barbinaj-blog · 8 months
After Hours - Hasan Piker Fanfic
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tags: Lawyer AU, Coworkers to Lovers, Public place, SoftDom Hasan, Slight Degradation, Dirty Talk, Fingering
(((Minors DNI, 18+)))
“Pass me that stapler?” Hasan asked, not looking up from his stack of endless papers. His nose was pointed at his heavy workload, brow stuck to a deep line that bisected his forehead.
I didn’t respond verbally, just grabbed the rectangular office item and held it suspended in front of him for a few seconds.
His face lifted to look me in the eye, a single inky curl bouncing in front of his glasses. His forearm, now exposed because of his rolled up sleeves, slowly raised up his hand to push his glasses back up from the tip of his nose to properly see my blank expression. Or rather, an expression I had forced myself to put on since I’ve been put on this case with him.
Something about Hasan just jerked my ovaries slightly to the left. It only really gets obvious when we’re alone, which doesn’t happen often; but over the past week, this case that both our supervisors put us on duty to comb through made it so we had to put in even more overtime since starting at Grandor & Belfort.
He let out a sigh. “Please?”
“You’d think you were raised by wolves.” I placed it near his computer on the shared desk we were on in the library. He scoffed and swiped it as quickly as I left it, his finger brushing mine ever so slightly.
“Wolves would have been a cooler origin story for me, for sure.” He quipped flatly. I tried to stifle my snicker but half of it slipped out of me.
“Yeah? So you and the boys can bond over being true alphas?” I shot back.
“Only on the weekends, we don’t wanna do too much. Alphas don’t have to.” He grunted as he stood up and went to the bookcase, seemingly searching for another tome to rifle through.
I shook my head in wry amusement at how he can be such a levelheaded brat. It was impressive honestly. Which, if you ever saw Hasan from across the street, that would be the last thing you’d think he would be like.
Standing at an impressive 6’4, he was like an industrial container. Big and thick, a bit hairy and generally to himself. His hands were almost always balled up, and I’d notice his thumb would always be picking at his palm. Probably at the calluses he’d formed from constantly grinding weights into his fists everyday, without fail. Except for tonight.
“Did you find the terms set by the first trial?”
I didn’t realize i had been staring at him till he asked. I jolted back to work, fishing in my own mountain of copies. I stood up to try and find the file, biting the insides my cheek.
“You did find it, didn’t you?” I craned my head around to see his face a little bit too close. I felt the whispers of his breath on the back of my neck—typically, I’d be incredibly uncomfortable with someone, particularly a man, being right behind me, but this time my entire body was caught in the vice grip of adrenaline.
He smelled really good too.
“Y-yeah I swear I did…” I whipped my head back to my side of the desk, but I couldn’t focus in the sea of white sheets and black ink surrounding. All I could hear is a my heart thumping against my rib cage, practically trying to claw its way out of me.
“It’s right here…” His voice softened like soft serve melting on a hot day, dripping down slowly like his arm over my shoulder to the file that was on my right. He was tall enough to reach it, but I didn’t have the sense to duck so his chest wouldn’t brush up against my back like it did.
He pulled back and took a beat. “Could you pass it to me?”
My face was hot, and I quickly grabbed the paper and flung it at him without another word.
“Sorry, did I do something?”
“No, it’s allergies.” I squeaked.
He paused. He took the item from my hand and i felt his presence leave from behind me. I just stood there frozen and tried my best to not disintegrate into dust. My eyes fluttered and began to unblur, so I finally sat back down, my legs giving out much quicker than I had thought.
I felt something cold on my head and jumped at the sudden sensation.
“A peace offering.” Hasan plopped a can of fanta in front of me on my desk. I rubbed my shaved head and watched him also sit in front of me, opening his own can of the fizzy drink.
“And a sign that we should take a break.” He leaned back slightly in his chair, his wide frame hiding the chair out of sight. He took a sip, and kept his eye on my for a second while drinking. I cleared my throat and took that as a sign to quench my thirst.
“Thanks.” I popped the can open and took a light sip, still trying to compose the waves of somersaults that my gut was experiencing. “Fanta is my favorite.”
“I prefer diet coke, but fanta is up there with the greats.”
“Diet coke is literally car cleaner.” I heard myself say.
He shrugged. “Need to keep my engine clean. All this horsepower needs maintenance.”
A giggle nearly made me choke on my drink. “And that’s why, as a society, men are left behind. You just compared yourself to an object like it was nothing!”
“I’m calling myself an object! It’s acceptable if a man does it.”
“What, so if I did it then it would be different?”
“Oh 100%.”
My brows pushed up, and I leaned in a little waiting for his response.
“Because you’re you.”
“And that means?”
He let out a short puff of air, and shifted in his seat a little. “That means that if you did it, it would mean something.”
I blinked at his answer. He continued “It would mean that your thoughts are impure.”
“And yours aren’t?” A dry chuckled escaped me.
He flashed a smile that I could only call mischievous. “Depends on who’s asking.”
“I’m asking.”
“And I plead the 5th.”
My back slumped back against my chair, arms crossed, my mind fizzling at what he meant by my specific objectification of him being different.
“Then what if I said you were a wet blanket of a person.”
He scoffed, looking away for a beat and swinging his heavy gaze back at me. “Yeah? You into that sorta thing?”
“No—” I stopped midway through my sentence because he was smiling at me. His lips were curled mischievously, his mouth slightly ajar. I could see his the underside his tongue as it pressed against his palette, as his eyes stayed deadlocked between my nose and chin. I swore his eyes slid over my lips too.
“You shouldn’t chew on your lip like that.” His voice was low and breathy, and quiet. But I heard him. “You do that a quite a bit.”
My face bloomed a heated blush, and I released my bottom lip. “Bad habit.” Shit. My poker face might be worse than I thought. I felt myself squirm in place.
“It’s cute.”
My eyes shot back at him. He was even more relaxed, his two forefingers holding his temple with his elbow on his arm rest.
“You got a booger though.” He scrunched up his nose at me. My hand snapped to cover my nose, and swivelled my back to him as my insides melted in embarrassment. I wiped my top lip beneath my nose, trying to capture the little thing that cost me my dignity in front of him.
“D’you get it?” He laughed.
“Hasan, I appreciate the concern but I’d love if you didn’t make more fun of me right now.” My voice trembled at the end.
“I’m not” He chuckled. I felt the chair turn back around, my sight line at his crotch for a split second. He crouched down to my level, his lashes low on his face and lips slightly parted. I saw the shimmer of his tongue swipe over his bottom lip.
“Move your hand,” his voice vibrated low and my lower stomach caught the frequency like a tuning fork. Buzzing with want and excitement. My hand wilted away from my lip.
“You’re so gullible.” He reached out, in what seemed like slow motion, and traced a feather light line over my cheek, trailing to my lips. His thumb pressed into the seam of my mouth, slipping in easily.
“Shit…” He hissed. I could barely keep my eyes open as the wave of pleasure washed over me. I had forgotten to breathe it seemed, my vision getting spottier and my head felt like it was floating off my body.
“Hey hey, breathe, baby.” My eyes popped open at the pet name and I gulped some air back into my lungs.
“There you go baby, there you go…” He eclipsed the space between us, tugging his finger out my mouth, despite my whines of protest. I could barely hear my own voice from the rush of blood going to my head.
As quickly as his finger left my lips, the tip of his nose pecked mine and I laid my forehead against his just to take a moment of rest.
“You’re squeezing your legs.” He said quietly. I hadn’t noticed it till I felt his hand on my knee. He slid his hand down my thigh, my breath growing more irregular by the moment.
“Hasan, please, I—” He reached my centre, using the friction of my dress pants against my growing need, palm out. I pressed my hips forward, searching for that feeling. A piece of lighting struck my core and he silenced my moans with his mouth. His lips were like sweet relief, quenching my desperation with his taste.
Kissing Hasan was something I thought about, but in practice I couldn’t believe how good it felt. It couldn’t have felt better, and the more he pushed into me the more I let him in. Rival to his tongue was only his hand, large and quick, already in my pants and past my underwear.
“Fuck…you’re so wet for me…” His voice sounded strained from something, but I wasn’t ready to detach from his lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and he took that as an opportunity to lift me from my chair to the desk.
My fly had been unzipped and he sunk deeper into my folds, so slow and cruel. Everytime he left my sweet pressure I ran back to it, bucking against his movements to guide him where to go. The back and forth was agonizing, but so perfect. The inconsistent pleasure was addictive.
“You’re so cute, trying to tell me where to go…” He said in a mocking tone. “You like when I touch you here?”
I nodded into his shoulder, clamping my lips together.
“Yeah? You like this don’t you? In a public place? Getting all wet for me?”
I could barely respond with anything more than moanful breaths—he was making me lose my mind. My mind was fogged up by his smell and his voice, his breath, his taste. I wanted to taste him again.
“I’m not talking to myself, am I?” I looked up at him, and pushed my chin up to his face to kiss.
“Nuh-uh. I asked you a question, baby. Answer.”
“I do, I love it, please Hasan,” He drove his hips forward and that spread me open even more. My knees were higher up near his torso, causing me to use one of my arms to steady myself behind me. He used his free hand to tug my pants down from my ass, and I lifted myself to get them off in one fell swoop. He captured my lips again, and I sang my praises into his mouth at the return of his tongue.
He kept pressing into me, slowly and gently laying me down on the table. He cradled my head and pushed the laptop and books out the way, still digging at my shivering insides with his thick fingers.
“Fuckin’ hell, you’re not gonna cum are you? Just from me fingering you like this?” He started to pull my pant legs off, making me more exposed but freer than ever. He kept my thighs pressed together, crossed at the ankles, laying across his left shoulder.
A mangled groan at the back of my throat seeped out of me as he started fingering me faster and faster, his thumb now bullying my clit. “Hasan, please don’t sto—”
“You’re not listening babe, I asked if you’re gonna cum from me just playing with your pussy in the library. Are you?” He was panting too now, pushing my straight legs closer to my chest, his face looking down on me with nothing but lust and something a shade darker than sex.
“Yes, please, it feels so good, I can’t take it any longer…!”
“Then cum.” He kissed me and I was whisked away. He kept nudging inside me, and I succumbed to the fall of my orgasm. His tongue and fingers were acting as one, and I felt my core flex and bit on his lip, riding the choppy waves of my release.
A minute or ten passed by, I couldn’t tell, as he slowly ended his reign of pleasure over me, leaving trails of kisses on my cheek and my neck, to my unbuttoned blouse near my collarbone.
“You made such a mess on me, babe.” He licked at my jaw, while slowly emptying my entrance and rubbing my sensitive button.
“You’re gonna have to pay for that, sweetheart.” He smiled against my neck as it all faded to black.
If you made it this far, leave a like or a comment. Let me know if this needs a part two!
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barbinaj-blog · 4 years
You’re a Dick
This is a drabble w/ smut cuz i’m a degenerate. imma make more i’m open to requests too
"Paper or plastic?"
"When you're ready."
I bagged the rest of the groceries and placed them on the counter. She had her readers on the top of her nose and pressed the numbers at a slow pace, her elderly hands shaking from arthritis.
"And did you place them the way I like?"
"Yes Mrs. Douglas."
"Thank you dear." She finally finished and grabbed her bags, and nodded as she walked away. I glanced down to see her card still in the machine.
"Oh don't forget your card, Mrs!"
"Here, let me." A voice that shook my core swept by me and took the card from my hand, jogging to the lady.
If there's one reason why I still come to this shit end job is him.
He tapped her on her shoulder before she left out the door. She thanked him, the both of them chatting a little bit. As much as I don't like to admit it, seeing him interact with kids and old folks really made my heart melt.
"You done being a creep?" He waved a hand in my face. "Do you always stare that hard?" He chuckled.
I woke up from my haze and assumed my usual unimpressed expression.
"Says the mega creep." I reflexively quipped back as he circled around to the front of my cash, thumbs tucked under the straps of his apron.
"That's your type, right?"
"You wish." I sighed as I took out the budget clip board to keep from making eye contact with him. He has this way of getting in my head with his eyes. It wasn't like he was ugly or extremely hot but for some reason, his eyes would always make me break a sweat. He might think I hate him and I honestly don't think that bothers him.
Probably his preference.
"Kinda." He mumbled.
I rolled my eyes and opened the cash to see if we made enough for the day. Working at a mom and pop grocery store in the middle of a state no one cares about is always a challenge. Pat and Marlon were growing way too old to keep track of everything and the responsibilities fell on me mostly, since I was one of the first employees they ever hired.
"So did we make even or are we gonna have to dip in our pay cheques again?" He was suddenly behind me and swallowed the urge to flinch. He was almost a foot taller than me and could easily see the clip board. I rolled my shoulders and made sure to keep focus, no matter how good he smelled.
"Don't say that too loud, I don't want them to know about that."
"I sent them home, it's just us to close. Pat's got a knitting circle to get to tonight. She's hosting."
"Wow and here I thought you were nosy, turns out you also are in everybody's business."
"On the contrary—my charm elicits a response that others can't resist."
"So you manipulate and coerce people to tell you their personal life."
"Hey, it's all consensual. I don't force myself on anyone."
"Somehow I can't exactly believe that."
"Want me to prove it?"
"What is there to prove?"
He pauses. He slowly backs away from me and posts himself leisurely against the counter.
"I could make you tell me your deepest, darkest secret in less than a hour."
I almost did a imaginary spit take, minus the spit.
"Please, now you're just offering ways to make a fool of yourself." I walked away from the cash and towards the front door to lock it for closing.
"Willing to bet money?"
"I'd sign off my human rights."
"I always wondered how it would be like to have a slave."
I went down aisle 3 and picked up the yellow wet floor sign. "You'll have to keep wondering."
"So you're down?"
I stopped dead in my tracks and turned to see him not to far behind. "100 bucks."
"AND a day with your Jenny." I cocked my eyebrow and folded my arms over me chest.
"Oh come on, she's off limits."
"Guess you're full of shit, as I suspected."
He rolled his eyes and ran a hand through his chocolate, curly locks. They bounced around like they a life of their own wild and a organized mess.
"Fine. Only under my supervision though."
I smirked. I've been  to ride (well his) bike since he got it.
"And if I win then you owe me."
"I'll decide when the time comes."
My heart thumped and I bit my inner cheek.
"Let's go." He started walking before me. Before I could ask where, he took my hand and pulled me to the back. We took a sharp right to the office, where he closed the door behind us.
"Okay, just stand there." He placed his hands on my shoulders, lowering them from their raised position.
He pulled my chin up and our eyes locked.
You know when people say time stops and you hear the angelic hums from the heavens when you look into the eyes of someone you have feelings for?
Yeah, that's bullshit.
You feel like you have then runs; you stomach twists and twirls, your armpits pour like the niagara falls and you can't for the life of you control how loud your heart throbs in your ears that it almost makes you deaf.
And you occasionally want to vomit too.
And as much as I wanted to look away, I was trapped in those hazel spheres. He had a slightly hooked nose and a perfect square jaw, slightly off centre. His skin held a tan that contrasted his dark hair that made him look boyish, bringing his freckles out more—but it didn't completely take over his overall hotness. He was still really attractive.
"This was easier than I thought." He swiped his tongue over his bottom lip, my favourite one of the pair.
"Oh yeah?"
"Yup. I know exactly what you're hiding there." He tapped his temple.
"Indulge me."
"Its crazy I didn't pick up on it before..." He closed the space between us and I couldn't tell you if he sucked all the available oxygen or if I was the one who decided to not breathe. Just a few centimetres and...and...
"You're a virgin."
You know that other moment when the record scratches and all the magic disappears?
I pushed by him and reached the door, only to not. I turned to see he had grabbed my arm, and flicked it off.
"If you're just going to be a dick, then—"
"You're right, that wasn't a proper way to say it."
"You're beautiful."
I pursed my lips together.
"I have this backwards way of, uh, expressing how I feel." He paused. "I'm generally better at making people hate me, actually."
"I've always wanted to be the super cool guy who everyone likes and can get a laugh out of people here and there. Just surface shit."
"Thing is, can't bullshit with you." The floorboards creaked as he came closer. I felt my back bump into the book shelf and placed my palms against it.
"Dimitri, I..."
"Just... let me, for a second, just..." He slowly raised his hand to my cheek, the touch like a current of silent sparks over my skin. I froze.
With a slight flick of the wrist, the tips of his fingers reached behind my ear and I shivered. I snapped my eyes open to see him with a look I could only describe as gourmand.
Crashing and falling; that's what we were. The rustling and thuds of the books falling from the shelf added dust in the air—that didn't matter since I was too busy trying to keep up with Dimitri's exploration of my mouth. The faint taste of coffee and cigarettes weren't as unpleasant I thought they'd be; it oddly made my heart race more than it already was.
Maybe because it was how he tasted.
His hands had traveled from my jaw to my nape, caging me in a tight embrace I reciprocated. My arms found their place around his neck, and his lips did the same. Sharp breaths and blood rushed to my face. He tugged me closer, flush to him.
A slip of a sigh and he stopped for a moment. He looked up at me and smiled.
He didn't say a thing. His hands slid down to my ass and I gasp, and the pressure building in my stomach was nearing its apex. His eyes were boring into mine, plucking and pulling more of my internal strings. He had me wound up, like a violin peg.
"Dim—wait, I—"
He scooped me up and wrapped my legs around his waist, earning a squeal from the friction caused from the quick action. He walked us to the big desk and he sat me on it, him between my legs.
"Di...mitri please, please..." He was lowering himself to my chest, wet and warm traces of him approaching my cleavage.
"Fu...ck..." I gripped his hair, it being just as a soft as I imagined.
"Say it again."
"Your mouth—" He came up from my chest, his thumb diddling my lower lip. "I want my name to live in it."
He slowly plunged his thumb on my tongue, and his eyes instructed me on what to do. I closed my eyes and sucked on this appendage. He tried to take it out but I stopped him, sucking it a bit more. I popped it out and looked up to see him just staring. He kissed me again, soft and quick.
His forehead stayed on mine, his prepared hand crawling past my leggings into my panties, pressing. I gritted and caught my lip between me teeth. He kept at it, his thumb circling my clit and thrusting his middle and index into me. I couldn't believe how much coordination he had.
"Fuck, wa—oh shit!"
He abruptly stopped as I had nearly reached my peak, and I basically whined in a pitch I never knew I could get to.
"What do you want?" He teased my sensitivity, my knee now up near his waist as he slid his hips forward, fitting in the space I created.
"Sto- you...don't take..."
"Huh? Take what?" I felt his fingers slip away, and I shook my head.
"Keep what, babe?"
My chest tightened at the pet name. "Fingering me...!" I sighed as he pushed them back in.
"See, was that so hard?" He kept it up, speeding up. I hooked and held onto his neck for dear life, the whole situation bringing me to my climax.
"Sh-ut...up..." I gasped another deep breath after he did something in me, and I literally shivered. Time collapsed on itself, like a drop of water crashing into a body of water. My forehead pressed into his, my hips bucking at him, he kept me riding that orgasm for a moment before showing me mercy.
“I won, by the way.”
“You let me know your deepest...” he paused and brought his hand to his face “...part of you.” He spread his fingers, a wet line connecting his index to middle, toothy grin and all.
I nudged him annoyingly, and he pecked me back.
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