batgirl77-blog · 8 years
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It's not a life or death thing, but it is my life. So I'm obsessed with microbiology and biology on general. I fell in love with the tiny world when I was a little kid but was never able to really view it on my weak Smithsonian microscope. I ended up giving it away and moving away from my love of science for most of my teens. But now that I'm going to school full time with the goal of studying infectious diseases and other "tiny world" things, I'm realizing I need a microscope again and this time one that can keep up with my curiosity and passion. I'm a chronically ill college student and I don't plan on letting my illnesses slow me down too much but they're hindering me here and it's heartbreaking. I currently own a low end digital USB microscope(images from it included in the post) but it's not fulfilling the duties I need it to. I would like to be able to get a lab quality affordable microscope to use if I miss lab time on campus due to my health. I'm trying to raise money to cover the costs of a binocular compound microscope, either with a camera attachment or with the ability to have one added. I would also like to make sure to have a little extra for the supplies needed such as slides. I know it's silly, but all my money goes to food and gas to get to school. So, If you want to help, here's my gofundme link or if you prefer PayPal link, or at least please pass it on. gofundme.com/oyp1k PayPal.Me/CSutton7 Thank you
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batgirl77-blog · 9 years
Hey there friends
I made a new account and blog and I'll be abandoning this one for the most part. So if you'd like to still follow and interact with me the new name is kitteninautismland I miss you guys
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batgirl77-blog · 9 years
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batgirl77-blog · 9 years
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batgirl77-blog · 9 years
1. Do not say “I love you” if you do not mean it. 2. Do not date someone just to make another person jealous. 3. Do not cheat. 4. Do not lie about your feelings. 5. Do not date someone just because someone else is unavailable at the moment. 6. Do not play with someone’s emotions. 7. Just be a decent person.
If you love someone, don’t ever give up  (via deindealer)
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batgirl77-blog · 9 years
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The Avengers Pancakes
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batgirl77-blog · 9 years
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batgirl77-blog · 9 years
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So I really want a buddy cop movie staring these two. And so… This happened
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batgirl77-blog · 9 years
what little mermaid is about: a mermaid who’s basically a budding land anthropologist with a fierce interest in humans who also feels oppressed by her home life and overbearing father seeking desperately to escape and become human to find her place and maybe find love as well, with a moral about how girls suffer by giving up their voice.
what people think little mermaid is about: i sold my voice for a man :)
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batgirl77-blog · 9 years
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21st Chromosome by Sigga Ella 
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batgirl77-blog · 9 years
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Here’s a friendly PSA from Captain America to adorn your dashboard
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batgirl77-blog · 9 years
Having absolutely no plans for the weekend
In college:
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batgirl77-blog · 9 years
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batgirl77-blog · 9 years
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Duckling therapy at the University of Michigan hospital
(Francis Miller. 1956)
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batgirl77-blog · 9 years
Trying to look cute when I walk by my crush
Other girls:
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batgirl77-blog · 9 years
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“This strong momma planned a beautiful water birth in our birth center but early in pregnancy she noticed a suspicious breast lump. After 2 separate evaluations by a radiologist saying it was “probably benign”, our CNM didn’t feel comfortable with the diagnosis of “probably benign” and decided to send her for a third opinion. The lumps were biopsied and mom was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer around 20 weeks pregnant. She had a left breast mastectomy and immediately started chemo while pregnant with her miracle baby. At 36 weeks, she was induced and birthed a perfectly healthy baby BOY. After having many of her birth choices and preferences taken from her, she really wanted to breastfeed this baby if only for a short time. After he was born he latched to her right breast all on his own and the room erupted in emotion.”
Post via Gentle Birth Options, LLC. Photos via Kate Murray Photography.
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batgirl77-blog · 9 years
Patient Complaint
ED edition!
Patient presents with fish hook embedded in lower thigh. 
Patient’s husband, as I’m escorting them to a room: “I caught a good one!”
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