ballserious · 2 hours
i know hearing people on this website love to pass around those posts with links to free sign language lessons but you know you need to actually put effort into learning about Deaf culture, too, right?
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ballserious · 2 hours
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>First, we’ve discovered that about a quarter of all the internet connection in or out of the house were ad related. In a few hours, that’s about 10,000 out of 40,000 processed.
>We also discovered that every link on Twitter was blocked. This was solved by whitelisting the https://t.co domain.
>Once out browsing the Web, everything is loading pretty much instantly. It turns out most of that Page Loading malarkey we’ve been accustomed to is related to sites running auctions to sell Ad space to show you before the page loads. All gone now.
>We then found that the Samsung TV (which I really like) is very fond of yapping all about itself to Samsung HQ. All stopped now. No sign of any breakages in its function, so I’m happy enough with that.
>The primary source of distress came from the habitual Lemmings player in the house, who found they could no longer watch ads to build up their in-app gold. A workaround is being considered for this.
>The next ambition is to advance the Ad blocking so that it seamlessly removed YouTube Ads. This is the subject of ongoing research, and tinkering continues. All in all, a very successful experiment.
>Certainly this exceeds my equivalent childhood project of disassembling and assembling our rotary dial telephone. A project whose only utility was finding out how to make the phone ring when nobody was calling.
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>Update: All4 on the telly appears not to have any ads any more. Goodbye Arnold Clarke!
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>Lemmings problem now solved.
>Can confirm, after small tests, that RTÉ Player ads are now gone and the player on the phone is now just delivering swift, ad free streams at first click.
>Some queries along the lines of “Are you not stealing the internet?” Firstly, this is my network, so I may set it up as I please (or, you know, my son can do it and I can give him a stupid thumbs up in response). But there is a wider question, based on the ads=internet model.
>I’m afraid I passed the You Wouldn’t Download A Car point back when I first installed ad-blocking plug-ins on a browser. But consider my chatty TV. Individual consumer choice is not the method of addressing pervasive commercial surveillance.
>Should I feel morally obliged not to mute the TV when the ads come on? No, this is a standing tension- a clash of interests. But I think my interest in my family not being under intrusive or covert surveillance at home is superior to the ad company’s wish to profile them.
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>Aside: 24 hours of Pi Hole stats suggests that Samsung TVs are very chatty. 14,170 chats a day.
>YouTube blocking seems difficult, as the ads usually come from the same domain as the videos. Haven’t tried it, but all of the content can also be delivered from a no-cookies version of the YouTube domain, which doesn’t have the ads. I have asked my son to poke at that idea.
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ballserious · 3 hours
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ballserious · 3 hours
How people can mistakenly think or just subconsciously feel food works: there are “unhealthy” foods like pizza or fried chicken and “healthy” foods like fruit salad or steamed vegetables. Every time you eat an “unhealthy” food you’ve harmed yourself in some way.
How food actually works: foods contain carbs, proteins, fats, sugars, vitamins, minerals, fiber and/or other nutrients. Your body needs and uses all of them but it would like to have a little of everything every day. If you ate pizza or fried chicken for lunch then that’s probably your fat and protein for the day with extra that your body will make use of in time, so it’s a good idea to make your next meal something different like that fruit salad or steamed veggies. You can have that fatty lunch every single day if you just maintain balance and stay active enough to actually use what you’re stocking up on because foods aren’t “good or bad;” they just either fit into the rest of your diet and lifestyle or they don’t.
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ballserious · 10 hours
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Remember to check your registration often! They're increasing their efforts to cheat and disenfranchise.
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ballserious · 10 hours
Okay rant time.
Pregnant men exist. Not just as an uwu mpreg fanfic trope or a joke. Just because you think pregnancy is gross or icky doesn’t mean you can’t treat pregnant people with respect, regardless of gender or sex. Even in the queer community, trans men who choose to carry their children are seen as an anomaly or as betraying everything they’ve worked for. They aren’t. If I carry a child, I’m still just as much of a man.
Also, I understand if the idea of pregnancy is dysphoric for many trans men. I do. But trans men being pregnant isn’t an excuse to exclude them from queer spaces or treat them with anything less than the same respect you would anyone else. Many trans men experience dysphoria regarding the idea of pregnancy, but many don’t. Their body isn’t your business. Don’t be fucking weird.
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ballserious · 10 hours
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i love having this exact conversation all day every day for the rest of my natural life
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ballserious · 13 hours
remember when jkr went full mask off and started acting evil and hp fans were like "ok we need to think carefully about the stuff we consume, how can we justify enjoying this series, how can we love it without supporting the author? should we try to separate art from artist or should we leave it be? isn't showing solidarity to trans folks more important? if we remain openly fans of this series will it show trans people we aren't safe or trustworthy?"
and then they decided that none of those questions really mattered and they continued to uncritically consume their stupid badly written children's books, and jkr has only gotten more nasty and hateful, and people only hate trans folks more, and now the answer to the last question is invariably YES. I don't trust any goddamn person who still loves Harry Potter in 2024 bc you've decided your nostalgia about a mediocre story written by a bigot is more valuable than the safety and wellbeing of trans people 🫶🖕
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ballserious · 17 hours
God I’m gonna freak out. Just the thing I need. I think the source of my recent frequent migraines is actually my wisdom tooth. We never had it removed because it was under the gum and not moving and the dentists said it likely wouldn’t be a problem so it’d be a waste of money to deal with but now it’s finally flaring up and feels like it’s gonna start poking through the gum soon. It’s also pushing the teeth under it around too
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ballserious · 1 day
i am afraid of what tiktok is doing to people's view of sharks.
i love sharks. i am obsessed with sharks.
and i'm glad that the "jaws" view of sharks is fading. but it worries me that people are saying things like "sharks are literally just ocean puppies". no, they're not as dangerous as a lot of people think, but they're still wild animals. do not treat a shark like a puppy. i've seen videos of people getting themselves bitten by nurse sharks. if you know anything about nurse sharks, then you know that these people were really harassing them. they're not monsters, but they're not your friends either. they're animals who will lash out if they're antagonized or crowded.
anyway sharks are still adorable and i love them very much
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ballserious · 1 day
Hello Dear,
We hope you get my message while you're doing well. We, (Najwa, Jana, Farah, and Maryam), the sisters of Khalid Ash-Shawwah, who was martyred on 07/31/24 along with Al Jazeera correspondent Ismail Al-Ghoul.
Before the IDF killed our only brother Khalid, they forced us to evacuate our house and leave everything behind. They then destroyed our house and our father’s restaurant. We had to move at least 10 times since every new area we seek refuge to gets destroyed by the IDF.
We have created a campaign to help ourselves and our parents get the basic needs of food, drink, etc. Our campaign is vetted by @olagaza @tahseenkhazen, @determinate-negation and @northgazaupdates.
All of what we are asking of you is to please donate if you can and reblog the pinned post on our page https://www.tumblr.com/khalid-sisters/760119846412353536/help-khalid-sisters-in-gaza-not-to-be-homeless?source=share
Please take a look at our GoFundMe donate and share with others: https://www.gofundme.com/f/khalid-little-sisters-in-gaza-not-be-homeless
By sharing and donating, you are helping us survive the ravages of famine and genocide. You will give us hope to rebuild our home, and reclaim some of the life which was stolen from us.
We would also be very grateful if you could follow us to stay updated. We are waiting for your response. Thanks in advance for your kindness and support.
Najwa, Jana, Farah, and Maryam
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ballserious · 1 day
you know the drill, op disabled reblogs etc etc etc
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ballserious · 1 day
you know the drill, op disabled reblogs etc etc etc
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ballserious · 1 day
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ballserious · 2 days
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ballserious · 2 days
we love our "cringe" pronouns
we love our "weird" identities
I love our "awkward" behavior
we love our "unnecessary" disability aids
I love our "crazy" style
and the "annoying" stims we do
we love us and no one can change that no matter what they think is "weird" or "wrong" with us
Stop apologizing for who you are
and start celebrating it!! 🎊
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ballserious · 2 days
An artist : Aw man! I saw my arts were reposted on Instagram. I’ve asked them to take my arts down but they ignored me.
Me : Say no more! Click this link, then click ‘fill out this form’. Fill the form and wait for about 1-2 days, the staffs will remove the image you were reporting from the reposter’s account :^)
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