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My happiness calendar, helps me to remember that we all should be happy, that we all deserve to have a happy and productive life. Being happy is also when you do something you love to do. It will always be the best way to calm you down and to make all the negative in you away. 
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"MY KIND OF LOVE" Love really starts from within us. In order for us to give love to our friends and family, we should first learn to love ourself. Love will always have something to do with trust, honesty and faith. Nowadays people should always put in their minds the word, "OHANA" which means "FAMILY" and family never leaves anyone behind. 
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"EMOTION CHALLENGE" How does emotion coordinates with feelings? Well, emotion is something that releases the feeling that we feel. Thou, there are lots of way of showing emotion. Most common is verbally and physically. Verbal way is more on talking or saying whatever you feel while physical has something to do with your actions. But to really what you feel is always something to do with your actions. Because "Actions speaks louder than voice" and by that we should always coordinate our actions with our feelings.
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"THIS WORKS FOR ME" Generation now or before? Well, the older generation never expected our generation to be this tragic. Our generation now is slowly being overpowered by social media. Everything that happens to oneself, most specially problems are being posted in social media cites. Will that really help? Would that even make your problem solved? People follows anything only because it is the new trend, right or wrong if it's in the new trend, it becomes right. Well that is what I see of what is now happening. But I guess most have forgotten that, "Not because many try to do so would mean that it is right, learn to have time for yourself. Listen to what you really want." Learn to love nature, go out and appreciate God's art rather than liking statuses about it. Family, have more time with your family because only they are the ones that can make your problems light. Worst, our generation today tends to forget how strong prayers are. Why not pray, kneel down and talk to God about your problems and let him judge you rather that allowing other people to judge you. 
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CAREER GOAL or JOB OBJECTIVES This goal is focused on the next 3 months JOB/CAREER GOAL: To become a PNP GENERAL Steps I will take to accomplish this goal: 1. Have trust in God and to self 2. Study very hard 3. Do the best that you ever gave and; 4. Never give up EDUCATION; TRAINING GOAL: Avoiding low marks Steps I will take to accomplish this goal: 1. Listen to every discussion 2. Pass all the requirements requirements needed 3. Participate in every activity PERSONAL/WELLNESS GOAL: Have a healthy mind and body 1. Pray and ask for God's guidance (ALL THE TIME) 2. Make everyday a productive day GOAL STATEMENT: "Never do tomorrow something you can do today, because sooner or later you'll realize that time is much more than a pyramid of gold." WHAT DO YOU NEED TO REACH YOUR GOAL: To have faith in the Almighty and to self. Also, learn to listen and to speak out for what you believe in. WHERE ARE YOU RIGHT NOW IN REACHING YOUR GOAL: In the beginning, starting to become more and more each day. THINGS THAT ARE STOPPING YOU FROM YOUR GOALS: ⁃ Allowing negativity in ⁃ Lacking self-confidence ⁃ Pressure to what could happen next SOLUTION TO YOUR OBSTACLES: Make the best out of everything, ask for God's guidance all the time, make time for family's advice.
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The letters that came from my classmates and friends were very touching and put a big impact to my life. Because I just realize that my personalities really affect my existence to the people especially to my love ones. #moraleboosters
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Upon adventuring myself into this world. I just realize that life is full of wonders. So I expect that my life will run perfectly and good. I hope God will help me in all my struggles that will happen anytime in my life. I expect that all the people will have a good impression towards me. #expectationfeels
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After graduating Senior Highschool I want to be a PNPA soldier. And after I finish my PNPA years I will run as the Governor of Lanao Del Sur. Then my ultimate goal is to be the President of the Repuiblic of the Philippines. #perdevcareergoals
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The green color represents PEACE, the yellow represents HARMONY, the red represents ANGER, the black represents SORROW, the white represents PURITY. It really shows that I’m a bipolar person. #mymandala
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Selfie has a very deep meaning, it contradicts to the philisophy of metaphysics. Because it studies about the existence of human being. These selfies represents a boy who is tall, dark, and handsome. #theselfieproject
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Hi I’m Alladin Dagalangit Balt, Jr. I’m 17 years old and I like playing basketball. I use to think that life is short, but I just realize that life is very rational. I’m an unpredictable person with good personalities. I hope this selfie of mine is very appealing to your eyes. 
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