your first day?” You can tell that she’s trying hard to reach out to you, seeing as she’s a shy person. You really appreciate that she was interested in talking to you. “It was fun! Although the team can seem a little scary, and I had to play a practice match with a totally new team, it went really well. Are they always this energetic?”
She chuckles, “They’ve been like that ever since I joined back when I was a first year.” You glance over at her, smiling as you see her deep in thought. “They’re hectic, but I really love being their manager.”
“That’s so sweet! I think Noya and Tanaka would faint if I told them you said that.” At your comment, she laughs again and it’s so contagious that you end up laughing too. By the time that the two of you meet up with the boys, you’re still trying to stop giggling.
“They’ve had too much fun without us.” Tanaka pouts as he walks up to the group. Most of the team is there just taking a few minutes to say goodbye. Daichi glances down at you, “Where do you live? I’ll send one of the guys to walk you home.”
“Oh, no that’s okay.” You respond automatically, slightly embarrassed that they’d go out of their way for you. “I’ll be fine walking home alone.”
“No you won’t! There are some crazy people out there.” Noya’s jumping now, you’ve noticed he does that a lot. Asahi nods, “It can be dangerous out there..”
Kiyoko leans over to you, “They won’t stop until you say yes.” Taking her advice, you sigh and give them your address. “Ah! Tsukki and Tadashi live down that way, they’ll take you.” Daichi announces.
“Are you sure that’s alright? I can walk home on my own if it’s out of the way-” You try again to convince them that you’ll be okay on your own, but Tsukki cuts you off, looking completely uninterested. “It’s fine.” He says simply, and then he just starts walking.
Tadashi glances at you, and you glance at him, and then start following Tsukki. You wave goodbye to the team, and soon enough you’re walking down the dark streets with Tadashi and Tsukki.
You manage to talk to Tadashi a little, but you only get one word responses for Tsukki. After a couple of prompts, you give up on trying to invite him into the conversation. Eventually the conversation dips into a comfortable silence while you reflect on everything that happened that day.
Once you reach the gate to your house, you wave goodbye to them. Tadashi returns your wave with a smile and Tsukki just gives you a nod. They wait to make sure that you can get inside before they continue walking.
Tags - @cleophei, @galagcica, @whothefuckstolemykeds 
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balledjely · 4 years
Rotten Work - Part Two
Haikyuu X Reader ((I’ve never played volleyball in my life, but I tried my best •-•))
Part One, Part Three
You set yourself up between Daichi and Asahi in the back row. Up front was Tsuki, the tall mean kid and a couple others you hadn’t talked to. On the other side of the net was Hinata, who waved excitedly at you.
Daichi gave the first serve. It went over the net just fine and you were quite impressed by how easily he was able to get such a good serve. Noya, the team’s libero, was quick to get it back in the air.
You watched the front row closely, following the ball as kagayama set it. Before the blockers could react, Hinata had already spiked the ball onto your side of the court. You saw it coming, but didn’t have enough time to react.
The ball bounced off the ground, just a few feet from you. “Shit.” You could’ve gotten that. Suga glances back at you from the front row, smiling. “Isn’t that quick attack crazy?”
You nod. “Yeah, I couldn’t even react to that. Sorry guys.” They all tell you that it’s fine and not to worry about it, but you take note that you’ll have to receive that attack later on. It would make a good first impression. Across the court, Hinata is staring at you with wide eyes. “Was that English?” He questions. “What does it mean?”
You blush immediately. How were you supposed to tell them you just said ‘shit’? The rest of the team glances at you, curious about your response. “Uh, I have a bad habit of cursing a lot…” you trail off, glancing at your shoes.
“Don’t worry about that!” Daichi pats you on the shoulder. “Well all curse, just in Japanese.” You nod, wishing you could disappear into the ground. How had you managed to make such an awkward scene in your first twenty minutes with the team?
On the other side of the net, Yamaguchi is up to serve. He hits a decent one, and it heads straight to you. From the corner of your eye, you can see him sigh. He wasn’t aiming for you. He probably can’t control his serves very well. You take note of that, too.
“Got it!” You call, and take a couple steps back. You hit it up towards Suga with ease. It was a pretty soft serve. The team gives you a collective “nice receive!” that makes you blush again.
Suga tosses the ball to Asahi, who is able to spike it over the net. Before it hits the ground, Noya dives down and manages to keep it up. “Wow!” You can’t help the amazement that floods through you. It was such a good receive! And it looked cool too! As he gets himself off the floor, he calls over to you, “You like that, huh?”
Kagayama gets the ball, and you immediately shift your weight onto your left foot. Hinata seems to close his eyes when he spikes, which means there’s a good change he’ll hit it to your right again. You see the ball in slow motion as it hits Hinata’s hand. From his position, you get an idea of where the ball will land. Before you hear the impact of the spike, you move to receive the ball.
Since your weight was on your left, it allowed you to move your body a lot faster. You shoot your arm out, and with great satisfaction, you feel the sting of the ball on the inside of your arm. You watch as the ball heads over in Suga’s direction, struggling to keep yourself upright . Once you’re out of the moment, though, you feel the gaze of the entire team on you. Suga doesn’t set, just catches the ball and brings it down to his chest.
“That was amazing!” Tanaka yells from across the court. He’s bouncing around on his side of the net and shaking Nishinoya by his shoulders. Asahi blinks in astonishment, nodding. “Yeah, how did you do that?”
At all the attention you can’t help but blush again. “Um, well I don’t normally guess which spiker will hit the ball, but I had a feeling that it would be Hinata. Also, I knew that if I didn’t move before he actually hit it I wouldn’t be able to receive it.”
Suddenly you can feel a gaze boring a hole into your body. “How could you tell who I was going to set to?” Kagayama’s stare was intense, and it made you want to hide behind Daichi. You hesitated, not knowing how to put it into words. “I couldn’t. I just felt like you would.” He narrowed his eyes, clearly discontent with that answer.
From there they continued the game, and most of it went by smoothly. Out of 10 of Hinata’s spikes, you were able to receive about three, and messed up another two. The other five were complete misses. You didn’t feel too bad about it, seeing as those spikes were pretty insane.
After playing with the team, a lot of your anxiety melted away. Mostly because you had confirmation that they didn’t think your volleyball skills were complete shit. With how they were impressed by you, it made you feel like they actually wanted you on their team.
Daichi called for a break after two sets. You thanked Kiyoko as she handed you a bottle of water. The boys settled themselves down in their little groups, and for a moment you felt lost.
The anxiety was back. Where should you sit? Should you ask before you sit down, or would that be weird? What if they didn’t want to talk to you?
Your stream of completely irrational thoughts was broken by Tanaka excitedly waving his hands back and forth. “(Y/n)! Come over here!” He yells. You can’t help but chuckle. “I’m only a few feet away, I can hear you.”
Tanaka, Noya, and Hinata are sitting just outside the gym. You settle yourself down in the grass, messing with the blades between your fingers. Before you can even say anything, Hinata leans towards you. “(Y/n)! How long have you played volleyball?”
“Um, since the start of middle school.” You answer, thinking back to your old team. Already, you can tell this team was much more team-like. Besides the tall one, Tsukki, all of them seemed to get along. A big difference from what you were used to.
You had hardly finished answering when Tanaka was already asking another question. “What’s your favorite position? Winger spiker is the best right?” He leaned forward, pushing Hinata away.
“Um, she plays libero, obviously she thinks that one’s best!” Nishinoya is also very close to you now. You have to lean back in order to keep a comfortable distance between their faces and yours.
“I’ve actually never played any other position, so I wouldn’t really know.” You smile awkwardly, hiding the fact that the question made you really uncomfortable. It brought back some shitty memories from middle school. Your coach had seen your natural ability for receiving and immediately set you up to play libero.
“Not even in practices?” Hinata asks, looking shocked.
“Nope.” You remember standing in the corner of your middle school gym, bouncing the volleyball off the wall and reviving it. Across the gym, your teammates were practicing their serves. You’d asked your coach to join them, but she’d told you there was no reason for a libero to know how to serve. That had really gotten to you.
“That’s crazy!” You aren’t really sure how to respond to Hinata, so you just kind of shrug. “That’s so sad!” Noya cries out dramatically.
“It’s okay!” Tanaka puffs out his chest, rays of light shining behind him. “I’ll teach how to play winged spiker!”
Nishinoya jumps up to his feet, clearly trying to take your attention off Tanaka. “Well I’ll teach you rolling thunder!” You tilt your head to the side, “Rolling thunder?” You question.
Noya smiles widely. “It’s nice signature-” He’s cut off by Daichi calling the team back to the gym. Nishinoya frowns, he’s been planning his speech about rolling thunder since he’d seen you.
You feel sort of bad that Nishinoya had his hopes crushed, so you try to comfort him quickly. “It’s alright. You can tell me about it soon.” He smiles again, and the group heads back into the gym. 
-- Tags -- @cleophei
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balledjely · 4 years
Rotten Work - Part One
Haikyuu x reader
In which, you join the Karasuno Boy’s Volleyball team. 
You were practically shaking in your boots. The gym that the boys used for volleyball was just ahead of you. For whatever reason, it seemed so much bigger and scarier than the girls’ gym. Anxiety was pulsing through you. The sounds of the volleyballs hitting walls and floors seemed more intense, as if the boys were hitting them much harder than the girls did. They probably were. Were you ready for this? What if he said no? What if they laughed at you?
Beside you, Yui, the girls’ captain, gave you a supportive smile. “I know they can seem scary, but really they’re just big dorks.” You nod, looking down at your feet where you were softly kicking up dust clouds to distract yourself. Deep down, you knew there was probably nothing to fear. Everyone you’d met so far had been kind to you and you were pretty good at volleyball. Hopefully you wouldn’t completely embarrass yourself. You could hear the thudding of sneakers come closer. A guy, about 5’9” appeared in the gym’s doorway.
“Daichi!” Yui called out to him, sliding to the side so she wasn’t blocking you from his view. “This is the first year I was telling you about!” You waved at him, and he gave you a gentle smile.
“Hi there! My name is Daichi Sawamura.” He glanced from Yui back to you. “You wanted to join the boys’ volleyball team, right?” You nodded and introduced yourself, and he smiled again. He could probably sense your anxious energy. It was practical dripping off you. But how could you not be anxious? You were asking for such a strange thing.
“She’s a great Libro!” Yui announces as she gives you a gentle nudge forward. “Take care of her for me, will you? I think she has a lot of potential.” Your cheeks flush at her praise. “I think that’s saying a lot.” You mutter, trying to keep as little Interest on you as possible. That’d be difficult though. She shakes her head, and before you can say anything back, Daichi jumps in. “Alright then, why don’t you meet the boys?”
You waved goodbye to Yui as Daichi led you into the gym. The thudding of the volleyballs almost immediately began to stop as you and Daichi entered the gym. Before he even said anything, half of the boys in the gym already had their eyes on you. Unconsciously, you step behind him to try and hide from their gazes.
A few feet away, a girl looks up from her notebook and locks eyes with you. She smiles, and it makes you feel a lot less anxious. She seemed sweet and you were excited to get to know her. She was the only person in the gym who didn’t look completely intimidating. You can tell from her track suit that she was the team’s manager, which meant you’d see her a lot.
Daichi clears his throat and that catches the attention of the rest of the team. As they gather around, you retreat farther behind Daichi. “Alright guys, this is (y/n) and from now on she’ll be part of the Karasuno boy’s volleyball team.”
“Um, Daichi…” The tallest boy out of the group is the first to speak. His face was the least welcoming of all. If anyone here was going to laugh at you, it would be him. “I hate to break this to you but that’s a girl.” Before Daichi responds, another boy with a blonde streak in his hair leaps towards the tall one. “Shut up Tsukki! Don’t question this. It’s a gift.”
They start to bicker, and you can make out the small one saying “It’s not important!” to which the tall one response “It's the Karasuno boys volleyball team. It’s in the name.” before it can get too far Daichi yells at them to stop fighting. Somehow you manage not to flinch at his tone. “I’m sure we’re all well aware that (y/n)’s a girl.” He sends a glare towards the tall one. “But, the girl’s team doesn’t have enough players to have an official game. So, (y/n) will be joining our team.”
The rest of the team nods and introduces themselves. Most of them are calm and gentle, which you were thankful for. With how anxious you were, they could probably break you with a couple misplaced words.
Another little one, this one with orange hair, bounds up to you. His name was Hinata, if you’d heard it right. The amount of excitement radiating off him is enough to make you feel at ease. With how excited he was, there was no way he’d be mean, right?
“So you’re the new girl!” He bounces up and down, practically circling you. “I heard you’re from the west! Do you speak English? I’m really bad at English but I think we’ll be friends so then you can help me with my English! I’ll never fail an English test again! You’re a first year, right? Maybe we’ll be in the same class! That’d be so cool!”
At this point you couldn’t follow his rapid-fire questions any longer. You just kind of watch as he continues to talk, completely unaware that you weren’t following at all. Another boy, who had introduced himself as Kageyama grabbed the smaller one by the collar of his shirt.
“Can’t you she’s not following?” He snaps. You suppress a giggle at the sight of Hinata’s little legs kicking back and forth off the ground. Hinata is quick with a reply, saying something you couldn’t quite catch. You didn’t work too hard to interpret it, as it wasn’t directed at you.
All of a sudden they freeze and turn their attention over to Daichi, who’s standing a little behind you. He’s giving them an icy glare, but luckily when his eyes land on you, his gaze is much softer. He calls you over, and you join the group of third years standing near him.
You can tell they Daichi and the other third years can sense your anxiety, and you’re quite thankful that they’re being calm around you. “So, when we get new people on the team, we normally do a practice set to see how they play. Is that alright?” You respond to Daichi with a nervous “Okay.”, trying to hide the fact that it really wasn’t okay. You really didn’t want to be assessed at all, but the rational part of you knew it had to happen eventually.
“You’ll be on our side!” The third year with the grey hair announces, looking quite pleased with himself. He ruffles your hair, and even though he messes it up a little, it makes you feel nice. The other third year, Asahi nods. “Yeah, some of the second and first years can be a little hectic.”
He looks over towards the two second years who were attempting to scramble towards you, but were being held back by their shirts by some other players who were in the same year. You give them a small wave, and they immediately fall to the ground. It looks as if they’re looking up into some heavenly light that you can’t see.
Daichi calls over the calmer second years and tells Hinata to grab the practice jerseys. As he does, you follow the third years onto court. Hopefully this wouldn’t be as bad as you were picturing in your head.
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