barnyard-happenings · 4 years
sometimes i laugh because i remember how for the longest time i did not know we lived in a heteronormative society. not because my parents raised me in an accepting way, but because it never occured to me that liking multiple genders wasnt "normal". i never told anybody i liked multiple genders because i didnt see a reason to? and after i moved into a different city i wanted something to cope with the major change of environment, so i made a diary kind of document on my phone. one night my mom wanted to have my phone, so i gave it to her. after an hour or so of being in bed i hear her calling for me. she asks "is there anything you want to tell me?" "...no i dont think so? why?" and she tells me she found my diary! and she READ IT!! now my main worry at the time wasn't "oh she's going to figure out my sexuality" it was more of "she's gonna figure out i use my school notebook as a sketchbook" and when all she mentioned was my sexuality she said she accepted me while my dad was just in the background upset that i wasnt straight because he's a conservative repiblican christian. to this day my mom hasnt mentioned my sexuality, weither it be she forgot or she really does not care. my dad mentions it whenever we argue.
tl;dr: for 10 years i had no idea that homophobia, transphobia, biphobia, etc. even existed and i came out to my parents by accident in a diary description of myself
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barnyard-happenings · 4 years
i have this one friend, and i could find a picture that has a 11/10 weirdness and chaotic behavior that has 2 people in it, and i could make us be those two people, and they would agree. like just now, i sent this picture
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into our instagram groupchat and said "tell me im wrong" and now i have created an energy that will lead to them saying something along the lines of "I can't" and i just wanted this to be known
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barnyard-happenings · 4 years
two tiny boxes of coco pebbles were spilt in the barn today
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barnyard-happenings · 4 years
So I'm fairly sure I'm a magic user, but I have no clue what's happening and I want help...
Sometimes I get future visions, it usually happens when I blink but just a few days ago it lasted about 5 minutes in real time. It started when I was about 10 years old and it was just 1 video that would just kinda play and sometimes it would happen sometimes not? Then when I was like 12 I got a video like vision again but it was like 10 different videos, all different , may it be little details or the whole vision, and one of them would happen for sure. When I was 14 years old I got an auditory vision with zero visuals. All these different types of visions happen pretty frequently, usually when I remember that they exist, and a few days ago I got an auditory vision that, again, lasted about 5 minutes in real time instead of the usual darkness. Can anybody please tell me what this means?
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barnyard-happenings · 4 years
DONALD TRUMP DIED A FEW DAYS AGO!?!?! AND NO ONE TOLD ME!?!?!?!?¡?! THE CHEETO IS DEAD!!! 🧚‍♂️🌺🌸🌼💐🌈🌟🦋🐞🕊️ 🖤🤎💗❤️🧡💛💚🤍💙💜 😁
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barnyard-happenings · 4 years
Do I have to mute your blog?
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offender man... the creator and author of HomeSex
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barnyard-happenings · 4 years
In 5th grade I read a book called Princess abd the Pizza and the reason why it's called pizza is because she was saying "Pete's... uh.." And the queen said "Pizza! What a wonderful name" or something, but the prince's name was Pete. So, going on about pizza there's a popular place called Domino's and people named Dominic usually get called Domino so that's why I nicknamed my friend Dominic Pete, any questions? It's 2:20am here
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barnyard-happenings · 4 years
757 frames of a finger drawn animation I made on Flipaclip got deleted because I didn't know deleting a sketch layer on ONE frame deleted it on ALL frames. I am deeply upset, I just cried for 3 minutes but got interrupted by my Aunt's spouse who needed to get past me but didn't want to touch me with her bleeding ankle, that ruined the mood. Anyways, should I restart? I have 1 of the 757 frames already done.
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