bandbagels · 7 years
How are you??
I’m okay ! I took a bit of an hiatus for school and stuff but I’m back
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bandbagels · 7 years
parents and dinners - gee way x reader
anon asked: “Hi there! I love your blog! Could you do one with a punk! Gerard x reader where he's your boyfriend but your parents don't approve and you invite him to supper? Thank you!”
masterlist // ask
“Gee please!” I plead.
“Baby, your parents hate me.” He states, “I think it’s best if I just stay away.” He tells me honestly.
“No, I want to change their minds about you.” I tell him and he sighs as he looks over to my pleading eyes.
“Okay.” He gives in and I sit straighter up.
“Really?” I ask and he nods, grinning as I engulf him into a hug. Gerard Way didn’t ‘do’ parents.  He’s told me that tons of times, but the fact that he’s willing to actually meet and have dinner with me and my parents is something that means a lot in terms of our relationship.
“Come over at around six.” I smile at him as I kiss his cheek but as I pull away, his hand finds my wrist and he pulls me back, his lips finding mine.
“I love you, sweetheart.” He smirks once he pulls away and I playfully scoff at him.
“You should really pull that one on me in front of my parents.” I tell him and he chuckles.
“Yeah, your dad would love that.” He states, “I’ll see you at six, baby.”
“Six,” I tell him again, knowing he had a habit of showing up late to everything.
“Six.” He repeats back as he walks down the hall, waving me off.
“Dad, he’s not as bad as people put him out to be.” I explain but they aren’t having it.
“Way is known around the neighborhood as delinquent trash. You shouldn’t be around him.” My dad mutters as he helps season the food.
“I agree, Y/n, you deserve better than Gerard Way. He’s bad influence.” She says, heading to grab food out of the oven.
“Just please, please, be nice. I really-“ I pause, knowing how my parents would react if I even muttered ‘love’ and ‘Gerard Way’ in the same sentence, “I really like him. And he hasn’t influenced me in any bad way. In fact, he’s actually stopped me from doing some pretty bad decisions.” I smile at them and they glare at me weirdly, “But I’m not, doing anything bad.” I chuckle awkwardly.
“I don’t like the way he looks either.” My mom adds to the list of things I don’t care about, “His hair’s always messy and he seems to have different bruises from different fights. Don’t even get me started on his tattoos! The kid’s only 17 for God’s sake!”
I really didn’t have any defense for that. That was just how Gee looked, and I happened to like it.
“Nevermind that. Haven’t you two ever seen a Disney movie? It’s what’s on the inside that counts.” I say and they both roll their eyes as the doorbell rings and I glance at the clock.
Thank God he’s on time.
“No, no, let me talk to my boyfriend for a couple minutes before you see him.” I tell them before rushing towards the door. Taking a deep breath I didn’t know I needed, I unlock it and swing it open, surprised to see a different Gerard standing there.
His hair was combed out and down, he was wearing a long sleeved button down shirt that conveniently covered his arm tattoos and it was kind of weird to not see him in his boots or his leather jacket or his gloves. He smirked down at me, shoving his hands in his pockets.
“Hey, darlin’.” He greets me like I wasn’t standing there with my mouth hanging open. His gaze starts out innocent but then drifts down to my dress and I would usually roll my eyes but I was in too much shock at this new look that I didn’t even give attention to it, “You look beautiful, baby.”
“You look-“ I pause, trying to put together my words, “very different. And hot.” I add and he chuckles.
“Well, thank you, love, I appreciate it.” He states and his gaze shifts to my dad behind me. My dad’s smile is fake but Gee doesn’t take notice of it as he greets him.
“Good evening, sir.” Gee grins and he puts out his hand, in which my dad shakes his hand, almost confused that his demeanor wasn’t the expected rudeness.
“It’s nice to meet you, Gerard, I’ve heard a lot about you.” He nods and Gee falls back into his natural suave and smooth nature.
“I hope they’re good things.” He chuckles and that seemed to lighten the mood because that got my dad to actually smile.
“This is my wife, y/m/n.” He says as my mom walks up and my boyfriend holds out his hand, making a shocking impression with my mother, as she was expecting a whole different person.
“Nice to meet you, Mrs. Y/l/n.” He grins and somehow I’m still surprised by his appearance and his demeanor.
“Well, it’s nice to meet you too, Gerard, I must admit, I was expecting a whole different person.” She smiles skeptically, “Come in.” she offers and both of my parents turn to walk to the dining room.
“How- I mean- when did-“ I stutter but Gee understands as he always does with me.
“Your parents hate me because I’m punk, sweetheart,” He whispers, “and I know how much this means to you, so right now I am a civilized young adult who loves classical music and opera.” He grins and I lean into him as we walk.
“I love you.” I mutter.
“Oh I know.” He smirks, tugging at the ends of his sleeves.
“And I can’t help but ask, Gerard, but what exactly are your intentions with our daughter?” My dad asks and I almost choke on my green beans.
“Dad, he doesn’t have to answer that.” I say but Gee shrugs.
“No, it’s fine, Y/n.” Gee says, turning to my dad, “I love your daughter and I honestly want to have a future with her.” I freeze in my seat at the mention of the word ‘love’, since my parents really wouldn’t like the idea of me loving a punk kid like Gee and Gee loving me.
“You love her?” My mom asks, leaning in and Gee nods, looking down at his plate, “As do you, Y/n?” She asks.
“Yeah, I-“ I turn away from my parents and turn towards Gee, “I do love him. For about four months now.”
“I thought you two started dating three months ago?” My father questions and Gee looks at me as I think of an answer.
“I told you three months to soften the blow of me and Gee dating because I knew you didn’t like the idea of it.” I spill, starting an awkward silence and suddenly I don’t blame Gee for not wanting to go tonight, “We’ve actually been dating for about six months.”
It’s quiet as we continue to eat and it’s broken again as my dad speaks up.
“Well, I’m glad you love her- love each other..” He corrects himself, “I respect that, Gerard.” He states, “and I respect your relationship.”
“Thank you, sir.” Gee says and glances at me, holding down a smirk as he picked at his food.
After dinner, my parents said their goodbyes and whisper for him to sneak into my room so we could have an actual nice night together.
“Shit, sweetheart.” Gee mumbles, crawling through the window, “I didn’t happen to leave any of my shirts here?”
“Your Black Flag shirt.” I toss to him and he sighs, unbuttoning his shirt and slipping it off, pulling his tee over his head. Then he walks up to me, holding my face for a second before pressing his lips to mine.
“You’re amazing, Gee,” I tell him, “Thank you.”
“It’s nothin’ baby,” He mutters, bringing his lips to my neck, “Now, about you in this dress.” He smirks and I wrap my arms around him.
“As much as I would love to do what you’re thinking of, my parents are in the next room and I’m tired.” I tell him and he nods, biting my earlobe before he pulls away. It doesn’t take long before Gee’s laying in bed with me, holding me close like he does in any situation where he’s three feet from me.
“Love you.” I mumble, bringing my hand up to his hair to run my fingers through.
“Love you more.” He mutters, sleep already obvious in his voice. I reach my hand to his hair but I’m met with a hard texture.
“Did you put gel in your hair?” I question, knowing that Gerard Arthur Way did not own gel of any kind and if it was, then he definitely stole it from his brother.
“Shut up, Y/n.”
masterlist // ask
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bandbagels · 7 years
we’ll be okay - frank iero x reader
anon asked: “Can you do an angst frank iero x female reader with fluff at the end?”
masterlist // tell me things
TRIGGER WARNING - if you are sensitive to the topic of suicide or depression then it would be best to avoid this fic. there is no death in this fic.
I tried not to look down as I stood on the edge of the school’s tallest building. This was it. I never wanted it to end this way, but life just fucking sucked. School sucked, home sucked and I just felt like I fucking sucked, to put it lightly. I did not want to be here.I didn’t want to deal with it anymore. The disappointment, the pain, and the depression all kinda made it fucking hard to live and I couldn’t handle it. I just couldn’t.
My gaze shifts down and I make the mistake of staring down to the deep drop. I gulp, the fear suddenly running through me. I am here. I’m standing here and I’m about to do this. It was so surreal.
“Y/n.” A voice calls and it frightens me, making me almost lose my balance. Turning only my head, I look back.
“Frank?” I ask and he’s taking small and subtle steps towards me. He looked like he had been crying but all of that washed out as shake replaced the sadness in his face.
I knew Frank. Frank was one of my best friends and him being on this roof on a Saturday doesn’t make any sense.
“What are you-“ He pauses, rewording his sentence, “Y/n get down.”
“Why should I Frankie?” I ask him, turning back around, “I don’t know if I can do this anymore.”
“Do what, Y/n?” He asks and I sigh, knowing he’s trying to stall.
“Everything, Frank!” I tell him, tears escaping my eyes faster than they were before, “Fucking everything.”
“Okay, Y/n, I get it.” He tells me, “I truly, truly, get it, but please, please, step off the railing.” He pleads and I don’t answer, not knowing if I had the strength to, “I promise you it’ll get better, but this isn’t an answer, Y/n.” He pleads and steps closer.
Mustering up the courage, I turn back towards him, “What if I can’t, Frankie? I don’t want to feel this anymore.”
“You can, sweetheart, you can.” He states, inching even closer towards me, “And you’re going to climb over this railing and I’ll take you home and we’ll talk it out.”
I ease into Frank’s words, turning and lifting to my leg to get over the railing until I eventually fall onto Frank, who held me tight.
His nervous and unsteady breathing calmed me down and we laid there for a bit, engulfing in the safety.
We stand and Frank doesn’t let go of me, in fact, refuses to as I tremble and shake as he leads me down the stairs and out of the school. It’s silent until we get in Frank’s car, and that’s when I realize he was crying too.
“You’re okay.” He states, but I’m not sure if he’s telling me or himself, “You’re okay.” He says again. It takes a second for him to start the car, but he does and it seems like the tears don’t leave his eyes.
“Talk to me, sweetheart.” He sniffs, “We’re talking.”
“Life just fucking sucks, Frankie.” I sniff, “School’s stressing me out intensely and my parents need a perfect child than a mentally okay one. I feel like I’m not going to be able to get to college and I don’t even know what I’m doing! I just suck so much at things. I’m done with having dreams, Frank. I can’t keep doing this! And if I can’t keep doing this then I’m ‘weak’. I’m ‘quitting’.”
“None of that makes you, Y/n.” Frank says, “You are who you are. You know what’s best for you, fuck your parents. And college,” he scoffs, “You’ll get into college, Y/n. You work too hard to get rejected.” The car stops at a light and Frank leans over, tears still brimming his eyes, “I don’t ever want you to think that about yourself again.”
I pause, nodding. He leans back in his seat, waiting for the light to turn.
“How did you know I was up there?” I ask him and it takes him a while to respond.
“I didn’t.” He finally says and I look at him confused.
“What do you mean?” I ask again and he looks away before staring back.
“I didn’t know you were up there, Y/n.” He repeats, “I was going to jump off that building.”
It takes me a couple seconds to process his words before I fully understand.
“I was going to jump, and I can’t believe I planned the whole thing like a fucking picnic. Then I saw you and it was like you were-“ He stops, tears pooling, “Fuck, I saw you and I just- you, out of all people and I just got so scared. Scared to fucking lose you and it was like I was really seeing what I was gonna do and-“ He pauses to take a breath, “My heart fucking stopped when I saw you, Y/n.”
“Why were you gonna jump, Frank?” I ask him.
“Look at me, Y/n. Even your parents hate me and it doesn’t take a lot to see why. I’m a fucking wash up. I only go to school because my mom wants me to finish and I don’t have any motivation. I’m in a band that’s probably going nowhere and I’m not great at self care.” He rolls his eyes, “I fucking hate myself and who I am but now? I’m sitting here preaching to you and I don’t even care for myself, Y/n.”
Looking up in care for the black haired boy, I grab his hand to comfort him.
“I don’t hate you and you shouldn’t either, Frank. You’re talented. You do what you love and you shouldn’t be ashamed of it.” I tell him and he sighs, moving his hand on top of mine and lacing our fingers.
“We’re making a pact, okay?” Frank starts, “We’re never going to try to put ourselves in danger or hurt ourselves again, alright? If we feel like it, we call each other or go get help. Promise?”
“Promise.” I nod.
“Good. I love you, Y/n.” He states confidently, watching the road again as the light turns back.
“You love me?” I ask him and he nods.
“I love you.” He repeats, placing a quick kiss on my hand that he was still holding, “I just want you to know that.” He nods, not really expecting a response.
“I love you too.” I spill, “Always have, Frankie. Ever since you snuck me out to that garage concert.”
“That night was terrible.” He smiles at me.
“That was the best night of my life.” I tell him.
“The cops came Y/n.” He chuckles, “I almost got arrested for fighting. On a night out with my favorite girl too.”
“That asshole deserved it.” I tell him and he sighs, looking over at me for a second adoringly.
“Let’s go get ice cream.” He smiles at me, and I smile back, knowing that we were going to get through this together.
masterlist // send me things
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bandbagels · 7 years
Are requests open?
yeah !
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bandbagels · 7 years
Any writing tips? Im just starting my fanfic blog, and any tips on how to get your fics noticed?
For writing tips, it’s really just all about your style of writing. I honestly describe my style as a rollercoaster of cuss words and thought-realism lol. I also get a lot of tips from @thecaffeinebookwarrior because they give really good detailed tips on all things writing.
When starting a blog, I’ve always heard that using tags and tagging is a great way to get your fics noticed because it broadens the platform in a way, and by going from experience, I always try to keep my blog easy to navigate and my ask box and masterlist easy in reach so people don’t have to go through the trouble of searching for it. :)
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bandbagels · 7 years
little things - gee way x reader
anon asked: “Hi there! I love love love your blog! Could you do a revenge!Gerard Way x reader, where she goes on tour with the band and they kinda fall in love? Lots and lots of fluff please! Thank you so much! ;)”
a/n: I started this in third person and then ended it in first person without noticing and then I had to go back and fix it and,,,,,, ah-ha *finger guns*
masterlist // send a request
“Y/n.” Gerard says singsong-y, feeling the camera light seep in through his tour bunk’s curtain.
“Yeah?” Y/n whispers back, the light dimming down a bit.
“You can’t stare at those pictures all night.” He says, closing his eyes and waiting for a response, “You gotta sleep, darlin’."
“I could say the same for you.” She mutters and Gee sighs, smirking to himself a bit.
“Don’t make me come down there.” He threatens playfully just to hear a soft chuckles.
“I fuckin’ dare you, Way.” She chuckles and Gee shrugs, hearing just want he wanted to hear and swiftly and quietly jumping into the lower bunk with her, “Woah, hey!” She whispers as Gee snatches the camera and turns it off.
“The pictures are beautiful and you don’t need to worry about them.” He tells her truthfully, just itching to kiss her.
“You’re saying that because most of them are of you.” She smirks at him and he rolls his eyes, tucking his arm under her head.
“Yeah, whatever.” He smirks, pulling Y/n closer and aimlessly stroking through her hair, “Go to sleep.”
Y/n groans in rebellion, but she willingly curls into him and Gee finds himself looking down on her, smiling to himself before falling asleep.
“This one-“ Gerard chuckles, “This one’s about love. Have any of you fuckers been in love?” Gerard yells out to the crowd, receiving a nice response as the ‘Demolition Lovers’ intro starts.
“Let me tell you somethin’,” He grins, his stage persona taking over, “Love is a fucked up, terrible thing to feel. It makes you feel helpless; it makes you crave the other person; It’s a drug you never get off and the withdraw hurts like a motherfucker.” He explains, a wide grin sprawled across his face, “Maybe that’s why I’m so addicted to you, sugar.” He spills, staring right down to Y/n in the crowd as she removes the camera from her eyesight.
Gee goes straight into Demolition Lovers as Y/n’s left starstuck. Surely he was looking at one of the fans and not her, or he was looking at her camera for a great picture. Yeah, that makes sense. She is the band’s photographer, after all. Y/n sighs, letting herself push back her crush on the singer and she lets the camera reach her eyes again, getting some great shots during the song.
“Let me do it, Gee.” “I can do it myself, Y/n.” Gerard groans as she lifts the eyeliner pencil to his eye.
“No, when you do it, it’s crooked.” Y/n tells him and he gasps fakely.
“How dare you.” He grins and she rolls her eyes.
“Keep still.” She tells him, and he looks down, letting her draw on his eyes before aiming his gaze a bit higher to stare at the girl in front of him.
“Gee, stop staring at me, I need to finish the line.” She mutters and he looks down.
“Can’t help it, sweetheart.” He says, a grin tugging at his lips.
Y/n scoffs, playfully rolling her eyes, “Keep still you flirty fuck.”
Kickball was always a fun game until everyone started getting drunk.
Y/n was in charge of Gee’s drinking limit, and she kept strict watch on him, but he really didn’t even seem to that involved into the game as he sat next to her the entire time.
“Y/n, you’re so pretty.” He grins, leaning onto her.
“Okay, Gee.” She smiles, blushing off the compliment.
“No I really mean it.” He mumbles, “I really really mean it.” He states again, “I really really really really-“ “Alright, Gee, let’s head back to the tour bus alright?” Y/n giggles, helping him up and he leans on her, giggling.
“But you’re so cute.” He giggles intensely, “And you like me.” He states and her heart stops as he mutters that, “Or I hope you like me. Or that’s what Frank keeps telling me but Frank’s a fucking asshole so-“ He keeps his smile on his face as she leads him on the tour bus, carefully avoiding all of the clothes and stuff on the floor.
“Well he may be an ass but he’s right about that.” She tells him, mustering up the courage to admit it.
“Really?” He grins like a child on Christmas, “You fucking like me?”
“I really fucking like you, Gerard.” She spills, “Now please lay in your bunk before you pass out on me.”
Gee sits on the bunk and looks up at her before pulling her into the bunk, drunkenly kissing her before nuzzling his head in her neck.
“I love you.” He mutters, curling up to her.
“You do?” Y/n grins, not truly believing what was happening.
Gee holds her closer, pressing a kiss to her forehead, “I’m really in fucking love with you.”
Blushing and bathing in his words, she curls up into his arms and falls asleep, awaiting the next morning.
masterlist // send me requests
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bandbagels · 7 years
How’s it going, my dude?
good ! just finally putting some fics in the queue right now
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bandbagels · 7 years
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bandbagels · 7 years
blood, blood, gallons of the stuff - gee way x reader
requested by anon: “Could you do a vampire!Gerard x Reader, I don't mind where you go with the plot but just really really fluffy please! !”
a/n: lovin’ the requests, my duders, enjoy :)
masterlist // send me a request
“Y/n, may I please just come in?” Gerard sighs, looking helpless in the doorway, “This is childish, darling.”
Glaring at him, I shrug, returning my gaze to my computer, “Fine. Sure.”
Sighing, Gee lifts his foot to walk through the doorway before being pushed back, the vampire falling down. Purely confused, he stood back up.
“Y/n, invite me in again.” He asks me and I ignore him, still very angry about how he left his ‘snacks’ out on the counter came back one night a little drunk and covered in blood from a recent hunt, “Please, love.” He pleads and I roll my eyes.
“You can come in, Gerard.” I mumble and he tries again but gets scorned.
“What the hell?” He questions, raising himself back up, analyzing the doorway before noticing something that burned his eyes a bit, “Y/n, is that a crucifix?”
“Oh.” I say nonchalantly, “I forgot.” Setting my laptop down, I walk over to the doorway, agonizingly slowly removing the crucifix from the top of the door, giving him a look before letting him walk through.
“I missed you.” He grumbles, rubbing the part of his arm that was burned. Glaring at me, his gaze softened and he walked up to me slowly, heading to slip his hands around my waist. He dips his head towards my neck and pulls back in pain, “Ow! What-“ He takes one look at my neck and growls, seeing the silver necklace hang from my neck, “That’s not fair.”
“It’s totally fair.” I tell him and he groans.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart, you know I am.” He explains again.
“Yeah, I know.” I say, and suddenly he cringes, backing at least five feet away from me.
“What’s that-“ He tries to say, “the burning feeling and smell?” He backs away further until he can’t feel it and stops.
“Oh, the garlic pizza’s ready.” I announce and he lets out a growl as I take the pizza out of the oven.
“Baby. C’mon.” He whines again, “I just wanna feel you. I haven’t seen you all day and I’m sorry about last night.”
Sighing, I decide to give-up on my little grudge, “Alright.” I give in. I remove my silver rings and the belt with a silver buckle.
“Really?” He questions, referencing the belt, “Necklace.” He reminds me and I unclip the necklace, waiting for him to walk forward, “Step away from the garlic and then I’ll know if you’ve really forfeited.” Rolling my eyes, I take an overdramatic step away from the garlic and he pounces on me, placing his lips back on my neck.
I try to keep my ‘still angry’ demeanor but suddenly I giggle involuntarily as his fangs graze over a spot on my neck. The little fucker.
“What’s so funny, darling?” He smirks and keeps his face buried in my neck, “Please, I’d love to hear it.”
“Whatever, Gee.” I smile at him as he pushes me towards the bedroom.
“Get on the bed, love.” He smirks again and I waste no time in jumping on our bed as he flicks on the bedroom light and then he makes his way over to me, before stopping suddenly.
“Holy fuck, baby.” He whines and I look up at him confused, “Salt?” He questions and I look down, forgetting that I drew a salt circle around the bed before he came home. I burst out laughing as he stands there helplessly waiting for me to break it.
“That’s actually really funny, Gee,” I start, “I truly forgot.”
“Yeah, okay,” He winks, playfully annoyed, “Now break this salt circle so I can punish you for this.”
I glance at him slyly, “I don’t know, Gee,” I tease, “I could leave you all night.”
“If you don’t break this salt circle now, you’re really going to get it later.” He growls playfully, “Darlin’” He adds at the end.
A rush runs over me, my mind immediately sending me to break the salt circle. Gee chuckles, stepping in and crawling on the bed.
“That’s my good girl.” He chuckles.
masterlist // send me somethin’
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bandbagels · 7 years
i wonder if your therapist knows everything about me - gee way x reader
requested by @iicarusis : “hi! i love your blog. can i have #2 with gee way (maybe a punk high school au)? thank you much!!”
a/n: ugh this took me an unreasonable amount of time to finish and i honestly don’t like it but i hope it brings happiness to people who read it, enjoy :)
tell me things // masterlist
“I don’t know what’s going on with me.” Gee leans back in the couch that he’s leaned back in too many times, “I’m stressed out, which you know isn’t normal for me, and I’m on edge and I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.”
“Well, Gerard you did tell me that there was a change in your,” She pauses obviously uncomfortable, “Sexual life.”
Gee doesn’t even blink at the subject, “Yeah, I just- just stopped having sex.” He answers, trying not to think about the reason why.
“Well, sometimes, when a change like that occurs in your life,” She nods, “You would feel a little weird for a while.” She answers and Gee rolls his eyes.
Gerard only opened up to his therapist and that was just because his mom took him to her office every week. She thought his lifestyle was the product of pent up emotional distress and depression, in which she wasn’t wrong, but Gee still hated it either way.
“Is there any reason why you changed your lifestyle so quickly?” She question and Gerard sighs. He really didn’t want to discuss this.
“There’s this-“ He sighs again, “This girl, alright?”
Her eyes light up. She knew Gerard kept his feelings down and rarely had deep feelings about anything really, expect for maybe his small group of friends and his family. This was the actual first time where Gerard displayed actual insecurities.
“Tell me about her, Gerard.” His therapist asks and he groans.
“Look, it’s nothing- it’s not serious and I’m going to get over it, so don’t make it into a big thing.” He starts, rubbing his forehead, “But there’s this one girl that’s just fucking up my life.”
“I think you should pursue that,” She nods, “Maybe having connections to someone out of your friend group would be nice.”
He glares at her, “Why? You think I’m a psycho like my mom does?”
Obviously frazzled, she answers quickly, “Of-of course not, Gerard!”
He grins, “Nah, it’s alright. I am fucking crazy. I’m just not blatantly crazy. I don’t kill people or some shit like that, I’m just a horrible person in general and Y/n doesn’t need that in her life.”
“So I assume you like her enough to keep yourself away from her because you think that you’re a horrible person.” She asks and Gerard looks up, “And her name is Y/n. Just open up, Gee, this is a safe space.”
Gee chuckles, “Bullshit.” but then he sighs, looking about ready to give in, “She’s in my art class and she doesn’t look at me like she believes that rumor that I ate a frog in Bio last year.”
“That’s important to you, of course?” She asks, scribbling down notes.
“I don’t know. I like her though.” He glances at the clock, “Well this was nice, but I’d rather be somewhere else.” Then Gee stands, slinging his bag over his shoulder and opening the door and leaving, leaving his therapist sighing from the lost rant that could have been the breaking point.
“Hey Gee.” Y/n cheers as he walks through the art room door the next morning. Gerard smiles at her, seeing her covered in paint.
“I see you got started without me?” He chuckles, “How long have you been here, love?”
“Not that long, only an hour.” She huffs, starting at her piece in contemplation. Gee felt warm when she turned and smiled at him, almost forgetting to go and get his piece out so he could work on it, “I couldn’t sleep last night so I got here as fast as I could. What’s your reason for being here so early?”
He nodded. He really didn’t want to explain how after his therapist appointment, he went over to a friend’s house to smoke weed but ended up snorting someone else’s cocaine and he couldn’t sleep. ‘An ideal night for a fuck-up.’ he thought, grabbing his canvas from the closet.
“Couldn’t sleep either.” He mumbles and she nods and they work for a while talking casually and listening to music.
Suddenly, Y/n pops up.
“Oh, I’ve got it!” She cheers, jumping up from her stool, “Oh my God!” Gee watches as she hops over to the storage closet, grinning at her enthusiasm.
After a few seconds and one crash later, Gee stands, peaking in. Y/n was reaching up to the shelves but not quite reaching the neon paint she wanted.
“Let me get it, sweetheart.” He offers but Y/n insists that she can reach it, “Love, you’re going to fall just let me-“ Gee doesn’t get to finish as she missteps, almost falling off the stool as Gee catches her.
“Thanks.” She breathes, looking up at him. She steps down and Gee can’t help himself and he cradles her head and kisses her, either craving the contact he was missing or just because he so clearly liked her. He lost himself in it before realizing what he was doing and pulled away.
“I’m sorry, I-“ Gee’s cut off as Y/n kisses him back, the kiss lasting for longer than before.
“I-fuck, I’m-“ He stutters his words again, not really knowing what to do or say.
“I like you.” Y/n spills to him, “I like you, Gee.”
“You can’t.” He starts, “I mean, I- I’m not good for you.” He pauses again, staring at her lips, “But fuck.” Gee presses his lips to hers again, fully grabbing on to her waist and cradling her head. He even lets a little growl out unintentionally.
“I hurt people close to me; I’m not good for anyone.” He mumbles, pressing his lips to hers again.
“We all hurt people, Gee.” She tells him.
“But I’m a fucking pro at it.” He mutters, “I don’t want to hurt you.”
“I don’t care, Gee.” She says and he growls a little again, also unintentionally. Eventually, Y/n’s on the wall and Gee’s holding her there, and they’re continuously making out until someone opens the door.
“Aw, guys, when I said this was an open art room I did not mean that you could make out in the closet.” Our art teacher walks in, surprised and utterly disgusted.
Y/n turned red in embarrassment as Gee rolled his eyes, following closely behind Y/n as they exit the closet, their teacher going in there to gather some paint.
“I wanna finish that, Y/n.” He states.
“I fully intend to.” She winks back at him and they get back to work on their pieces, ever so often glancing over at each other.
tell me somethin’ // masterlist
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bandbagels · 7 years
sky high - brendon urie x reader
anon asked: “Hiii :) can I request some beebo fluff : I had this dream where I was on a plane and beebo was sitting next to me. But I was really sad and depressed because something happened idk and he was all like "whats wrong darlin" because hes all cute and friendly and I had told him everythng and he consoled me and gave me his number to talk more and it was really cute idk”
a/n: omg I’m not sure if I even did what you asked and if I didn’t then I seriously apologize because I swear I didn’t mean to like, do something different, anyway, there’s a fear of flying in this fic, enjoy :)
masterlist // ask me things
Leaning into my seat, I grip the armrests and breathe. This wasn’t going to be good.
The thing is, I hate flying.
The pure concept of going thousands of feet in the air in a metal cylinder-death-trap wasn’t the best, and flying in that metal cylinder-death-trap alone sucked even more, and the takeoff wasn’t perfect either.
The plane is on the runway and if I look out the window, I can see the entire runway and, if I stay looking long enough, the takeoff.
Hell. No.
I slouch in my seat, closing my eyes. Maybe if I close my eyes for about 20 minutes then by that time I’ll already be in the air. Yeah.
“You alright?” A voice asks and I open my eyes, realizing it was the man next to me. Feeling embarrassed and leaning up in my chair, I nod.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m-“ I glance out of the window, realizing the plane was going faster and any second we could lift off the ground. I gulp, losing my train of thought and my hands start shaking on the armrests.
“Oh.” He states, before grabbing one of my hands. I draw my attention to his smiling face, who seemed so calm in this moment, “You’re afraid of flying, huh?” He asks and I nod.
“No big deal. Just look at me, don’t look out the window. You can even lean into me if you want. One of my bandmates does it sometimes because it makes him feel better.” He offers and I oblige, leaning more into him and he places his arm around me to pull me closer.
“So, where are you going?” I ask him, trying to take my mind away from the plane taking off.
“Uh,” He pauses, “A concert.”
“All this way for a concert?” I ask him and he chuckles, the vibration running through me.
“It’s a pretty important concert.” He answers and I nod.
“You’re going alone?” I ask him again.
He shakes his head, “Some of my friends thought it’d be funny to sit me far away from them, since we take so many plane rides together.” He explains, “Where are you going?”
“A wedding.” I groan, “It’s not as fun as a concert, though.”
Once the plane’s steadily in the air, the man lets his arm fall off my shoulders, but when the captain announces turbulence, his arm finds it’s way around me again without ask.
Eventually, I wake up, discovering that I had fallen asleep on him. He grins when I wake up.
“You’re awake.” He tells me and I rub my face.
“I’m sorry, I really didn’t mean to-“ “No, no, it’s fine, I swear.” He swears and I lean up in my seat more, “And I was just going to wake you up, too. We’ve landed.”
I look outside the window, realizing that we’re on the ground. I feeling of relief washes over me and I sigh. “Thank you.” I tell him, “You don’t know how comforting that was.”
“Anytime, beautiful.” He winks and I blush as he stands, “I need to catch up with my friends and help get the equipment for our show out of the plane, but here.” He hands me a piece of paper with Brendon (plane guy) followed by a phone number, “Text me.” He winks again before walking down the front of the plane.
I probably should have been worrying about getting off the plane or texting my best friend about how I just got this hot plane guy’s number but there was only one thing that seemed to run through my head.
That was Brendon fucking Urie and Oh my fucking god, how did I not realize that sooner?
masterlist // ask me things
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bandbagels · 7 years
guardian angel - patrick stump x reader
requested: “can you do an angsty fic with patrick stump?”
a/n: lol I fuckin suck dude, I haven’t posted in like two weeks and I hate myself for it, enjoy :)
masterlist // ask
Patrick was not supposed to be here. He was not supposed to do this. But yet he found himself leaning over his person, breathing his grace into her. He was so close to her lips and one movement and he would have kissed her, but he pulled away, standing over her bed. She was supposed to die four months ago, but he just couldn’t let her go. Every week he was feeding her his grace to keep her alive, because he was her guardian angel, and that’s what he was supposed to do. Keep her safe.
He felt guilty every night but when she woke up all of the guilt was lost. She was brightness, the sun in so many people’s lives, including Pat’s immortal one. He dreamed of one day speaking other and hearing her voice say his name.
To be frank, Patrick was in love with his person. A guardian angel stuck in hopeless love with their person.
It was forbidden.
When heaven found out, they questioned why. Patrick was a stellar angel; he never broke any rules and was such a pleasant and good angel that served heaven, so they knew it had to be his person.
He was obsessed with her, or as they evaluated, he loved her, but that didn’t justify how he was keeping her alive. He knew it was forbidden, and that was against the rules.
Patrick was called back up to heaven, and although he didn’t want to leave Y/n, he went up there, only to be put in handcuffs.
He knew exactly what was happening when they snapped the supernatural handcuffs on him, but he didn’t expect the cruelty that he was yet to see.
They took him back to earth, to a place he was all to familiar with, except his person was now screaming.
“Who-who are you?” She asks but the two angels holding Patrick don’t answer. Two more angels go to hold Y/n as Patrick pleads.
“No, wait, no no please.” Patrick mutters, trying to get to Y/n. The head angel stands before Patrick, making him stop struggling.
“I’m so sorry, Patrick.” She says, “But you know what you’ve done.”
At this point, Patrick lets tears fall from his eyes. The angels holding him don’t know what to do. Angels aren't supposed to cry.
“Please, no.” He pleads, “I-I’m sorry, I just- I wanted her to- I wanted to-“ He stutters, trying not to reveal the exact thing that he was being punished for.
“You love her,” The head angel answers, “But you kept her alive. Longer than she should have been.” She raises a sword and at that point Patrick’s screaming. Y/n didn’t even know what was happening, scared speechless by these people in her home.
If only she knew that one of those angels had been with her all along.
“Please! Punish me! Exile me,” He yells, “No, don’t!” He screams before the sword impales his love, and he falls.
“You don’t understand, Patrick.” She mutters, “This punishment is for you.”
That’s when they leave, leaving Patrick weeping on the ground. He looks up and crawls towards Y/n, holding her in his arms.
“I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry.” He cries to her barely breathing body, “I was just trying to help you but I was being selfish and now I’ve done this.”
She looks up at him, confused at why he looked so familiar. Her hand reaches up, touching his cheek gently. Patrick weeps harder, burying his face in her neck.
He just wanted her. He’s never wanted to be human; he’s never craved for such a human identity until he met her. He’d trade his immortal life to just have a short one with her.
Then she muttered something under her breath. He was paralyzed as she used her final breath to mutter his name before he held her closer than ever.
“Patrick.” She says, remembering the tiny things throughout her short life. All of the tiny little things that had happened to her, the sweet things that always ended up on bad days. That was him, that was Patrick.
“I’m so sorry.” He whimpers again, “I love you.” He admits but by that point, she was already gone.
masterlist // send me things
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bandbagels · 7 years
ugh, guys im so sorry i’ve been late for the past two weeks on fics but lately my fics have just felt forced and sucky and I swear I’m not ignoring anyone I’m just stuck in a long period of writer’s block.
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bandbagels · 7 years
“you wanna go, short round?” “I’m taller than you.” - peter wentz x reader
anon requested
A/n: i went fucking camping with my school and I wanted to die it was not fun but enjoy
prompt list // masterlist // ask
I don’t go to parties. I never really did, until I met Peter fucking Wentz and he swept me off my feet. That’s why I was drunk out of my mind hanging on to my boyfriend so I wouldn’t totally fall on my ass at this high school party I didn’t even want to go to.
“Y/n, I’m gonna get you some water, sweetheart, okay?” Pete giggles, letting me sit down. Of course, Pete wasn’t nearly as wasted as me because he can actually hold his drinks, but he had a considerable amount of alcohol that I was usually against.
“I’m not drunk,” I ask him, “Am I?” He grins, kissing my forehead and making sure that I sit down on the stairs.
“You’re pretty wasted.” He chuckles, “I’ll be right back, babe, stay here.” He nods, leaving the stairs and navigating his way through the crowd. I grow antsy and stand, looking for some fresh air. Being in the backyard of the house was reasonably more calming than inside, but it mostly consisted of couples making out in the bushes. Suddenly, I was itching for Pete to come back.
“Y/n?” I hear someone call and I turn, almost bumping into their chest.
“Gee!” I announce, hugging- more like falling into him. He chuckles and catches me, holding me up.
“You here with Pete?” He asks, “Because you’re wasted, darlin’.” I giggle.
“I only had like- five drinks.” I tell him and he nods, trying to hold me with his beer in his other hand.
“Pete let you have five?” He questions, “Fuck, maybe we should get you to lay down or somethin’.” He tells me just as Pete stroll up behind him.
“Hey, babe,” Pete starts, handing me the water and grabbing me out of Gee’s hand, “Thanks for finding her, Gee, I’ve never seen her drunk before.”
“Me either.” Gee says, taking a drink, “but you might wanna take her home.” Pete nods.
“What?” I whine, wiggling out of Pete’s grasp, “Maybe I don’t wanna go home yet.”
“It’s better, Y/n,” Pete tell me as Gee walks back into the house.
“You wanna go, short round?” I playfully threaten him as he chuckles, “Because I’ll take you right now.”
“I’m taller than you.” He replies, scooping me up in his arms.
“That’s not fair.” I giggle, wrapping my arms around his neck.
“Yeah, well.” He winks, setting me down on the sidewalk. The party wasn’t that far away from my house, but I didn’t even know what was five feet in front of me, so I definitely needed Pete to even walk, “I gotta get you home. I promised you 11, remember?”
“Oh so you can get me home on time but you can’t show up to class on time?” I question him as he walks with me.
“Different, love,” He tells me, “I love you. I don’t love class.” I shrug.
“That’s fair enough.” I giggle again, “I love you too. You know that? Like, sometimes you do things where I just wanna scream-“ I lean onto him, “But then you do things where, it just makes me love you so much.” I explain over-enthusiastically and almost fall again but he catches me.
“Really?” He asks, “Well, you love me and I love you so I say that’s a great pair.” He chuckles and I giggle even harder, rubbing my face.
“You’re silly,” I giggle and i don’t even realize that’s we’re at my house until he opens my door. He leads me upstairs and I jump on my bed, nearly passing out on them.
“You’re gonna be sick tomorrow.” He tells me, slipping off his shirt before crawling in next to me, holding me close.
“I don’t even fucking care. You know how I don’t care?” I ask him, “I don’t even care that I don’t even care.”
“Yeah you’re gonna be so sick, baby,” Pete winks, nuzzling his face into my neck, “I love you.”
“I love you too. So much.” I tell him and bites a part of my neck, sucking at it. I gasp and he mumbles.
“Sorry,” He mumbles, “it’s just- a habit.”
“You have a habit of giving hickeys?” I ask.
“I have a habit of putting my mouth on you.” He explains and I scoff, grinning at him.
“I fucking hate you.”
“I love you too, my love.”
prompt list // masterlist // ask
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bandbagels · 7 years
your writing is amazing!!
thank you so much ! !
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bandbagels · 7 years
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bandbagels · 7 years
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