cageacolyte15-blog · 8 years
A Letter to My Brother
Dear Kuya, I want you to know how thankful I am to have you as my brother. You have always been there for us to support us. I know that as an eldest you usually assumes a lot of responsibilities. I know that you may feel a lot of pressure because there are so many people who expect so much from you and think highly of you. I know that you are doing your best as an eldest son. You are trying to fulfill all your duties and responsibilities. Don't fret bro. We are always here for you. We will always support you. You can depend on us. Hey, that is what family is for right? You have done so much for me. We may have our arguments and differences but we still reconcile. Nothing will ever change how much you mean to me. Take care always. We wouldn't want you to feel stressful and become sick. Just remember that we are a family. No matter what happens, in times of troubles and in ups and downs, we will always be here for you. Stay cool! 😊 Sincerely yours, Rem ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ Dearest Rem, I am grateful for the letter. I am also thankful to have a brother who is always around to help me and support me. I know that I can always rely on you guys. I will do my best as the eldest in our family. I promise to take care of our family. I will fulfill my duties and responsibilities. I won't fret because I know that you are always here for me. I will always take care of my self. 😉 Sincerely yours, Kuya
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lrk-spr-blog · 8 years
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(Note: Aileen’s spouse and child/children are interchange with Annabelle’s, since Aileen is the older on than Annabelle. Some of the boxes don’t have necessary information since my mom forgot info about them pips.)
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maesterarryn-blog · 8 years
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don’t trust anyone immediately 
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pizzamentality-blog · 8 years
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Dear Huey
Well, there’s nothing much to say. I just want you to know that no matter how rough life can get, no matter how the storm may be that dark, and no matter how painful the rain is hitting your skin, life is beautiful. If you are in the rough roads, learn to rest. If you are under the storm, learn to wait. If you are under the rain, learn to take cover. Life might be ugly and scarred. But if we learn to paint it, to mould it to our favor, life gets a shade brighter and a bit clearer. Make yourself as a painter and life your canvas. You’ll learn in time that the greatest paintings are not the ones that hang on the wall, but rather they are the ones who only exists in moments and is only captured in our hearts. Best of blessings in life!
-love, Denzel
Dear Denzel
Well said, at first  I always feel like I am useless and that I am very bad at things that I do. I always think that people around me are annoyed with everything I do. Sometimes I get emotional due to simple things. I am really not motivated at all to do anything. But thank you for this very inspiring message, Thanks Denz!  Wish you all the best! Godbless
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thejosephjames-blog · 8 years
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“The Emotion Challenge”
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sarahpabericio-blog · 8 years
Dear Ate Sar
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rokkunsempai-blog · 8 years
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The Genogram
My Father’s family is on the left side he has 2 siblings 1 is his older brother and younger sister.My Mother’s Family is on the right and yes those are her siblings there were 9 of them before but since unfortunately one of them passed away there are now 8 of them healthy and living. Then my Mom and Dad met and you know made us I have an older and a younger sister. Thats pretty much it :D
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elleque178 · 8 years
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As you can observe in the picture it's very complex since I have plenty of relatives both  from my mother and father sides. Our relationship with them is good. During family reunions, we use to talk more and eat together. But it doesn't mean that only in some occasions we see and talk to each other. In fact, we still have constant communication. However, we can't prevent conflicts between our families. Yet we easily settle the problems through pointing out the concerns, admitting one's mistake and giving each other's apologies. The bond we have is dynamic. It stays strong and in compact.
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luziiing-blog · 8 years
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My Kind Of Love My kind of love, I was looking for a love that is ever lasting. That even though how many times you failed them, and how many times you broke their trust by doing bad things, but yet they still choose to love you.  A love that even though how many time you hurt them and give them many reasons to give up on you they will just hug you and say “It’s okay, I will always love you unconditionally”. Person which accepts all your flaws and still thinks that it’s cute. A person who will take care of you when you are sick, a person that won’t get tired of loving you even though how mad they are to you but yet still thinks about you. A person that accepts who you are and what you are. When you are together you feel so secure and comfortable. A love that what you feel when you’re together with you family. That is what kind of love I was looking for.
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Study Habits
1. Get Organized. Between homework, tests and extracurricular activities, it’s all too easy for things to slip through the cracks. A planner can help your child keep everything organized and students should write down assignments, appointments, and to-do lists. Ask him or her to review items in the planner at both the beginning and end of the day to stay on track.
 2. Know the Expectations. Students shouldn’t have any surprises when it comes to how and what they will be graded on. By middle school and high school, most teachers will provide a course outline or syllabus, which can serve as a guide for the semester. If expectations aren’t clear, don’t wait until a bad report card comes in the mail. Your student should feel comfortable approaching teachers with questions about grading and assignments at any time. If this is not the case, it may be time for you as a parent to step in. 
 3. Designate a Study Area. Yes, studying at the local coffee shop may seem like a good idea but not if there are constantly people interrupting or other disruptions. Even at home, studying in front of the TV won’t be the best use of your son or daughter’s time. Help your child by providing a quiet, well-lit, low-traffic space for study time. Take it one step further and institute a “communications blackout” policy with no cell phones or instant messaging allowed until schoolwork is done. 
 4. Develop a Study Plan. First things first: students need to know when a test will take place, the types of questions that will be included and the topics that will be covered. From there, your student should create a study plan and allow ample time to prepare – there’s nothing worse than cramming the night before an exam. You can help by buying a wall calendar and asking him or her to assign topics and tasks for each day leading up to a due date or exam. Setting goals for each session is also key to success.
 5. Think Positively. Being in the right mindset can make all the difference. Encourage your child to think positively when studying or heading into an exam and by all means, avoid catastrophic thinking. Help him or her turn negative statements like “I’ll never have enough time to get a good grade on this exam” into positive ones like “I began preparing later than I should have but I put together a comprehensive study plan and will be able to get through the material prior to the exam.”
 6. Create a Study Group. Working in groups can help students when they’re struggling to understand a concept and can enable them to complete assignments more quickly than when working alone. Keep groups small and structured to ensure the maximum benefit to participants and reduce distractions. 
 7. Practice Active Listening. It’s important for students to concentrate and avoid distractions when an instructor is presenting. Some tips to share with your child include: try concentrating on the main points being made, think about what the speaker is saying and pay attention to how things are said (gestures, tone of voice, etc.). They should avoid talking or thinking about problems when listening. If a teacher says “This is important” or “I’ll write this on the board,” there’s a good chance students will see the concept on an exam. 
 8. Review Test-Taking Strategies. It is normal for your son or daughter to feel stressed when taking an exam. However, there are certain strategies that will help him or her manage the stress and do his or her best on the exam. First, make sure that your child arrives on time and tries to stay relaxed. Students should be sure to read all of the directions on the exam and pace themselves so as not to feel rushed. You can let your child know that it’s OK to skip around on a test, if allowed, as he or she may be more comfortable with certain topics than others. 
 9. Read Actively. It’s all too easy for students to skim over an assigned book chapter and not know the main points of what they just read. Help your student to practice active reading by asking him or her to note the main idea of each passage and look up unfamiliar words or concepts. Make an outline of the chapter or create flow charts and diagrams that help map out the concept at hand. After each section, have students write a summary in their own words and come up with possible exam questions. 
 10. Look to the Future. For some students, college and may seem like an intangible event in the very distant future, but in reality, these aren’t so far off. Starting early can be an immense help in navigating the college admissions process. Be sure to get organized, set goals with your child and have regular check-ins to assess progress.
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cageacolyte15-blog · 8 years
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I am a sporty person and so whenever I have time one thing that I would usually do is enjoy riding my motorcycle. Aside from sports, I also I love food. For me, whenever I feel stress, I would find myself doing the things I love to do. I believe that thinking positive and doing the things I love helps me to relax and enjoy. It also relieves me from stress. It works for me. 😂😊
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lrk-spr-blog · 8 years
Dear Kuya Man,
First impression was like maldito(HAHAHAHHA), then I realized that you were approachable and friendly. For the following days training with you, thank you for teaching what you have experienced because I knew that you played volleyball much longer than I have. It was explicit. Through time we manage to get close and personal(heh), shared our experiences, improve and hone our skills, and be joyful to each other’s presence. Laughing when with you. 
Just wanna say thank you for all time that nagkuyog tas padung training, sa recess time, ug uban pa. Bisan wa jd koi confidence atong panahon pero ni tabangan jd ko timo. Lamat jd kaau bai. Hope na sa mga kalisud nimo dira sa imong lyfe, ma kaya nimo kai kabalo man ko na ma kaya jd nimo, libero to starting setter makaya nimo, setting drills, gen.math ug uban pa. Ni kaya nimo ug ni tabangan pd ko nimo physically and mentally the moment nagkaila ta. Your a hardworking person as it seems and I admire your aspiration and passion in your craft. 
Ana lng dayun, hope that in life you will find a better meaning and chance to find yourself and what you do in life. Thank you and God Bless.
                                                                                            Your friend,
Salamat Lark, wa ko ga expect na in ana ka ka supportive sa ako a(heh), salamat sa imong message nimo para sa ako a ug I really appreciate it. Thanks for being there where I need your support, ‘cause sometimes I feel that I’m not good enough but you, you stayed and stand there, cheering for me that I could do it and that I should never give up. Showing me that I should not give up in what I love. The HARDER the STRUGGLE, the GREATER the TRIUMPH.
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maesterarryn-blog · 8 years
many out there are desiring to be a leader but dont know how to be one maybe they wanted to be one cuz their in charge, the big guy, mr nothing to do, just command sit back and let them do things, a good leader should also be a part of the group should be the guy that every member should look up to in a good way and a good follower should be the one thats going to be the leader someday ready to know things, know how to cooperate, and follow without and probelm
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pizzamentality-blog · 8 years
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thejosephjames-blog · 8 years
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This works for me too!
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sarahpabericio-blog · 8 years
My Kind of Love
My first love and forever love. He’s the one that let me enter this world and blessed me with a family whom I love. His love for me is eternal and cannot measured. He loved me for who I am and what I’ve done to fail Him but He accepted me with all of my sins and flaws. He is enough for me. His love is all I need. He scarified His own son for me to be sin-free but all i did was to be a stubborn kid. Yet, He still love me. I won’t ever replace anything for His love. His love endures forever and shall do I. 
He’s my Father, the God Almighty and my first and forever love.
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