bashfulninja-moved · 4 years
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Temporary Promo thing
This is a multimuse rp blog! Open to all and just chillin’ with different muses. More will be added soon! From Funamusea to Pretty Cure, I’ll probably have a lot of other muses from random animes/shows/games/etc.
Come over ‘n say hi to em if ya want! Always happy to have ya.
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bashfulninja-moved · 4 years
“you know i have my moments.” he says with a shrug. “Your far more hush hush with your emotions always fun to see them.”
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      “Hm..That’s truuue..” A huge flaw in most eyes. At the very least, he’s able to crack her out of her shell rather easily. Thinking back when she had first approached him actually--boy did it take all of her might to even say hello to him. Even with all the events that had occurred, she doesn’t regret meeting him. Plus, attention isn’t always drawn to her. It’s mainly just him and him alone, so all the easier to open up to him.
      Once they made it to her room, it was just as she said. Her little raptor however was well rested on her bed. It was just a little larger than that of a chicken, definitely still growing. Upon hearing the door open, the reptile had raised it’s head to see his owner with someone new in his eyes. It was just as Shy said, even the feathers on the little thing was starting to poof slightly. Ibuki letting out a small huff as she walked over to the raptor, sitting on the edge of her bed and keeping it on her lap. Holding it close and petting it to try and keep it calm. “Yeah, he’s just a cranky butt, but here he is. His name is Thor.”
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bashfulninja-moved · 4 years
His face goes red at the sight of her pure adorableness. “I’m sorry, 1. That was fucking adorable who knew your voice could get so high…and 2. Yeah we can go see the dino.”
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      “..I-I didn’t know it can go that high either” From excited to timid in a matter of seconds. Only he can do that with her. She shook her head to try and get rid of those shy little feelings, tugging on Shinso once more as she leads him to her room. “Then again, I never knew your face could get that red.”
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bashfulninja-moved · 4 years
“Alright.” He says moving to pat her head. “But if i lose my fingers thats on you.” He says in jest. “I’m sure he will, im a very likeable person.”
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      “Really??” She got so giddy that her volume actually rose a little higher from it. Bouncing in place a bit before she pulled her mask down and gave him a soft, quick kiss. “Okay, I’ll take responsibility. I’ll make sure he doesn’t bite you.” She’s so excited that she held his hand and gently tugged on him. “Are you busy right now? We can go see him real quick!”
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bashfulninja-moved · 4 years
“So you want to bring around a tiny dinosaur that might bite me? I need my fingies. Those are important.”
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      “I’m not about to let the little dude bite you--have some faith in me. Besides, he’s in his own space in my room.” If she’s flat out moving to work under him, she’s damn well bringing her pet. “I’m sure he’ll like you in time.”
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bashfulninja-moved · 4 years
“Are you telling me you have a real life dinosaur? I thought Jurassic park warned against this stuff?”
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      “I mean..it isn’t big like the ones in the movies.” She said with a small shrug, “And back where I’m from, there are many small dinos running around. If they were actually big like the ones in the movies--then yeah.. We’d definitely have a problem. Good thing mine is mostly the size of a chicken. Though even then--he’s pretty bitey. Gets cranky around new people sometimes.”
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bashfulninja-moved · 4 years
“I mean, dinosaurs are alright. I hear that their actually more feathery then scaly though.”
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      “Yeah--it tickles.” She leaned a bit closer to him, “Would you ever want to meet one? A really small one?”
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bashfulninja-moved · 4 years
“Those are the really smart trolly ones right?”
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      “Yeh--They’re the cute big ol lizard things you see in movies. You know--the ones that run super fast in packs? What do you think of em?”
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bashfulninja-moved · 4 years
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      “Shinso? What do you think of Velociraptors?”
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bashfulninja-moved · 4 years
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Training was over for the day and Tamaki was heading to the U.A. dorms to get something to eat. He had a lot to study and not enough time. Not to mention Mirio needed help with their last history class.
Scratching the back of his neck while walking in the empty hallway with his head bowed, he heard someone’s footsteps except his own and something which seemed like a squeak. He let out a shaky breath as he kept walking, wishing that whoever was behind him didn’t want anything from him. As he heard them getting closer, his heart started beating fast in his chest and panic started to overwhelm him. He knew what they wanted.
He froze when he was called out, slowly turning to look at her. “H-Hi…” he stuttered. Not to make things worse. “If it was yours, then I’ll get you another one. I-I thought someone forgot it there,” he managed to say. What was he talking about? He referred to the yogurt he had found today in U.A.’s cafeteria. It didn’t seem to belong to anyone and when their break was over and everyone returned to their classes, he couldn’t help but take it. He hated when people would throw away food, so he felt that he had to eat it. Now he realized he made a serious mistake.
      “Hm?..” Her what? Perhaps he thought she was a student here. With that assumption, she quickly shakes her head. Keeping the rubber duck close to her as she tries to speak up at a volume where he can at least hear her well enough. That way they won’t have to feel uncomfortable and lean or ask her to repeat herself. People hate that--that much she has been told.
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      “..I-it was probably someone else’s. I don’t go here--I came here in hopes to study or even have small classes here but..” Nono--she won’t bring up her business. She wanted to just give him the item and that’s all. Shaking her head, the poor ninja was blushing heavily out of embarrassment. This is very hard, but she finally does present the other the small rubber duck she made. It had a soft blue color scheme to it, “I-I wanted to give you this. Th-that’s what I wanted to do. Y-you don’t have to take it though--if you don’t like it. Uhm..Sorry--I don’t mean to intrude in any way..”
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bashfulninja-moved · 4 years
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      “..A-a little bit, I won’t lie. But..” She began to blush heavily under the mask, looking to the side and giving a small shrug, “It..doesn’t hurt to try. Unless i-it was bad timing--or you didn’t want it--if not I’m sorry. I won’t do that again.”
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bashfulninja-moved · 4 years
“oh…well sorry thats literally my own biases slipping through. I forget that their are other hero schools but its hard to remember them when u.a. is literally the size of a small country.” he chuckles embarassed rubbing the back of his head.
“you need to have more confidence in yourself. Your sneaky and fast. Faster then most of my messengers. Good at what you do.” He stands up and walks over patting the others head again.
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      “It’s okay. Everyone tends to forget about the other schools. If it isn’t UA or Shiketsu, then it didn’t matter. For the most part.” Probably only proving Shinsou’s point even further about the whole thing. Before all this, she really didn’t think much of it. She didn’t like a lot of attention drawn towards her anyway.
      Ibuki blushed softly as he was patting her head again--he really liked to do that, huh? But it did earn him a soft, shy giggle from her. “Ah..I’ll try my best..” Thinking on it a little more, she looked up at Shinsou, still blushing slightly but she at least seemed more relaxed now. “You said you were tired..Would you like me to make you some tea?”
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bashfulninja-moved · 4 years
“Then i wont make you kill but i will need to train you how to defend yourself. I cant force you to kill but when the times comes if the heroes ever find us and raid us or your out on a mission you will have to make that choice yourself on how you react. As for assignments the time for essays are over. Once we run you through our own sets of training we can get into something a bit more hard hitting. Hero work trains you how to act in a certain way, to conduct yourself. Here there arent rules. We will teach you hit and run tactics, dirty fighting, how to truly blend into your surrondings at all times. If you thought hero school was hard welcome to hell.”
He says with a light smirk.
“For now, we will set you up with a room move anything over from your dorms if you so need if not. Then we will need you to go dark for a while. It takes a while for u.a. to put out a missing persons report but give it a few weeks or months and they usually drop it. Then you’ll be a ghost, like the rest of us.”
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      Hearing the amount of training she has to undergo as is..It just sounded close to the type of training she was originally supposed to have with her parents. While it’s definitely going to be different from the ninja training, it’s almost odd, coming back to this. The only reason they stopped, was for the very fact she had managed to get herself out of that and into her goal of becoming a hero. Fate works in such mysterious ways.
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      She would give gentle nods, understanding full well on what she will be getting into. Her uneasiness only lies in her own confidence. She knows she can do the training, she knows that with enough time and effort she’ll be able to do those things well enough. But, Ibuki still felt like she won’t be enough even for the smaller tasks. Her confidence in her own ability will always be something she’ll question. But, all she can promise is that she’ll definitely do her best.
      At the mention of her dorms, she was just nodding until he mentioned UA. Blinking a couple of times and looking up at him, “..? Oh--I’m not a UA student..I went to Seijin High School..Since they had both ninja and hero training.” She looked down at her hands, poking her fingers together, “I’m..not sure on how much they would care about someone like me. Either way..I’ll get my things here..”
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bashfulninja-moved · 4 years
“Well the good thing, is your not working for a villain. Your working for a revolutionary and thats very different. A villain maybe wants change but firstly they want destruction they want revenge they want to burn the city to the ground and salt the earth. I want change, i want freedom, i want peace and i want this country free of corruption.” He says leaning back in his chair.
“The people see me as a hero and society calls me a villain. such is life i suppose.”
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      It sure felt like it. Though when she really thinks back on it, there isn’t a lot of things she’s doing wrong. If it had gone on some other direction, then she probably would’ve been even more devastated by the outcome. This however--all it’s really done was confuse her. Seeing the heroes under a different perspective, seeing where their focus lies, how people live in certain areas like this. In the end, his goals were clear. He knew exactly what he’s fighting for, even if it was a good thing in ones eyes and a terrible thing in another’s.
      Ibuki moved so she could at least seat by the window. While what she did has broken laws, let alone the fact she’s already associated with the ‘villain’ himself, she can’t even yell at him for anything. So far what she’s done was not only her choice, but it never really hurt many. She helped many, she took in information for the greater good, so to speak. And his views were just as valid as any. There’s definitely flaws in the system of it all, she can’t blame him for going for such a thing. It’s amazing as is that he’s already gone this far.
      Ibuki leaned slightly, looking out the window as she reflected on all this. She seems calmer now at least, now that she’s able to think this over. Even after all of that, he was just easy to talk to still. “..I’ll do whatever you ask of me, as long as I don’t have to kill anyone.” She finally spoke, looking over at him, “I know I can’t really do much, but I’ll support your goals.” Sure he’s been praising her here and there, but she still felt she wasn’t all that great of an ally. She’s fast, and her quirk with lightning was helpful in most situations. Hell, her ability as a ninja was uncanny as well. But so what about it? There are so many others with much better sets. All she can really promise is that she’ll do her best on her assignments.
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bashfulninja-moved · 4 years
“Well maybe i cant just say it, but i did. Listen i’ll give you until the end of the day to decide you cant leave the base until you do though. Once you fully decide truly figure out your feelings then you can give me a straight answer.”
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      “..Honestly..even with time, I think my answer will be the same..” She said with a soft sigh, moving away so she could lean against the wall. There’s a lot to think about, that much is true. The thing that’s conflicting her so much right now is the means of a hero. She very much wanted to be one, but after everything she’s done here, she can’t really go forth with that dream she had. If anything, she just wanted to continue to do good things. Wanting to help people. Can one really do that if they worked under a villain still? It’s too confusing to her right now.
      “..yeah..no matter how many times I look at it, I think I’ll end up staying in the end..I just want to help people is all..”
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bashfulninja-moved · 4 years
He smiles softly reaching forward to pat the others head softly. “Good. I would miss my cute little ninja if you had decided to go. Anyways who else is going to confront me with a burst of confidence that leads to..fun excitement.” He says with a light smirk.
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      This is all just happening too quickly for her, if anything. Whether or not she really will regret her decision or not will sink in pretty soon. She’s done a lot of good while working for them--but she also has broken quite a few laws as well. The head pat was at least calming her down, but not by too much. Nah, it was that last bit that caused her to finally snap back to reality. Blushing red behind her mask and immediately tugging her cap to keep her face hidden.
      If anything, that just adds even more on he plate on things she might regret or not. Depends on how this goes from here on out. “Y-you can’t just say that-!!” She’s practically red with embarrassment under that mask now. “I--it just..happened. Th-that’s different--this is just a lot to take in right now--”
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bashfulninja-moved · 4 years
“You have a choice now shy. I can offer to take away all the knowledge and you can go back to a hero and believe whatever you want to believe when you wake up. Or..you can stay. Its a simple choice but i do need it. Now.”
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      Does she really have a choice?
      Even if he were to, say, take away her memories of all that she has done for him..then what? At that point it’s practically taking more than just days--even months--maybe more. But she’ll be able to go right back to what her original goal was. To become a hero and help anyone in need.
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      Yet, with everything she has gathered and with the tasks he had her do..how is it not going to warp her view on things? She saw things in another perspective, she saw things under his light. It even frustrated her to no end when she couldn’t get heroes to help their district alone. It’s really difficult to answer him so quickly, but it doesn’t look as though he will give her time to think this over.
      With how things are going..she let’s out a small sigh. Unsure on whether or not the choice she’s going to make was even the right one anymore. “..I’ll stay.”
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