banshee-in-velvet ¡ 2 years
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banshee-in-velvet ¡ 2 years
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i needed a hug, but all they gave me was a box of matches and a knife.
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banshee-in-velvet ¡ 2 years
how the fuck am i supposed to make life decisions i’m not even sure i want to be alive
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banshee-in-velvet ¡ 2 years
Read a hot take first thing this morning about Heimdall being a saint for “welcoming home the guy who once turned him into an icicle, after he showed up late to an apocalypse he sort of started”.
I am so, so tired, y'all. This fandom is exhausting.
So let’s just be clear on three things, k?
Loki froze Heimdall after Heimdall tried to murder him.
Loki was late because his brother left him writhing in agony, paralysed, helpless in enemy territory where he could have easily been discovered and executed.
Loki in no way, shape or form started Ragnarok. I don’t know how to explain to people that just because the hero-coded character makes an accusation, that doesn’t mean their assumptions are by definition true. Loki didn’t lock Hela away in the first place, nor was he even aware of her existence. He also did not kill Odin, nor did he actually harm him; all that he did was erase his memories and exile him. Odin’s health has been failing since the first Thor film, so if you think Loki is somehow responsible for that, I have some oceanfront property in Arizona to sell you.
Ok? Good talk.
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banshee-in-velvet ¡ 2 years
So it seems I was blocked by a blog because I don't tag my posts properly. Honestly, I rarely tag because I forget and sometimes I'm just too lazy. So if you don't like me or what I have to say, you can feel free to block me or just keep on scrolling.
Apologies for inconveniencing anyone by reposting something that you've blocked the tags for and not tagging properly. 🙄 Or for not staying silent when someone narc or bully needs to be called out. I'm done with staying silent y'all. Block or keep on scrolling. OR you can just unfollow me.
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banshee-in-velvet ¡ 2 years
imagine asking mcu actors questions about the upcoming film as if they know what's in the movie they're starring in.............bro they saw the trailer just like u.................
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banshee-in-velvet ¡ 2 years
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banshee-in-velvet ¡ 2 years
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I want 1000 Friggas
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banshee-in-velvet ¡ 2 years
Okay, on the Loki is a narcissist bullshit.
Longing for external validation is something related to narcissists but also people who feel insecure about themselves: they need someone to tell them they're enough because they feel lesser than those around them.
So, the narcs feel above everyone else, those who lack self-love feel underneath everyone.
And I think this is what the series got wrong. Loki has never felt the need to position himself above anyone, the only thing he has always wanted is to stop feeling like he's lesser than every Asgardian, he wanted someone to tell him he's as worthy as they are - not better, at the same level.
So while yes, that would make Loki long for external validation, the place he's coming from is the exact opposite of that of a narcissist!
A narcissist would want two things: to believe he's the greatest thing in the universe and to think everyone else is beneath him. These are two different things but essential for them because it's not enough that they're the best, they also need those around them to be the worst.
So yeah, all this to say the series is wrong.
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banshee-in-velvet ¡ 2 years
Smh, how many times do I have to say this?
Pro Series ≠ Pro Loki
Same way :
Anti Series ≠ Anti Loki
Most of the time it's the fucking opposite in both cases. Most of the people who hate the series LOVE Loki the character. Many of the people who like the show, have admitted to hating Loki's character in the movies. Please get that into your heads before looking at our blogs and deciding to send anon hate for disliking a lying piece of media, that we paid to watch and then got cheated out of.
We are consumers and people... Who were promised something we paid to watch, then got cheated out of it. You are not the good guy for having "fun" with the thing we wanted to like, but ended up hating... And we are not the bad guys for not being able to have "fun" with the piece of media we wanted to like, but offended us so much, we ended up hating it. Don't like that? Please learn to curate your tumblr experiences then, and stop asking us to cater to your personal whims and fancies. If you don't like posting stuff I want on MY blog, then you can fuck off from my blog and stay far away.
People in fandom who got hurt by the company that created the character centering said fandom, are allowed to fucking rant about it. We're allowed to be mad that our favourite character was wrecked by a money hungry, greedy, queerphobic multi-billion dollar company, you depraved fucks. ESPECIALLY after they took our money after LYING to us to make us watch it!
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banshee-in-velvet ¡ 2 years
dude imagine being a fan of Loki for the past eleven years and thinking not only that Sylvie and Mobius are good characters, but that they have any right to even be standing in the same room as him…. it could truly never be me.
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banshee-in-velvet ¡ 2 years
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He had the audacity to say it while wearing THAT
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banshee-in-velvet ¡ 2 years
So the logic some people are using to defend Loki's characterization in the series is to claim that he was out of character in every single movie before the Disney+ show.
No, really. Instead of admitting they ruined his character in the series they're saying Marvel wrote him wrong in 5 movies and it wasn't until the show that they finally got his characterization right.
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banshee-in-velvet ¡ 2 years
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this is great and all but I don’t think it’s possible for Loki to get more unstable than he was by the end of the first Thor movie. that man was a special kind of unhinged.
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banshee-in-velvet ¡ 2 years
I am not a spn fan, I have never seen a single episode of spn, but let me tell you that every time I see it trending I am ready to receive some completely batshit crazy mind-blowing unhinged piece of information
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banshee-in-velvet ¡ 2 years
Hey yall, I wanted to make a PSA about this because it'll be useful to many of you in the United States. You might qualify for public assistance now, specifically because of rising food prices.
The federal poverty line, the biggest determining factor for public assistance, has been kept artificially low for decades because it was based on the outdated assumption that food was the primary expense for most American households. For decades now, shelter has been the larger expense, but the federal poverty limit has still been determined based on the prices of food commodities.
Because food prices have recently gone up, the federal poverty line has gone up significantly as well. This means if you were previously slightly over the income limit to qualify for public assistance such as food stamps or medicaid, you likely qualify now. I'd like to encourage everyone who thinks they might qualify to apply for these programs. The qualification cutoffs are still absurdly low, so please be assured that if you qualify for assistance, you're not taking something you don't need or deserve.
Please reblog this if you think your followers will find it useful. I haven't seen anyone talking about this, it's just something I noticed recently, so I want the info to become more public to help people who might be struggling.
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banshee-in-velvet ¡ 2 years
cancelling plans because you’re feeling unwell does not make you a bad friend
having to go home early because you’re feeling unwell does not make you a bad friend
needing a break during a social event because you’re feeling unwell does not make you a bad friend
anyone who tells you otherwise is not your friend
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