baroquehillsummer · 2 years
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A supervillain gadget-monger, specializing in computers, although he always wanted to work in movies....
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baroquehillsummer · 3 years
Noreen - Episode VIII
Noreen gives a copy of her recording to Detective Harvey Bullock, but realizes that when they follow up with Del, unless he's on her side, the recording won't be authenticated. ("That's not me, I wasn't anywhere near that place!") So she bypasses Serafina's goons and confronts Del with the recording. After he gets pissed off at her for putting him and his family at risk for this gambit, he realizes he's boxed into a corner and has to help her. They wire him for sound and he cajoles Kevin McKenzie into a confession. With that confession Del can force McKenzie out at the Board, and the GCPD can take apart Mazziotta's money laundering operation.
She returns to the set where she is confronted by Irving, who urges her to give Mazie an assistant director credit. She's been keeping the production afloat while Noreen's been off chasing her problems down. Noreen agrees and tells Mazie, who is thrilled and excited. The movie proceeds to its climax.
Months later, after the Summer is over, Radiation Romance opens at the Biograph Theater in Old Gotham, a big sprawling old-fashioned movie palace. There, horror fans and local celebs turn out for the opening. The loathing admiration that Del has for her has cemented her position in the studio, if she wants it. Her girlfriend is there, dressed to the nines. The cast and crew are safe and happy. The lights go down and the film begins.
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baroquehillsummer · 3 years
Noreen Part VII
After entrusting Mazie with the production, Noreen contacts Lyle, an old criminal engineer colleague, now working for the Odessa Gang, at his "cellphone cart" in a Chinatown marketplace. Lyle agrees to help and provides her with a dose of Clayface's mysterious cursed (or highly advanced biotechnological) mud to help her shapeshift to look like Del when she goes to confront the Quickwash Laundry Service. Preparing for the worst, she arrives and talks her way in to see the boss, Serafina. There, it becomes clear that Del isn't their contact; in fact, he's the biggest threat that Serafina has identified, and she has a deadly threat against Del's family to ensure his cooperation. Noreen smashes her with a chair and grabs her phone, finding out the true identity of the mole in Panessa - Kevin McKenzie, the VP of Accounting. She turns into a horrendous mud monster on her way to escape, and barely holds on to her mind as she does.
Now in possession of a recording that implicates Serafina, she has to figure out a way to get both her and McKenzie out of the way....
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baroquehillsummer · 3 years
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A Cassamento family enforcer running a crew of extortionists, fraudsters and wreckers out of the Quickwash Laundry Service. In conjunction with Panessa VP Kevin McKenzie, she seeks to bust out the whole enterprise and force her way to the big kids' table despite the hatred for her identity that her family imposes on her.
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baroquehillsummer · 3 years
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The friendly gatehouse security guard at Panessa Studios. "Don't worry! It's not like we're cops!"
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baroquehillsummer · 3 years
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Enthusiastic but third rate director, making a cooking show at Panessa Studios for streaming
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baroquehillsummer · 3 years
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Del Cochrane, head of Panessa Studios. he closed down production after the shootouts.....is he in it with the Cassamentos?
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baroquehillsummer · 3 years
Noreen - Part VI
Panessa Studios closes production for a week, to the relief of many but devastating to Noreen's production. It is made worse when a truck disappears with her whole production and mob figures show up to set to intimidate her. After shifting gears to improvised, guerilla production mode and roughing up one of the goons she meets Lakshay and learns that he stole the movie, anticipating Panessa's shutdown. He will go quiet and take the blame for the theft while she finishes the picture. Putting all her options together, Noreen determines that if she can just get proof of mob involvement with the culprit in Panessa, either the studio head Del or Derek McKenzie, the VP of Accounting, that they can be exposed and kicked out. She leaves her production in the hands of Maizie, the DP, as she goes on a "date" with Alicia to a school event Alicia volunteered to work. There, they confess their expectations for each other and nervousness about living up to them...
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baroquehillsummer · 3 years
Noreen - Part V
Noreen had to deal with the fallout of the conflict with the 88 Crew - Judy had made a pass at Darlene and was afraid of what might happen next. Burleigh was ready to bail on the project. Alicia wanted to invite Noreen into her normie life at a JV girl's basketball game. Lakshay worried that they were losing their morals in the urgency to get the movie done. The Broker showed up with footage from the fight, which revealed that the Quickwash Laundry sent a bunch of goons to sabotage the safety of the shoot. Her ex Phoebe revealed this was a Cassamento mob family front that a journalist had been run over for trying to expose. And tomorrow is the all-hands meeting at Panessa, after a much more catastrophic gunfight took place there, part of the battle between the corrupt officers of the Outfit and the Neon Dragon Tong...
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baroquehillsummer · 3 years
Noreen - Part IV
* Noreen gathered the production for a trespassing guerilla scene in an abandoned machine shop, introducing them to Burleigh Gabriel, a horror icon whose career had fallen by the wayside. He’s playing the villain in Radiation Romance…  The team goes into the building and shoots for a while before a conflict erupts between Darlene and Burleigh over “conditions” and Noreen has to defuse it.
* While shooting a chase scene, some of the set marking and lighting is misplaced and Noreen plummets into a crumbled underground basement.  Using the opportunity to shoot some great chase footage with Judy, she emerges into a lair of the 88 Crew, who pursue.  She has to improvise a smoke bomb to escape.
* By the time Noreen and Judy return to the surface and make their way back to the set, the 88 Crew has stormed the set and is holding the crew at gunpoint. Calling on her criminal contacts, Noreen obtains an ice ray and blasts the 88 Crew.  Between her and the vigilante The Question, they are able to set the gang to running and save the production.  A few were roughed up but nobody was seriously hurt.
* Late that night after trying to smooth things over, Noreen is looking at her footage from the chase and it….looks…..great.  She has a moment with rival director/producer Leona Rupert, who kisses her in the editing bay. But she turns Leona down, loyal to her girlfriend Alicia…
Listen to: Notice Me by The Bedroom Witch
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baroquehillsummer · 3 years
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Burleigh Gabriel, a great actor whose days are perhaps past...one of the stars of “Radiation Romance”....he’s never done a guerilla production before. “Where’s my trailer, exactly?”
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baroquehillsummer · 3 years
Noreen - Part III
Noreen, determined to uncover the problems plaguing her production, determines:
* Lakshay is not popular at Panessa Studios and someone might be targeting him out of spite for him being forced on them by his father, a wealthy investor.
*Kyra, an ex who is also a cop, agrees that the police were putting pressure on her...but not that they destroyed her set.  She agrees to help Noreen get Sgt. Khabour off her back, and does.
* A Chinese-American gang and Slam Bradley, a private investigator, are both digging into the whereabouts of a thief they believe to be involved with Panessa Studios. Turns out they’re both right - Maria, the new prop girl, is an alias and disguise of Kay “Blue Eyes” Hamilton, who confesses to hiding out in “Radiation Romance”, and thinks what she’s seeing is budding insurance fraud, but isn’t responsible for what’s going on - so she says.
At the end of her rope, will Noreen uncover those responsible or will she turn to her criminal friends to handle things THEIR way...
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baroquehillsummer · 3 years
A killer on the trail of a thief. Chased out of Noreen’s apartment but not before he shot it up
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Assassin for the Neon Dragon Tong.
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baroquehillsummer · 3 years
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A cop, who parties hard and does a lot of drugs. One of Noreen’s exes. She was at the party where the summer started.....
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baroquehillsummer · 3 years
you can kinda dye the hair and wear a frumpy outfit and dark contacts and you'll probably fool a straight guy into thinking you're "Maria", the new hire in the costume department, but come on
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Con artist. Lover (and obligation) of Dmitri.
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baroquehillsummer · 3 years
keeps turning up like a bad fuckin penny
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Washed up private detective
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baroquehillsummer · 3 years
Noreen - Part II
After the great success (?!) of her first over-budget and over-time day shooting, Noreen is accused of sabotage by rival producer Leona Rupert, though HER crew seems to think their location is haunted.  She then is hassled for money by the Riddler, a huge setpiece battle goes awry when a crane holding up the airship set snaps and requires fancy footwork on her part to even salvage it.  That night at Brightwell, Darlene charms the press in the form of Noreen’s ex Phoebe, and Noreen runs into The Carpenter, who lets her know that the market’s hot to get rid of some slightly used supervillain shit, if she wants it for her picture at a cheap price. Noreen turns her down - it’s not the world she wants to be in anymore.....
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